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February 18, 2019 at 10:37 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280641
Yes I’m still going to therapy, it’s the one routine thing aside from work that I’m actually managing to stick to, although I wouldn’t be lying if I said I tried to come up with several excuses not to go!
The lack of energy or interest in anything is exhausting!
I reckon that you are at a point now where contacting your ex is not even to rekindle anything, more so it’s just to see if you’ve still got some kind of access to him should a situation arise where you need him. Sort of like me & my ex, I don’t necessarily want him around but I NEED to know that he’d be around if I needed him. It’s a load of sh**e if you ask me!
I don’t know with the house hunting again. I’m so up and down with everything. I know I need itnlw more than ever but financially it terrifies me. I spoke with one of my seniors at work today and it appears we’ll be starting a new contract a little drive out of London for about a year/two in the oncoming months.. if so and I get allocated to that contract i’ll be moving up there and away from everyone here. It’ll be cheaper financially and maybe good for my mental space. So who knows.
February 18, 2019 at 8:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280611Kkasxo
ParticipantHi Shelby,
I’m ‘meh’ hehe, my favourite phrase at the moment!
How are you feeling? I think the up and down of the emotions are normal in your instance. Are you finding at all that the positive days/moments are lasting a little longer? I saw you mentioned a potential trip to OZ in the summer… I mean that in itself is pretty incredible, making a future plan like that! Even considering it is great work!
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for your kind words and glimmer of hope. I really do hope that you are indeed right and eventually I find my way out of this dark chapter of my life..
I can indeed relate, the time away from my parents felt like forever. I remember missing my mum so much and in between our contact I would keep a diary writing about how unhappy I was or how left out I felt. I also remember when my mum would come back to visit it was all very emotional and almost a ‘mummy don’t leave me!’ kind of situation. I even remember clearly one time when she did come to visit a few days early and surprised me at school, I wasn’t expecting her for another few days and I remember playing on my break and seeing her face, it was one of the happiest moments of my life, it stuck in my memory until this very day. But I also do remember times such as another time when she visited and a few hours later headed out to see her friends or something, I can’t quite remember, and I waited and waited and waited and waited for her to come back home because she’d promised we’d sleep together and snuggle as I missed her, and I ended up doing what I can only call a ‘strike’ and falling asleep on the floor to prove a point that I was clearly upset she had left to spend time elsewhere. Again stuck in my memory. I suppose that’s the ‘sometimes we scream for help other times we go completely silent’… although I would’ve never looked at it that way or associated this to that situation prior to my communication with you. I must say it is an eye opening experience.
I never viewed my childhood as traumatic at all. But perhaps at the time that to me, as a 6/7 year old little girl was a traumatic experience. And maybe it’s stuck around and moulded me into the person I am today.
ParticipantDear Anita,
I apologise for what may seem like a delay in my responses, please rest assured that I would like to continue my communication with you and will respond as and when I can always.
I must admit, your last response to me almost came as a shock, I had never quite looked at things in this way and perhaps it was a bit of an eye opening experience.
Regarding point 1 and 2, to my understanding your mother could only understand as much as she could understand and therefore would shut down anything that was beyond her level of comprehension. This does slightly resonate with me and my mother. I mean don’t get me wrong, she has always been more like a best friend to me than a mother and she has in the past during my adolescent years shown a lot of compassion and understanding towards topics or areas of my life she couldn’t quite comprehend but I must say I always felt like a failure or disappointment bringing those topics up because I knew that I wasn’t living up to her expectation of what my life should be. I’ll give you an example for better understanding, as a teen (16/17) I had a bisexual experience, in fact a full blown relationship with this girl at the time. In hindsight, it was most definitely just a phase or experimenting, whatever you want to call it which I would say was influenced by the people I was hanging around with at the time etc, nonetheless at the time to me that was serious. Now whilst my mother ‘accepted’ & welcomed my partner to my house, family do’s etc at the time I KNOW she was not happy with the situation. I know because I remember back then opening up our home laptop to look for something online and she had accidentally left her forum open, probably one similar to this, and being nosy I snooped only to find her posts about me and her not knowing how to deal with this phase of mine – again, left me feeling less than, a failure and disappointment despite doing what I thought at the time was following my heart.
