
Posts by Jason Gutierrez

Jason Gutierrez helps people engineer their days for more happiness. He writes about being happier, healing anxiety, and other ways to improve yourself at The Monk Life. Check out his blog or sign up for his free newsletter to get practical advice and tips for becoming the best you.

We Can Make the World a Better Place, One Interaction at a Time

“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ~Marcus Aurelius

Now more than ever, the world needs good people.

While driving home from a job interview the other day, I listened to Joe Rogan talking about how he treats strangers who act mean or hostile to him, for apparently no reason at all.

His modus operandi is essentially, “Let it go. You never know what kind of day the other person is having.”

This resonated with me exceptionally well. It’s one of the big things I’ve been focusing on in the latter half of …