
Posts by Brooke Boser

Brooke Boser is a certified life & wellness coach who guides individuals to embrace authenticity and pursue their best life. She writes about authentic living, loving ourselves, and finding our higher purpose. You can follow Brooke on Substack or sign up for her newsletter at thecoachb.substack.com. You can also follow her on Instagram or LinkedIn.

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Choosing Yourself: How to Prioritize Your Personal Well-Being

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” ~Oscar Wilde

“Choose me!” I heard the voice clearly as I sat across from my therapist one day in her office.

It was my fourth visit, and we were working through this feeling I had, like I was crying on the inside but nothing was coming out on the outside. I was explaining how this feeling had been recurring quite frequently lately and how my response was to ignore it and push through it.

In response to this, my therapist asked me, “What would happen if you attended to this …

How to Start Speaking Up: Find Your Voice and Be Heard

“Your voice is the most potent magic in existence.” ~Michael Bassey Johnson

In a noisy, crowded world, in a culture that promotes service to others and putting others’ needs before our own, how do we find the courage to share our own voice?

I’ll admit, I’m still navigating this journey. There are times when a writer can write from a place of knowing. A place where they feel like they have something figured out and want to share it with the world. This is not one of those times.

This is a sharing of information from a place where I …