Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Tee.
Well I’m in Canada so we always have a white Christmas:). Yeah martial arts does help both physically and mentally. It’s something I’ve done since I was 6 years old and always loved it. I work mostly from home and do have quite a bit of spare time on the weekends, especially during the winter so I will be looking for something to pass the time. When I feel down and out lately for the past year I’ve been resorting to unhealthy habits that I want to change. I still feel sad and I know grief has no timeline but it’s hard as time seems to standstill at times. Anyway, happy new year and perhaps we can keep chatting in 2023!
ParticipantHi Tee.
Merry Christmas to you as well. I’m obviously a bit sad at this time, trying to cope with things. I do have family around and spent time with them. I won’t lie it’s been rough even some suicidal thoughts but nothing major and I did tell my mom about that. Those thoughts came about a week and a half ago and since then I’ve been feeling a bit better. I’m trying to stay sober as I’ve been resorting to drinking and playing poker a lot, keeps me distracted and takes the pain away temporarily but ultimately as we all know I feel like shit afterwards. I’m trying to get back into martial arts and find a little part time job on the weekends to keep myself busy. I hope you had a nice Christmas:). Thanks for checking in.Dan
ParticipantMaybe I should ask her to meet in person so that I can get some closure. Although I know that I would probably lose my composure if I saw her.
Participantyeah I know. It hasn’t been fair for me but there’s nothing I can do. After she texted that she was filing, I haven’t responded. I’m not sure if I should or if I just stay silent. Maybe silence speaks more volumes. I have a hard time getting angry, I don’t really ever get angry, I usually get sad and upset at myself. I don’t think getting angry helps anyone or anything.
ParticipantNew development. I went to the pharmacy today and they said I had been taken off my wife’s insurance so I texted her and asked if she had taken me off. She said that she had back in September. My medication is expensive so I asked if she could possibly keep it the same. I said that because we’re technically married that by law it’s ok. And she said “but we’re not”. She is then texted “this is a good opportunity to tell you that I’m filing for divorce in January and that she didn’t want it to be a surprise”. I lost it. I started bawling. I guess I should have expected this. She was waiting for the year to pass to file since she had no grounds before this. It’s the finality of the word that makes it so hard. I know it’s just a piece of paper but I didn’t expect it. It was sudden. I’m upset, devastated, sad.
Participanti really want to text her and just ask why she won’t talk to me. Like I’m looking for a reason, some kind of explanation that might give me some closure. Just ask her why. I often interpret it like it’s something I did wrong, however I don’t think this is the case. I don’t know, what do you think? I know it’s my lack of self love etc that contributes to this, but do you think it’s a good idea to just ask that question? Thanks.
ParticipantYou are right with everything you say. I can’t put my happiness on her and that’s not fair to her and it’s not helping me. I get lonely and then yes I do only remember the good times, mainly because there weren’t a lot of bad times. The good moments I believe outweighed the bad ones. But I can’t do anything about it. I’m still obviously very much in love and it’s a hard pill to swallow. Her last texts the other day were all business like and kind of impersonal. I guess I just don’t get how we can go from being best friends to this. When we reunited earlier this year she said that I’m her best friend. And now it’s like she wants nothing to do with me and again that’s hard to take. I’m trying to tell myself that if it’s meant to be it will be, that the universe doesn’t make mistakes. How do you feel about that?
ParticipantI hope you’re feeling better. Lots of fluids helps.
I do have a couple of good friends but it’s still tough. I wrote a letter out today to her (sappy stuff) but I didn’t send it. I wanted to send it for Christmas but I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Maybe it would cause me more torment than anything. Basically just saying that I love and miss her (I’m a hopeless romantic) and acknowledging some of my faults and just wishing her and the kids a merry Christmas. I want to send it but again it may not be a good idea.
I have some family and friends. I didn’t think it would be this hard but this is the first holiday season that I’m alone in a while. Thank you for your reply it means a lot.
ParticipantHow are you? About a month since I posted here. Nothing really has changed. I’m still sad about the whole thing and depressed most days. I know things take time to heal but it’s still hard. Just thought I’d say hello and reach out to you since you have some good words. Hope all is well.
ParticipantI tend to log on here when I’m having a down day. Today is one of those days. But reading your last post literally brought tears to my eyes. In fact they are running down my cheeks right now. I want to thank you for your empathy and understanding. It’s been a tough go and I’ve always been hard on myself. A lot of negative self talk. I know I was a good husband and step father and I guess that’s what’s been hard about all this. My wife and I haven’t spoke at all for about a month now. It was my birthday last week and there was no happy birthday text which kinda hurt. But our anniversary was the day before my birthday so a lot of feelings going on. Maybe it would be too hard for either of us to be in contact with one another, at least that’s what I tell myself as to why she stopped all communication. I don’t know. It’s just hard.
