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ParticipantI feel as though I am taking steps in the right direction most of the time. I am thinking about it a lot still but it’s not all fantasizing. I think I am finding it difficult with attachment because as an individual she definitely had certain things I liked in terms of a partner. But the mental instability and unresolved trauma was obviously the parts I didn’t like but couldn’t take away.
The other things making it difficult is knowing I actually did try everything. I changed a lot, I wrote letter, poems, supported her, did things she liked, reasoned with her and put lots of effort in. I am also proud of this just knowing how much I can do for someone is a good feeling. It’s also nice knowing that’s how I am as a person.
Lastly it just feels bad realizing that she didn’t love me the same way I did to her. But that’s okay because I know I will receive the same love one day.
I have been writing down a lot of the bad things and it should’ve been such a red flag as to how fragile and insecure she was. I remember one time I picked a movie that was about child abuse in a church. She freaked out straight away and asked me if that’s what I’m into and why I would be interested in a movie like that. So she was basically accusing me of being a pedophile or atleast had thoughts of it because I chose a movie based on the topic. I figured it was all just related to her trauma. But looking back now I see how sensitive she was.
Anyway I just thought I would post again to get some stuff off my chest. I’m writing down goals in my notes and I have a good list so far!
ParticipantShe did allow me to feel the deepest feelings I’ve had in my life. When it comes to a romantic partner atleast. I am proud of myself for how good of a lover and partner I was even if we didn’t always see eye to eye.
You explained that very well and it puts it into perspective when you say “So you had a girl with untreated mental health issues, who basically blamed you for being upset about her moods, and wanted you to stay silent. And she managed”
The list is very long and it did shock me how that’s not even half of it.
No she wasn’t enjoying life at all she was in a terrible spot and it affecting the whole relationship.I am still processing it and realizing that it’s actually over for the best. I can feel small improvements slowly coming. I daydream not as much as last time we split.
Maybe it does have something to do with being able to fully feel. Like I said earlier it was the most I’ve ever felt. I really was on cloud nine at times.
ParticipantI will definitely keep posting here, I do really enjoy talking about it in an odd way. Some of my friends actually told me to just drop as it was getting quite old for them. I can understand where they are coming from as they see the situation from a different perspective and don’t have that investment that I did. They can see that she was no good for me but I still miss her. I almost feel like I’m chasing a high and I would go through those lows just for that high again.
You spoke about being down and daydreaming earlier, I spoke to my psych about a similar thing. I almost enjoy that feeling a bit as it is real pain and it not something I always experience. It’s like I force my mind to really feel the emotions and dig deep to bring it all up at times like this. However it can be destructive if I delve into it too much.
I was thinking today how the relationship changed overtime and how it got worse after each break up. It’s like I was punished for being comfortable around her and towards the end I wasn’t comfortable but I still didn’t want to loose her at any time during our relationship. People don’t know what they have until they loose it, I think is the quote. I feel like I knew what I had and that I could loose it very easily.
Considering what some of my friends have said do you think it will come to a point where I am just holding onto nothing and talking about it too much? Have I already crossed that point? My friends were very supportive and I guess they think talking about it isn’t helping me heal sometimes as I go too deep into it.
ParticipantI honestly think she will reach out one day and I won’t be able to tell if she is lying or has truly changed or atleast wants too. I give people my all and maybe it’s something to do with being to readily available that people table advantage of that fact.
Okay so if she reaches out I’ll just ask how she is going and if she has a job or is doing therapy. Then maybe we could talk? Is that what your saying? I am trying to not linger on the possibility it’s just difficult after everything she has told me.
She wanted to enjoy life without being medicated as she felt it would disconnect her a bit, I think that was her main reason so I was supportive of that. I understood.
Everyone is telling me she will grow and mature then come to notice how committed and caring you really were. I think this in itself gives me hope and causes wishful thinking. I told her myself I would do it all over again. She will struggling with relationships, not many people could put up with her I think and would do the healthy thing and leave much before I did. I still catch myself wanting to look at her social media etc. I don’t want to block her though for some reason, like if I do block her she won’t message me, almost like I’m holding on it still. I feel bad about how I left our final message, I only said goodbye and time we go out separate ways. I was quite blunt and my friend said there’s no hope so just be firm with her. However I regret not saying more now but that would’ve probably just created more turmoil.
