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- This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by
February 28, 2014 at 9:31 am #52002
ParticipantHey Everybody! I’m really glad I’ve found this page, it provided great support for me through my
hardest time, but I’m still feeling kind of lost and searching for something, without knowing what it
is (myself,partner, passion, etc.?).
My story in a very nutshell, I’ll try to mention the things which are related to my personality: myparents got divorced when I was 3, my mother raised me, she was working all the time, so I pretty much
was on my own a lot. She was able to provide me every material thing and I know she loved me and cared
about me a lot. But she was very strict and demanding, for instance if I got a 5 (its the best grade)
or 4 it was considered as “OK” as I met the expectation, and any grades below were not acceptable. I
got used to deliver only the good news and was pretty much in fear of sharing the bad. This continued
in my whole life while I was living with my mom. We lived in Russia, and moved to Hungary.
When I was 16 my mother got a project job and had to leave the country (3 months – abroad, 3 – months
at home with me), I had unlimited freedom while was learning at high school. You can imagine… My
mother made the calculation to leave me so less money, which is just enough to buy food and stay
alive, as she knows that people at high school are going to parties and drink alcohol. Oh god, she
hated alcohol so much… even if she smelled it somewhere she got insane.
So, she left me the minimum money to stay alive (although we were wealthy, 3 floor house, goodincome), strictly forbidded to drink alcohol, I was required to get the best grades and keep the home
safe while she was away for her 3 months trips.
Needless to say it is not possible to make it through the high school with this conditions. At first Iwas going to a PC club to play online games, but I got bored with it when I got 17-18.
I started to go out with friends, have couple of beers, party, made house parties. But I needed moneyfor it, friends invited me a lot of times, as knew my circumstances. I also was attending a part time
jobs after school or at weekends. But it was not the life I wanted. So i found an easier way to make
money… and started to sell drugs.
Mostly I was selling weed, as I considered it harmless. And party drugs at weekends. I did not like to
consume at beginning and made it just for money, but slowly got into it, just because I had so much
drugs around me all the time, I got addicted to pot and smoked it daily and consumed extasy or speed
every weekend at parties.
Funny, but in the meantime I was the best student in class, won some chess cups and had a lot of good
friends. So I never was the junkie you see in a movies.
I managed to keep my little secret in privacy from my mother for a long time. She only once found a
joint (weed cigarette) and abandoned me from home and said I never should come back, I was at “street”
for a week, living at friends etc., after she came at school and take me home, like forgive for my
mistake. But its another story…
So I graduated, went to university, moved out from home, rented a flat and continued to deal with a
much smarter business plan, the things started to go very well.
I got a beatifull loving girlfriend, was learning software engineering at school, dealing was going
very well. I still kept on my smoke weed during the week + drop some party drugs on weekend lifestyle.
I also attended part-time job at cinema to have an “excuse” if someone, for instance my mother asks
how do I make money for my living.
So I seemed to enjoy my life, but at the end of my studies I realised that I am not really good at
software engineering. I’m pretty quick learner, so I can lear huge amount of material in a very short
time, I managed to pass my classes, but since I didn’t really give a *** about it, I slowly forgot
At this point I was nearly 24 with poor IT knowledge, and I realised that I’m good at selling drugs,
but not really good at anything else.(I speak hungarian, russian and english, but I was expecting much
more from myself)
I found a season job in Greece with my russian language and escaped from my town for 4 months to a
beatifull island Kos to work as a receptionist.
It was very good experience and opportunity to try myself in a different environment.(I wrote a blog
about my adventures, a lot of stories, I wont explain it right now, coz this post would never end).
After I returned home, realised that I have to stop my illegal activities and turn my life into
another direction.
I started to reduce my dealing manouvers and increase normal job activities. I was making some
translations, tourist guiding, finished my studies.
So after me and my GF moved to Budapest, I quickly found a job with normal salary and finally the real
life started.
We had a stabil income, had to think about how to spend and what to buy. I pretty much enjoyed it,
even if we had to live a “lower” quality, but REAL life.
My GF didn’t really seemed to share my opinion, she told that she don’t think our life is moving
forward. Although in my opinion that was the time, when we had the real opportunity to grow.
We celebrated our 5th anniversary with a cool 2 week long trip to Miami and Bahamas. Happy again.
I was doing pretty well, was offered to be promoted, but I rejected, as I found a job at a very good
company with a decent salary.
So I pretty much thought I made up for my mistakes and can live a normal life.
