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    I posted a long time ago. Would you believe it I suffered on in that relationship! I allowed him to convince me to take him back and it was my fault! Not once. Three more times! Amazing.
    I won’t bore anyone with the details. But there was plenty more dishing out of verbal abuse, slacking, dragging his feet, letting me run around looking after everything…and no emotional support or caring.
    Told me to stop with my ‘fucking crying’ when I was in hospital after giving birth to his child and had a bad womb infection.
    And yet, I stayed.

    We are done now.
    Needless to say, he is not paying proper child maintenance and is playing the victim.
    But I see clearly now.

    Reading my old posts made me cry…because I went back for more even though I had the knowledge I needed to run away fast.

    Not so simple when you have a child.
    Now I am having to fight to protect my son from his terrible influence šŸ™


    Ugh I have just begun the process of unpicking myself from this web.

    The self-blame and doubting I think is the hardest part.

    Solitude is freedom.


    I find myself in a kind of similar situation with the father of my son.
    It has been a really tough two years. I have kicked him out of our home. Three times. I should have only done it once but went back in the hopes of change. Change didn’t come.

    The most painful part for me is the complete lack of acknowledgment or responsibility for his behaviour.
    He always minimised his bad behaviour, silenced me, ignored me. He was very abusive emotionally, but twisted it all around and now I am being held up as ‘crazy’.

    His actions in the midst of the breakup and his nasty words have thank goodness made me realise I am doing the right thing.
    He talks a lot about how much his son means to him but is not providing and playing games about money, forgot to spend the day with his son in the same week he is accusing me of getting in the way of him and his son (which I do not do)

    I find myself in a position where I am being forced, I feel, to be really tough and firm.
    It’s scary because it feels wrong to be so…assertive.

    What I have realised is that he has taught me just how inassertive I have been and this is why it feels so uncomfortable and wrong now. But it is absolutely right to stand your ground and not let people like this walk all over you, neglect you, or abuse you.

    As they say, if you allow yourself to be disrespected, chances are you will be disrespected.

    He is seeing the consequences of his actions now, and of course, blaming me.

    I have been hellbent on getting him to see my point of view but I am only finding freedom in the realisation that I do not need to convince him or anyone related to him to know my personal truth.


    @amatt Thanks so much for the response, and yes you are right, I guess I do show signs of doing the same by avoiding conflict from time to time. The tricky thing was that I did detach, or at least I tried to. He got very verbal with me and I felt hurt and alone, so I took a bit of space because I figured maybe I was asking too much of him emotionally. When I did this, it escalated even further to the degree where he just called me every name under the sun and said every painful thing he could say to me. I tried to not react to this or take it personally but I felt very injured by his words, as if they undid the love that I thought we shared somehow. How can words have such power? I know I need to let them go, but the fact is that he said these things and with some conviction. What followed was horrible – blaming and threatening. So this is why I kicked him out. I am taking space as you have suggested and now already he is trying to get back in. There was some sense of sorrow in his last communication, almost an apology of sorts, but I have requested he leave me to have some space so that I do not feel stressed and tired right now for baby and for me.

    Thanks for your advice, which I will follow.
    As for whether to dance with that particular thorn bush it feels harder to decide not to when carrying his child…but at the moment the jury is out. My instincts at the moment are saying ‘stay away’.

    Loved the metta meditation you recommend in another post by the way. Thank you.


    To be honest I’ve been thinking more about this and it strikes me that if you re-read the title you chose, and what you have concluded with, you already know the answer in your heart.


    @Blaice Well I am 29 (f) and he is 34 (m)…although sometimes it feels the other way around based on how we are conducting our lives at present. :-/ Thanks for your feedback/response. Some food for thought, for sure. Worth mentioning that since he saw me at our baby scan yesterday, I have had a few tentative messages which eventually transformed into a semi-attempt to apologise. Still blaming me as he ‘reacted badly’ (therefor it’s my fault – although the issue for me is that there was nothing to react to. He thinks he reacted badly to me being distant, forgetting that the reason I was distant was because he lashed out swearing at me and telling me to fuck off….)