I think it just got worse as time went on, last time I was really devastated and blinded by love. I felt like it was something I did. She was also in a very bad spot in her life and she still is I think this is another reason why I want to be there for her, although I was told I wasn’t.
I don’t understand this attachment fully but it’s hard to process and deal with.Thanks for the list Tee, I will write some of these downs and add onto my own!
I do suffer from anxiety and it’s always at its highest when I’m dealing with break ups. I always feel so on edge after them and struggle to move on.
ParticipantHey Tee
I think if she reached out anytime soon I would have a discussion with her about why we can’t. What do you think if she reaches out in the distant future? That is a worry of mine. I feel as I would still have some attachment years from now.
Everything we have spoken about in the past few days especially has made it a lot clearer to what was going on. I never even had a thought of emotional abuse in my life until the week before the break up. I think I was experiencing it more and more as time went on. I felt like at the start when she was working and on her correct medication that the relationship was a lot better. But come to think of it we had break ups every 2 months. Either way we were splitting up but maybe it wasn’t until later when I actually experienced the manipulation etc.
Not a lot of hobbies unfortunately. I do like riding occasionally and walking. Gaming is usually my escape too. However I felt like that got taken away a bit. Yes work and the house definitely give me some fulfillment, like my effort at work has rewarded a house I guess.
I have lots of friends so I am lucky there. I didn’t see them much during the relationship and she had only met them all a few times. My best friend and Mum have been the most supportive during all the break ups.
I don’t think it’s anything related to my childhood. My memories are all nice, my parents were great, my brother caring.
I was thinking today about my ex and her family. Her mother was very sweet, her father was nice but he definitely had a switch and could snap. Very similar to my ex in ways and from what she’s told me he would get quite angry at her when she was young. Her sister is on the same medication as her also. I think a lot of this could be related.
I know how to treat myself right and focus on myself it will come to me again soon enough. I have support for when I’m lonely and daydreaming. I am obviously upset but overall I’m coping. Still a bit of a shock to the system in saying that even after so many times.
I will start writing some stuff down myself but any help would be greatly appreciated! I do fantasize about a relationship with her at times but I’m getting good at pulling myself out of that train of thought and unpacking what the relationship actually was in reality.
I think I am already doing all those things. Setting precautions for fantasizing, surrounding myself with support, going to therapy etc.
I guess I am taking the right steps then. I don’t think I’m depressed just very emotional about it all, there’s not really much relief though.
ParticipantNo we are not staying friends. Like you mentioned I was there for her for 11 months straight. She was only saying things like ‘I’d love to still have you in my life’ but I don’t think she actually meant it. If she did I would be.
She really blamed me for a lot. It hurt to hear her say that in her final message. That she took it out on me because that’s what it really felt like at the time and I was so confused, I tore myself apart because I thought I was overthinking it. Made me feel worthless and like I was doing something wrong but it was her just taking anger out on me.
There was so many things, mostly innocent that triggered her. I wouldn’t even no where to start but whenever there was a disagreement her first reaction was to leave and it almost seemed like a power move to keep me on my toes.
I remember after we got back together last time I explained I will want some free space occasionally. The one time I said to her I want a night to myself she was okay with it. However the very next day she said she wanted a night to herself. I had no issues with it either.
However the next day she told me she only said that to be petty. She wanted me to know that I can’t pick and choose when I see her. I stopped asking for my own time after that.I was like a parent, partner, caretaker, brother and a friend all in one. It was a full time job and it became so consuming and overwhelming.
It does kind of make sense to me but I’m not really sure how to get in touch with my inner child.
