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    Shelby, Kkasxo ,

    So in terms of my breakup I will go into detail, I have been hesitant because I feel like by talking about it its real if that makes sense (for example, referring to him as an “ex” is weird and hits me with a wave of nostalgia, loss etc all at once).

    I will split it up into sections as there is a lot of detail.

    Background Context

    I met him online and we have a big age gap which provoked concern, curiosity and a lot of drama which resulted in the relationship starting surrounded by stress and me defending someone who quite frankly I didn’t know any better than those questioning me because it was all new and fresh. However, I had never felt the way I did about him since my first ever boyfriend, he was a guy that I wanted to be with regardless of the cost and someone I wanted to experience a loving and long-term relationship with.

    Our relationship started like a movie I “ran away” to be with him because it was love and I was so scared of losing him to someone else.

    The Relationship

    As a whole it was like any relationship, very up and down. We had more highs than lows though. However, the lows were out of control e.g unemployment etc.

    Although I did not realise how external factors can affect a relationship and so I was upset and shocked that we weren’t I suppose in the Honeymoon phase etc and so I put pressure on myself and always felt like I needed to fix us when in reality we weren’t broken. This caused me to beat myself up if we hadnt been intimate properly and a lot of small things became massive in my head.

    All my relationships before him had been “fun” and it was my first time being in a relationship where we were life partners who tackled issues together. Which was fine until at some point along the way I didnt see us as a team and I felt like my shortcomings were unfair on him, why did he have to go out with someone who never wants to go out and more descriptive language which in term perpetuated the idea that he didnt like me etc.

    Leaving Reality and my trust

    I would say things started going down hill around a year ago. I had a bad drug trip and the fact he could sympathise but didnt really understand made me feel completely alone. It was a mistake and essentially I fell over and my body couldnt deal with the adrenaline and the drug making me relaxed, so I ended up very paranoid and telling him I dont trust him. Which stayed with me because I had never ever felt or said that to him. In addition to this I ending up having a meltdown. In retrospect it was an experience that actually helped me in the longrun look within myself and decide to heal any emotional wounds i have (which is what im trying to do now).

    So this experience lead me to experience awful floating anxiety, anger that I had put myself in that position and that if i hadnt met him that wouldve never happened (I realised that no one is to blame as it were but im just stating honestly how I felt at the time) and ultimately I felt like I could see the world in a new light and it made me feel very isolated.

    To deal with it, in addition to therapy/eventually taking to a gp, I decided (I will warn that this is not a healthy way to deal with it in anyway) that things felt real when I experienced pain, so I decided that we should try an open relationship which ended up with me catching feelings for this guy who was a complete tool and so I became distressed and met my bf and broke it off with him.

    That night I went to a mates but I was terrified that my bf would try to hurt himself and I felt worse not better as it were. I went back to him and tried to work at us over the summer.

    But the same issues came up again, I had awful anxiety, I kept thinking about the other guy and I was unemployed/then found work but then stressed about work. All of this lead me to just breakdown one night after he came back from work, I couldnt even say why and I hated that I felt like I didnt have the energy to fix things/go to relationship therapy etc.

    I left the relationship and he thought it was because I was anxious, that is a part of it, however, I felt like he has tried to be like “you did x because youre anxious” when really I did x because I felt like x,y,z which caused me to feel anxious.

    In conclusion because Im not sure all this information was needed tbh, I broke up with him because I felt like I had become an anxious person and my issues were affecting the relationship to the point where I felt like I was becoming toxic.

    The reason I am going through heartbreak is because I feel like I could fight for the relationship if I really tried. I hate that after years of issues that I dont feel like I have the energy in me for such a serious relationship, I need a break.

    I didnt want to break up, I wanted a break (maybe 6 months or something) but he either does a relationship or friends.

    Could this have been avoided? Yes, if we had communicated properly, maybe if I didnt resent the fact that I was the one that said iloveyou first and was so set on us getting married etc. But ultimately I feel like the stress of life just made me lose myself and Idk how I went from “lets get married” to “meh” in 6 months. Im devastated because we nearly had our happy ending, he had ordered an engagement ring yet I found that out on the night a few months ago where I broke up with him.

    I think i’m healing quicker than I expected because I almost have subconsciously emotionally left the relationship before I ended it.

    Currently I keep wanting to call him, go to therapy etc and work things out but I know that I would be doing it because I feel awful for hurting him and I know that if we are reunited then it has to be when I have learnt to live again and after ive worked on myself. But im also questioning the decision every day.

