
Just a logical theory making everything pointless for me.

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    Hi,this is the first time communicated through a forum.Please take the time to read what i had to say.You may find it bizarre but it isnt silly.Today it is known that everything including ourselves are made of atoms.We are the outcomes of millions or even billions of years of random particle collision.There once was no thing called “life”but it happened so that the composition of particles create sth that preserves its own existance but is still just a punch of particles with no so called “will” which from definition is irresonable since it refers to one being completly independed.A faulse statment because everything is according to the laws of physiques.Thus said we are utterly powerless are emotions being part of <= thoughts + personality <= fuctions of organism <= Dna etc + enviromental factors <= particles.Think that if we could calculate every single of the bizillion collisions that are about to happen we could predect the exact future of someone’s or sth’s…. so …. everything is preconcerted and… pointless…

    The Ruminant

    We can’t even predict the weather, so it’s not very probable that we’d be able to predict the future. Also, quantum physics might disagree with you regarding free will. But let’s assume that determinism is how everything works and we really don’t have any free will. What are you going to do about it?

    I know that I have very little control over anything and so it’s not a huge jump from that to not having any control at all. So what then? Why not just go along with it anyway? Besides, without free will, you don’t have a choice.

    Jack Tom

    This is the typical determinism induced nihilism we all experience from time to time. Let us not forget that the standard model and science are only particular ways of describing the world; not the world itself. All of our emotions and existential struggles for meaning are as real as elementary particles, and this doesn’t make them any less significant. We also know all the rules to baseball, but that doesn’t keep people from having fun playing it.

    If life is pointless, and you are aware that you have no free will, then what better way to show that this is false than to willfully do anything for absolutely no reason at all. If you can do this, you can prove to yourself that the concept of free-will, too, is just another way of seeing some aspect of the world.

    We can analyze the past and reason about how it came to be up to the present, but only what happens in the present moment determines what might happen in the future. And there are many possible paths it could take. See that we humans are a part of reality just like atoms and therefore have capacity to affect it. Free-will is not a scientific principle, it is a philosophical attitude. Rise beyond this fallacy.

    The Ruminant

    What a beautiful piece of writing, Jack Tom. I really enjoyed that 🙂 Thank you for writing it.


    Unfortunatly there are not ways of discribing the world but the world as it is.The perception of emotions has always been sth beyond the frame of science.We think of our feelings as godlike gifts,a blessing stronger than anything and other similar prejudiced beliefs.Prejudiced because of the constant brainwash each individual experiences form fetus about morals and their importance.I once told a friend of mine that ur soul is a puppet, a dead body of things interacting with their enviroment in such a way making what we are today so we dont really choose we were controled from the start of our lives.He then told me the following: ” Choose left or right and it doesnt matter which way you choose,but do it without hesitation and thought”.You see..in his mind when i wouldent had my thoughts controling me the choice would be independent.Nop thats when conciousness takes part and so what i previously said aplies here as well.


    I agree with you ruminant thats why i am still alive and due to the fact that god and everything HE stands for might exist and maybe sth supernatural is co-existing in this world making things have a meaning.


    I’m a determinist. At least, I think it’s probably correct, everything you said in your opening post. Except I don’t see how that makes life pointless, and I don’t need the possibility of some supernatural gubbins to give my life meaning.

    Yes, I’m a bunch of particles bonded together temporarily. My emotions are controlled by chemicals running around in my body, my thoughts are nothing but habitual electrical impulses. So what? I can switch on an electrical massage wand, put it to my special places and presto! Life feels great! Was that predictable? Was it pre-determined that I would do this? Yup. Does that make it less enjoyable? Nope.

    Even if, in an absolute sense, there’s no free will, in a more every day sense I do things and results happen. I noticed that my partner was feeling sad about something, so I chose to ask him about it, and we decided to spend an evening together just talking and catching up, reconnecting. I expect this to have positive results. I could have not asked, he could have said “oh, it’s nothing”. Even if our actions were predetermined, we feel like we made choices. Your choices may be pre-determined, but you still have to make them. And they will still have consequences, for you and others.