I am trying to focus on things that make me happy. Work and my house is a big priority for me. At the moment it’s hard to find things that make me happy but I’m glad I’m not walking on egg shells anymore. I had this realization last night when I was sitting and home and it just seemed so peaceful. No responsibility with how another person is feeling. No bad moods affecting my mood.I felt loved as a child I think as a teenager, especially from girls I didn’t feel loved. More judged. I might have attachment issues because of this, I’m planning to speak to my psych about it too.
Any tips of healing my inner child? It’s been a week now and I’m honestly feeling okay, I’m just digging up all the old things that I kept my mouth shut about. And there is a lot of things I regret not speaking up about but as discussed it wouldn’t have changed anything if I told her.
ParticipantSo I ended up getting my things. There was no conversation at all, she was blunt and cold. Typical she messaged me later but that was our final goodbye because she couldn’t do it in person.
She admitted to emotionally processing the break up before it happened and taking it out on me. Her ‘deal breaker’ was the difference between us. Because of the differences in us it wasn’t the relationship she wanted to have. Made me realise that it was all manipulation, especially this.
She said she wants to be there for eachother but doesn’t see how it would work without being together. I decided to just leave it at that because I feel like I got a bit of an answer and atleast she admitted to certain and owned up as well.
No she didn’t want to change. By her last message she wanted to relationship to work around her and accommodate to her needs and wants. I am starting to see it now more I think.
I am going to move on because that’s not what I want from a partner in the end. A relationship shouldn’t be that difficult. It was super toxic.She definitely used the break ups as a way to control me, whether she knew it or not. She knew I was readily available when she wanted. When she would pull away I would always be following behind ready to give her my heart back but not this time.
No time was any different, it honestly just got worse and spiraled out of control. All the false promises, still no work, still left, still unstable and the list goes on. Those few things should’ve been enough for me to leave. As you said leaving would’ve been a healthy reaction in the first place. It was all just a fantasy and in reality she was not good for me.
I was good enough though in the end she even said I did nothing wrong which I already knew. It was her not me. I was trapped and got brought down by her disgusting moods.
It does hurt a lot and the pain of being alone I can handle but it’s just how she burned me that hurts. I trusted her completely again and it was broken again. It’s always the ones closest to you. I know what I deserve though.
I’ll get back to being happy pretty quickly I think. I will find my passions again and the weekend boredom will soon vanish. It’s still quite fresh for me.
I get so attached and clingy especially with exes and I don’t know why. I think it’s because now that person is gone all the memories we shared feel like they are gone as well. I have been told by too many people now that she has totally consumed me and I need to forget so it’s what I’ll try to do. It’s the only thing I’ve been thinking and stressing about for months now and it’s not healthy.
I do have a deep longing for love and maybe it’s related to my inner child. I know one day I will find someone but in the meantime I will try focus on loving myself again.
Thanks Tee
ParticipantYeh I really tied supporting her 24/7 but it was like a full time job. I was so tired after work then I’d come home and be waiting for a message that could go either way depending on her mood. I was always myself around her at first but the more she became unstable and voice concerns the more I would feel like I wasn’t enough.
I was attached to her definitely and I still am finding it hard not to be. The idea of her changing just lingers in my head. I couldn’t leave because I had so much faith and trust that she would stick it out and push through those hard times, I can’t understand why she didn’t. Why she had to leave makes no sense to me still.
I didn’t expect the cycle to change straight away that’s why I stuck around. I was prepared to wait for her to find work, get off meds and hopes she would end up in the better place. I couldn’t push her anymore than I already had. So you think that we only reconciled in the past because I reached out? Last time I did send letter etc. but she reached out to me before she received all of that. it makes me think we will still rekindle and she will want to, so I’m not sure what to do or think.
In an ideal situation I wouldn’t be loosing myself your right. It hurts a lot loosing her because I really feel like she was the one and that it was a shared vision. In her eyes I think she was bringing me down and that’s why she left. But that sounds like an excuse if that’s the reason.
Yeh there is definitely a deep longing and it’s difficult to let go of it. I still think about reaching out and the what’s ifs. I am yet to hear back about grabbing my things. I am a bit anxious about now where as the other day I wasn’t.