    I hope this helps clarify things.



    I am sending a virtual hug it sounds like its definitely been a tough evening. It’s nice that you can tell your sister how you are feeling and her reaction is out of love and wanting to protect you from anymore pain.

    I can understand how you are feeling, I was at a similar point where I would see the smallest thing that reminded me of the life we had built or planned in the future and burst into tears with my hearting tell me that if I called him he would help me feel better so because I did not have someone to stop me I ended up calling but of course his reception was emotionally closed which caused more pain.

    So when it happened again (quite a regular occurrence for days on end) I allowed myself to cry until I was questioning how it was possible to cry so many tears and feel so broken, then I would pinpoint why it affected me so much, for example one item was a dog accessory for a small dog which we would discuss about one day owning and I realised that it was the pain that we wouldn’t be able doing that anymore and then I realised only because we weren’t doing that it didn’t mean that I couldn’t own a dog in the future. It was a powerful realisation which lead me into a frenzy of looking at flights online to places i’ve wanted to visit or think about where I want to be in the future (short term and long term) and it gave me back some control which eased my anxiety.

    I feel like an imposer writing on here because I am not in the same boat per say as I ended it, however, the relationship seems similar to the one you had, for example, I had this impulse to have commitment (marriage etc) and he was slow in talking about the topic seriously.

    I believe my main point is allow yourself to cry because it is your body grieving and healing, every time you breakdown you are a little closer to recovery. I am aware it doesn’t feel like it though and so it is easier to say.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Victoria.


    Blocking him will definitely help. I ended up calling my ex and sending him messages until my phone physically broke (I think it was a sign from the universe) so that meant I couldn’t contact him, I have written his number down in a notebook just in case I ever need it but I still don’t have a phone and now I have an ache to talk to him but every time I cannot full fill that ache its conditioning my brain to get rid of that instant emotional impulse.

    It is understandable why you have thought about him because he was suppose to be there with you. I had the same feeling at a Placement talk at Uni because my boyfriends support aided me to get to where I am today and he was suppose to be the involved in this chapter of my life. Have you joined in conversations? My advise is try and get involved in a conversation about something you’re passionate about because then your mind will be consumed with excitement and adrenaline it won’t have time to dwell. But I understand it can be difficult, I personally zone out very easily if I am not in a social situation which captures my attention so I can understand it may be easy to dwell on things. Also as the environment is a wedding it will be difficult to not think about relationships and progression of a relationship, also consider that you may be tired which could be a contributing factor.

    I will shed more light into my break up in a separate post in a moment (hope thats ok)

    in reply to: A lone wolf. #230563

    Hi Anita,

    I apologise about the late reply. I read your reply but I needed time to process it because whilst I read it I ended up tearing up because your reply just made me realise how much I have emotionally endured and I felt like finally someone hasn’t beaten around the bush and made excuses for my mum.

    At the same time I felt guilty because even though this is the internet I still feel like I am “trash talking” someone close to me out in public. I feel like because my mum went through a lot to conceive me I have made excuses but then I decided that nature may have meant that it was difficult for her to go through ivf (which I am aware can be traumatic) but that doesnt mean that I should excuse her behaviour (nurture) and your reply allowed me to allow myself to feel angry and hurt, but then because everything you said rang true and almost was stating the obvious I have been able to come to peace or at least accept/not be a scared living for me.

    I went out last night and because of your advise I allowed myself to trust in addition to realising who I couldn’t trust and it felt freeing. I felt like I gained some control. Even though I am still unsure how to know who not to trust etc I am just following my gut instinct and also going on someones actions. I find that at times I have made the mistake of listening to someones words and ignore their actions.

    I talked to my ex and got everything off my chest to him about aspects of the relationship, or one main aspect that I was not happy with in a kind manner. I did not want him to feel attacked and I think we both walked away happier. I have told him I wont be in touch because he needs time to heal, but I felt like knowing that I had/have a problem with a certain aspect of our relationship will aid his healing because hes a logical individual so the more info he has about a situation his brain can process an event better and start to heal.

    I hope you have had a good day (:



    Hi there,

    I have so much to add to the conversation, however I feel like i’m lagging behind a bit. I think we are healing and doing better than we all were previously because we all have made progress in terms of going out and socialising, starting to focus and actively exist without the other person in our lives and I believe we will definately be posting on here in a few months or weeks with new updates that we feel better.

