
Posts by Ramaa Sharma

Ramaa is a Journalist and Multi Media Trainer by trade. Outside of work she enjoys blogging about creativity, spirituality and lifestyle matters. For more like this visit her blog rightbrainblogger.wordpress.com.

Ramaa Sharma's Website

How to Find Peace of Mind in Under 500 Words

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” ~Proverb

Practice and patience are like inseparable twins that have the capacity to bring us great joy when in harmony, and great angst when they are not.

Consider the phrase: “Practice and all is coming….”

I didn’t realize the depth of this statement when I first read it in my Ashtanga yoga manual several years ago.

Sri K Pattabhi Jois was the Yogi who said it repeatedly to all his students. And it is perfectly reasonable for one to assume he was referring to the daily practice …