Number 3 hit home for me a lot. When I look back on my childhood, I really cannot recall times when I would be ignored or my expression of my needs disregarded, I really can’t so I don’t know if this has much to do with my mother or my bio father actually however there must be a reason why I am the way that I am today. I did live away from my mum and step dad for a total of maybe a year or year and a half when I was about 6/7. Due to the poverty back in my home country, they left to go abroad to settle in and build us a new life in th U.K. before bringing us over a year or so later. During this time I was staying with my step-dad’s mum, who I too call grandma but could always feel that she treats me different to her real grand children, I felt that always as a child. I was extremely unhappy there, I was only young myself and was forced to look after my little sister (3/4) at the time whilst my grandmother worked in the evenings to put food on the table. I was also unhappy because I didn’t feel ‘safe’, I could tell I wasn’t wanted there or loved how I needed to be loved – genuinely. So I used to often run away to my aunties house. She doesn’t have any children and always treated me like her own, I loved being there, I remember we played and baked cakes and I felt loved and ware there. But that was cut short after and I was made to go back to my grandma’s to be with my sister. Perhaps at that point I felt abandoned by my mum? I felt like she had left me knowing I was unhappy? Don’t get me wrong, as an adult I completely understand and appreciate that they left and gave us a good life in the U.K. I know it was necessary to do so, but perhaps it affected my emotional/mental state more than I anticipated now that I try to understand all the pieces. That last bit about either going silent or overstating pain is 100% me, especially right now. I either shout and scream it from the roof tops and when I feel I am not being heard or am being disregarded I go completely silent, never speak of it again and also withdraw from that person… I create a major distance. I cannot believe how much you’ve hit the nail on the head with this one Anita.
Healing has been a difficult one for me Anita. Really difficult, because I don’t know where to start. And even looking back on it, I’m following all of the ‘guidelines’ to healing and it seems nothing is shifting. Being so completely lost for a long time is overwhelming and exhausting and I wonder if I will ever find a way..
February 15, 2019 at 5:43 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280287Kkasxo
Yes, I don’t know how but I have managed to continue going to work. Mind you, the last few days I have been unable to focus on anything at work and in fact was in tears only yesterday and opted hiding in the loo’s before I settled myself so my colleagues didn’t notice.. although quite a few have thrown the odd comment ‘hey is everything okay? You’ve not been yourself lately..’ I just brush it off with a smile and the usual I’m fine! Don’t get me wrong, work is the last place I want to be and it is a real struggle to get myself here everyday BUT I am aware that if I stop going things will only get worse and I definitely don’t want that to happen so I guess in a way it is the lesser of two evils?
I remember the story about your dad. He sounds somewhat similar to my mum. She doesn’t quite get it, maybe she doesn’t see my trauma as a good enough reason to actually be suffering this much? Who knows.. My mum is very very loving and compassionate BUT it seems this is beyond her. She does come from a background in which herself and even her mother (my grandma) have had a tough upbringing, affected by war at the time etc which probably hardened them to the realities of life today. Maybe she’s just struggling to accept that I am struggling? Maybe she’s not quite coping with this revelation knowing that they’re leaving in about 4/5 months and I will be here alone? I honestly wouldn’t know as I haven’t had that conversation with her nor do I wish to so I can only assume. I do however feel like it has created a strange atmosphere at home for the time being which I guess i anticipated for a while, hence why I didn’t mention this to anyone for so long… in any case, this pushes me even more to get out and want my own four walls.. Financially having worked things out its going to be okay, I hope, although I obviously wont be living quite as comfortably as I am now but maybe the peace of mind, privacy and alone time will be worth it. All in all, I think I just want out all together if im honest. I’d love to just run away and start a new life somewhere else.
You mention wanting some of your own space also. Have you thought any more about a career change recently?
