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  • #433583

    Dear Arie1276,

    You be what you are ? Sometimes you need to ignore or let go things for your own mental peace and well being. Stay positive and stop worrying. All the Best. Good weekend.

    Regards, Jayakrishnan-India


    Dear Arie1276,

    Sorry to hear about your experience. I also had gone through such a situation. It hurts sometimes but i learned that one person can hurt you once or twice afterwards we also learn from the experience. I  would suggest you be what you are and help her when she seeks your help. You are not doing it for her but for your happiness because as humans its a basic courtesy to help some one who looks like a human in a diffcult situtation or despair. God bless you. Good week ahead.

    Regards, Jayakrishnan, India.


    Dear  Laven,

    Sorry to hear about what you felt. Never be so harsh on yourself. Sometimes people don’t realize the value of good people in their life. That doesn’t make the people worthless. You should carry the feeling that like everyone i am also a worthy person like any other human. Never ever think you are crash test dummy. God bless you. Good week ahead.
    Regards, JKS

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