
Posts by Chandler-Bolt

Chandler Bolt is an author and serial entrepreneur. He was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug at an early age and by age 20 he started and ran businesses that generated over $320,000. He wrote the book Breaking Out of A Broken System with his brother Seth Bolt (from the band NEEDTOBREATHE). Each book sold saves a life (#1book1life).

Chandler-Bolt's Website

Think Like a 5-Year-Old to Start Living the Life of Your Dreams

“Don’t grow up. It’s a trap.” ~Unknown

A little over a year ago, my brother and I decided to write a book together. At the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine, this was a really scary thing for us.

Neither of us considered ourselves “good writers,” and we especially didn’t think highly enough of our writing to imagine that we’d ever write a book.

I made C’s on most of my papers in high school and college and, quite frankly, my confidence in my writing was pretty low.

Each time I tried to sit down and write even a two-to-five-page paper, …