Dear Anita,
Haha thanks for this beautiful message , how you frame your words is awesome and electrified the heart of the other person. You are superb genius Anita,
Yes, this woman had run out of short education. When she is happy maybe she is at the middle of her friends whom they are dancing with the loudest Music. Nothing makes her more comfortable with other than friends and music. She once told me she need a speaker to be in her house so that she can be dancing within.
Yes, Anita, all the point you had said are fact and truth. I am totally different from her, her way of thinking and ways of doing things is is perpendicular to angle of attacks in flying the airborne. I have had got various education in my signals and I was the one educating myself not even a uncle or relative. My brain took me to those places. My father is not educated , is just a farmer. And still k used to go back to look after my cattle because that is where my knowledge start. I have to work extra hard to over come her negative thinking that I will not progress a head if she is not in my life. I have to prove her wrong. I will achieve my target and my amazing goal of become a Captain in command (PIC) or call it Pilot in command , and my son Agoth Gregory, will be my first officer.
Hey Anita, wonders will never end, I got a surprise call today by my young brother in-law telling me they are in a dire situation, and the owner of the house need it by the end of this month. And her father said since you refused me to listen to me and stay with the husband that I had given to you and you listened to the advice of your mother ,, ,,, then handle your things alone….. I am not your father. Go to any boy friend you are targeting to pay the money the rent of new house.
My father in-laws is definitely standing with me.
What would I do to my younger brother in laws and uncle to my son. He is still in primary school.
Ayong, will never fit to my shoes and I guess she is assuming that she will get a man who will provide them everything. No one will ever makes a suicide to go for such a greedy woman, with her mother.
They all tried to look for a new house to rent, but in vain, ,,,,, they are all expensive.
Anita , oyeee.
You are my role model and my monitor as well as my guidance.