BAMM! My GF breaks up with me, with a reason: “I m not feeling the same way, I really like you, you
are a great company, but I’m not in love with you anymore”
And at this point I started to think what’s going on… Started to fight my addictions, searching for
who I am, a lof of up&downs, self help books… Relapses, start over again and again. Other problems
occured, I rided a long roller coaster, still not sure if its over, but I’m feeling much better
Oh God, I have so much thoughts and things to tell, that it could fill a book.
I’ll stop at this point. Let’s say “To be contiued if somebody interested”
Thanks for reading!
February 28, 2014 at 10:44 am #52010Matt
I’m interested. So, those are the conditions, how’s it striking you?
With warmth,
MattMarch 5, 2014 at 8:29 am #52317Will
ParticipantWho are you? You’re just another creature in a crazy world.
Seems like you’re doing all right, dude. Keep pulling away from the drugs, find happiness where you find it. All my best wishes.
March 5, 2014 at 10:50 am #52326born2flow
ParticipantHi Matt, thanks for your interest.
Actually my biggest concer at the moment is to find a balance in my life.
After the break up I started to improve my life in all areas at once: tried to stop smoking, doing sports,
drinking less, consume less weed. It was going well for a couple of weeks and I always relapsed.
I stopped smoking weed, but smoked tobacco. I stopped smoking tobacco, but smoked weed. I stopped smoking
tobacco and weed, but drunk beer every evening. And these combinations were changing constantly, I just couldnt
find the proper one.
I tried to stop everything at once to be able to think clearly, so I invented a “sober November” program for
myself, when I dont consume anything which effects my thinking (tobacco,alcohol,weed etc.). It was a huge fail,
at the 2nd day I got too stressed that I have to give up a lot of my habits and relapsed with everything.
I realised that its not about being addicted to a particular thing, but I have a habit to “reward myself”. I
mean that if I am doing something I “have to do”, like work,study,cleaning(meaning that it’s not necessarily
bringing pleasure for me), after I have to reward myself with equivalent “pleasure causing” activity – drinking
a beer, smoke a cigarette or joint, go to party.
So, I chose a strategy to give up my bad habits 1 by 1, currently I stopped smoking since January 1st, 2014 and
reduced my weed smoking to 1/day(without nicotine) at evening. I also realised that I am not enjoying it too
much, but I am too afraid to think about what to do instead. I mean at the evening at the end of the day, I
know that drinking a beer isnt healthy, so I usually smoke some weed before sleep, but I am concerned about it
as well. But I really feel that I should give it up.
Sometimes I am having huge mood swaps. Sometimes I feel really great, with a lot of energy and good mood.
And sometimes I am getting depressed(especially when I am hangovered),
So, actually all the signs shows that I really need to stop drink in the way I am drinking (I dont drink during
the working days, but if I go out on weekends I always get drunk, regardless if I plan it or not).
I recently also started questioning the meaning of life, thinking about what truly bring pleasure to me (i
started swim, climbing, running and actually its enjoyable), started to be openminded to spirituality, reading
about pineal gland etc.
But in this case I’m afraid that I’ll get too far away from the society i live in and become an outstander.
Most of the people I know live the more standard lifes and seems to be happy with it, doesnt seem to be
concerned about their lifestyle.
At least when I speak to some people, the most common answer is, you shouldnt care that much about this stuff, just do what you like and live your life.
But at this point I just cant, until I find the answers for my questions. I’m sorry, maybe my text isnt well
structured, as I am just writing what I have in my mind.
Just to summerize my main matters:
1. I am not sure how to reward myself at the end of the productive day (usually I smoke weed)
2. If I start my transition into the “clear” myself, searching for enlightment and live a different lifestyle, I am afraid what will happen to my social relationships.My biggest concern is approaching girls, since my break-up I was meeting some girls and experienced some success :), but it was mainly in parties and I think these girls liked the old “badass” me.
I’m afraid that if I will start to speak about the things which are interesting to me lately (self improvement, sober life, spirituality etc.), they will think I’m weird/nerd. So it would be even harder to find a partner.
These are my thoughts lately.
P.S.: I have wrote some info about the relationship with my mother in the first post. I had some update regarding it. On 4th January, my mother moved to my apartmant, as temporarily didnt have any place to stay at. I’m renting a 1room flat(30 square meters) with a double bed, so we had to sleep in the same bed for 2 months (until her problems got resolved and she could move out). It was very inconvenient, and I had a bad feeling, that the closest person to me (my mother) is staying with me , but I’m not happy about it at all, since we are still are too far away from each other, as she knows nothing about me and what I had experienced and felt.
