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December 16, 2018 at 10:34 am #269455
ParticipantSo, today is my birthday.
32 today… Spent most the day in tears in private.
All I really wanted today was a hug and perhaps a handmade card from my girl (9). to feel appreciated.
It was pretty obvious by mid morning she had completely forgotten it was my birthday at all, and even after mentioning it she hasn’t come near me for a cuddle.I’m finding life difficult, not going to lie. Three nights ago inanimate objects got launched across the room and I spent the following 30 minutes crying on my hands and knees, absolutely breaking my heart.
I need support. And I don’t know where to find it.I came close to texting my ex telling him he can have our daughter over the duration of Christmas, because she’s better off without me. I’m a negative miserable influence on her life. I decided to sleep the thought off, and tried to remain positive throughout my work day, but just wanted to dive under covers and cry some more.
I know how I react to events is my responsibility, that things impact me because I let them. But I just feel so done with this year, with this life- I just don’t want to be me any more, I really don’t. I do not want to live this life, but I am not brave enough to end it. I keep thinking it would be better if I fell ill, to have an excuse. I’ve actually googled “is it murder if it is requested?”. I don’t necessarily want to die, I love my kid and I know it would affect her, I just can’t go on like this.
I’ve hugged my dog and thanked him, and apologised to him for scaring him.
I feel so empty, like completely gutted.December 16, 2018 at 11:04 am #269469Anonymous
GuestDear Foxtree:
I would like to wish you Happy Birthday, but it feels weird to wish you that reading how terribly sad and distressed you are on your birthday.
I didn’t understand this sentence: “Three nights ago inanimate objects got launched across the room”- can you explain it to me?
December 16, 2018 at 11:12 am #269473Foxtree
ParticipantI had picked up an armful of dog toys to put away, and something just hit me, I screamed out and threw them the length of the room, then broke down in tears.
I’ve never lashed out with anger or pain, and I’m just glad my daughter wasn’t there to witness it.
I just hurt, so deeply and so completely. I literally don’t have a single person to talk to or help me through this and I’m exhausted fighting alone.
December 16, 2018 at 11:39 am #269475Axuda
ParticipantHi Foxtree
So sorry to hear how you are feeling – somehow a birthday magnifies everything, doesn’t it? Life beats us up and it always seems it must be our own fault – when every day is a struggle it’s only natural we feel like giving up sometimes.
But a birthday is also a good time to resolve to make a fresh start – to put the past behind you and start working on your future. You have made a start by sitting and posting this – you realise things have to change, but need some help and support in making it come about.
You have a little girl who loves you and just wants her Mum to be her Mum. At 9, she isn’t going to remember your birthday without some prompting, and she probably realises that something is wrong and isn’t sure how she should react. Kids often feel like they are to blame if a parent feels bad. Chances are she wants a hug, too. And maybe just a bit of your time.
Children and dogs are relentlessly positive. Watch your daughter out in the park with your dog and I guarantee they will both be having a whale of a time with nothing more than a stick. And remind yourself that that is a scene that you have created. Without you, it couldn’t have happened. And that both of them love you unconditionally and totally, and want you to be happy.
Today is the day to resolve to make a better life for all of you. Your daughter wants a happy Mummy, so make sure you take time for you, and for her. Things won’t change overnight, but that’s OK – with just a tiny improvement each day you will feel vastly more positive by this time next year.
You have started the process by acknowledging things need to change. Resolve to get all the help and support you can – from friends, family, your daughter, your dog, a counsellor, this site – and you will make the coming year the best of your life.
It may not have been the happiest birthday, but I hope it at least becomes the most significant and important one for you – the one where your new life begins.
Good luck!
December 16, 2018 at 11:46 am #269477Anonymous
GuestDear Foxtree:
“I’ve never lashed out with anger or pain”, that means that you practiced a lot of self discipline in your life, doesn’t it?
I would very much like to read more from you. Please do share more, what happened, what brought about this misery you feel so intensely…?
I need to be away from the computer for the next sixteen hours or so. When I am back, I hope to read more from you. There is no length limit to a post that I know about, you can type as long a post or posts as you would like. I will read attentively tomorrow morning when I return and reply then.
I see that you received a reply from another member and hope there will be more before I return.
