
Why does my ex contact me?

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I am married with a son and my ex boyfriend ( who lives on a different continent) contacted me suddenly after 6 years of no contact. We had a very intense relationship back in the days which ended because he cheated on me in a very bad way. In the email he told me this is the thing he feels most sorry for in his whole life, and that he will regret it till the day he dies. Then he told me that he was about to get married, but that he has not felt even a small part of the passion or intimacy he felt with me with anybody since me even though he searched for years. He told me that after I told him I am married and have a son. I dont understand why he tells me now? Does he want to get back with me?

    My marriage Goes through difficulties for some time now, and I feel the same about my ex as he feels about me, what should I do?

    Thanks for your advices! I really dont know what to do, should I possibly let go of the love of my life, while he feels the same?


    Dear Evaber:

    Your ex boyfriend calling you before he is getting married probably means he is scared of getting married. He cheated on you in a bad way and he is cheating on his to be wife by calling you. Can you imagine how hurt the woman he is about to marry would have been if she heard what he told you?

    He is not a very decent man, not a good man. If you leave your son and husband for him… it will be a very unwise move on your part. I believe you and him had a lot of passion in your relationship but I don’t believe he has the character that you can trust to make a life with him.

    Let me know how you feel about what I wrote. I would like to talk to you more about this! Please do post again.



    Hi Evaber

    I’m sorry to hear your ex has contacted you and sstirred up old emotions and doubts. I echo all Anita has said. It’s good that he has had expressed regret. The key thing here is that he cheated on you. This would be something to focus on and when deciding what it is that you want and need. His problems are exactly that. You owe him nothing.Spend your energy focusing on yourself and your family.

    Best wishes



    I left my verbally and physically abusive husband on July 16, 2014.

    He has hacked into every email account and social media accounts since 2014. In fact, he just hacked into my yahoo account this evening. He is a very sick person and a coward, he hides behind a keyboard. I have made numerous police reports and the police could care less.

    I just want him to leave me alone. We do not have any children together, so there is no reason that we need to ever speak to each other.
    Everyone tells me that he will leave me alone when he finds someone else.

    The only way he can get to me is through the internet. This may be off the subject

    Nobody will help me. The police advised me to get a flip phone with no internet access and to stay off the internet.

    Why should I have to deprive myself from using the internet? Plus, it is a matter of principle.
    He is mentally ill and a sociopath, that’s another story.
    It’s been 2 years.

    I don’t know how to make sense out of crazy. Very frustrated.


    * Dear Kimberly:

    Would you like to communicate about your situation? Can you start a new thread? If so, click FORUMS, choose a category, click the category (example “Tough times”), scroll down the particular category page to the bottom where you will find an empty box for Title and a box for the body of your post.


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