    So I will wait a bit longer before I respond. He wants to meet but I have requested space to try and minimise any more draining stress for this growing baby and me. My energy is gone.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by inthebliss.

    I am so glad I read this. I have the same experience. I am feeling so lost, and took comfort in your words. I also tried to express similar and had it thrown back in my face with denial and blame thrown at me instead of at least the grace to meet in the middle and feel sorrow at the loss of our relationship. You cannot convince him you are right, and no doubt if there is a lot of anger he will not be open to these words now, but at least in writing it out here if not to him, you have allowed yourself the space to feel what you feel about the end of the relationship. Hope you heal, you are not alone.


    Hi Denise. I don’t want to do the older, wiser thing, because I may be older but I do not know that I am wiser at all! If it’s any consolation to you, I am 30 years old and had the very same feelings and experience that you had ‘feeling it is special’ and not wanting to be away from this person…I used to cry when I had to leave on the bus and I only knew him a week and I’m usually very independent, and a lot of other strange things happened (coincidences, etc) that gave the romance a feeling of being ‘fated’ or ‘meant to be’. Eight months down the line, a baby on the way, and I see that I have fallen into a trap of trying to ‘help’ or ‘save’ someone who also uses their past as an excuse. I would say honour your feelings, be yourself, be true to yourself…but don’t sacrifice yourself for a relationship with someone who is in a different place than you are, and at such a young age too.

    The other thing I would say is that it sounds like you are struggling to accept him for who he is. Being with him does mean accepting him and his past. You hold judgements about choices his mother made, and seem to have issues with his own decisions and where he is in his life. His mothers choices are not his fault. Do you have a strong value system? Does his align with yours? I cannot stress how important this is for the success of a relationship because if they do not align, in some ways you will struggle to respect this person because you are always going to be in conflict with their value system. It doesn’t mean you need to agree on everything, but there are core values that will come up again and again.

    You can care about someone without being with them. I would say be strong, give it space, give it time – with loving thoughts…do not make the mistake I made…(although there may be no mistakes, only what was/is) but really, there is no need to rush on love. x

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by inthebliss.

    @Beth This. Again and Again. I must write this on my wall or something. This is so so true.

    ‘The most valuable thing I learned from a counselor was that if you are in a relationship with someone, and you tell them what you need and what you want (reasonable requests, of course) and they do not give it to you, it is because they do not want to. If that person is of normal intelligence, functions in the day to day world, their reluctance or inability to do something is not because they do not understand or you didnā€™t explain it right. They just donā€™t want to do it.

    Itā€™s the simplest thing in the world, and the hardest to accept.’


    I also had a reaction to @Blaice statement above – as the ‘dumper’ in this case, somehow a reluctant dumper, I feel I have been cornered into having to do this….I have this situation where I have been trying to talk to the person I was with about the issues I had with some aspects of the relationship and he would respond with anger and swearing, or completely shut down. Eventually after being forced to end it (when its not the outcome I actually want) because I cannot tolerate the abuse or disrespect, I get accused of bullshitting him all along? I feel hopeless. I tried to talk to him about these things so many times and he wanted to make light of it all, and now it is all my fault, according to him.


    Congrats, hope you enjoy the new role, sounds like a great change for you!


    Thanks for your replies.

    I read this back and I see that the priority does seem to be the relationship as opposed to the pregnancy and baby that will join this world soon. I suppose the relationship feels more ‘immediate’ and I thought and hoped this was a journey we would continue together.
    I now see that the safest and best thing for baby and for me is to do this alone (or rather, without him).

    He called my father today and pretty much tried to get him ‘on side’ and convince him that I am unstable and unwell, going on about how I have done this before, and it’s comes out of nowhere, and I am ‘erratic’ (because he knows my dad has described me as erratic before). My dad played along and remained neutral. Nice to get confirmation of his manipulative tactics and see how transparent he is. Dad said not too much, other than he did not want to be involved, and told him that when I make my mind up, it is usually firm, and for a good reason – and that only he and I can know that reason. He also told him that right now my number one priority is that baby and our health. I found comfort in a lovely book about Buddhism and calm for motherhood.