    Kkasxo – I believe that going to the wedding will be a huge win for how you’re feeling. I believe that you will have a wonderful time and it will instil that there is life beyond your last relationship and I think that will ease any pain you’re experiencing. This is just an opinion though based on the fact that I went out last night and I was physically shaking with anxiety before walking into the bar because my whole being was telling me to go home to my comfort zone, that I would end up crying like my last night out. However, with the help of friends and the determination to start to live for me again and have discussions about interests I had left in the past like films, art etc I didn’t end up talking about my ex at all, which was a huge step because I’ve felt like thats the only convo topic I’ve had for the past three weeks.

    Shelby – In terms of your anxiety in the morning I would advise that when you wake up before your mind can even think about anything do some breathing exercises and tell yourself its a new day and its going to be a good day. I know that’s obvious but its so easy for our brains to think about thoughts that way on our minds. You could be experiencing the anxiety in the morning because you seem to be at a loss on how to spend your time and so you wake up and the whole day could feel daunting. It will get easier. One quote I can offer is “Instead of having a good day just tell yourself to have a day” if that is any help.

    I feel like there were other topics I wanted to share my two-cents with however I am a bit fragile as I stayed out all night and I was still drunk this morning.

    In terms of music I couldn’t listen to anything at first but once you hear a song that explains exactly how you are feeling it can reignite your appiette for it and before you know it your life is filled with music. The only way I am getting through the days at the moment is by constantly having background music on.

    I am currently listening to Deaf Havana (Rituals Album), Kodaline (Politics of Living) and Lauv (I met you when I was 18). I would recommend you trying these albums out because they have helped me heal as the songs these artists produce just get to the core of an issue and I cannot rave about them any more.

    I also have no plans for the weekend except university work but I am struggling to focus, so I may do some mathematics because that will consume my mind for hours. So maybe if you are stuck for something to do and find your mind wandering, try reading or a crossword, try going something thats a bit of a challenge and involved problem solving.

    I will be more active on here this weekend because I am apprehensive about it as I find it difficult to also fill my time.

    Also I talked to my ex even though I felt bad because I am then interrupting his healing time. However, it ended up being a constructive conversation and helped him as I gave more clarity on why I ended it, so that was good. Then today I have a slight urge to message him but as I have no reason to it is easier.

    I hope this message makes sense, I just wanted to add to the convo but I am aware that my brain is running at 3% right now.

    in reply to: A lone wolf. #230049

    Hi Anita,

    I broke up with my boyfriend back in March and then I went back to the relationship after a few hours because I had made a terrible mistake. Over the summer I moved back in with him and I had hopes that we would reconnect as I had felt like there had been emotional distance.

    One aspect that had affected our relationship was I opted for us to have an “open relationship” which was a bad move as I was doing it to prove things were “real” and I think it was my way of testing any doubts I may have been having about the relationship. I ended up sleeping with someone else and instead of feeling liberated in our modern society I felt sick and like I had cheated on him because as well as sleeping with this guy I had also caught feelings.

    Last Summer as a couple we had an incident where I had a bad drug trip that turned into me screaming at him in paranoia that I didn’t trust him. This lead me to have serve panic for about 9 months and I felt overwhelmed, basically a lot of negative feelings. It was what tipped the boat and it niggled at me why I had told him that I didnt trust him.  The irony of that situation is that he w kept me safe and made sure I was ok.

    We met online and due to our age gap my mum in particular disliked our relationship. At first I didn’t care but when things got real and we faced hardship (me being unemployed etc) my parents didnt help me out and in my mind I felt very abandoned by them and felt like they were trying to punish me.

    My mum has been emotionally abusive from me being age 11/12 , however, I have so much empathy I understand why she acts the way she does and so I have put up with her craziness over the last five years (even though she has tried to get my boyfriend fired from his job, turn his family against him etc) I still tried to please her because part of me thought “oh she’s older there must be some truth in what shes saying” and even though she may make me feel like crap she’s still my mum. Since breaking up with my boyfriend I have found out that any issues shes had with how I dress, who Im friends with/date, my weight etc have all been her issues and this has lead me to feel like a fool, why did I take it so personally?!

    Answers to your questions

    1. “I have mechanisms to cope with her (your mother’s) negative comments and actions that have hurt me”- reads like a done deal, that is, no more problems with your mother, mechanisms have been installed, issues solved. Is that it?

    A: My mum has criticised my weight and appearance in a conflicting fashion. One minute she will say I’m fat then the next minute tell me I’m beautiful. I put one stone on due to medical reasons and she made such a big deal about it, then when I challenge her about it and try to explain that it really affected me she denies it.

