
Want advice for those who have tattoos

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    So my girlfriend and I want to get matching tattoos of a Tetris heart. I am willing to get a matching one with her, but I am not sure where to get it. I want to get the tattoo in a less painful spot that the one on my finger. Let me know where you think a good spot would be.


    Dear Unavailable:

    A good place, I think, would be ten inches north east of the periphery of right arm. This is a joke. I mean, I don’t think it is a good idea, to get a tattoo. But I hope someone who knows these things will answer you, so I am bumping up your thread.


    Ok well hello there how are you doing? lol Why don’t you think getting a tattoo is a good idea though?


    Dear Unavailable:

    I think it is not a good idea because
    1) When the tattoo is in the context of a relationship, like with your girlfriend, it may feel awkward or distressed to be left with the tattoo if and when the relationship is over. And when you are with a new girlfriend or wife in the future… well, it would make ME feel uncomfortable imagining myself as you or the future girlfriend/ wife.

    2) Erasing the tattoo is extremely painful. Getting it is painful and erasing it is even more painful. And both are expensive.

    3) Tattoos don’t look so good when you get much older or gain a lot of weight. Or both.

    Having written these, I know that a LOT of people have tattoos and I don’t feel strongly against it. I wouldn’t do it but it is not a crime or a sin or any such thing.



    Those are understandable reasons and I can see where you’re coming from. I am still debating cause the first one hurt and that was my very first one, but at the same time even though it hurt, it was a good kind of pain. I do want to get at least one more I have an idea in my head already of what I want to get, but still not too sure. It’s an idea though.


    Fair or not I have worked places that will not hire anyone with a tattoo that cannot be covered with a short sleeve shirt.(security job with national company). As a x military wife I remember Marines with lower arm or hand tattoos could not get embassy duty. that was a million years ago. People do judge, not fair–but your tattoo may be the first impression someone has of you-depending on placement. that may be kool, free spirit. That may not be kool—-if you ever have another girlfriend, she will probably hate your x has the same tattoo. Her new boyfriend either. I have been in several “this is the one for the rest of my life” relationships

    that said–I have two tattoos that only would show in a bathing suit with high French cut legs and brazil cut back. I am laughing because nobody would want to see me in that kind of bathing suit now-but I strutted my stuff back then. I do not regret my tattoos because they were private and only showed when I wanted them to. Now when I see my man in the moon tattoo on my butt–I get a chuckle. (wow the moon is so much closer than it used to be–and numerous others.)

    people will always reach and touch your tattoos if u are attractive—no they don’t feel like anything but people touch them anyway. If you get another one think about that.

    what would be truly unique would be for you to have a jewelry designer make you each a necklace that you helped design.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Seaisland.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Seaisland.

    I know about that, I want to know a less painful spot that only my partner would see or somewhere hidden underneath my clothes. I will think about that for a while before I think about getting it, thanks for your advice Seaisland. The necklace idea wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I might look into that too.


    purely from a pain standpoint–not close to a bone, a place that has fat, tissue. Not a place that you are ticklish or jerk when touched. When the tattooist is working if you flinch it can change the integrity of the lines.

    good luck

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Seaisland.

    Ok thanks for your advice on that. It did hurt on my finger so I don’t want a tattoo anywhere near a bone. So a leg would work??


    Dear Unavailable:

    I really don’t know but a tattoo professional with enough experience would know! But for the fun of it, because i need a bit of fun, let me answer in a Seuss way, I hope it is okay with you!

    You can have it inside your mouth
    But it is going to be tough
    You can have it inside your nose
    But sneezing will be a chore
    you can have it on your butt
    you can have it anywhere you want
    you can have it here or there
    Hey, you can have it anywhere



    I need Jack to rhyme these, I did a terrible job on the rhyming! Dr. Seuss must be frowning right now!


    I loved the Seuss

    any tattoo hurts–some people can handle the pain more than others. I spent 8 years with a tattooist-so I have watched a lot. Truthfully tattooist hate working on people who cannot handle the pain of a small tattoo—because they move around and ruin their art. It hurts their advertising. On the foot or ankle hurts but some people can handle the pain easier. Friend with 25 or so tattoos said the one on his shin hurt the worse.
    Go talk to a tattooist and ask……make sure you find one with empathy.


    Anita, thanks for sharing lol it was a cute little poem. Seaisland, Thanks for the info I will defiantly ask a tattoo artist I guess I didn’t think of that. lol Thanks


    Dear Unavailable:

    You are welcome. I am glad you liked my little poem. Post again when you have news about the tattoo!


    As far as tattoo hurting, I found that none of mine hurt, but I only have three…one on each shoulder blade and one on the inner ankle. However, I would suggest thinking long and hard about getting any type of matching tattoo or a tattoo that reminds you of your girlfriend. You never know what may happen in the future and tattoos obviously are more or less permanent. It could cause you a lot of grief in the future if something were to happen with your relationship and you have to look at that tattoo all the time. I was pretty young and had a small matching scar done with my then fiance and boy do I regret it now. I don’t think of it a lot but when i see the scar it just makes me think of how silly and young I was and how mean and cruel he turned out to be.

    Personally, I always require one year minimum to think about getting any tattoos. And as a rule, I will not get any real person’s name or a tattoo that reminds me of a person. It may be a negative thought but I feel that real people can sometimes turn out to be not so good or end up stabbing you in the back so it’s best if I don’t put a permanent reminder on my body just in case.

    Good luck with whatever you decide though. 🙂

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