So one day, I invited her for dinner and told her almost everything about my life, so at least she will know who I am, regardless if she likes it or not. I realised that I am already an adult and can take this risk. It worked out pretty well, she told that didnt know what happened to me and regret if caused pain, I told the same, so we kind of rebuilt or son-mother relationship.
After it I felt like if I had thrown a 100 kg bag, which I was carrying all the time.
I am really interested in your opinion, as it may be more objective than the person’s who know me in real life.
Born2FlowMarch 5, 2014 at 10:56 am #52327born2flow
ParticipantHi Will !
Thanks for the wishes, I am trying my best! Sport seems to be the solution.
And you really made me laugh with “Who are you? You’re just another creature in a crazy world. ” 😉
February 10, 2022 at 10:06 am #392552Anonymous
GuestDear born2flow/ Reader:
Because it is very slow on the forums, I am going back in time to very old threads where there is little chance that original posters will be reading my replies, almost 8 years later (in the case of this thread). My purpose is to recognize this or that element in each thread and point to it, using what I learned over time since the first time I posted on the forums, May 2015. I hope to learn new things as well.
born2flow, February-March 2014: “my mother raised me, she was working all the time, so I pretty much Iwas on my own a lot. She was able to provide me every material thing… But she was very strict and demanding… I got used to deliver only the good news and was pretty much in fear of sharing the bad. This continued in my whole life while I was living with my mom. We lived in Russia and moved to Hungary… So, one day, I invited her for dinner and told her almost everything about my life, so at least she will know who I am, regardless of if she likes it or not. I realised that I am already an adult and can take this risk. It worked out pretty well, she told me that she didn’t know what happened to me and regrets if caused pain, I told the same, so we kind of rebuilt or son-mother relationship. After it I felt like if I had thrown a 100 kg bag, which I was carrying all the time. I am really interested in your opinion” –
– this 100 kg bag indicates how important a mother is to her boy: when she spends most of her time away from him, and when present with him, she focuses on the negatives, being very strict with her boy and very demanding of him, she lays a 100 kg of weight on him, and he carries this weight into adulthood. Fast forward, the two adults carry on a nice conversation over dinner, she apologizes “if” she caused him any pain, he apologizes for the same and instantly, he feels that the 100 kg bag is off of him.
From my experience, it is not that easy to remove such old, heavy weight off oneself, the relief is temporary and the weight returns. It takes much more than apologizing if she caused him pain. It takes acknowledging and understanding that pain has been caused and then, unearthing, identifying and processing that pain. It takes a process of healing which takes months or years of intentional, persistent and patient work and the weight very gradually lessens and lessens.
January 10, 2023 at 1:45 pm #413576born2flow
ParticipantHello Anita,
I was going through some old notes and found the link to this thread… Wow, I am so surprised to find a reply under this old post.
Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts! I must say that you are right – I was naive thinking that all the pain, and neglection which I experienced in my childhood would be solved by one deep conversation. It was just the beginning of a long and still ongoing work. I had to get back to this topic at different points of my life.
I found out that I suppressed my negative emotions toward my mother. I felt like I kind of ‘must’ love her and whatever she did – was with the purpose of giving us the best living conditions. So I always was saying that ‘No problem! I am good, I don’t miss anything’… I guess I wanted to feel that we have a good, strong, loving family. I wanted to avoid/ignore the fact, that my father does not reach out to me (while I missed him), I wanted to feel a loving connection to my mother (while our relationship was rather rational, with a lot of fear on my side).
At different points of my life, I was visiting psychologists and also a psychodrama group. The goal was varying: to address my addictive behaviors, another time a burn-out at work – but it was just the surface and a lot of work was actually done dealing with my childhood. It was quite painful and the process is not over yet (although I am having a pause right now) – first I was feeling really sorry for my little self, kind of felt the unfulfilled childhood need for love, intimacy and safety. Then I got really angry at her and whenever we met, I felt very-very annoyed with her small actions (which probably was not a big deal but rather was a channel for my released negative feelings).
Now I feel kind of sad about it, as I am not sure about the next step. I always want to be there for her and support her throughout her life, as I believe that she also tried the best she could (but not what I needed the most) – but it’s rather a very rational level. On emotional level I don’t feel that true love and connection (which I feel towards my grandparents, with whom I have a lot of nice, pleasant childhood memories – which somehow charged me with love). I neither feel gratitude and feel that I should – but it’s fake.
