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October 15, 2016 at 1:09 pm #118267
ParticipantTex—thank you—I wish you well also.
SeaislandOctober 13, 2016 at 5:18 pm #118048Seaisland
ParticipantXenopus Tex–yes it was nice for you to notice that I took time to give you input……mostly I don’t like anita taken for granted–she spends a lot of time and energy on you.
By the way anita–doing good…. Hurricane hit my sea island hard 9 days ago….evacuated. got back 3 days ago. Got electricity back on today….my home is fine many in the neighborhood and county destroyed. There is no way only 10 months ago I could have gone thru what I did without serious PTSD and anxiety.
Therapy works….TEX…promise. Your problems are completely different from mine-but the fact that you spend so much time needing therapy instead of getting it is sad. I wish you well.
SeaislandSeptember 25, 2016 at 5:03 pm #116240Seaisland
ParticipantOn Sept 23–you actually took a moment to ask anita if u really came across as that hostile…sounded like for a brief second it sunk in that—u actually cared what she thought, I almost thought u were going to “get it” u have in my opinion-taken advantage of countless hours she has spent counseling and thinking about your problems. You do not even thank her for her time—do you realize how long your post on “scratching” was. You seem to value your time and energy so much….do u value the time or opinion of anyone u ask for help from?
Geez–get a clue if u are that smart–look at the post, see that person took the time to try to help you—did u even notice how many times it was anitas name. and I am sorry anita–I know u don’t expect anyone to invade your space and u can handle yourself–but I saw small then glaring signals u were trying to tell him–he wasn’t paying any attention to your time.
I am thru–I have been reading for months-and finally had to say something.August 27, 2016 at 11:44 am #113448Seaisland
ParticipantI would have to see the baby… lol
but does Lotus fit her aura?July 31, 2016 at 11:28 am #111088Seaisland
ParticipantPlease, please ask YOURSELF what YOU want–to be with him or not.
you know yourself—you don’t know jack about what he is doing or why. What qualities does he have that would make you hang in there. I think you are better than this-deserve better than this–will be stronger happier without this.
What do YOU think about the way you are being treated?
Be gentle with yourself, he is not being gentle with you or being there for you.
please take care and be strong.Seaisland
July 23, 2016 at 7:28 am #110328Seaisland
ParticipantU are a precious human being whose life is worth more than a grade on a paper. Calm yourself and know that you are worthy of the love and support many of us wish we could reach thru the screen and give you in person (and a big hug)
I have nothing particularly wise to say–except I have felt suicidal. I got help in may different forms. Find what helps….let us know how you are doing.
Feel the love and strong shoulders until you reach in and know you are love–you are strong. One day you will help someone else who feels as you do. BECAUSE many of us have and we are knowing you can take steps toward your strength.
Get an A+ in that today.
love and light
July 21, 2016 at 8:32 am #110237Seaisland
ParticipantDITTO !!!! !
So happy to hear you are continuing to move in a positive direction. That a family member and a trained professional are now giving you good advice, that thru your aunt you can get more legal advice.
So proud of both you and Anita. She can feel like family too.(favorite dependable family)
I have thought of you often and am so glad you updated–altho I only wrote you once, I read the exchange you and Anita were having.
Continued best wishes
July 21, 2016 at 7:18 am #110227Seaisland
ParticipantYou are absolutely welcome….I identified with how you felt. I am on a journey and can share the alternating confusion, then having aha knowing moments. then being discouraged when I try to apply it to situation/ people who I deal with in daily living.
I have a notepad just for inspiration.I find it helpful to write down quotes–from wise philosophers, friends, and lines in corny songs. Sometimes I need deep thoughts- sometimes I just need to grin.
Singing purposely off key/torturing myself with the old standby song “I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden” makes me laugh at myself and get a reality check. I have to sing it-reading it doesn’t do the trick. I am sure my family is grateful I do this alone in my car.
