
Why Cant I Be Satisfied?

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  • This topic has 19 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    @Ryan thank you again for your response. I can relate to a lot of the things you think and feel. I also have intimacy issues, but I think I went in the other direction. Instead of chaining myself to work, I would chain myself to the people around me. Making the issues of my loved ones my own. I would do everything I could to be there and help them to my own detriment. At some point, I lost myself because all I was doing was taking care of everyone else. I kept hoping that if I was always there for them, they would never leave. This, of course, was not the case. People come and go, and it’s just something one has to accept in life. It doesnt make you worthless or bad or any less of a person. More often than not, the person who left is dealing with their own demons.

    What do I do to stop the voices? Thats a great question, and by the nature of my post, I cant admit to having figured it out. However, there a few things I’ve found that help on occasion. Brace yourself – this will be long:

    – This one is probably more specific to me, but it’s dance. For me, dance is the one thing I can do that doesnt allow me to think. All I can do is enjoy the music and the movements and my partner, and the voices are silent for those few hours. I would suggest finding something in your life that does that for you. Maybe its the gym, maybe its martial arts. In my experience, it’s rooted in physical activity. The more physical, the more present you are forced to be.

    -Talking and writing. This is also a double edged sword. For me, I often have a better understanding of my thoughts when I write them down and reread them to myself. Once I write them, I can objectively sit back and see if the things I’ve written are based in logic or simply made up in my mind from anxiety. With talking, you have to choose wisely. I often make the mistake of talking to everyone who will listen. When I’m concerned about something, it consumes me and it’s all I can talk about. But, getting too many opinions can be just as bad. I would suggest here that you always talk to the person that is the root of the anxiety. More often than not, they can reassure you that your thoughts are not base don reality, and help you to see what they are thinking and feeling which will hopefully help calm you. I also talk to a wonderful therapist who has helped me massively. It’s all about finding the right therapist with the right therapy for you. Mine is also talk therapy.

    -Being present is also helpful, but hard to do. What has helped me in the past is keeping a gratitude journal. Write 3 things every single day that you are grateful for, and at some point, you will start seeing so many things around you that are worth being happy about. People, places, nature, etc. The more specific the better. And they must be different every day.



    I can completely relate to you, and while my heart breaks for what you’re going through, it’s nice to know I’m not alone. The beauty of your post is this: you have an incredibly supportive and loving partner. These are the people we need in our lives.

    I cant tell you I have it figured out, but with a partner like the one you have found, I feel hopeful. I feel hopeful that people like me and you can find others to love us and be there and not leave, for that is a big fear of mine too.

    I think you’ve made huge steps in recognizing your thought patterns. It’s HUGE that you are realizing the things that you are prone to, and the things that make you nervous. It’s HUGE that you’re starting to see where some of this began in your part.

    All I can tell you is this: Stop being so hard on yourself. You’re making massive progress every day. Love yourself. You are a wonderful person, as proof by the wonderful man who made the very intelligent decision to be your life partner 🙂

    Your post has helped me as well. Thank you for sharing.


    Dear Dina:

    You wrote earlier on this thread: “I tend to be 110% or nothing in my relationships. Im either way too in, losing myself in the process, or completely uninterested in which case I break up immediately.” You also shared that your mother insisted that you cancel all your individual plans to attend to your family. As I see it, your mother taught you that to engage in a relationship with your family you had to give up your own interest, that you had to be “consumed” is the verb you used- you become nothing and the other party to the relationship becomes all that matters.

    This explains to me why you tend to be all or nothing in your relationships with guys- either way too in, losing yourself or you withdraw and end it. You learned All or Nothing relating from your mother. But it is impossible to tolerate losing yourself in a relationship for long, so you end it. You learned a way that is unhealthy and cannot be maintained for long.

    If you learn, either in good psychotherapy, or within a healing relationship with your boyfriend, to not give up all of you, to give and take reasonably, then you will able to tolerate a relationship.



    Thanks for the advice Anita 🙂 This is actually also advice I received my therapist and am still working towards today!


    You are welcome, Dina. You can practice being assertive in any relationship you are in, not only in a romantic one.

    The more you practice being assertive, having your needs heard and taken seriously, respected, practicing Win-Win relationships and interactions, any interactions with people…the more empowered you will be in a romantic relationship, the less scared you will be and the less likely you will be to run away.


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