I hope you find a moment today when you feel hope and when my happy birthday wish for you will make sense, at that moment:
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, F o x t r e e !!!
December 16, 2018 at 12:12 pm #269489Foxtree
ParticipantAnita, Axuda- thank you.
It’s helping to have someone, even pixels, to speak to right now.
I do think I need support from others, but my options are limited. I don’t have friends, none at all. I’ve suffered with depression since a preteen, not diagnosed until I was about 16, maybe older, but I knew it. I just didn’t know the name for it.
I’ve tried self help methods, but many paths seem to require a root cause, a specific reason to feel sadness, and there is no reason. I feel like I was born this way. I had no reason as a kid To feel sad, yet I did. I felt inadequate, judged, inferior to peers. When teachers handed out papers to the class, if there wasn’t enough for me, I thought they did it on purpose because it was me, and they knew id be the one to miss out. That I didn’t matter. And I was too shy to speak up, so idI just sit there teary-eyed and struggling.
Most of my adult problems have stemmed from failed relationships. I was raped by my ex at 19 years old, and never spoke out about it until a few years ago. I self blamed, thought maybe I exaggerated things, maybe I was victimimising myself; but it was what it was. Since then, there’s been more failures in relationships than I care to think about, and each time I feel more hurt, more disappointed in myself, gullible, weak etc.
The thing that hurts most at the moment is loneliness. I am so lost. Over the years I have pushed people away, struggle with social anxiety, been reclusive, convinced myself nobody likes me so deleted them off Facebook before they can do it to me, and now there’s just nobody left. It’s my own fault.
So now when I need help, I’m just looking into an empty room, thinking “well you created this”… ?
My girl and dog are my everything. I used to struggle when she visited her dad for a couple of nights, and i would drive to nowhere in particular just to escape being home alone. I began “playing” a stupid “game” where I’d drive as fast as I could with my seatbelt unfastened, testing fate…. This is the main reason I got my dog. He gave me reason to go home safely. To walk for miles with purpose… It’s been 2 and a half years since those days, but I’m finding my mind slipping back into that destructive thought process again. Of it being better to not be here. This time of year, birthday, Christmas, new year- where you’re supposed to be happy and surrounding yourself with family friends and joy; I find it the most difficult. The loneliest.
December 16, 2018 at 7:22 pm #269543nextsteps
ParticipantHello Foxtree,
I hope you have got some sleep and wake up feeling slightly better. Birthday plus this time of year can be really tough.
Firstly, I just wanted to emphasise that you arent alone. Most people have felt how you bave felt. I personally have not cared if I lived or died – which sounds similar to you driving without your seatbelt on and leaving it to chance. This was because I was either feeling very emotional or very numb so in some way it was me trying to feel something by being reckless. It can also feel like the world is indifferent so leaving it to fate is like wanting a sign someone, somehwere cares. I know that feeling. Do you speak to a therapist? Mine has been really helpful in understand myself better and why I do certain things so they may help you too? Its no cure but day-day it can help. I also try and ignore my thoughts/brain when I am crying/upset as although the thought seem SO real and so strong at the time, give a few days and the world can feel a bit brighter. Easier said than done though. Do you feel you have purpose/meaning outside of your daughter and dog? Eg in your job, hobbies etc?
I think christmas is a hard time. Even those families we think we envy eg the ones you may see walking down the street or in commercials, probably have hidden tensions etc. What you see isnt always how it is. But the pressure at this time of year to have that can make it all seem worse so I can relate to your loneliness. What is your daughter doing for christmas? If she is with her dad maybe you could plan to be around people on that day? Like volunteer at a homeless shelter or take your dog for a walk around people like a park?
As for pushing people away-I think again everyone has done that too at some point. Maybe you could tentatively reach out to 1 od 2 and see if you can reconnect? Or perhaps try to do a hobby either with your daughter and other mums or maybe with your dog to make new friends? I think it can be difficult to make friends as an adult (although aquaintences are easier in my experience!).
I wanted to write as I felt my heart go out to you on reading your post. I just want to say that you aren’t alone. Depression is really really tough and can make life feel meaningless and so hard so you are doing well just to get out of bed and attend to your daughter. You are still fighting the fight every sday and thats admirable and strong! 🙂 I can understand how hard that can be. My therapist also highlighted for me to try and see the joy in the little things eg good coffee, a smile etc. It felt like so little, and certainly not joy, more like a mildly okay feeling, but I am told joy can come.