I was thinking if we should have another deep talk about it – but I’m afraid to reveal my thoughts and that I will hurt her and she is going through a very rough period for a while now.
I was thinking to accept that this is how our relationship looks like and just keep supporting her in the way I can, hoping that I’ll gain more positive feelings towards her eventually.
This is where I stand at the moment. Will come back with another update in 8 years 🙂
Thanks again for your post, which triggered me to reflect.
All the best,
DenisJanuary 10, 2023 at 9:16 pm #413586Anonymous
GuestDear Denis:
I will read and reply in about 10 hours from now.
January 11, 2023 at 9:48 am #413608Anonymous
GuestDear born2flow/Denis:
First, it is AMAZING that you replied to my Feb 2022 post, a post I submitted in an inactive Feb-March 2014 thread! It is amazing to receive a reply from a member who had not been active in the forums for almost 9 years (March 5, 2014 was your last post, next post was yesterday, January 10, 2023)!
I didn’t yet read your update, and before I do, I want to refresh my mind with what you shared almost 9 years ago (more than a year before I knew of the existence of tiny buddha), therefore I will summarize what you shared (with quotes) in early 2014:
You shared that you were “feeling kind of lost and searching for something, without knowing what it is“. Your parents divorced when you were 3, you were raised by a “very strict and demanding” mother, for example, in regards to your grades at school and in regard to not drinking alcohol. When you were 16, she left you in Russia while she worked and lived in Hungary for 3 months at a time. She left you in a big, 3-story house with minimal money (even though she was wealthy) so that you don’t party. At 17 or 18, you started to “go out with friends, have couple of beers, party, made house parties“, and to make money, you took on part-time jobs after school and on weekends, but that wasn’t enough money for your lifestyle, so you started selling drugs, mostly weed, eventually becoming “addicted to pot and smoked it daily and consumed extasy or speed every weekend at parties“, while all along being “the best student in class, won some chess cups” and “had a lot of good friends“.
You graduated high school, went to university where you studied software engineering, rented a flat, moved out from home, and “got a beautiful loving girlfriend“, all along, still selling and taking drugs, smoking weed during the week and ding party drugs on weekends, and attending a part-time cover up job at a cinema. By the age of 24, you realized you were “good at selling drugs“, but “not really good at software engineering“, and that you had “poor IT knowledge“. Next, you found a seasonal receptionist job in Greece. When you returned home to Russia, you finished your studies, reduced your drug dealings and took on jobs as a translator and a tourist guide.
Next, you and your girlfriend moved to Budapest, Hungary, and you found a job there with stable income, and celebrated your 5th year anniversary with a trip to Miami and the Bahamas, but sometime after your girlfriend broke up with you. When she broke up with you, you started to improve your life “in all areas at once: tried to stop smoking, doing sports, drinking less, consume less weed“, doing better for a couple of weeks but always relapsing: either smoking weed, tobacco and/ or drinking alcohol, having a roller-coaster emotional experience of life, “not sure if it’s over, but I’m feeling much better though.. Sometimes I feel really great, with a lot of energy and good mood. And sometimes, I am getting depressed“, you wrote in 2014. The main hold drugs and alcohol (mostly weed) had on you at the time was that they were the way you rewarded yourself “at the end of (a) productive day“, and you were afraid that if you got clean, if you abandoned drugs and alcohol, and delved into self-improvement and spirituality, your social relationships would suffer, particularly your relationships with girls whom you met “mainly in parties and I think these girls liked the old ‘badass’ me.. they will think I’m weird/ nerd“, you wrote back in 2014.
You also shared that at the beginning of January, 2014, your mother stayed with you in your flat, you “told her almost everything“, and she told that she regretted causing you pain. You told her the same, and the two of you “kind of rebuilt (the) son-mother relationship… I felt like if I had thrown a 100 kg bag, which I was carrying all the time“.
This is it as far as my summary goes. In my Feb 2022 reply to you, I wrote to you: “this 100 kg bag indicates how important a mother is to her boy… From my experience, it is not that easy to remove such old, heavy weight off oneself, the relief is temporary and the weight returns. It takes much more than apologizing… It takes a process of healing which takes months or years of intentional, persistent and patient work and the weight very gradually lessens and lessens”.
And now, I will read and reply to your update part by part (how exciting and what a unique opportunity): you are very welcome and thank you for taking the time to post this update!
“I must say that you are right – I was naive thinking that all the pain, and neglect, which I experienced in my childhood, would be solved by one deep conversation“- that would have been wonderful, if that was possible. It is way, way easier and faster to destroy a person’s well-being than it is to restore it. This is why the Buddhist principle of no-harm, or do-no-harm makes so much sense.