I know she has guilt she told me that. However, I also know that she still loves me as she told me that as well. You’re right, she doesn’t want to have communication with me right now. I honestly think it would be too hard for the both of us if we saw or even communicated with eachother from time to time. I would ask the question that you posed but we aren’t speaking however at some point we will and it’s a good question to ask, although I think I know the answer.I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head as far as her having almost two different lives, the fun loving and the giver people pleaser. Her boundaries with her kids were almost non existent and I know she’s just doing the best she can having been a single mom before meeting me. I’m really trying to see any positives throughout this whole thing. I mean perhaps had we not separated we may have started resenting one another. Things may have become bad. There’s no way to know this but things happen for a reason. I know she has a lot of responsibility and I’m hoping that perhaps at some point down the road we may reunite. Who knows? I have a lot of things on my side that I can improve and I think before I ever get back into a relationship I want to feel better in my own skin.
ParticipantI wish I could pm you to talk more openly but yes I think those reasons make a lot of sense. She had said a few times prior to the separation that she thought the kids were too young and I agree that we moved quickly into everything. I wish now we hadn’t moved so quickly. My gut tells me that it’s not because she doesn’t love me anymore and that’s not me in denial, it’s something I as and sure you know that you can sense.
When I asked for a mini vacation it was to have just a small honeymoon which we didn’t really have so the idea was to go on the weekends when the kids were away. And I look back now and see that maybe I should have suggested bringing the kids. I know kids can sense these things and although it wasn’t my intent at all to make them feel excluded, I can see how that may have happened. I feel terrible for that. And when I look back while we were seeing one another after the separation, she told me that the kids came back home crying because they knew I was over. She told them that she was allowed to see me while they were away but maybe it was just too much. I feel so bad as I love the kids, but I’m not their dad and I can see how negative thoughts or beliefs can arise. Thank you Tee for your insight. It does help me to try and understand things a bit better.I get really down on myself thinking what more could have I done? I’m stuck ruminating a lot wishing things weren’t the way they are. I’m really trying to move on and let the universe play out as it will but it’s still very hard. And our anniversary is in a couple of days too 🙁
Participant@ Anita. @Tee
Thank you. Sorry I was away for a bit and just logged on. I will be talking about things with my therapist.
What I’m having problems with now is feeling a lot of loneliness. I miss my friend (my wife) and the way things happened I’m having trouble understanding. What I mean is that we were seeing one another after the separation for a while and things were going well but then she just stopped. So I haven’t gotten any closure at all and I feel like I did something wrong but I know I didn’t but that’s where my mind goes.
I know she has a ton of responsibility and probably doesn’t have time for me and I should know that by now but it’s hard to accept. We were supposed to go to a concert in November as I had bought tickets prior to Covid and when we were together back in May she asked if I still wanted to go. Then a few weeks ago (the last time we spoke) I asked if she still wanted to go and she said she didn’t think it was a good idea. That sort of broke my heart all over again. I’m just struggling with everything that happened
ParticipantI don’t know why I didn’t say anything earlier. Maybe I felt shame or maybe I didn’t think it was a big deal. Maybe I thought that because of the times when it happened on more than one occasion that I was very young and so was he. I was probably 4 or 5 and he was 10 or 11. To be honest I can’t even remember how old I was. The one time it happened when I was older (maybe 8 or 9) is the time I vividly remember. Maybe I wanted to protect him. Or maybe I was just embarrassed.
As for the feeling I had around my wife. I can say that she was a huge part of my happiness. Whether that stems from childhood trauma I cannot say. It’s possible though. She did make me feel very valued and appreciated and it’s feelings I had never had before with someone. I can say that she was my first love. And when she was ignoring or rejecting me I’m sure there’s a part of it that felt a bit like childhood. I have other things that happened as well when I was a kid that affected me. I will tell you about that in another post. I feel very broken at the moment and do not want to feel this way. There are so many things that I know I need to address and don’t know where to start.
ParticipantMy parents didn’t know about it and I didn’t tell my family until I was 23 years old. I will be discussing this with a therapist as well. When I did open up and say something I believe there was some shock. We haven’t spoke much about it since then. Although I have brought it up on occasion when I was drunk. It’s definitely something I need to talk about as I feel the hurt and pain a lot right now given my situation.
I also wonder a lot what my wife is up to. I want to text her but I know that’s not a good idea at the moment. When I’m down on myself I wonder if she’s met someone else although given how things happened and what she has going on in her life I don’t think she is. I know that’s an insecurity on my end but it still crosses my mind from time to time. Anyhow, I pretty depressed and down these past few days. Thanks for listening.