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  • in reply to: Fear of losing loved ones. #122353

    Dear Presynaras,

    I lost my grandparents in quick succession of 2 years and the demise of my grandfather was very sudden. I have always been more attached to them than my parents. After their death, I started seeing my parents as fragile and constantly felt anxious about losing them.

    I was put on homeopathy meds for one month (I trust them more than allopathy). The meds gave me a sense of control over my thoughts. For record, I have never had any meds for emotional distress except for that one month. See if you can find a practitioner who can help you. You might like to research on Homeopathy as a branch of medicine, please do that.

    I hope you get out of your anxieties very soon and instead of worrying about losing loved ones, cherish each loving moment with them 🙂

    Good Luck and God bless



    Oh boy! Zita dear, just like @meraki6, it was uncanny to see such similar thoughts! I am 33 and despite doing my Masters and graduation from top colleges, I lost my way- not just professionally but personally as well.
    Though I don’t have financial liabilities on my shoulders but I have my plate overflowing with health issues and personal matters.

    is right; just take one day or max one week at a time. Accepting all your flaws (low motivation, procrastination, etc) just tell yourself- ‘I know I am not where I wanted to be, but I will take one small step today that will make me feel better about myself.’

    When you think about just ONE SMALL STEP EACH DAY, it doesn’t overwhelm you or makes you postpone things you must do. BE GENTLE AND FIRM with yourself in the process- just the way you would be with your younger sister 🙂

    Good Luck!

    in reply to: Young woman struggling with purpose and self love #67822

    Dear Mia,

    First and foremost, many congratulations for being so aware of yourself. Trust me, having awareness of what needs change is a very important and FIRST step towards bringing change. Having said that I know how you feel because I have experienced everything that you have stated. Infact, these are 100% of the issues I am dealing with right now.
    I don’t know what works but I am going to share what is working for me or didn’t. You are free to choose anything and use it for yourself.

    I have been in therapy on and off for several years now and realised that only mind based therapy wouldn’t work for me. I even tried metaphysical stuff in my desperation which only made me more stuck in my head and more ungrounded! I have now realised that I need more body based (grounded) therapy.

    I am taking private yoga classes where the focus is on body movements along with breath. It keeps me in the present moment and makes me feel more powerful. I have just begun with counselling since I realised that it is my self doubting thoughts that created and are still creating painful emotions. It is time to change that programming and I am taking help for it. I am 30 with no job since few years and still living with my parents [just to point that things are not easy :)] It is overwhelming to make a fresh start but I am gathering the determination to do it.

    I would suggest you take up some fun hobby classes and stop taking life so seriously. That will also make you more social and happy. It is a wounded world, yes, but know that you don’t have to take care of all the sufferings of the world. Make yourself happy and in doing that, you do your bit.

    Sensitive people need more care. Be gentle but firm with your mind. Lots of love and best wishes to you! Good luck 🙂

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