“It was just the beginning of a long and still ongoing work. I had to get back to this topic at different points of my life“- I find this work never-ending, but not in a bad way: there’s always more to learn. I find these two verbs synonymous: to learn and to heal.
“I found out that I suppressed my negative emotions toward my mother. I felt like I kind of ‘must’ love her and whatever she did – was with the purpose of giving us the best living conditions“- the latter, the thought that whatever a mother does is with her best intention is called convenient thinking, that is: thinking what feels good to think. But it is thinking that is true to reality that promotes healing.
In regard to your negative emotions/ anger toward your mother: little boys and little girls feel guilty about feeling anger toward their mothers. This guilt says: a good boy never feels angry at his mother. We carry this guilt into adulthood and it stands in the way of healing.
“I wanted to feel that we have a good, strong, loving family. I wanted to avoid/ignore the fact, that my father does not reach out to me (while I missed him), I wanted to feel a loving connection to my mother (while our relationship was rather rational, with a lot of fear on my side)“- as children (we don’t have a choice on the matter), we twist our thinking any which way, aka convenient thinking, so to feel better. We ignore what feels badly, and we think what feels good. Convenient thinking helps us survive difficult childhoods, but in adulthood- it maintains sickness.
“At different points of my life, I was visiting psychologists and also a psychodrama group. The goal was varying: to address my addictive behaviors, another time a burn-out at work – but it was just the surface and a lot of work was actually done dealing with my childhood“- we keep re-living our childhoods in the different context of adult life circumstances and behaviors.
“It was quite painful and the process is not over yet (although I am having a pause right now) – first I was feeling really sorry for my little self, kind of felt the unfulfilled childhood need for love, intimacy and safety. Then I got really angry at her and whenever we met, I felt very-very annoyed with her small actions“- I was angry at my mother for so long… it overwhelmed me and distressed me to no end, to feel so much anger and yet to hold most of it in. I wasn’t able to not feel angry at her. After my first significant therapy work, I felt even angrier at her. In my mind, it was either her or me in my life, can’t have both.
“I believe that she also tried the best she could (but not what I needed the most) – but it’s rather a very rational level“- most mothers don’t try their best for their children. To think that they do is .. convenient thinking and a myth.
“Now I feel kind of sad about it, as I am not sure about the next step. I always want to be there for her and support her throughout her life“- you want to be there for her and support her throughout her life, but she did not want to be there for you and support you when you were growing up.. she didn’t really have to work in Hungary, did she? And she could have- if she tried her best- to be kinder to you.
“On emotional level I don’t feel that true love and connection.. I neither feel gratitude and feel that I should – but it’s fake“- if you removed the convenient thinking from your thinking, you wouldn’t feel the guilt. You would be free from a false sense of debt and obligation.
“I was thinking if we should have another deep talk about it – but I’m afraid to reveal my thoughts and that I will hurt her and she is going through a very rough period for a while now“- you are afraid to hurt her; when you were growing up, she was not afraid to hurt you. If she was afraid to hurt you.. she wouldn’t have, time and time again.
“I was thinking to accept that this is how our relationship looks like and just keep supporting her in the way I can, hoping that I’ll gain more positive feelings towards her eventually“- I tried so hard to accept my mother in my life and I failed again and again. In order to maintain a relationship with her, I had to accept what she thought of me (little) and what she felt for me (frequent disdain). How could I possibly be mentally healthy while maintaining these beliefs about myself?
I last saw my mother in May 2012… two years before you posted on tiny buddha. I knew then that I couldn’t have her in my life and heal. I knew that the cost of keeping her in my life, was keeping my sickness as well. I chose then to never see her again, and on March 2013 I chose to never talk to her again (on the phone).
Interestingly, before ending contact with her, I thought that she will feel terribly hurt and suffer because of my decision, and chase me so to resume contact (I still believed, conveniently, that she loved me; that I meant a lot to her). Surprisingly to me, at the time, it was not a big loss to her and she never even asked me to resume contact. Thinking now what is true to reality (not what was convenient to think before), it is not at all surprising: she didn’t really love me; I was not something or someone that made her happy when I lived with her/near her all these years.. why would it be a significant loss for her not to have me in her life?
“This is where I stand at the moment. Will come back with another update in 8 years.. Thanks again for your post, which triggered me to reflect. All the best, Denis“- thank you, Denis, and all my best to you!