
What is closure and will it help me or make it worse?

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    I’ve come to a bit of a crossroads in thinking about a past relationship recently. I’ve posted on here about it before, but essentially a six month relationship that was my first after a LONG period of being very very much in ‘recovery’ after my divorce. And the reason this recent relationship ended was because he wasn’t himself recovered enough from his own LTR to be able to commit to me, yet wanted us to keep seeing each other casually. I felt I couldn’t do that.

    Anyway, fast forward 2 months and I”m feeling much better….AS LONG AS I AM BUSY. AS soon as I am not busy, it pops into my head and I can’t stop crying, even though it wasn’t a very developed relationship. And that bothers me, because I am usually very happy on my own. I feel like I can’t truly “be” just now. I am struggling to maintain no contact, I really want to get in touch and see how he is. The ONLY reason I’m not doing that is because I feel it will put the power for my recovery in his hands. And….i secretly hope that by not contacting him, he will eventually contact me. Its driving me nuts.

    My question is this whole idea of closure. I’m not sure I’ve ever really understood it, other than as when you can truly put the relationship behind you. And what if you don’t want to do that? What if it helps to think there may be another time when you can be together, just not right now? Selfishly I want to know if contacting him might help with closure. I try to be as mindful as I can when these thoughts come, and go, and come, and go, but after 6 weeks of it I am struggling, its getting me down. I know others on here have struggle with similar things and there is some great advice out there.


    You know, the one thing that came to me was this word: TRANSFERENCE.

    I had something similar. Problems with non-involved father. Years later I think of this other man as my father. He was quietly let go due to a scandal (not related to me LOL) and moved. I swear, I grieved for this “dad” like no other. Then I felt Weird because:

    1. He wasn’t my real father
    2. Women over a certain age don’t need fathers
    3. He wasn’t that great, even as a person (as it turns out)
    4. Why am I crying???

    I realized:

    1. I was really grieving for my own father
    2. My grandfather WAS my “real” father. So it’s not like I didn’t grow up without parenting.

    Tiny Zebra, is it possible that you are still grieving your divorce? Why this person?

    And, my mother would say, “A busy woman is a happy woman”.

    How did you recover (if you have) from the divorce?

    Just thoughts!!!


    Edit: Sorry for my long dad comparison. At first blush it’s unrelated. But, for you to be so heartbroken, is it possible you are actually heartbroken over something else, something you can’t face/deal with?

    Big blue

    Hi Tinyzebra,

    Sometimes we just need time, people to listen, opportunities to reframe it as a growth experience…. And hugs!

    Big blue


    Thank you, thank you, thank you. @Inky never apologise, am so grateful and I love your insight. I think you may have a point in that my reaction to this loss is kind of disproportionate in some way to the relationship itself and it might be that I have work to do still since my divorce, rather than this necessarily being a great loss itself.

    That kind of hurts, because I really worked hard on that, or so I thought. Maybe its something you never ‘get over’ completely and utterly….I’m not sure. When we split (my husband), he walked out and I literally have never seen him again. It was a shock, and as such I took a long, long, LONG time to feel better. There was no conversations, explanations, nothing. It wasn’t like we’d been fighting. In fact he’d been talking about us having a family soon. So it just came out of the blue and felt like a trauma, in that I relived it every day for years. He hadn’t told me anything was wrong, and he wouldn’t talk to me after. He told me he had mental health issues and couldn’t be with anyone, but I later found out he’d been cheating on me and he married her within 2 years of leaving me. I lost myself for a while, stayed indoors, ignored social engagements, etc. Eventually I did a lot of CBT and behavioural activation to engage in new activities. And I wrote, wrote, wrote. Talked to friends. Spent time with family. It was 3 years before I felt remotely human despite all this, and another year before I would meet anyone else. I analysed it to death, wondering why it had happened to me, why he would treat me like that, and every morning I would wake up, throw up (not something I could help, just a body reaction to stress with me), and wonder why the universe hadn’t stopped becuase I wanted to scream “Wait! Wait! This isn’t what is supposed to happen! I’m supposed to be having a baby right now like all my friends! Can we just hold on a goddam minute while I catch up!” It just made me see the world so differently and I don’t think I’ve ever fully got over that. Although, I did make a new life for myself.

