
Want to setup own "meaningful" business.

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    I am 25 years old this year and working as designers oversea. I has a good job, good pay, and good living, and people around me keep telling me how lucky I am. The problem is I am not satisfied with what I am doing. I keep comparing myself and see my colleagues are promoted and higher pay because of they have more experience and so on. I also keep thinking I don’t want to depend my life with my manager’s appreciation. And most important I don’t want to become employee still doing the same work over and over again when I am 40++ or more. So I decided I want to set up my own business. I have a lot of creativity in design, web development, speaking, writing, and many more. I enjoy designing, doing my own work, and teaching people how to do something.

    I sometimes do my own presentation to present my ideas and I give a lot of initiatives beyond my scope of work in the company. A lot of people praise my talent. The problem now is I don’t know where to focus when setting up my own business, should I write a book, should I focus on blogging, or should I post video on youtube. Everytime I want to do something, I am afraid it doesn’t work. My family keep telling me to make more money to buy my own house for my accommodation oversea, which I really want to have as well, but I am afraid if my business doesn’t produce result I want. I want to have my own house, working at home, have a lot of creative freedom, and make a lot of money as well. But I am really afraid, don’t know why…

    Can anyone give me advice and/ or guidance to find my purpose in life? Thank You in Advance 🙂


    Dear doremi:

    You are afraid to fail. Unfortunately, none of us humans can live fear-free. Unfortunately it is not possible. You have to find a way to live with fear, to endure it, to manage it, to plan your actions so that you minimize the risks of failing and maximize the chances of success. You can’t guarantee success therefore there will always be fear.

    When you are afraid, you bring yourself back to a state of calm. From that state you plan. From that state you act. Over and over again. Fear is something that you will never be rid of, forever rid of. Not going to happen, so you live the best you can with it. You view options, figure out the statistical chances (not necessariy exact calculations) of success and failure of taking this option and taking that option.


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