
Alexey Sunly

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  • in reply to: Embittered about College #43124
    Alexey Sunly

    Please, see the following thread to learn how to help yourself in this situation 🙂 OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS

    in reply to: feeling down #43123
    Alexey Sunly

    Please, see the following thread to learn how to help yourself 🙂 OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS

    in reply to: Secrets #43122
    Alexey Sunly

    All mental illnesses are a product of poor physical health. Yes, your chances of developing similar mental condition rises if your parents have one, not simply because of genetics, but also the health habits they pass onto you. If you want to reduce your chances of developing all and any mental issues in the future you can start with the following thread here: OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS, and continue on from there while teaching your mom how to take better care of herself so as to minimize and potentially even reverse the effects of her condition 🙂

    As for privacy concerns, if you are ever diagnosed with a health issue, you will know exactly how you mom feels when it comes to sharing that kind of information. You should feel sympathy and empathy for her, and anger for those who let it happen to her. And if your dad does not know, he should, but you do not have the right to share that information. You can, however, convince her to share it herself. People may be willing to help her more if they understand the reasons for some of her behaviour.

    in reply to: Changing #43018
    Alexey Sunly

    It does take a lot of time sometimes to build trust with some people. Now, imagine how much longer it might take to rebuild it! Well, the best and the most efficient way to do it that I know is by using your strengths or your natural and developed “Gifts” to help others in your community. You can do that by getting a job that you can be really good at or simply volunteering in a position that will allow you to apply those “Gifts” of yours. And if you are wondering what those strengths might be, may I suggest we play a game called Your Powers WITHIN! 🙂

    in reply to: Lost in Transition #43013
    Alexey Sunly

    No need to join a Buddhist monastery to get your life as well as your mind and body in order 🙂 In fact, going there may not help you! But if you really really want to do that, may I suggest we play a game first 😉 Your Powers WITHIN!.

    If you still want to join a Buddhist monastery after playing that game by the rules I have outlined there, you should go 🙂

    in reply to: Has anyone taken part in a meditation retreat? #43009
    Alexey Sunly

    There are different types. Some rely on donations and may not have the best food or accommodations available for you. But the main concept is the same: you spend your time mostly meditating either in a group setting or by yourself and sharing chores. In some instances you are not able to talk either. You’ll have to basically find out information specific to the retreat you want to attend. I would suggest to come by the place and ask for a tour, or look for people who went there and ask for their opinions.

    What makes you feel that staying at a Buddhist temple long term will help you or anyone else to have a great life, though? Because if you do not feel that it will, then why bother.

    in reply to: Missing out even when it's my choice? #43006
    Alexey Sunly

    It sounds like you suffer from Anxiety, Anne. Please, check out my post here titled OVERCOME YOUR DEMONS. If you are willing to learn from it and apply all of that, you will get better very soon and fast to enjoy such social occasions in the future! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    in reply to: What "really" scares you? #43005
    Alexey Sunly

    Fears are for people who have time for it. Success oriented people do not suffer from that curse 🙂

    in reply to: Is this what they called love? #41748
    Alexey Sunly

    You CAN love anyone and everyone. What do you mean you want to find someone new you CAN love, when you are free to love anyone you know and don’t know as much as you wish? And as for hoping that someone will love you, that tells me that you have a certain expectation of how people suppose to treat you when they love you. If i tell you right now that I love you, even if I don’t know you, you will either don’t believe me or make me try to prove it to you by acting in a particular way that you think a person in love should act… Well, that’s not how love works, and that’s not how life works. At least, most of the time they don’t, and you can either accept that people love and live in many different ways, or you can try and find a needle in a stack of hay.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    in reply to: Are you a singer? #41744
    Alexey Sunly

    Sounds like pretty heavy stuff to carry around with yourself! For how long have you been avoiding the opportunities to sing again?

    in reply to: Engineering job vs. Regular job #41700
    Alexey Sunly

    Military has some interesting opportunities for civil engineers, you could look into that, but I am not a big fan of the military lifestyle. I doubt you will like it either. Here is the thing you are not realizing, your engineering degree gave you some awesome skills. You really do not have to work as an engineer just because you have that degree. What you need to do is to think about something that really really makes things fun for you. Maybe girls, or fitness, or design, or medicine, or even environment protection, and look for work related to that particular subject. Just search for job titles in that industry (like photography, or fashion, or non profit environmental protection groups) that sounds interesting to you, and identify which skills they are looking for and which you already have. Once you know which skills you need to develop, you can look for other positions that can help you to develop them while utilizing those skills you already have 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    in reply to: I've really messed up #41695
    Alexey Sunly

    It’s not that you “already” feel like you made a mistake, it’s that you “yet” feel like you’ve made a mistake. You’ve made an enormous change in your life! That can be scary and tough for many people, and what you need right now is time to find your comfort zone. The best way to do that is start doing things you were enjoying back home, like reading or playing a certain sport, better yet join a student club that is built around some hobby or subject matter you really enjoy or are good at 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Alexey Sunly.
    in reply to: Is confidence a curse? #41692
    Alexey Sunly

    You are right, confidence is a curse 🙂 But so is infinite doubt.

    I’ve met many confident people in my life who seemed to be so sure that they know what they are doing is right only for me to realize later on that they were completely ignorant of the subject matter at hand. On the other hand, Socrates said, I know nothing. And, supposedly, he was the wisest man in Athens at the time. Because he was not willing to act upon his wisdom, he gave up and let people much more “confident” than him to prosecute and execute him for treason. He even chose to drink the poison himself, even though he had an opportunity to escape.

    Leaders must take into consideration all available to them information. Your job is to continuously seek feedback from people around you about what it is they want and need in order to compare that information with what is possible to achieve at the time. You don’t have to agree with everyone, but you need to listen to everyone, and then make a decision that works for everyone in the best way possible right now. Yes, there will always people who are disappointed with you, that’s the price of being a leader, but even they will be able to admit if you are fair to everyone. It’s a tough job, and very few people can do it well, but as long as you are willing to continuously work and learn in order to improve yourself, you will do really well 🙂

    in reply to: Thank You #41690
    Alexey Sunly

    I agree, Lori did a great job with this website 🙂

    in reply to: Heart Break #41689
    Alexey Sunly

    Hopes are expectations. Sounds like you clinging to some particular version of a perfect future for yourself. That can be very daunting to people around you, especially your intimate partners. I would suggest to start learning to let go of “hopes” and “expectations” and focus on your dreams. Dreams are what guides us, but they are different from expectations because we realize that they do not represent a particular destination, only a path, and, in the end, only the universe can really know where you will end up on that journey.

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