    I have today given notice on the lease to my landlord, and taken back the control in my life. Will be viewing houses this week, and will make a quick decision to find a new place that is suitable for two (me and baby…not me and him!)

    I hope he can resolve whatever inner conflict he is going through but you are right, I really must focus on the life I am minding and growing in my belly right now, wow what an amazing and wonderful mystery that is.

    He used to say that the soul of the child chooses the mother, and wants to come into existence right at that point for whatever reason and that only that mother can bring that child into being. I’m just going to hold on to that thought and hope the rest of this pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible, and try to do my best by baby.

    Love. x

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by inthebliss.

    Pardon my language in this post!
    I have just ended a relationship with the father of my unborn child because of emotional abuse, and I am feeling extraordinarily confused.

    I am interested to read these stories and see that many people struggle with this same issue. I find it difficult to label my partner a ‘narcissist’ or a ‘manipulator’ and at my lowest have found myself wondering ‘am I the toxic one?’ ‘am I the manipulator?’ And also through the haze I can see how in so many ways, I constructed this situation by myself – I allowed it to happen, I almost gave him the map for free – ‘here is how to take me for a ride’. I revealed all to him, and far too soon, and now I feel trapped (although I know I”m not, I will always be bonded to him through our baby).

    I find myself in a very painful situation with someone who claims to be ‘awakened’ and is very interested in the path of enlightenment and non-duality. However, I have seen over time that his words and actions do not match, and I hate to say it but I believe he uses these discourses as a cop-out to avoid any sort of commitment or true intimacy. I think to some degree I have been sucked in by this individual, believing them to be honourable and just, but have learned over the course of the relationship (and denied to myself) that in fact, it is a hollow mask concealing someone who is hurt and angry at the world. I am also guilty of pretending, because I did not leave when I began to think these things about him. Instead, I found myself berating myself for my ‘judgements’ and trying to practice compassion and so excusing the inexcusable, so much as to start believing it was my fault and that I deserved this. Apologising when he swore at me and attacked my character. At worse, I have succumbed to shouting and being insecure, questioning him and second-guessing him and not trusting him, and pretending outwardly that things are otherwise. The more unsure I felt about him, the more I tried to convince myself and him that this was ‘forever’…that we were meant to me. When I should have been saying ‘we need to be apart’ I found myself saying ‘lets get married’. Totally insane.

    I am in the second trimester of my pregnancy with his child.

    We recently went on a holiday that I paid for as a gift to both of us (a babymoon) and he behaved appallingly. His priority was drinking beer. Knowing that I couldn’t drink and wanted to join him because I like a glass of wine in the evening, he pressured me to drink. He then berated me for feeling guilty because I had a glass. I got upset in a bar and said I was tired and wanted to go home, and he laughed in my face and rolled his eyes at me. Later he got completely drunk and accused me of having something with some guy who ‘looked’ at me in the bar. He later got up in the night and urinated all over the room thinking he was in the toilet. I cleaned it up because he told me to fuck off and went to sleep in the other room when I tried to get him to help me. He apparently was asleep and had no memory this the next day. His response was to laugh at me. He thought this was funny. I saw some funny side to it, but I was hurt and frustrated. He later gave mixed messages about fidelity in the relationship and when I wanted to discuss it, swore at me, stormed out of the room and would not discuss it with me. He failed to comfort me when it made me cry. I took space from him the next week and felt better.