    So she has gaslighted me a lot, verbally abused me.

    The last straw (is a bit of a blur in my memory) but she got so mad that I was going back to my boyfriend/had been talking to him that she pushed me against a cupboard in my room. – so to me that shows that even if I trust someone so much they can turn instantly and hurt me (I think this is why I have ran away (literally, back to uni) and emotionally from a loving relationship in case I end up in a situation where I upset someone/do something they disapprove of that they would physically attack me.

    So basically, its taken me years to even refer to my mum as “toxic” because I understand why she is the way she is (most likely issues from her upbringing/past, how others have treated her) and so when I see her I make sure that after I tell myself things that contradict her statements (e.g if she has commented on my weight I will tell myself I am an average weight for my size, I could be slimmer but the main point is that I am alive and it is a work in progress.)

    2. “I put my guard down and tried to fix things because life is short”- fix what?

    A: his summer I tried to get us to have an active sex life again / I tried to relax more, but life got in the way and my head wouldn’t stop with the fixating thought that I had to get out of the relationship .

    3. “I didn’t have trust issues but now I am worried to let anyone in”- do you mean that you didn’t have trust issues within your toxic family, in the home where you grew up (“I moved out because they were toxic”).

    A: I think a lot of this has been answered above. However I will add that as I got older my parents treated me like a child rather than trusting me. They would often let my older brother fix the printer because I wouldnt know how to do it and I often felt like my points arent listened to.

    After moving out there have been major trust issues. I moved out in a “runaway” fashion because it was the only way I knew how to. However, I apologised for the hurt I caused (which my mum denies!!) and that it was a mistake but at 18 I knew they wouldnt accept my choice of boyfriend and it was my only option at the time. However, my mum calls me a liar, even though aside from that one action I have been honest with her.

    I now feel like my mum has won yet I have come to realise that she is a lost cause. I can go blue in the face and do a psychology presentation on why I fell in love with the man but she will still refuse to accept it. I have NEVER wanted her to accept it, just at the very least respect my decision. My dad for example has asked about my boyfriend and I know that he doesn’t like him either, but it means a lot that he may at least try.

    Today has been a better day in terms of I felt like I am capable of being my own person as it were, however, I also came to the sad realisation that I may have just thrown away something that caused me so much happiness to self-sabotage (maybe because I dont feel like I deserve happiness?) and I am wondering if it is possible to even fix it?

    I hope I have helped give more information.

    Thank you for replying and asking more indepth questions (:


    in reply to: A lone wolf. #230041

    Hi Michelle,

    Thank you ever so much for your reply. I felt happy reading it as it seems as though you put your heart and soul into your kind words. I have recently got back into journal-ling again, and it has definitely help and I used to watch the news everyday and currently I have only watched it twice in two weeks because every time  I turn it on I end up rolling my eyes at the British politics then turning it off.

    Today I challenged myself to talk to a new person in my uni course, I always feel like I am inviting myself into conversations I was never a part of but I don’t understand how else I am meant to start a conversation. It went well and we had a brief discussion about the ethics behind building software etc. Anyway, after that even though my brain started to overthink the conversation I felt happier. In addition to this I nearly invited some people round to mine for a movie night but I stopped myself, that may be a task for tomorrow or the next time I see them. I agree with your point about opening up slowly and I will definately look into going to a new class (and sticking to it).

    I’m sorry to hear that you found yourself in two abusive relationships and about your father passing (sending hugs), but I am happy to hear that you are in a supportive relationship now and I hope it is wonderful (:

    Thank you for telling me that I will find “my tribe” as it were, I really needed to hear that right now (: I am realising that a lot of my issues are to do with my childhood and that I am going through a process to address any issues so I can move forward rather than spending a lot of time looking back at the past.

    Puppies are adorable, I will definately look at cute photos of them instead of looking up news articles about how plastic is destroying our planet (home).


    Thank you xx


    Shelby, kkasxo,

    Im having a weak moment..

    After talking about my coping mechanisms, tonight is difficult. my friend (also the one who acted as a breakup buddie this morning) cooked tea then just left with her boyfriend.

    I feel like a burden as I keep asking when people are in or out, but my anxiety flares up with sudden change/abandoment.

    So tonight I am highly anxious, im trying to breathe and calm down so I can sleep but its not working.