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes, my ex boyfriend played a major if not primary part in the events of the summer which as a result have lead me to my depression, anxiety and PTSD. I don’t know whether at the time neither of us considered or thought about that it would be THIS bad but nonetheless it is. His mother did indeed send me threatening messages although she didn’t show up at my place of work, his sister did show up at my house though to ‘talk’ but that was all patronising and abusive too..
My mother, step-father and sister at the time were very much disappointed and heart broken at the time and perceived him and his family to be horrible people. I believe they’re still of that thought, particularly my step-father and my sister, but with time also comes perception.. So in the conversation I had with my mother some weeks ago, which I’ll add she started, she discussed that she doesn’t believe he is a bad person and rather he didn’t know how to behave or manage the situation at the time and we both acted out in ways which may have been out of character to us. With that in mind, she confirmed that she is of the belief that IF I still loved him and thought I wanted to continue a relationship with him then he should be heard out, as he should hear me out and see if that is something that could go forward if that is what we both wanted. She advised that we are only human and that we make mistakes and if I felt that his explanation or whatever was sufficient then maybe he deserved a second chance.. She also went onto say that she is only of that thought because of how well we fitted together and how wonderful a relationship we had prior to this. I think the conversation was her way of saying to me, you’re my child and I love you and I don’t want to make this any more difficult on you than it already is IF you do want to get back together with him.
Well recently it seems she’s had a change of heart. Despite the fact that she doesn’t know any details at all of our recent communication she now thinks I am out of my mind for even considering this relationship. We had a brief altercation about this yesterday as I admitted that unbeknownst to her I have indeed been severely struggling over the last few months and I have lost myself completely in the process, so her various advice over the last few weeks is also loosing me and confusing me even further. I have since shut down the conversation all together and said I will not discuss any of this, and I don’t mean just my ex because he is the least of my worries right now, with anyone from this point forward. It is too hurtful and like picking at a scab which is nowhere near healing. I think this in turn has created somewhat an awkward atmosphere at home so I have chosen to ‘run’ and go away for the weekend to breathe.. and I will be looking for my flat in the oncoming weeks as I NEED to be alone in this. More than anything, I want and need to be alone without having to explain my every move to anyone when I am clearly unable to even explain it to myself.
I mentioned earlier on another thread, ‘I lost myself trying to please everyone else and now I’m loosing everyone trying to find myself’.
February 15, 2019 at 2:27 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280273Kkasxo
ParticipantGood morning all,
Apologies once again for not participating as much as I would like, nothing is shifting on my end unfortunately. Seems I have become more helpless, hopeless to do anything at all and my depression in combination with everything has really made me hit rock bottom now. I’m back to working and bed, unable to even find the strength to bathe myself or anything else for that matter. I had a bit of a clash of opinions with my mother yesterday which resulted in me splurting out everything, my depression, PTSD and everything else which I feel she’s unable to understand just as I am unable to properly explain to her so it’s not looking great. My sister also knows but has been very supportive. I’m going away for the weekend as I don’t really fancy being at home, and I will be looking for my flat in the oncoming weeks as I think I just want and need to be on my own in this time.
It has been tough now for some weeks and this feeling is really not shifting. Not quite sure how to move forward on this end. I feel I don’t have a safe and comfortable place to be right now and instead I am looking for ways out or to run away by staying with friends or going away so I think a flat right now is the ideal time so that I can be on my own and comfortable.
It’s a strange one because I feel I lost myself trying to please everyone else and now i’m loosing everyone as I attempt to find myself again.
I really hope you ladies are doing well! Sorry I’ve been a bit rubbish lately!
ParticipantDear Anita,
It is interesting that we are discussing this at present as my mother seems to have had a change of heart and now disapproves of any contact with him & his family all together. Shock. I guess you’d say she’s come to her senses?
My trauma is the events of the summer which I have been unable or unwilling to speak of on the forum. They’re somewhat directly linked to the split but the split from my ex partner is not the trauma in question, I have experienced heartbreak before and wouldn’t say it is a traumatic ezperience. It is tough, yes, but traumatic? No.
