
The Sanctuary of Solitude

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    Some of us seek out solitude. Do you?

    How do you find it? How do you make and take the time for it? How do you experience it?

    Please share your tips for seeking, creating, and reveling in the sanctuary of solitude.


    Maelina Frattaroli

    Yes, although not as often as I’d like. I find solitude in the little things when life gets busy– like sipping my morning coffee on the drive to work, and admiring the view. Or walking to the park from my apartment on Saturdays. Or finding 20 minutes at night to write a short poem in my journal…


    Hello, Maelina,

    Yes, the drive to work is glorious, isn’t it? And writing too. I suppose the little snippets will suffice. Sometimes I imagine solitude, but it’s not quite the same as real solitude.


    Andrew Bee

    I visit My local library Regularly
    Quiet,slow area with plenty of books and internet.


    Hi, Andrew!

    Your sanctuary of solitude brings back such memories – brilliant! I live in a quite rural area now so just hanging out at a library is no longer one of my sanctuaries – I’ve made do, though, with book trading clubs, the Internet, and of course book stores.

    Your post just conjured up the smells I recall walking into various libraries at the universities I attended or in the big cities in which I’ve lived, and I felt a little homesick. I remember reading from a book, placing it back on the shelf (in its correct spot), and returning the next day whenever I’d already reached my check-out limit. Then I’d read my checked out books at home.


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