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ParticipantThis post is so interesting. I think part of the problem is you’re globalizing. You feel “everyone” is a narcissist, sociopath, asshole etc. This is purely your perception of things …… it’s the way you’re seeing the world. I get into similar states & what helps is just using some basic logic like this ” if there are 8 billion people on the planet, what are the chances that all of them suck and I’m the only person that doesn’t suck?” The reality is we are all a mix of personalities, dispositions & moods. Even people that are generally negative have a good day & positive people have off days. I think your best bet is to dig deeper and try to question your assumptions & change them. You’ll be way more effective at trying to change yourself then everyone else around you.
ParticipantHey dude, I’d stop being so hard on yourself. You’re just young & shy & lonely and there’s probably nothing wrong with you. Authentically communicating & connecting with people is hard and part of the reason we all get on this forum is to fill a void and connect with others. You should try and accept yourself but also keep working towards finding those social interactions you desperately need. I do have friends that are very socially awkward & they are completely unaware of how they come across to people. You may wanna find a trusted friend or family member and ask them to be brutally honest with you about how you come across to people but beware, this can be hard to hear & even harder to change
ParticipantThere’s studies that show vegetarians & vegans kill just as many animals or more through the farming machinery used to produce their food. Eating small amounts of meat is necessary for optimal heath of most people. I tried to go meat free because of a similar belief system and I started falling apart physically. So for people like me the only choice is to find humanely raised beef & stay away from CAFO’s & factory farming.
ParticipantFor what it’s worth, I think you should just try to live in the present moment & enjoy life as much as you can. The future will take care of itself and you can cross that bridge when you get to it. Why poison your present moments with negative thinking ? Just practice balance with your physical activity & hope for the best ….. same thing with the boyfriend, go ahead & move in with him and enjoy your life as it currently is. When things change you guys can always re-evaluate the situation and decide if you wanna stay together. Hope this helps.
ParticipantI’ve gone on crazy restrictive diets in the past and it seems like the extreme discipline always leads to a breaking point where I’ll binge. The more restrictive the diet the stronger & longer the binge. I think this is a natural cycle & you can only break it by getting in tune with your bodies natural needs & finding a homeostasis. I think stressing about it & beating yourself up will probably only make the problem worse …… I’d look at other stresses in you life like relationships, overexercise, lack of sleep etc & once you get those in order I bet the binges will chill out a bit. Hope this helps