ParticipantDear Anita,
I think my mother and myself are similar in the sense that we always tend to look for the ‘good’ in people. I think at the time of the trauma she was focused on me and my pain, as any mother would be, she will always be on my side I guess. With time though perhaps she is able to look at things from a distance, different perspective maybe. It doesn’t excuse the pain caused by my ex partner and she has made that very clear however she can acknowledge that prior to this we did indeed have an amazing relationship and we were extremely happy together so I think maybe knowing how much I’m struggling and how much I miss him this conversation was her way of saying ‘If this is what you want, I will stand with you all the way’. I suppose maybe she is of the belief that we are only human and we make mistakes and if we are truly sorry for this, then we should be entitled to make things right and be given another chance.. I’ve never really asked her so I can only assume this would be it.
I’ll add though that my step-father is of the complete opposite view. He is unable to forget the pain caused by my ex partner and although if we did officially get back together he’d have to deal with it, I don’t think he would approve of wish to continue any relations with him. I think rather it would be a civil hi and bye situation for my sake.
What are your thoughts on this Anita?
ParticipantDear Anita,
It is interesting you mention the girlfriend as once I was slightly more grown up I often wondered whether him cutting contact with me had anything to do with her… although she was always very kind to me in person. Even often covered up for my bio father when he would lack contact with the usual ‘you know what he’s like’ etc.. I guess I’ll never really know.
I don’t really remember her ever telling him off, I’m sure she did but just not around me – the things I know now about her ensuring he was around etc are only known throughout the past few years since I am an adult and can understand it better. My mother never said a bad word about my dad to me either, she always apologised on his behalf if he didn’t show but didn’t dwell on the subject too much. When I say she didn’t dwell on it I mean she didn’t try to make up excuses for him, nor did she tell me, her small child, that he is basically a useless, unreliable alcoholic. She’d just apologise, affirm she is sure he would’ve liked to have been there and ensured I was having a good day anyway.
Honestly, I can’t fault her for how she has dealt with it. I know she always tried her best, unfortunately for me his true colours showed when I became an adult.
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for taking the time to communicate with me, I really do appreciate it.
I do believe like you say my mother did have good intentions regarding my biological father. In fact, I always told her that I appreciate that she did that, gave us a real chance to be in each other’s lives despite her moving on with my step-dad etc. I found that quite brave and honourable of her as considering I was only a baby I wouldn’t have known any better if she didn’t introduce me to my biological dad.
I’m not sure about the lack of contact from 18 onwards. I remember the day like it was yesterday, it was the first time I had not received a phone call from him on my birthday, I was so upset, I remember it clearly.. And from then on it just became apparent that he didn’t have an interest at all in continuing a relationship with me. He wouldn’t contact me and would not respond to my attempts to contacting him. Perhaps he thought his duty as a father from that point on was done? He had done the 18 years he needed to do and now he could go and be free like he wanted to all along?
February 11, 2019 at 5:20 am in reply to: Should I remain friends with my ex with aspergers/depression? #279665Kkasxo
ParticipantHi Kat,
Just a pointer from someone who knows depression/anxiety first hand.
It sounds to me like he might’ve asked to remain friends for now not because he literally wants to be friends or is not interested in you. Instead, the pressure of having to ‘contact you more often’ or ‘initiate dates’ could’ve got a bit too much for him.. Also, speaking of trauma is not easy. Personally, as bizzare as it may sound, I often find that once I have discussed my trauma with anyone I go into complete shut down mode and distance myself from the person. I can’t explain it. I don’t even really want to distance myself from that person but it is just what happens, perhaps out of shame? Who knows! There is also a lot of questioning of people being genuine towards you.. and your brain can quite often convince you they are not even if they are!
I think IF you see a future with this person and you would indeed like to pursue a deeper connection with him it is important to be open, honest, completely heart on your sleeve but also set boundaries. Arrange for a conversation to take place in which you can tell him exactly what you said here. That you believe and feel you two have a deeper connection and you would like to see more of him on a romantic level etc AND that his request to remain friends whilst sending you mixed messages, dates, constant contact etc is confusing and hurtful to you and probably not something you’ll be able to continue for the long haul.
