“After winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. And after every storm, there comes clear, open skies.” ~Samuel Rutherford
I was talking to someone this week about his feeling that things weren’t happening fast enough. That with all he was doing, intending, and putting out there more should be happening, and faster.
My question to him was, “Really? Should things really be happening faster? Or are you exactly where you’re supposed to be?”
We have a tendency to think we have it all figured out. When it should happen, how it should happen, who it should happen with—and before it’s “too late.”
We are powerful creators in life, but the truth is, we’re not in this alone. There are other forces at play, and for the most part, to our benefit.
Have you ever had something occur in your life that you had wished for years earlier, only to realize that now was the perfect timing? That in fact, you wouldn’t have been ready for it any earlier? That in retrospect, everything was leading up to the perfect moment of this unfolding?
We want to feel in charge of our lives. It makes us feel safe knowing we have control. And to some extent, we have complete control in dictating our desires, in stating our ambitions, and in following our well laid plans.
But sometimes, life has a way of throwing us curve balls. There is a delay in an outcome we are hoping to produce or the timing doesn’t work out as we planned. We’re not where we think we should be, financially, socially, professionally, creatively, or romantically.
And yet even in this, there is perfection.
In other words, for those of you who think your time has passed or it’s too late or there is not enough time, I ask you: How do you know this? How do you know that in this moment, right now, you are not exactly where you are supposed to be?
That things are not working out for you, despite appearances?
I had a teacher who used to pose the question: “If everything is perfect exactly as it is, what is it that you are not seeing?”
In other words, what are you gaining from this situation that is perfect for your unfolding, right now, and how is this preparing you for the thing you desire?
We are always afraid our ship is not going to come in, or if it does, it did already and left without us. Our ship may come and go, but there will be another one and another one and another one. And another one.
We are coming into our own in the timing we need. For each of us it will be different, but for each of us, it will also be perfect.
Inspirational leader Mary Morrissey talks about Chinese Bamboo and how it is a very slow-growing and fragile plant.
She says that if the bamboo is cared for, watched over and nurtured, in one year it grows two inches, in the next year it grows two inches, in the next year it grows two inches, in the next year it grows two inches, and then in the fifth year, it grows eighty feet!
This is how it is with our development. We intend. We make incremental changes. We show up in whatever way we can. Over time, everything comes to fruition, harmonizing all aspects in such a creative way that if we were to look back on it, we would marvel at the perfection of it all.
We would know that we were making strides all along.
Trust in the perfection of your life and let yourself be fully where you are in the moment. Trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Know that what you have to look forward to is greater than what you are leaving behind.
And trust that you will “arrive” in time and on time, not a minute sooner.
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About Sonya Derian
Sonya Derian is the owner and founder of Om Freely, a company dedicated to helping people live out loud, tap into their power, and transform their lives. To pick up your free ebook: Om Freely: 30 Ways to Live Out Loud, please visit http://omfreely.com . Or check out her online store at: http://cafepress.com/omfreely.