    Anxiety is something by boyfriend was a rock about and always knew what to say/help me out. I am currently sat here with my thoughts 100 miles per hour.

    I feel like he hasnt done anything and i have a lot of issues which seem to be present weather im in the relationship or not, it just seemed easier to cope with when i was in the relationship.

    I am sat here and as mad as it sound I just want to call him and at least ask if we could meet up in a month or two? see if we have any feelings left/try fix things.

    Or maybe I should go and see a therapist, im coping to a point right now but I dont feel like I have the support. I need to make new friends but it shouldnt be with the motivation of “ill have someone to call at 11pm when im an anxious wreck”.

    But there were issues with the relationship and I dont know if I have the strength to build trust back up (idk why), so by trying to fix things do I just want to know ill see him one last time?

    When we broke up we were both in floods of tears so it was difficult for both of us. But its crazy to just cut someone out your life, idk how some guys do that (like ghosting and stuff).

    Sorry this is a bit of an anxious ramble but reaching out to others helps.

    ps This convo has saved me tonight and helped me in SO many ways. Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Victoria.


    I’m happy to hear your anxiety wasn’t as bad today (: I’ve been to hell and back with anxiety so all the advice I can give is that when you do or if you have a panic attack remember it is a fight/flight reaction and the max amount of time it can last is 20 minutes. It is understandable why you had a little attack over your ex moving on to someone else. I am aware that a lot of that is most likely information you are already aware of.

    Unrelated, but my breakup-buddie is sort of around, like they just cooked food then left with their boyfriend, so im on my own with my thoughts again (yay! *sarcasm*). I should add that that is completely fine for them, but if I’m getting any anxiety its not being helped by any abandonment issues I have (but thats for another day lol)

    I have also been journalling, a lot of it has been short summaries, lists and a lot of “why have you done this?! arrghh!” written across the page haha

    in reply to: A lone wolf. #229833

    Thank you 🙂


    Hi Shelby,  I have a sort of breakup buddie, I live with someone who helped me this morning via text.

    I’m on my 4th week and I do feel a little bit better. I distracted myself by drawing today which is something that REALLY helped and an activity I haven’t done for years.



    Unfortunately there is not one reason why I ended it. As a summary I would say a lot of little things just built up and I exploded due to anxiety of everything.

    Last summer I had a negative drug experience which caused me to mistrust him which haunted me for months because I had never questioned weather I trusted him or not. Then we had a stint where we tried to have an “open relationship” which ended up with me feeling like I had been unfaithful and I couldn’t handle the guilt, so I suppose the guilt turned into panic and I hit the eject button as it were.

    I believe that we need some time apart and if we got back together it would need to be after some time where I am ready to commit to the relationship without fear.

    The reason that I ended it doesn’t really have anything to do with him. The only niggle I have is that I felt second best at times which lead to insecurity/jealousy which was conflicting because he proved time and time again that i’m his first priority and I knew in a rational mindset I didn’t have to worry.

    In conclusion to my ramble it was the clique “its not you its me” except the guy wants to be by my side whilst I deal with certain issues.



    Hi Kkasxo and Shelbyville,

    I have felt such warmth reading your messages just to know that I am not alone in this whirlwind of wanting to call or message my ex.

    I caved last night and regretted it this morning as I felt like I had not only set myself back but I have stunted his progress.

    In my situation, I broke up with him and he doesn’t understand why I am upset because I broke it off. However, I feel like my world has collapsed and again, like both of you have mentioned its the little things that make you want to call them.

    It’s strange not seeing someone who actually has some sort of interest in what you ate for lunch that day (for example).

    I think I am going to draw up a chart called the “days you didn’t contact him” chart and so I can see a physical representation of my willpower.

    It hits me on a night and last night I couldn’t sleep. I’ve even bought a soft toy to cuddle because I miss him. It’s so difficult because I was on good terms with his family, so not only do I want to message him but I keep wanting to call his mum and apologise. However, apologising won’t help.

    We have both agreed that we’re either in a relationship or we’re strangers which is difficult. I wish I could tell him to wait for me like they do in the movies but it’s unfair on both of us. Although I feel like until the pain ends everything I do will be related to him e.g. If I do well at my education I know that he would be proud. I’m not sure if thats healthy but it’s strange doing things and then not being able to call him on my way home.

    I believe that we will all push through this. I even did a pro/con list today of being single, it didn’t really help though. *sigh* I have also deleted his number so I am not tempted to call or message him.

    I hope the cravings to communicate haven’t been too bad today for either of you.

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