Forum Replies Created
December 1, 2018 at 10:25 am #267283
ParticipantHi Anita,
I really like your tree analogy. ‘Minimal you’ feels very befitting of my nature for as long as I can remember.
There is food for thought in this post and I’m feeling too overwhelmed to put my thoughts into words right now. I will come back to it when I have some clarity. For now though, I do have a support group I attend and I am on a waiting list to see a CBT therapist although I have no idea when the sessions will start.
December 1, 2018 at 5:09 am #267221Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
“This is who I am, this is what I want and this is what I stand for” – the answers to these are not very evident to me, I feel completely lost. Like I’ve been hiding for so long it escapes me now. I can only see what was which isn’t me now, I’m struggling to put my thoughts into words that will describe accurately, It feels as if my answers to these questions are half-baked with no confidence behind them. Even now, with time to think as I type I am struggling. I value love and knowledge, a sense of wonder and awe, all of which seems lost to the world around me. Maybe I am asking the wrong questions. Maybe I should be asking myself how to change my world.
November 29, 2018 at 3:28 pm #266925Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
If only I could have seen how dishonest she was. I dread to think the personal things I confided in her she has told those gossips that she seems to get on so well with. It’s hard not to feel like a total idiot, though I know that I did the right thing just with the wrong person. ‘It is unwise to be honest with a dishonest person’ – good advice I wish I had earlier, thank you. Discerning who is and who isn’t trustworthy seems difficult to me at the moment, I am not good at meeting people as it is.
I am sorry to hear that you are bored with the monotony of your life too. Boredom and monotony in general is something I am coming to accept as a fact of life that just happens sometimes, you are right about the satisfaction of enduring it with dignity. I feel very proud every time I resist the thought of smoking the monotony away. The worst part for me is that I did that for so long I have no purpose or passion, the things I thought I enjoyed aren’t so entertaining when not paired with weed and the only purpose I’ve ever had is just to work and pay bills. I want more but don’t know where to start, it’s frustrating and so I’m just dragging myself through the days trying to find direction. This is what I hope to achieve from CBT and meditation/self-help, inner peace and clarity to say right, this is who I am, this is what I want and this is what I stand for.
November 29, 2018 at 11:11 am #266853Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
It certainly is issue closed in terms of the relationship, I don’t have any desire to get back together with her. If we had talked things through like I was suggesting for a long time, warts and all, then I would have gotten back together with her. Not now after all the broken promises and her not even being able to have a serious conversation, instead ghosting me, even though I had said that us going our separate ways was something I was willing to accept. It really is a shame but I shall carry on being honest about my issues this much I know is right at least. Sometimes I think that I want to trust so bad I become blind to obvious breaches of, like her lying to her family, it shouldn’t have taken this long to see something wrong with it.
Thank you for helping to freshen my perspective, I understand that I didn’t make her this way and that that’s just how she is. I was never going to get any honest closure from her and that there really was no chance for us to grow as a couple. Do you think her paranoia about me and her friend was maybe some kind of projection? This happened early on and the people at work didn’t help they told her “something is going on between those two” and she believed them over me, clearly. I live on the same street as said friend, so we walked home together and that was all there was to it. Every time she asked me I told her there was nothing, that those at work love to gossip the truth is nothing to them they make up their own stories about people.
November 29, 2018 at 9:45 am #266823Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
Another was that we were saving for a holiday together, I was giving her so much every week towards it. When we split up I asked for my share and she said that she didn’t have it to give… So the saving was a lie. I wonder if she ever intended on going on holiday together.
November 29, 2018 at 9:35 am #266819Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
I heard her lie regularly through our relationship, things like her mum, sister or friends would call while she was with me at my home and ask where she was because they had something arranged, she would tell them that she was just around the corner and that she’ll be there in a minute. She would stay with me until I mentioned that so and so had called, you said you’d be a minute and like 30 has gone by.
November 29, 2018 at 8:58 am #266803Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
First I need to correct a mistake in the first paragraph of my last post. It should read ‘A non-subjective view point’.
