
Posts by JA_Boulet

J.A. Boulet is the passionate author of The Olason Chronicles, a historical saga of immigration, love, and perseverance. The Strong Amongst Us Book 1 was released on Amazon in April 2020. She was born and raised in Western Canada as a first generation Canadian from Hungarian descent. She started writing poetry at the age of five and progressed to short stories and novels. She believes in healing, family bonds and embracing the unknown. Twitter

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How to Welcome Uncertainty into Your Life and Release Your Worry

“Fear, uncertainty, and discomfort are your compasses toward growth.” ~Celestine Chua

Uncertainty can be the glue for anxiety if you allow it. One thing can snowball into another and soon you are looking at the road ahead, absolutely dumbfounded about which way to go. It shakes us to our core; it disrupts our security, our stable foundation and makes us feel unsettled, even a bit lost.

But can our lives change without uncertainty?

I don’t believe they can.

Two years ago, I found myself wondering: Is this all there is? The road I’ve been on is where I’ll stay; no …