For three years I woke up every day and hoped i would feel differently eg not lifeless, sad etc and what has helped me most is getting a dog like you did and also anti depressants as for the first time i felt hope and more energy-which was a very strange but nice feeling so maybe they can help?
I feel powerless writing this as I imagine you bave tried alot of these things and have tried self help too. It seems unfair that every day requires willpower, motivation and energy when sometimes fighting the fight one day can be exhausting enough. But you do matter- in a wider way than your daughter and dog – this forum is evidence of that and I wish we could sit down, have a cup of tea and chat or walk your dog together and put the world to rights. Please take good care of yourself x
December 16, 2018 at 7:31 pm #269549nextsteps
ParticipantAlso, whilst I re read your post, I too felt like I was depressed my whole life eg I felt more swriois and more cautious than other kids and rarely left and just wanted to be left alone. I felt so guilty and less than for not being care free and open and friendly. I always found life tough. I can empathise wigh the image of you sitting in class, struggling in silence. That was so unfair and must of been really tough for anyone, let alone a child. BUT in adulthood you DID soeak out about rape which is so brave and ao strong. Not everyone would of done that but you stood up for yourself and what was right. Thats huge!
I dont think we were born depressed. I think it relates to upbringing and how we were made to feel. This is positive in a way as it means there is hope for change.
December 17, 2018 at 7:48 am #269627Anonymous
GuestDear Foxtree:
You “had no reason as a kid to feel sadness, and there is no reason”. You were “born this way”, sad, depressed. You “exaggerated things, maybe I was victimizing myself”-
* if you were born this way, how is it that you “suffered with depression since a preteen” and not before?
“When teachers handed out papers to the class, if there wasn’t enough for me, I thought they did it on purpose because it was me, and they knew I’d be the one to miss out. That I didn’t matter”.
*Any I-didn’t-matter experience before school, or outside school, at home, with your parents? Maybe sitting at the dinner table and receiving the smallest piece of steak or everyone gets dessert but not you? Or maybe your birthday was forgotten while others’ birthdays were celebrated… or any such thing?
More important, have you been and are you willing to consider that your parents were anything but perfectly loving and attentive to you?
December 17, 2018 at 3:43 pm #269735Axuda
ParticipantHi Foxtree
It’s interesting that people think there has to be a root cause for depression. Sadness and depression are two different things – in fact, depression can be defined as feeling down and sad with no particular reason No-one would ask “What is the root cause of your appendicitis?”. They would just treat it, and depression is no different.
In your case you have had some deeply unpleasant things to deal with. You have suffered at the hands of someone you once trusted, so it’s not surprising that you try to distance yourself from people to prevent it happening again. It’s entirely natural that you feel the way you do. So forgive yourself for that. But, as you have discovered, it’s not a great long term strategy, so give yourself the time and the chance to sort it out.
You have taken the first step by seeking advice and help, and clearly understand that your life is your responsibility. But remember that taking responsibility is not the same thing as accepting the blame You are not to blame for everything that has happened to you, but you are responsible for what you do about it.
This was something that it took me a long time to understand. Like you, I was the sort of person who didn’t shirk responsibility. So for a long time I believed that everything that happened to me, no matter how awful, was somehow my fault. But that meant that I was also blaming myself for the outrageous behaviour of others. It’s one thing to acknowledge where you could have done things differently to secure a better outcome. It’s quite another to simply accept that it is your lot in life to be treated abominably.
I can also identify with the seat belt thing – I went through a stage of doing something similar. I think I was almost daring this bully called life, which had kept punching me repeatedly, to do its worst. Not the most sensible solution, but I suppose I felt I was fighting back. But soon I realised that there were better alternatives.
So many people in situations like yours never even dare to face up to it. They deny it with drink or drugs, or stay in abusive relationships. You are coming out fighting, and recruiting support to help you. That is how you will build a network of friends,maybe online at a distance at first, but you will win your battle, simply because you understand what you need to do. This site has a great many people who understand exactly how you feel, people who have been there and got through it. And before long, you will be on the other side of it, explaining to others how you did it.
One day at a time, you will get there, and your next birthday will be so much better.
Stay strong