I see what you are saying about figuring out what is my responsibility and what is hers. I still feel that if I had the assertion to follow through with my initial feeling of not being ready then the hurt we have both suffered would never have happened. That is a fact, so it’s been hard not to see it as my fault. In reality, though, the truth is deeper. She pursued a relationship with me disregarding my feeling, that is also a fact and her responsibility.
I honestly don’t know what to think in regard to her motivation for ghosting me. It could be anger – from the time it took it to get my act together, or the issue she had with me and her friend at work. It could be fear of being honest – I heard her lie to friends and family on many occasions, why would I be any different? It could be that she just doesn’t care anymore – meeting someone new would have that effect I guess. I delivered the letter and let go so that I wouldn’t go through all these questions trying to understand, if she wanted me to understand she would talk.
Weed was indeed a way for me to medicate emotions, not just anger and fear though. Also the monotony of my life in general from my job environment to the disillusionment I feel. It was a blissful release in which I could be ok and lose myself in some music or a game without having to care that I feel too bad to get anywhere in life. It breaks my heart to think what that must be like from anothers perspective looking in, that I had just given up.
November 29, 2018 at 6:40 am #266719Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
I believe it means to have released yourself from the grip of negative emotions so that you can see even those who have caused you pain with compassion. A subjective view point from which you can see that their hurtful actions are rooted in something such as fear or pain, and have compassion for that fact, not necessarily them as a person, or the time you shared. That is my interpretation of “universal compassion”.
On to the anger. I feel angry because I tried so hard to reconcile our differences in what I felt was a mature way, and was met with… Nothing. I had a little ‘crazy’ outburst for one day, sending quite a lot of texts, but this was days after she had called me saying we needed to have a proper talk, (which I had been saying for over a month) then ghosted me. I stopped texting her and over the course of a few days I composed a letter acknowledging my faults (which I had also stated from the beginning) and my understanding of how it affected the relationship. I stated how I felt, what I wanted and that we needed to talk for both our sakes, so that if we don’t want the same things in life then we can go our separate ways without animosity.
She is still very much ghost to me.
I let the angry thoughts pass and try to forgive myself for thinking them knowing that they come from a place of hurt. My anger with the world at large on the other hand I am not sure where to start with that. It is much more deep rooted, I suspect it is a driving force for the periods of time when I shut away, never opening my curtains etc and then I mask with other emotional stuff instead of facing whatever that is. It is confusing to think about and draining when I do venture out.
November 29, 2018 at 5:52 am #266683Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
I think you are right, no contact at all is the best idea. Maybe it won’t benefit her and even though I wouldn’t have been expecting a response, I can’t say for sure that it wouldn’t affect me. I am also now thinking that I won’t attend works christmas meal, knowing that she will be there. I do feel I have let go – I feel sad, but not in a longing for her way – but there will be alcohol involved and that may incite anger or resentment at the lack of honest closure she offered. Particularly if she has found someone else so quickly and is out with him.
I know I should be getting out but I feel now that night is not worth the risk. I would like to hold my head high knowing that I have been genuine but my anger, fear and distrust of people and the world at large is still there. Even though I have made progress I am proud of, the “universal compassion” talked about in the books I am reading is a long way off.
Thank you for listening
November 27, 2018 at 11:08 am #260473Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
I am yet to start the guided meditations I have a course for I don’t know what’s holding me back. I am on a waiting list for CBT, maybe when those sessions start I will find it easier. From what I understand CBT is similar to mindfulness.
I have a bit of a moral conundrum on my hands this weekend, my ex’s father passed away this time last year and I remember like it was yesterday. We’re not in touch and I have it on good authority she is with someone else now but I still feel the pain of her and her daughter’s loss. I don’t know if it would be a good idea to message her and let her know that I am thinking of them both at this time.
November 25, 2018 at 1:42 pm #248541Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita & Peter,
I was walking to work today and on the way I ended up behind someone smoking weed. The smell of it had my mouth watering and my mind screaming out for it, fortunately we didn’t share the path for too long and the thoughts died down. It was the fact that I wouldn’t care if I smoked some and that is exactly why I can’t.
