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I gave more thought to your previous question of if there were any changes in my family dynamic and I believe that is around the age that I began to stop being as close to my dad. He kind of took a backseat in raising me which led to me getting much closer to my mom. As I got older, we drifted and mostly argue when we do interact. After moving out for college, our relationship got a little better since we do not have to interact everyday.
This also seems so small now but at that age I had a friend who I was really close to. Her cousin started attending our school and the three of us would play together. I remember feeling like I had to compete with her cousin for her friendship and feeling jealous. Obviously, my friend ‘chose’ her cousin as they are family but as a child this was hard for me to understand I think. This is the first time I remember feeling ‘inadequate’. I have also always struggled with being incredibly shy so feelings of being less-than have always floated in my mind during social interactions.
Being an only child was lonely at times but now that I’ve grown up a bit, I actually appreciate being an only child. I am very close to my mom and I don’t think we would be as close if I had siblings. However, I do think there is some pressure to be successful and I am my parents only child. I often worry about whats going to happen to my parents in their old age and if I will be able to support them financially in their old age. I feel like if I fail, everything they have done for me will be for nothing. I think this is a common feeling for many people but as an only child, I can’t depend on anyone else to take care of them and they cant depend on anyone else to be successful.
ParticipantNothing really changed from what I remember. I’m an only child so no siblings. You’re right about the arguing though. He was bad at communicating and would shut down when he was upset so it was hard to settle disputes in a mature way.
I try to keep myself distracted but thoughts of him constantly creep in. Its hard to to sleep at night because I think about it. My stomach and heart feel so heavy when I think about it and its hard to push through. It just makes it worse knowing he’s with someone new while I’m still incredibly sad about the whole thing.
I honestly don’t really know when I began to feel this way but I can remember feeling this way when i was very young, around 6 or 7. You’re right that I do need to sort that out. Thank you.
I was also wondering if you have any advice on how to move on from this last relationship. I try not to think about it but I cant help it. Finding out he moved on so quickly and gave what I wanted to someone else, just really shook me and I’m finding it hard to accept/move forward. I realize that the relationship was never going to work out due to differences and circumstances but I still don’t know how to let go of the genuine and strong feelings I felt for him.
ParticipantYes, I have always struggled with feeling less than other people. In friendships, I also feel insecure that they will choose someone else over me. I have worked on it over the years but I still struggle with these thoughts. I feel like I almost wait for someone I’m interested in to get bored or lose interest and move onto someone better. Its hard to not feel this way when I literally just got left for someone else.
This all does make sense. I guess I’m just struggling with the fact that he was able to move on so quickly. It really felt like a slap to my face. He has publicized her, when he never did with me as we never even had a title. Even if it is not true, I feel inadequate. I cant help but think that he simply felt different and stronger for her than with me. I wish there was a way to know how he really felt and why he really moved on. I feel like he began speaking to her before we even ended even though we were exclusive. Its just hard to wrap my head around and I don’t know how to stop thinking about it and move on like he has. I constantly think about what they are doing, how she might be better than me, why he chose her, etc. If what you said at the end is true, why do you guys go for the ‘safer’ option? Is it because they see more a future with them? Why not pick the person they have stronger feelings for?
Thank you for responding! Yes, I believe she lives closer to him than I did and that could definitely be the reason why he was willing to move so fast with her. It just hurts that he was never willing to do that with me and it makes me wonder what is wrong with me. He once told me that he really likes me and doesn’t want to rush anything and mess it all up but then he goes on to start officially dating someone new within less than two months. I am almost certain that they began talking either before him and I ended or immediately after we ended. It makes me feel like he never really had strong feelings for me like he portrayed if he was so easily able to move on.