Good luck! I hope it works out for you!
February 11, 2019 at 5:10 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #279663Kkasxo
ParticipantShelby & Michelle,
Interesting point about ‘dwelling in sadness only increases its power and makes it harder to escape it’s grip’ – I feel that quite deeply and it is actually something I’ve been thinking about recently. I have been sad for so long now it almost feels like this is just who I am now. Maybe I don’t actually know how to be happy and joyful anymore? Maybe because this has been going on for what feels like forever maybe this is just me now? It’s a scary thought but a real one for me at this point.
I really do hope that I can come out of this on the other end, just like all those brave people who have experiences the worst of the worst and are now in a better place in their life. Realistically though, I can’t quite imagine that happening. In the simplest of words I am not happy in my life. I cannot recall not once memory, moment in which I felt even a remote amount of happiness or bliss. You know sometimes you remember a nice day, a nice walk, a laugh with a friend, a funny photo I don’t know, anything no matter how small, I do not have that. Actually, I don’t have anything at all from the last few months.. it feels like they have been wiped out from my life and brain. The best way to describe it is being in complete auto-pilot mode.
Shelby – seems like you’ve been in your thoughts and feelings again recently. It is difficult because yes you have experienced an existential death to an extent, just like myself the life as you knew it has been taken away from you with no explanation, it just was. I think the most important thing for you right now is to accept. Being in the unknown ‘what if’ situation is where you will not move on for obvious reasons. I think there is still a part of you that believes in the what if, that perhaps this is only temporary, that he will wake up sooner rather than later but you’re thinking into the future, missing the here and now. Almost like you are waiting for him, waiting for something that may never happen, especially that he has not given you any indication that that is even a possibility at some point. Be harsh if you need to, be kind if you think that works better. When me and my ex split, for a long time I tried everything in my power to get him to show any sign of uncertainty to fuel my hope of a potential future relationship. When that didn’t work I literally had to almost slap myself back to reality and accept that he simply does not want me and there is nothing I can do about it – it is out of my control. At that point I was no longer left with any options, the only option was literally to accept and go forward without him because I had no other choice. Once I was at that stage it made it easier on me to focus on trying to do things again to occupy my time and hopefully with time make me happy again. Obviously in my case it did not work because just as I began to let go he crawled back in (as**ole hehe) BUT that acceptance moment is what changed the game for me. I was still sad, still hurting but I knew there was no other way out so I could either cry for him forever, eventually watch him move on, think about him daily or accept that he does not care for me in the same way, does not want a future with me and continue to live my life.
I think maybe as you sit in this unknown period of your life, perhaps it would be handy to do a grand gesture to get some closure. Have you maybe thought about writing him a letter? Even if you don’t send it although I think a letter like that should be sent for your own peace of mind. Just a letter explaining that you have been struggling with accepting that he will no longer be a part of your life, that it has hurt you deeply but that you appreciate and understand that this is just it and therefore you would now like to give your own self reprieve and do your best to move on with your life. With that in mind, this is your goodbye to him and you would appreciate it if he did not reach out to you from this point on (because at the moment he still has the option to which again leaves you in uncertainty because you can have 6 great weeks without him but the moment he reaches out you’ll be back to square one). I think maybe something like that would work for me, could it work for you?
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes, I remember my biological father often missing visits, being late or being reminded by my mother about my birthdays/school plays etc. I guess the older I got the more I understood that he wasn’t able to make the conscious effort to be a part of my life and instead had to be constantly monitored by my mother however I appreciated that he was still around until I turned 18 that is.
I remember things like him taking his new girlfriend to his sister’s (my auntie’s) wedding.. I was so upset. I often wondered why this new woman in his life was his priority and I could never be? I must admit though, it has been quite some years since me and him have had any contact at all and I don’t think about it often anymore – perhaps the reason why I didn’t think this played a part in who I am today but I am happy to explore that if it means that I can deal with these demons of mine.
