
what to do?

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    Hi Yogita,

    Are you able to share which country (sounds to me an Indian name) and which part of state/city you are so that I may suggest something I know.


    Hi Ravi,

    Can you please help me with your suggestions…..



    How are you, Yogita?



    Hi Yogita,

    Sorry, I didn’t receive any email notification that you responded, so I could not reply.

    Please send your details to ravimagv@outlook.com

    This email is only accessible by me and it is a disposable email address. So I will be disposing it off if it gets spammed.

    I know someone who has Schizophrenia and also some areas where work is given to people.

    But for that I need to know where are you located and what education details you have.



    Dear Anita,

    I’m doing ok. I feel angry, scared and helpless about my condition. How can I think positively Anita? What scares me is if I get an episode it is sudden and cause of that also unknown. I do weird and embarrassing things then. My parents also feel helpless. I am trying my best. Please suggest something about how to think positively even if there is actually no hope? I’m sounding negative because I don’t want to pretend that everything is ok when it’s not. I’m trying.


    Dear Yogita:

    I read that some antipsychotic medications are very effective. I wonder if you are receiving the best medications available. I am not a doctor, but it will help me understand your situation better if you tell me if you do take antipsychotic/ other psychiatric medications every single day as prescribed, and what those medications are.

    Also, what are the “weird and embarrassing things” that you do when you have an episode, and how often/ where do these episodes take place (at home)?

    It may be embarrassing for you to share these things but this is an anonymous forum. I can’t suggest anything to you when I don’t know basic things about your situation, therefore I ask. The more details you provide, the better I will understand your situation.



    Hi Yogita,

    Do please either email or post your issues here in detail so that people can help.

    If not comfortable you can always create a new profile with a different name (not any real name) and post your issues here.

    Don’t suffer this way alone.





    What kind of job can I do?


    Dear Yogita/ Ann:

    I can’t answer your question. To answer your question, I will need to know where you live (you didn’t even share in what country you reside) and then be present in your location, so that I am familiar with the local job market, employment and disability rules and practices, I will need to know the details and prognosis of your disability and more.

    So you see, I can’t answer your question. Maybe someone can answer your question locally, an employment agency perhaps, or a governmental service for disabled people in your location.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by .

    Hi Yogita/Ann,

    You have mentioned that you are well educated. I am aware of education sections/categories in India but unaware what exactly you have done.

    It is difficult to suggest without much knowing about your education, location, etc.

    Although it is a Uk website, to start with, below are some good tips about making lists and evaluating.


    Replace the word DOT with an actual dot.

    Go through all of that page and post your feedback.

    Have a good rest of the day.



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