
Posts by Melanie Edwards

Global musical scientist, Melanie Edwards, is a classically trained pianist, violinist, singer and songwriter who also studied nuclear science.  Touring worldwide with her symphonic lab, she captivates audiences with her haunting vocals and complex melodies. Edwards negates predictable pop formulas, often incorporating her fans into the mix and improvising song sketches.  Her albums are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Melanie Edwards's Website

Accepting Imperfection and Making Peace with Our “Piece in Progress”

“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” ~Unknown

I’m back in New York City after touring for the last five years as a global musical scientist.

My international and domestic sonic experiments took me all over the world to exotic lands and faraway locales.

I climbed the Inca Trail for four days straight while combating altitude sickness, learning how to speak at low capacity oxygen levels (imagine Darth Vader), and hemoglobin adaptation became my mantra.

I also wrote and recorded a number one single in Copenhagen, Denmark. Likewise, I traveled …