    Pleasure still exists; even if it’s a chemical event in my brain, I still enjoy it. Happiness still exists. Love still exists. Grief still exists. Comfort still exists. YOU still exist. The people you love still exist. Strangers who may one day be your friend still exist. There’s so much to learn, to enjoy, to explore. So how is life meaningless?


    Like i said i aggree you can still enjoy.Its that enjoyment is fake it doesnt have any meaning but i guess since you like it you sure can do it.Now since nothing has meaning why should you bother helping your girlfriend exept ofc if that makes you happy since we just accepted that factor as sensibly.Another example:i have school exams but i d rather stay home schratching my *****.Is it wrong?Other examples:I kill sb, i dont find a job,i suicide,i start running naked in the middle of a shopping mall.If you believe what i said is true does any of that matter will?


    Does it matter? Well, not in some grand cosmic scheme of things, no. There is no magic scoreboard in the stars keeping track of what us human animals are up to on our little blue rock. How arrogant to think there would be!

    But it matters in that it has consequences. If you run around naked in a shopping mall, your fellow human beings will respond to that in certain ways. You may be escorted out by security. Or get arrested. Your circumstances may change as a result of your actions. Not going to your exams may be pleasant on the day, but it will have consequences for how you get on in the education system, how you are treated by others, your opportunities in life. Why do you treat that as if it’s nothing, just because you don’t have a big sky-father looking over your shoulder making sure you do your homework? There may not be grand cosmic schemes of “meaning”, but I assure you other people exist. And they will not be impressed with you skipping out of your exams. And that will ultimately make you unhappy, too. Do you really not care whether you or anyone else is happy?

    You should bother helping your girlfriend because it makes you happy, and her, and happy is what we would all like to be. I don’t understand how you can shrug that off and say, “Well, it doesn’t matter.” Of course it matters, ya fool! 🙂

    The Ruminant

    If there is no free will, then whether or not you’ll end up running around naked will either happen or not. It’s not your choice then. It still wouldn’t make everything meaningless or pointless. I think it’s quite interesting to see how everything plays out.


    “It matters bc it has consequences”,”i assure you other people exist”,”happy”.Jez,after all i said you still going on with that prejudiced arguements.But dont worry, i get it.I get all the love you feel about others.I get how the world seems to you like a free place full of emotions,unity,freedom.In such a right and organised way.Dont counter that by saying it has problems cause yea ofc it has.And i am telling you,all that is fake.You are helpless like a rock just much much much more coplicated.Your feelings are fake they are electrocutes,substance there is no spiritual force or existance to their being.What makes you say what you said are your belief grown by the society.Your fed up love stories in tv,the ideals your parents passed you,the quotes from fb,the advices that fitted right in place when you struggled to find meaning and you so bravely defend now.And all of these are fake,fake,fake.There is no body and soul there is just body,the same biological constructure that makes you who you are!

    oops…did i just trigered sth?Maybe you thought:”Exactly… makes me who i am!” or a similar phrase?Well i bet i did.Did it it gave you the sense of meaning again.Did it reminded the support,the legacy,the principils you accepted?Thats because they electrify the same areas in the brain of meaning,purpose,tranquility as they do in every other person.Thats why they are fake, too !!

    The Ruminant

    If the world works according to your deterministic view, then how is it fake? Isn’t it then exactly what it’s supposed to be? If there is no wiggle room for choices, then everything is authentic, because what else could it be?


    You choose to believe its pointless. Fair enough.

    All i have to say is – life is short. I choose to believe that every day living means something to me..I have no idea how life will progress but i know i will die someday, just like everyone else here. I want to make the best of the moments i have left and i dont care who influenced me into thinking that. I just want to go on anyway.


    Yes, they are fake, I agree. I see things the way you see them. The difference between us is this: you say: “Waah! Everything is pointless!” I say: “So the F what?”

    This is the question. So what?


    And here we are all having reached an compomise.Which is that they are fake but hell with it and i totally agree.I mean who doesnt love fake meaning right?Why shouldent i(or you) create a purpose think of it as meaningfull and boom! you got a life recipe.What else than that is left?(rhetorical questions.dont bother answering)

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