Forum Replies Created
May 19, 2017 at 12:02 am #149891
Participant@ Anita… I had a chat with my wife about the situation. Told her that she needs to stop yelling. Asked her if she was hitting him. I had a mixed answer. She told me that he doesn’t listen and that sometimes he frustrates her. About hitting she neither acknowledged nor denied. About yelling she told me that she is with him the whole day playing, feeding and looking after him and she only yells when he is teasing her more than usual. She told me that she will be more careful in the future and that she too thinks it’s wrong to yell at the child. Then we had an awkward talk where she tried to convey that she is the mother and I don’t know anything about how to raise a child. I just listened as I know arguing will make matters worse.
About her doing job… I am in no position to give her go ahead. It was combined family elder’s decision which was conveyed by her mother. My saying in this matter will not have any weight in this scenario. She is my wife by name ….. it’s complicated… she is closer to her family than me. Also I have stopped telling her what to do a long time ago. Her parents also want her to do job but they also love their grandson and they think he should be her first priority. I know as soon as he is talking she will go back to her job.
You wrote “her yelling and beating him may very well delay and even prevent him from speaking in the future. He may never speak (a possibility).” It’s not like that at all. I know what yelling and beating is and my wife is not doing it on that lever. She is just stern with him sometimes. Believe me I will not let anyone harm my child not even his mother and my wife knows it too. I told you he is a happy child always smiling and playing (until he wants something…then he is all kicking and screaming). He has started saying uncompleted words months ago. He is just affected by the operation. He never crawled because of that either. He will start talking soon.
May 18, 2017 at 5:11 am #149815A.J
Participant@ Smile… My pleasure.
I just told you what I thought would help you. We are not perfect. but that doesn’t mean we can’t help others.
Best of Luck
May 18, 2017 at 5:07 am #149813A.J
Participant@ Keeping Calm… I am a husband of a child and been married for 3 years. Never had a good relationship with my parents due to their fights and beating, Never had good relationship with my brother and sister who left me with my parents to suffer. For a person like me my only salvation was to find a good life partner. I found my wife carefully chose her and purposed her. First 6 months were the best days of my life. she was loving, caring and 100% the women I wanted. Then due to my parents involvement we had fights. She started fading away from me. The more I tried to hold her the far away she went from me.
So slowly my wife started showing nearly same symptoms as your husband. She would neglect me and spend time with her family and friends. I tried connecting with her through arguments, long discussions and sometimes fights but all she said was that I am too needy, clingy that she has her own life that she has her rights. It was like she was no more interested in me.
Then I stopped giving her my attention. I started creating space between us. Started going home late. Showing minimal involvement in her life. Whenever she confronted me I just didn’t share my feelings. My feelings were that “if she doesn’t care why should I?” She started spending more time with her parents. She told me she needs to complete the studies and has to go to her parents because atmosphere at my home is not good for studies. I let her go…..because I didn’t care. I was fed up with her behaviour towards me.
When she came back she was always involved with her parents her friends or cell phone. Then someday I checked her mobile and she was involved with some unknown guy secretly (Sexting and other stuff). When I confronted she told me It was because of me and because of the gap I created. It’s not the same after that. There is no trust now when I think of my wife. But we already had a child so for the sake of my child I let it go. I forgave her. I started giving her more attention because I thought I was the cause but she was the same as usual. Her friends and family were more important to her. Next year she cheated again (Not physically but cheating is cheating again, chatting in night with another man). Some people are not mentally able to commit to relationship. I again compromised for my child’s future who was only 1 year old at the second time. Being a man I can’t take care of my child in the culture I live in. Divorced men are not treated nicely among family and the child suffers throughout his life.
Now I give all my time to myself and my child. I am polite with my wife and treat her as the mother of my child. From the start of this year I made my mind and didn’t fight with her whatsoever. Even in a heated argument I tell her to do what she wants and that I will not fight with her. One time in a forced fight when she gave me threat to leave I told her to just “Go, I don’t care anymore” Slowly slowly now she is trying to change herself. She gives me more attention and tries to ask me what I want in all matters but I still say to her …”do as you wish“. Because in the end I can’t trust her. I am just living for my kid. What she does…whether she stays or goes, cheats or lies ….. I doesn’t matter to me anymore.
If you can, learn from my life please…. Don’t create a barrier, give marriage counselling a chance, involve elders or any third party help. Think about your child’s future. I hope he is not cheating on you and if he is not don’t give him reason to cheat. Once the trust is broken …. nothing can mend it. Believe me … there is no meaningful relationship without trust.
Best of Luck.
May 18, 2017 at 3:00 am #149809A.J
ParticipantDear Soulonfire,
Sometimes we create our own demons. These bad things are figmentation of our imagination and we give them so much time and start acting in defense to them that they become real. I have my personal experience in this. Don’t overthink things.