A million smiles and hugs
July 20, 2016 at 6:16 pm #110181Seaisland
ParticipantKey phrases that make me concerned–you are BEGINNING therapy. Therapy may take a while–definitely if you are pouring your heart out you are going to feel raw. I just had my first therapy without shedding any tears within last month–after 2 years. I felt better and better I learned more and more but for me crying and hurting in a safe place was so healing. I have empathy for what you are going thru. Please be patient with yourself and your journey
You are just learning how to communicate with a trained therapist–your FRIENDS are not trained–telling them what is going on with you and your therapist may be a big mistake, not surprising they aren’t telling you or acting in a way that is positive for your growth.
Maybe next therapy appointment you could tell your therapist what you said here and see what she/he says. Maybe a support group would be suggested…Or maybe not. You and your friends cant fix each other right now. You need to take care of you. Your friends who have it together but don’t support you, may not be able to extend the time and energy you need and still “keep it together”. Your unhappy friends sure cant be sounding boards and give you good advice.
You are not going to figure it all out yet– this site may help you, but take away what helps not what doesn’t. I have gotten great advice. I have also applied advice given to others to myself–other times I have totally known it wasn’t good advice for me. There are some nice people here–there are some confused people here. (I can be both–but my intent is sincere LOL )
Be kind to yourself–give it timeHugs
SeaislandJuly 17, 2016 at 5:13 am #109826Seaisland
ParticipantI wish you luck…you seem like a genuine nice person and I have changed my initial reaction to you. Anita is giving you great advice and you seem open and empathetic.
Seaisland.July 17, 2016 at 5:05 am #109823Seaisland
ParticipantDo you know her name or just what she looks like from the profile?
I am wondering how the co -workers around her are going to react to this and how it would effect the workplace/her employment. If there is no name on the flowers, etc.
I would buy a nice but not overly emotional card with a plain white envelope—write something like–“I would love a chance to get to know you, if you would like to know who I am and ask me questions (so you know I am not a stalker) call me at 122222222. ( I would not give my work #). If I do not hear from you I will not attempt to contact you again. You seem to be a lovely person but I want you to feel comfortable and safe.”
You need to not embarrass her–or yourself by saying or demonstrating to much—-put the ball in her court, let her follow up.
I am also wondering if instead on the card…. you could write your profile name and ask her to match on the app. Again say if she doesn’t you will not contact her again—you just want to give ships passing in the night a second chance.
(ps I personally like my second suggestion better)
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June 18, 2016 at 6:52 am #107584Seaisland
ParticipantOk–I will take that challenge
I loved the poem. For me it was telling me to be still and be in the moment, to find joy in the moment. That to rush-boggle the mind with a thousand thoughts would accomplish no more happiness-than to connect.
I have trouble concentrating and am too easily distracted. I interpret my soul and physical would be more joyous connecting–not letting outside stimuli easily distract me.(from the stillness of enjoying the moment) So the poem is a tool I could use to relax and not forget that.
I may not be saying this well-but its different parts of me coming together as one. What I know to be true-the wise in me being joyful and the outer me going inward and being wise also. (not getting caught up in the thousand thoughts-directions)
Sann-thanks for the post–and Anita thanks for the challenge (I think lol)
June 14, 2016 at 4:32 pm #107288Seaisland
ParticipantYou brought up how comfortable you were with guns. The biggest mass shooting in the USA was over the weekend. I automatically shuddered and was uncomfortable. I read your post hours ago–but didn’t want to respond.
Now I am because maybe you sincerely need to know– for me–that was a downer–. These are scary times we live in.June 13, 2016 at 6:53 am #107110Seaisland
ParticipantI am so sorry. It appears that the company was so convincing they fooled your adviser also. Were other potential workers in your class surprised also? You did feel by the second day that something was wrong. I am so glad you were strong enough to walk away then instead of putting yourself thru more around these predators.
I am sure the long trip going elated and coming back disillusioned was very tough on you mentally and physically.
Be kind to yourself–it wasn’t anything you did wrong to be fooled by them.
June 9, 2016 at 1:38 pm #106818Seaisland
ParticipantM–I am concerned, 3 years is a pretty long time. You see he and his family as arrogant. Your Mom taught you better values. You sound like a kind likable empathetic person.
If you look ahead and think about having a family with him-what conflicts do you see with raising children…. would you be comfortable with him being the father of your children and raising them with you. This personality trait of his could be a lot more than annoying when your children look to you both for guidance.
Be good to yourself.
best of luckSeaisland
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