
On the other side now

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    I am 21 years old and I feel like I have dealt with too many difficulties for the past 7 years. I had a very hard time as a teenager as I struggled with confidence, had no friends, and came home from school to my parents often fighting. I didn’t have any support other than the counselor in my health center at school. Once I entered college, I moved in with my sister and her husband and lived with her for about 2 years. Little did I know at the time that the environment would be worse for me. She was very judgmental of me, said hurtful things on a daily basis, and eventually I woke up one morning with bruises on my body. I was very obedient but was afraid to stand up for myself. As a few months passed, I started to see how these past years of living in stress started to affect my body and mind. I made the brave decision by moving out with my boyfriend. Now almost a year has passed and I am much healthier and happier. I am proud of myself for my growth and for not giving up on myself. But there are still days that I struggle with my scars and anxiety as I continue to walk on my journey towards healing. I used to be in therapy but I feel that it isn’t what I need at this time in my life. I am a sensitive soul and need a lot of care but sometimes struggle with my school and work load. Any advice or thoughts? Thank you


    Hi Alexandra,

    I am sorry you had to go through so much at such a young age !

    As you know, old memories/scars take time to heal – all we can do is keep moving forward. When the bad memories come, acknowledge them but don’t give them space in your mind.

    Keep doing positive things that you like. Also, any form of physical activity helps – a walk outside calms my mind !

    Read the book ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’ by Dr. Elaine Aron – here is the link to her site:

    GOD bless !



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