If you want to overthink…. think about your partner, of his well being, ways you can make his life better. You are just scared that someone you loved will fade away in other relationship. Don’t give him reason to fade away. Love him more, care for him more. Get out with him more share your adventures more and make the other girl jealous. If you are then stop discussing her with your boyfriend altogether. Don’t feed your demons to your partner.
Stop treating the other girl as your boyfriend’s ex and treat her as his sister’s friend. If you are living in past, you will eventually let her spoil your future. She is no one just a friend of his sister and nothing more.
If your partner is mentioning her more often, grab this opportunity. Show him that you are a bit jealous, love him more by making his next moments special. He will like it and love you more (I know I will).
Best of luck.
May 18, 2017 at 12:08 am #149803A.J
Participant@ Anita … It’s complicated. I live in a culture where there is a close family system. Although my elder brother has abandon my mother and showed her several times that he will not keep her with him, I can’t do that. It’s morally wrong and she won’t survive alone. My elder brother is her favourite because he takes care of her financially but he doesn’t talk to her. My younger sister (yes I am a middle child, younger to first born and elder to the only girl) is married and has 3 kids of her own. I know her husband has beaten her several times and shouts at her regularly. But she knows that she has nowhere to go. In our culture divorce women have a little future. She can’t take care of my mother either because of her own problems. After the death of my father the whole family knows that I have to take care of her. I don’t really care about the whole family …they were not there to save me but I care about my in-laws.
My Father-in-law and Mother-in-law are the parents I always wanted. They are the main reason behind choosing my wife. They have always been my ideal family. My son loves them too. They told me not to abandon her and that my mother only acted like that because of my father. Funny thing is that my father or mother never yelled at or hit my kid. It’s like the rules have changed altogether when you are grandparents. My mother takes care of my child when my wife is not around and believe me she is so nice to him. She tells my wife often not to shout at him and comforts my child when he is crying or yelling. If she was with my child as she was with me nothing on the earth would have stopped me from moving out. But as for now she is old & alone and we are her only company.
You are right I need to tell my wife to stop before it goes out of control. I will talk to her and tell her that she should stop altogether or at least stop yelling at the child if I am around. My wife was the first born in her family so she is a bit spoiled and moody but she is good at heart. After all its her only child. I ignore her shouting at me because the only thing I learned from my experience is patience and compromise. We agreed on family planning and didn’t have the child in our first year. My wife wanted to complete her studies and have a good career. It was my mother and father who told her that they need to see their grandchildren before dying. I didn’t care and feared for the future of my child but in the end my wife persuaded me because she wanted the child as well. I never wanted children because I didn’t know what I would end up doing.
My wife is better educated than me. She has done her masters recently (completed it during our marriage and birth of the child). She loves status & power and want to pursue a career. She started going on job soon after we were married even when my child was 1 year old she started going at her job again. She tries but she is not a housewife. She gets frustrated doing housework and taking care of the kid at the same time. In one word she wanted to be a strong independent woman but she is stuck in a house with a mother-in-law and a small child. I have not even graduated but I have self learned computers and graphic designing and I earn enough to support my family. She wants to start her career again but her mother (my mother-in-law) told her not to. She told my wife to wait at least until my child learns how to speak. I remember every time she went to office we had to drop our child to the in-laws because we were not comfortable with him being alone with my father and mother. All those times she needed to study she persuaded me let her go to her mother’s house or the university ground or to a friends home. Even after marriage I think she has been at her home for 1 year in these 3 years. And I agreed because I knew it’s impossible to study in environment I grew in. So you see my child has been away from me and my parents from the start. Whenever he was not staying with them every weekend I took him to in-laws to have a good time. He is a happy child as a result.
I am sorry I went off the topic I just felt like sharing it.
May 17, 2017 at 10:30 pm #149799A.J
ParticipantDear Smile,
I don’t think she will give it to your friend or other person. She knows that you want the property and she is using it to connect to you again. She probably already has a plan how to connect to you again because she has previous experience in it.
I would suggest to change your thinking style. Caught her off guard emotionally, a surprise visit if you can. Show her that you are changed. Don’t repeat your patterns. Don’t repeat past with her. I would suggest not to mention past things and don’t let her mention it either. Tell her you don’t care about the past. Show her you have moved on. She will lose interest if you don’t act like you anymore. She knows her tactics will only work with old you. If you can’t do this then don’t engage her directly because she has experience in winning and you have experience in losing to her.
Second option is to not to contact her directly. Talk through your sister or mutual friend. Tell her that she can’t change and you can’t live with the person she is. Tell her she doesn’t care about you. Tell her if she is sincere she will give property to mutual friend as a good gesture. Tell her you need a break to think about things. Tell her you have to know if she is sincere. Don’t show her it’s over just show her that you are on a break. The goal here is to get your property back because you already know she can’t change.
Best of Luck.