    And I think part of the difficulty and why I took so long to recover was my age, which I began to see as a failing (I was 30 at the time). I was suddenly single for the first time in my whole life, but I was 30. I had no idea how it would feel to be the only single person at friend’s weddings, standing in the sidelines of other people’s milestones and celebrating their life events while I was dying inside. Spending Saturdays or whole weekends alone. It wasn’t until I was 34 that I met this new man. I rarely meet men that I can spark with. I do go out a lot, don’t get me wrong, but I am not a fan of internet dating and the pure and simple fact is its a small fish pond just now (everyone married or taken). So when I met this recent man it felt like a gift, even though there were issues from the start as he was himself quite bruised from his own divorce. I felt chemistry and I thought “aha! That is what this feels like!” I’d forgotten all of that. I felt human again, that basic instinct we all have to touch and be touched. And then suddenly I was. And he was very flattering, and I know he tried his best, but he ultimately couldn’t commit to me. So I feel rejected again, and @Inky maybe you are right this is setting off emotional memories of the other great relationship trauma in my life. I was not 100% happy in this recent relationship but I saw such a potential and I feel upset and cheated it didn’t work out.

    Either way, I am so grateful for this community. I wish I could see this last relationship in a mindful sense, as maybe some kind of learning experience. I am trying to look for silver linings. I am using everyone’s advice, around being worthy, but my own self worth is really, very knocked right now. I need my confidence boosted and my self esteem back, but I’m so scared because I don’t have another 4 years to ‘work on things’ so I’m maybe living in my fear rather than getting out of my comfort zone. I feel like my time is running out (bio clock). I’m trying not to wallow in my own pity party, really. It may not sound like that! I will try today do something to take myself out of this.

    Thank you for listening.


    Oh God, the Get Married in your 20s, Have Kids in your 30s Cultural Mandate!!!

    Listen, I know you want the Traditional Everything, and you could very well have that ~ but the last I checked, Marriage is not a Requirement for Biology 😉 and Biology is not a Requirement for Family 🙂

    Give yourself until 40. Then say to The Universe, “I’m having a Child Because I Said So, That’s Why.” Then do in vitro, have a romp, or adopt! Once The Universe picks up on your Iron Will Intention, men will come out of nowhere. To Have. 😉

    Marriage can happen any time.


    Oh @inky thank you. I do get that, I really do. I have long given up on having the traditional everything- I think maybe what this recent situation has made me realise is that I actually want a partner. For some time post divorce I became obsessed with thinking about children, and I made up my mind that I would be having a child on my own. I just thought that would be the way it would end up for me.

    I know it may sound ridiculous to have been thinking that at say 32,33,34, but I was. I think I now have a bit of perspective on what was going on there and it was more to do with me not wanting to think that i needed or wanted a man in my life, that I would and could do what I wanted, because (without being aware of it, this is something I’ve only realised recently) I was actually too scared to take steps towards anyone again in case they hurt me like he did. With this new man I was able to open up a bit and I now see I do have love to give, I do want to give it. I want to be loved also though, so pining for someone who isn’t able to give me the same does seem like a waste of energy. In fact the children thing can wait, as you say- and that feels like a revelation in my thinking about myself. Thank you @Inky. I have learned so much recently. I wish there was a way to fast forward and see how things end up, because if there was I think I’d be OK. Its the fear that it might not happen for me that is hard to “sit with”. Maybe I still need to do some reading on uncertainty.


    Tiny Zebra, it’s so common to freak out in our 30s about Time, Bio Clocks, Family, Children, Partners. It’s in our DNA.

    At this point, be ruthless, in a light hearted way. Go on dating sites (Christian Mingle? JDate?) where you are more likely to meet someone of the same mindset. Do circular dating or speed dating. The more men you meet, the more you can practice instant discernment and won’t get too caught up into one if it goes wrong.

    I hear you about The Future. I’ve said that line myself, “If I just knew WHAT would happen concerning (family dynasty/$$) I’d be OK”.

    In the meantime, view dating as a fun hobby ~ but be business like when it comes to marriage/children. Don’t mess around. See the paradox?? You have all the power, actually.

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