    It has ended this weekend because I had a mini-meltdown (Pregnant, exhaustion, very stressful day at work and an unfinished project hanging over me for a very long time). Initially he was sort of comforting telling me I was being too hard on myself, but it soon turned cold and nasty, with him swearing at me and turning his back and telling me I am ‘too F**ing needy’, and there is nothing that puts him off more than needy. To stop feeling sorry for myself. I was obviously hurt, and eventually he made it clear he wanted to me to go away, telling me to f** off, and he just wanted peace and quiet. I slept in the other room. I asked him where he was that evening and he got very cagey. So I started to pry which was wrong, and he slowly revealed the details of his evening, but reluctantly. I battled urges to check his phone. The next evening was worse again. Tears, and me sleeping in the other room. He said sorry for not handling the situation very well, but that he was tired. I told him I need extra support at the moment because I feel hormonal and upset with myself about my non-finishing. I said I was going to pregnancy yoga, as maybe I need support from other pregnant women and I am asking too much of him. I went in to apology mode as if I had done something wrong to him. That day he text me to ask what I was doing after work. I didn’t get a chance to reply straight away. I had already told him that morning anyway. He then said ‘Yoga. I’ll answer my own questions. Enjoy’. To which I responded ‘yes – and meeting my friend X after work, so I’ll see you at home later tonight’. He did not reply, and I later text him to say I hoped he was enjoying the sun. He responded in a language he knows I do not understand, so I did not reply. When I got home I found him asleep in the other room. I smiled and said hello, and he would not look at me. He seemed to have been drinking. I asked him why he was in the other room and he said ‘because it’s nicer in here’. So I retreated into bed. Fifteen minutes later he came in and asked me repeatedly and aggressively what I was talking to my friend about. I started to answer, but he persisted. Over and over, accusatory ‘what were you talking to her about?’ Then ‘you were probably talking about YOURSELF’. I started to explain myself but then realised he had no right to do this and told him to get out. The next morning he attacked me, calling me crazy and off my rocker. I stayed at my dads. The next evening I unfortunately came home after deciding I was going to tell him this relationship was not working for me but he started his accusations and twisted everything around, and so lost it with him. I said I wanted to end the relationship. He denied his behaviour and tried to blame me, and attacked me as a person verbally. Started ranting about me not telling him where I was (even though I text him the whole time to let him know my plans) Said I had to deal with my issues of abandonment (he is the one who was feeling abandoned). It descended into a shouting match and I showed myself to be just as bad as him, losing my cool and not letting him talk and being a bit incoherent and hysterical. He denied what he did, said that I was crazy, in fear, angry, full of anger, do not love myself, on and on and on it went. That I’m not well. I told him I was sick of being disrespected and wanted him to leave. I went to my dads and haven’t seen him since but I think getting him out of the house is going to be a battle.

    I look at this situation from afar and I can see he felt guilty for the way he spoke to me and then felt hurt that I stayed away and visited with friends (even though he told me I was wrecking his head and to fuck off) and was afraid what I was talking about (him, he thought) because he knew he was in the wrong. At so many junctures in this relationship he has shown me I am not important to him. His main concern is himself and what people think of him. At this time in my life, being pregnant with his baby, I had hoped for more love and care but it is absent, or very inconsistent at best. Like he resents having to care about me.

    I am now carrying his child and stuck in a situation where I have ended the relationship because I cannot tolerate the disrespect any longer. The trouble is I have done this twice before and taken him back, so I don’t think he believes it is really over. I am scared to see him again. When I told him that I was pregnant, we had just broken up. I gave him the option of not being together. I said we could do this apart if he preferred. He wanted to get back together. I did, and it has been a terrible mistake.

    Reading what I have written, I cannot believe I have taken this terrible behaviour from him for so long. I don’t understand why I have accepted this. It was almost like I got brainwashed into this ‘spirituality’ he claims to live by, feeling guilty for not accepting this treatment when I tried to stand up for myself.

    Be very very very careful of people who profess to be on a path of spirituality. Just because they are ‘seekers’ does not mean they are awake. Ask yourselves why you have allowed someone to treat you badly. I am still caught in a web in my mind of trying to blame him and focusing on what he has done to me (victimhood). I know this is not helpful, and I am trying my best to stay in the present moment and look at what is.

    I still feel like i love him, but I know that I cannot tolerate this treatment. He said I don’t love myself, but I feel like I am starting to a lot more, and leaving him reinforces that because why would someone stay with a person treating them like this?

    I hope I have done my child a favour by leaving this person.

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