
Am I wrong to stop talking to him if he flakes again?

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    I went on a date with a guy. He wanted to meet for dinner immediately, but I was busy for a few weeks in a row. When I was finally able to link up with him for a date, he didnt have a lot to say. I tried to initiate the typical first date conversation, but he would only respond and then say nothing. At that point, I thought. ” oh great! another socially inept guy who wants to torture me with his silence on an already awkward first date :)!

    After the date, he told me that he enjoyed it. (I certainly couldnt tell). I went on vacation for two weeks and during that that time, he reached out to me to see how it was going. I contemplated sending him a somewhat lengthy text of my cool vacay, but decided I would not make any effort since he hadnt been, so I simply responded saying ‘great’. After returning from vacation, I sent a text to see how he was doing. He insisted that we link up for pool and dinner. I agreed. Sunday comes and I tell him that we hadnt agreed on a time… Guess what he says, ” Im sorry, but my cousin is in town and Im going to have to see you next weekend.” Guess what I say, “Wow. That was very inconsiderate… If you hadnt texted me before I contacted you to confirm a time, then when were you going to reach out and let me know smh. My mom was with me at the time, and she is the reason I gave him a second chance. She assured me that sometimes this can happen and that I should be patient. My gut instinct told me that he’s just a boring fool, who doesnt value my time or feelings. He was apologetic, but I could care less. I forgave him and asked that he please communicate effectively in the future and he says okay. He literally hounds me about going out again. I told him that I was free Thursday and today. He says Sunday works for him and I say, it works me too! This morning, I never got a time confirmation from him or ANYTHING. I was livid, but remained patient. I texted him asking if we are on or not. Unfortunately, I have already made up my mind, if he does say we are still on, I will stop seeing him after this date, because he simply is incapable of respecting others’ time and if he does not respond, then I will simply block his number. Ladies and gents, am I wrong to ditch the boring turtle?


    Hi PryingMimi,

    You are right to ditch the boring turtle. Totally.



    I feel like you’re being a bit harsh on him as no one is perfect, and sometimes there’s just a personality difference. However, if you feel you’re incompatible and someone isn’t your type, it’s perfectly fine to move on.


    Dear PryingMimi:

    Sounds to me that you, the guy (and your mother for giving you… what advice?) are operating in the dark, not sure what you are doing and why. He hounds you for a second date after a bad date, and you texting him after a bad date and willing to see him again… after you already formed a disrespectful attitude toward him, thinking very little of him.

    If I was you on the first date I would ask him what he is looking for in a date or in a relationship so you get information. Not small talk but straight questions. That way you get the information you need. And I would figure out what I am looking for in a guy.

    What do you think?


    Called the guy a boring fool, but still wants to go out with him? Sounds like there isn’t much respect from you or him.

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