
Posts by Maureen Cooper

Maureen Cooper runs Awareness in Action, and offers workshops, online courses and coaching on integrating meditation and kindness into all aspects of everyday life. If you enjoyed this article check out her online course on self-compassion, How to Be a Good Friend to Yourself . You can follow Maureen on Twitter & Facebook.

Maureen Cooper's Website

Why This Will Be the Year I Stop Running from Pain

“One has to accept pain as a condition of existence.” ~Morris West

This may seem sounds counter-intuitive, but this year I want to let go of trying to avoid suffering.

It doesn’t mean that I am a masochist and plan to spend the next year being miserable. It’s more a question of learning to accept life as it is—uncertain, full of surprises, and with its full quota of difficult circumstances.

Our Wish for Happiness

The thing is that we all want to be happy. There’s nothing wrong with that, but if we fear not being happy, then we …

How to Make Vulnerability Your New Superpower

“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” ~Leonard Cohen

We human beings are social creatures. For the most part, we like to be with people, and we want people to like to be with us. The trouble is that we get all tied up in trying to communicate a version of ourselves that we think people will find attractive.

We want to appear successful, interesting, in control—and a winner! To keep up this image, we work hard to hide away the parts …