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I too dated a guy (for 4-1/2 years) that liked having admirers. He would constantly flirt with girls or wouldn’t cut off contact with people I wasn’t okay with (like the girl that would call him at 3am or send him dirty song lyrics). I never thought he was cheating but it was still extremely disrespectful and I don’t think I fully realized that until a few months after our breakup.
My advice to you, as someone who ended a relationship only 2 months ago, is cut off contact completely. Delete him from snapchat. You’re only torturing yourself by still having him on there. I still have questions of my ex (different one than above) but I’m slowly learning that I have to move on. I’m not going to get those answers even though I deserve them. You deserve someone who isn’t going to make you have doubts on whether or not they are cheating. I think it’s normal post relationship to stress about all those things (was he cheating, does he have a new g/f, etc – I do it too!) so be easy on yourself.