
Effects of Enlightenment (Repost)

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    I have heard so much about the amazing effects of the ever elusive state of enlightenment but now I understand that we are all enlightened to some extent otherwise we’d just be fleeting thoughts in an expansive abyss. I practice being present as much as I can but it’s difficult to see myself primarily present in everyday life, It sounds wonderful but I can’t help but fear what I might become. I’ve come to understand that true presence is a state of emotionless peace and the glimpses I’ve experienced are nothing short of paradise but it is for me at least an emotionless state. Presence doesn’t make me loving or kind it makes me peaceful and cold in an emotional sense and that makes me wonder weather or not I’ll turn into someone who does not love, like, hate or despise anything or anyone, someone who is simply there and not much else. So, I guess I’ll just ask my question.

    What effects can presence have on someone’s life and personality?

    (I’d also request you comment on popularity, leadership capability and likabilty, thanks.)


    Hi Drikken,

    The Buddhists would say not to get caught up in the effects of enlightenment. I’ve noticed with the degree of mine (still small) that I have impeccable timing, things tend to work out, small miracles happen, and things move by themselves around the house (LOL).

    I’m not a leader as that’s not in my nature, but have been called to lead in certain things. I’m popular and likable around my own “people”, if you know what I mean.

    I still feel emotions as we are all human. I don’t get caught up in them though. However, you can if you want to. I think it’s a choice. You can turn it on or off. Sometimes it’s more fun to have it turned off. That’s very unenlightened of me, but hey!



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