May 17, 2017 at 6:09 am #149725A.J
ParticipantDear Jan,
You already know the answer to your question. We feel being used when we are being used. What has happened is happened and is in the past. You can’t change it but you can prevent it from happening again.
Your family should be the one to protect you in these situations. See why your sister is annoyed. Talk to her, aren’t you close with her? tell her you are sorry and you need her help. If you don’t trust family with this information then tell a friend who will understand it. Alone you can’t fight or resist him….if you could this would not have happened in first place.
You need a good company to guide you. Recognise your weakness and you will overcome it. If no one is there for you believe me “I am here, we are here”.
Always use protection. NO matter what.
In the end.. Dear….wait for love… will know it when you are loved….and love without sex will ruin it.
Best of luck
May 17, 2017 at 5:23 am #149719A.J
Participant@ Mother of 3 ….. Yes I have played horsey with him. I tickle and tackle him regularly. I hug him and kiss him whenever I get chance. I do these things because my father never did them. My wife says to talk to him …that he understands stuff but I can’t I don’t know what to say and I don’t believe that he understands yet. Whenever we say “No, don’t do it” he does it anyways. His grandparent (Wife’s father) takes him out and buys new toys for him regularly. They have a special bond and I am never jealous but happy because even if I can’t have such bond I know he is having it from someone else. Sometimes it hurts when he goes from my lap to his grand parent. I am not able to give him more time because sometimes I am tired, he is about to be feeded, it’s his nap time, he is watching cartoon on his tab, he is with my mom, he is with my wife, he is with his toys or he is running around happily. For me it’s always like….leave him alone don’t force yourself on him… give him space… don’t disturb him. Even when in group I prefer somebody else to grab him. I don’t want to restrain him from anything. I don’t want to be the bad guy. I often get yelled at by my wife due to that. Last week I was having cold juice and he came to me for a sip and I let him. Now he has flu and chest infection and I am the one to blame… wife reminds me everyday. I know I will just go out of the room next time … leaving him crying behind me.
I usually get my time with him when he is sleeping between me and my wife in the night. Then he is playing with me we are tickling and gently biting each other or he is sitting on my belly…… while his mother is shouting at him and me to go to sleep. This happens almost every night. He always sleeps closer to me… forcing me to go to the edge of the bed… while my wife has more to herself. She never complains.
Thankyou but I am not much of a book reader. I will find e-books or read articles as usual. I am just so confused when engaging with him. On the other hand I am normal when he comes to me. I don’t even buy toys for him because he can get hurt while playing or swallow something. I know I am hopeless.
May 17, 2017 at 4:24 am #149715A.J
Participant@ Anita I just fear I will end in my father’s footsteps. I have a blood pressure problem my BP is 140/100 at normal times even when I am not angry. I get angry very fast often with my Mom and I regret it so much afterwards. It’s like I am programed by such way. I end up by shouting to her or to myself. It just happens. Sometimes when my wife is telling my kid to not to do something and he is doing it anyway I get flared up but I remember my past and control myself. I am very gentle with my child and let him do whatever he wants. He has become stubborn and I often get annoyed due to that. He has not learned to talk yet. he is 2 and a half years old but he had surgery when he was 6 months old and I guess that’s why he is taking time to develop verbal communication. Maybe when he is able to understand me then we will go out and have alone time. Should I wait for that? what will I do when he doesn’t listen to me outside? Unlike me his mother shouts at him. My mom told me that my wife did hit him several times. But my wife knows my beliefs and even if she hits him she will never hit him in front of me. I know how much my wife loves him and I know that she will shout or hit him only to teach him because she had a normal life unlike me.
May 17, 2017 at 3:56 am #149713A.J
ParticipantDear Smile,
If you want your property badly just know these things first hand.
- She can engage you in conversation by using that property.
- You can easily be manipulated by her because she knows how to control you.
- She can deny you the access to said property.
- She has already damaged your property.
Here I will show you two ways to deal with this situation.
- Use a mutual friend or person to engage with other party and demand for your property. Don’t go or communicate directly. I guess this is the mature way.
- Go to her and say you miss her so much have a good day with her. Grab your property at the end and don’t look back. Leave her wondering on this outcome and have your closure at the same time.
Whatever you do just make your mind about her beforehand and don’t leave behind any unresolved feelings.
Best of Luck.
May 16, 2017 at 7:36 am #149613A.J
ParticipantDear Smile,
Trust is the main part of any long term relationship. Do you think you can trust her? Even if with a miracle she is all nice to you and responds to you exactly the way you want her to. Will you trust her? If you can’t then just leave her and continue. Don’t traumatize yourself over something that has no future.
It’s hard to leave someone/something that is part of your routine. We feel like we will never find something better. But is it better if it is hurting you again and again? You already know the answer.
Dear …someone who cares for you will not hurt you or lie to you.
Here she is not your enemy …you are….love yourself and just treat her as a past you can learn from.