I am not a religious person but can certainly now see the value in those words from the serenity prayer, thank you for your words of encouragement and support.
Thank you also for your words of encouragement and support, the book you recommended is proving quite insightful. I have started using some affirmations from it and feel like I’m having an easier time letting negative emotion pass me by. There is another book I have gotten my hands on – Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world – which is more focused on meditation, in fact it is an eight week course which I plan on working into the daily routine I am just establishing. Crazy how chaotic a life on weed is to say I thought I was “just chillin”. I plan on revisiting How to be an adult in a relationship after I’m comfortable with meditations, or maybe letting it play through while I sleep to absorb it into my subconscious. What do you think?
A question for the both of you if I may, do you practice meditation and mindfulness daily and if so, what was your experience when starting out?
November 23, 2018 at 1:12 pm #248269Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for sharing, that does answer my question.
On reflection it’s entirely possible I hadn’t presented myself as equally capable. I thought that I was presenting myself in a way that suggested we work as a team but thinking back now to some things said, particularly at the doctors, she didn’t feel that way. I think maybe I didn’t lend the best ear and was putting too much on my own issues. It wasn’t until we broke up that I quit weed and started to think clearer.
I was so close but so far… It’s an awful shame that this happened on the cusp of such powerful change. Change that I had tried to communicate in the best way I could. Acceptance, forgiveness, inner peace, I will get there.
November 23, 2018 at 12:53 pm #248267Tristan
ParticipantHi NeedMeSomeBuddha,
I honestly don’t know if contacting him would be a good idea but I can tell you something that helped me immensely when my ex went ghost on me just as recent as a few weeks ago. I stopped trying to contact her and took a few days to let my mind level out, then I wrote down on paper some things I felt I had to say. Over the course of a couple more days, (with a clearer mind) I refined those statements and questions into a letter. I ended up posting the letter some days later, (we live close by) I have no idea if she has even read it but the whole process of doing it, and those days it was sat around finished before I posted it, I found I had a much easier time dealing with the uncertainty as what I wanted to say was all ‘out’.
November 23, 2018 at 9:48 am #245653Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for the congratulations, it is still a rough ride.
You are right in that I gave her that information with the intent of arming her to work through any issues that will inevitably arise. It was also intended as a warning of parts of myself that are not so desirable. I wouldn’t say as such that I put her on a pedestal, I didn’t expect for her to fix me but to support and help me along fixing myself. I don’t know maybe I did expect too much we didn’t take things slow enough for me to really know each other before I took that leap of faith.
If you don’t mind me asking, after doing something similar and viewing someone wrongly as capable, have you taken a different approach since? Or have/would you still be open about your issues going in?
November 23, 2018 at 6:53 am #244819Tristan
ParticipantHi Anita,
The anger at those who already hurt me is one such example of the things that I was suppressing while using cannabis daily. Since quitting I have made good progress and in fact contacted the ex partner from my first relationship to tell her that I had been holding on to grudges and bad feelings which I have now let go. It was eating away at my soul, taking chunks from and leaving bite marks in each relationship since. I simply hadn’t realised being so wrapped up in the escapism of being stoned all day, every day.
The fear, I fear, is a completely different beast. I am not angry with my recent ex as in that I have bad feelings or grudges toward her, I am angry that she had so little respect for me (us) to handle the situation as adults. I was very clear many times that we needed to talk even if it meant going our separate ways and that we could do that in a way which would allow us to be civil. My fear now is that of crossing path’s with her and how it will affect me. We live very close to each other less than a 5 minute walk and I don’t feel I can leave the house because of it, it’s irrational I know. Not even sure what the actual fear is. I really don’t want to miss works xmas meal because she is going to be there so I indeed want to conquer this fear.
I have acquired the book Peter mentioned as an audio book and have started listening to it. Mindfulness seems a great place to start I just have to find the determination to stick with meditation as it seems quite a lot to take in as i’m feeling drained from negativity.