I just wanted to find myself with her and I thought I really could’ve. Maybe she didn’t feel the same.
ParticipantI guess I could have become dependent on her overtime considering I was a lot happier in the beginning. Eventually her mood would also affect mine, she told me she never wanted her bad moods to affect people and that’s why she chose to leave at times and be distant. That’s how she is in reality.
She said she did want to work on healing but she didn’t really take any action on it. Do you think I pushed her to change too much? I did earlier in the relationship, but then I stopped and was left waiting for her to still get work, therapy etc.
So you think I was in love with the idea of what she could be? There was a lot I loved and also a lot I didn’t but I put up with it. I taught myself that it was okay and this was just who she was.
She wasn’t content with me at all in the last 3 or so weeks. She was often in my ear telling me I need to change my priorities and be there for her etc.
I do see how the reality is a lot different and I think that’s what hurts but I do feel I am healing as well. Just the thought of it all actually ending causes grief.
I don’t know why I am latching into an imagined future. I feel like each day I think about it a tiny bit more. I will try my hardest to not beautify the relationship and remember what it actually was.
I will chat with my psych about it as well.
ParticipantNights and mornings are definitely the hardest at the moment. I have been thinking quite a lot just trying to unpack a lot of what’s happened.
I feel she casted me into a role of being an individual to shelter and protect her from all things bad. When I could not do this all the time in reality and this caused her to feel that I wasn’t truly loving her. I think I cast myself in the role as well, all I wanted to do was to keep her happy and content while understanding that I was here. In the end she needed to be there for herself.
I am finding it hard at the moment to dig up that feeling I had over the last couple weeks when we were together. The feeling of loosing myself and becoming a shell. All I can think is it was right person wrong time. But I know I can’t wait around for the ‘right time’ as much as I want too.
I do feel my love towards her diminished a bit towards the end. I tried everything and nothing, neither would help. I wanted to love her completely so bad but I just felt alone and walking around egg shells shifted all my focus onto her. Relationships are a 2 way street but we couldn’t meet in the middle for some reason. I also started smoking again and I think it was because I was wanting an escape. She knew I was smoking and told me she had no issues with it. It did become a habit but I didn’t advertise it.
I keep thinking of a past message she gave about what she was wanting. To selfishly have me in her arms where she is safe and comfortable but knowing that she will only cause more pain for the both of us in the long run and have to do it all over again. It was basically spot on and I can’t help but reflect on it. This worries me about the future also as I believe she will still want to rekindle one day but may be the same even in the far future
ParticipantI felt the less I’d upset her the more I would be anxious on walking on egg shells. But when I spoke up I felt I was shut down and told I wasn’t listening to her.
She took everything I said about her as an attack. All my comments about her getting work, her attitude etc were always taken personally and I was told not to bring it up. She use to say things along the lines of ‘I shouldn’t feel bad for feeling a certain way‘ , yet when I would say something similar it was unfair in her eyes. It was always a double standard.
Thanks for the advice I will see what happens first. I am not anxious about it at the moment.
I know she wasn’t doing it on purpose but as you said it’s still not right. I learned a lot and I think the hardest thing at the moment is just dealing with having my trust broken again.
i have been so bored recently so I’m trying to stay occupied especially on the weekend!
ParticipantI was relying on her for happiness in a lot of cases but I slowly started to feel alone towards the end. Like I lost myself trying to help her.
It really did feel like she was a child, the last argument we had sparked because she was upset over nothing, just her feeling down. I think all the back and forth was due to her but towards the end I pulled back a bit also. I couldn’t constantly be responsible for how she was feeling. I never made her responsible for my feelings which I regret not making her more accountable but as you said nothing would change.
I believe she will contact me again. She will need to drop off some things of mine in the next week and I will return hers. Not sure how we should go about that. Do you think having contact is a bad idea? Should we not speak and just grab our things and go separate ways like she said she wanted?
I am talking about it to a lot of people and using my support. It’s just a shock to the system realizing I was being abused and manipulated a lot of the time.
