
Why is existence so much more evil than good?

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I know good and evil coarise. But I’m 100% convinced the Universe, at its basis, is evil. It’s the background of all things. The magnitude of evil activity is so much worse than the magnitude of good, is good.

    why? This makes life completely worthless to me.


    Dear B:

    To understand better, I ask:

    1. How do you define good and evil?

    2. When you wrote: “the Universe, at its basis, is evil”, by the word Universe, do you mean humanity or all that exists, animals, plants, nonliving things (what is the meaning of Universe, for you)?

    (I will be back in about 12 hours from now).



    I define evil as : suffering.

    I believe humans and the Universe are one. Without humans the Universe is purposeless, without the Universe, humans are purposeless. Animals and plants and such are an extension of the system of human existence, which as the Universe, has a base of vast evil. Like the black night sky, evil, with far and few between specs of light, or goodness, strewn across.


    Dear B:

    You define evil as suffering and Universe as humans. Exchanging the word suffering for evil, and humans for Universe (I am taking the liberty to substitute joy for “good”), your original post reads: “Humans, at its basis, is suffering. It’s the background of all things. The magnitude of suffering activity is so much worse than the magnitude of joy.. why? This  makes life completely worthless to me”.

    My thoughts: it is true, we humans, as a group (humanity) do experience way more suffering than we experience joy. From birth to death. “why” –

    Part 1 of suffering is what was always part of life, such as the suffering of a baby being born, and the suffering of an old person dying.

    Part 2 of suffering is what doesn’t have to be part of life, such as making poor choices for your health and safety and acting aggressively and abusively toward others.

    “This makes life completely worthless to me”- life may be worthy for you if you focus on Part 2 of suffering, the part that doesn’t have to be part of your life.



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