In regards to my parents and their hopelessness, I don’t think that had much to do with the break up of my relationship itself although they understood that was difficult for me, rather it was about the amount of pain, trauma, betrayal etc around the break up. I suppose they never pictured their daughter, their own flesh and blood going from a healthy, loving relationship to being absolutely traumatised and broken to my core. I didn’t expect it either. I think as the whole situation went on for over a month there came a point where they too were tired and felt helpless as they wanted to do everything in their power to help me, to take the pain away and they just could not. But yes I do agree, although they too were hurting, perhaps they should’ve done it behind closed doors just as I did so that I didn’t have to witness it and as a result retrieve to healing on my own so to not witness them hurting again.
‘Without new understanding you are like a person in a dark room, bumping into walls or furniture, getting hurt and bruised. With empathy alone, you get something like: “oh, it hurts, let me put a Band-Aid on it, it will feel better soon”, but you keep banging into furniture and walls, keep getting bruised because you are still in a dark room!‘ I absolutely love this Anita, and it has felt like this for this for many months now. I am trying, I really am trying to understand this new ‘life’ that I am living, although it doesn’t feel like living much at all, it more feels like I am in autopilot just getting through my days because I have no other choice.
ParticipantDear Anita,
I appreciate the fact that despite the limited amount of information disclosed you have still attempted to try and understand and shed some light. I have been stuck in an absolute turmoil of my own feelings and emotions the last month or so so it is refreshing to get some outside perspective.
In regards to my family, I must admit my mother is my absolute best friend, she always has been even throughout my adolescent years. We always comfortably spoke about everything and anything with no shame or withholding any information – even the most uncomfortable of topics! I don’t recall ever feeling emotionally alone, I still feel we have quite a good set up. Likewise with the situation around the trauma, she knew the ins and outs of everything however this situation was slightly different I feel. She, aswell as my sister and my step-father were nothing but loving and supportive but I witnessed the hurt in their eyes. There were times my mother and sister sat with me feeling hopeless, helpless because they were unable to change anything, I felt the sadness from my step-father who walked around the house with no purpose unsure what to do with himself, again because he couldn’t help. That hurt me, it hurt me a lot to see them like that, worried and helpless – it made me want to put on a brave face and I haven’t been able to shift that since..
Going back to your point though of feeling ’emotionally alone’ for a while. I have followed some of your communication with other members of the forum and realised that our childhood can often play a major role in who we are as adults – I have recently tried to apply this to my life. So from my family set up which consists of my step-father (who has been around since I was a baby, I call him dad), my mother and my two sisters I couldn’t pinpoint anything wrong with my up-bringing. However, my biological father is a completely different story. Although I don’t think about it much now and don’t pay too much attention to it it may have played a part. My father has always struggled with alcohol addiction. He was a part of my life until I turned 18. I have great memories with him as a child, holidays, fun days out, at the time it worked as my step-dad was the one who set the rules whereas my biological dad was the ‘fun dad’. Him, my step-father and my mother were very civil, even friends and still remain civil until this day and so although he was unreliable and maybe didn’t want to be around as much as he was, my mum always made sure that we spent time together. As I got older, it became my choice to continue a relationship with him and I did. For many years I visited him several times throughout the week after school and this continued until the day I turned 18 which is when he cut absolutely all contact with me, out of the blue, with no warning. At first I cried and asked questions and tried to understand, eventually it became apparent that he just was not interested in continuing communication with me. The last time I saw him was just over three years ago at my grandad’s (his father’s) funeral. I do find myself wandering sometimes why I wasn’t good enough, why he didn’t love me, I never wanted anything from him but his time.. And that brings me to the point of my ex partner. Perhaps the whole situation with him has brought back all the feelings of being suddenly left, something else prioritised over me and abandoned without explanation, without warning.. Which leads me to say I completely agree with what you say. The comfort, safety associated with my ex are gone. It is obvious every time we are together..