I will stay in touch on here as well as be proactive and look for distractions to keep myself busy.
I will post any updates here!Adam
ParticipantHey Tee,
I feel a lot better about it this time. I understand she hasn’t changed now. The final break up text cemented that. Again no closure and was too much of a coward to even do it in person.
It. Really did feel like it was all about her and your analogy of the remote control car in one of your previous comments was a perfect one. She really did control everything including how I felt. When I would resist or stand my ground it was more signs of imperfect love, I was only trying to encourage her own self reliance. I was living through the lens of her happiness and not my own.
I never heard of trauma bonding until today but I started seeing the signs of emotional abuse last week. This was definitely what I was experience as well as manipulation. I think it was unintentional but still that isn’t what I want from a relationship.
I do feel a bit different, I don’t know how to describe it but I feel violated and taken advantage.
She told me I need to change by being there for her more and understanding what she was feeling. I was constantly told I wasn’t listening to her or understanding her needs. Yet I understood fully, however she didn’t understand mine. The responsibility of work and owning a house is a lot. She has neither and for this reason she couldn’t understand the demand of my life at times. Always about her, always dismissing my valid points in arguments and telling me I was going round in circles. To be fair we both were.
She would accuse me of not having my priorities right, expecting that she should be number 1 before anything else. My priority is my future, family and me. I feel as if these all correlate in my life and a partner is included in that, not any higher or lower on some list. Speaking of lists she was always trying to get one up on me during arguments like it was a scoreboard. She was actually just plain rude to me during our last argument and not rational at all. I felt so defeatedI am waking up to it. I felt so trapped and alone the day before she left me. It’s because I was in the end. I was suffering in silence because of her mental instability. I felt as I couldn’t speak in fear of upsetting her or just being straight up rejected. That in itself is hurting me as I am questioning if I maybe should have spoken up more. However I don’t think it would change any outcome.
I know I need to stop. I have removed her off everything and my headspace is on fixing myself and not latching onto hopes of a future relationship. I texted My psych again today I hopes to book another appointment. I bottled everything up last session as I was too afraid to say I felt I was being abused emotionally, I wasn’t sure if it was me overthinking.
thanks for the reply Tee
ParticipantI watched the video and it did honestly describe my situation so well. I related to it a lot. I felt I was trapped and walking on egg shells, any word or action could set her off and cause me anxiety about what’s around the corner. Yet I got blamed for holding back despite everything that happened in the past. I guess I just couldn’t look past her leaving me and it probably added to the difficulty of a relationship.
she told me nothing changed even though she told me what I needed to do. However I don’t believe I needed to change anything.
As explained in the video it wasn’t a relationship that I wanted but I did tell myself and I push past this and deal with all the bad despite how it made me feel there would be light at the end.
The whole situation sucks but I am feeling a tad better about it this time, I think I’ve just woken up to what was happening and I also got over trying to fill a bottomless pit with my love. I lost myself in the process 🙁
ParticipantHey Tee,
Apologies for not replying to your last message sooner. I have been pretty average. Things didn’t work out with my ex but we did try again. As you explained the cycle just kept happening.
I had a lot of doubt myself after last time and I just couldn’t get my head to forget what she did to me in the past and it just made me feel worse about myself and cause distance.
It dawned on me a couple of days ago that I felt as I couldn’t be myself and do what I want to do. She needed a caregiver 247 and when I wasn’t there for her it was again signs of me not loving her enough and her not getting what she was wanting.
We were fighting a lot the last couple weeks and it was all brought on due to her not feeling connected etc. we’d have a chat and sort things out but then again days or a week later she would say she wasn’t getting what she wanted.
I feel quite attacked honestly. I don’t think my side was ever considered and she would selfishly use me as a punching bag for her irrational behavior. I felt really shit about myself after an argument the other night and I remember thinking I can’t leave her but that she was going to do it soon. Now it’s happened and I may not be happy at the moment but I needed an out. I think I may have been receiving slight emotion abuse at times.
I will check out that video! Thanks Tee hope you’ve been well also