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October 24, 2018 at 2:12 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232869
The issue is here I’m not strong. And it feels awfully wrong attending to something whilst he’s there only to pretend that we don’t know one another. What feels even worse is that in my head, with him popping up only last week begging for forgiveness it hasn’t even crossed his mind to say ‘Hey, seeing as were both going, why don’t we go together?’.. He’d rather go with his friends as planned.
I know that I should probably miss this one out but it is something I’ve been looking forward to for months now and the other half of me feels like why should I stop my life just because he’s going? He’ll be there enjoying himself, why cant I?
I’ve got a really strong urge to block him in every single way possible right now just so that he cannot physically reach me. My heart says no just in case so that whatever heartfelt messages he writes can reach me, even though he doesn’t do this. But my mind is telling me that no matter what he writes it will not make a difference. Our relationship was amazing however that relationship as we knew it is now over and I honestly don’t believe that it could go back to how it was.
I’m so up and down with everything and much prefer when he sets the pace for us going our separate ways. Then its almost like I don’t have a choice but being the one who’s left with the choice is so difficult! I honestly don’t think I can do any more! I hate being where I am, I really really do and i’m sick and tired of it now.
I’m glad you’ve got things planned for the day, it should help it pass quicker! Also, why don’t you try to squeeze in a work out at home maybe in the evening? When I cant be bothered to go to the gym I tend to just stick to that.
October 24, 2018 at 12:51 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232865Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning Shelby,
I think your therapist is right. Naturally when we invest our time, energy and love into someone we do so with the hope of the best outcome, a breakup isn’t exactly that is it. So it’s natural to be devastated over this. The book you recommend also speaks of the unknown and being alone. When you’re in a relationship you associate your future with that person and even if you quite figured out where you’re headed, somewhat the idea of this other person being next to you to figure it out with you is what makes the notion bearable. When you split up however, the future you planned in your head no longer exists and you are left alone and in the unknown of what your future may or may not look like. Panic mode kicks in.
I think we can only hope that we are doing the best that we currently can!
What distractions have you got planned for the day then? I’m just heading into work hoping that’ll provide me with enough distraction to get through my day. Then I’m hoping to drag myself to the gym and release some of this energy.
Im supposed to be going to a concert tomorrow which I originally bought tickets for me and him. I’ve tried desperately the past two weeks to sell the tickets as I know he’ll be going with his friends but they are not selling. And now I’m left wondering whether I should risk loosing all of the money I paid for the tickets just to not go and avoid bumping into him or better yet being in the same place but pretending we don’t know one another. Or just face this milestone (one that I’ll have to face at some point anyway as we live fairly close to one another) and go and stop living my life because of him?!
What are your thoughts?
October 24, 2018 at 12:02 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232861Kkasxo
Welcome to the thread! I’ve had a quick read of your thread also and I’m very sorry that you’ve had to go through something so terrible!
I hope you are being kind to yourself and taking the time out to heal emotionally from such a traumatic experience.
I myself have been reading a lot into attachment and I think you’re absolutely right! It isn’t healthy!
I think I’ve pretty much hit a brick wall in regards to progress from my break up and it’s very frustrating!
How are you ladies feeling this morning?
October 23, 2018 at 7:42 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232735Kkasxo
I honestly have no words. I agree with everything you’ve said. I too am trying to figure out how to move past this point in my life and failing terribly!
I’m not sure where to go next..
October 23, 2018 at 4:16 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232717Kkasxo
ParticipantYeah today is most definitely one of my all over the place days. I’m getting well and truly tired of living with absolutely no purpose. It feels like each day is getting longer and more lonely. I am running out of things to use as a distraction. Although yes, Netflix has been my absolute life saver. I got into a new series called Once Upon A Time. A friend recommended it to me a while ago and I thought it sounded absolutely rubbish but then gave it a go and now I’m completely drawn in. Essentially my life consists of work and Netflix right now hehe, how sad?!
I’m just not really sure what else to do to be honest. Everyone says now’s the time to ‘be kind to yourself’ or ‘go gym’ or ‘take up a new hobby’, ‘go out with friends’. The issue is I’m doing all these things and I just cannot enjoy them. It just doesn’t work, they are merely distractions to keep the hours in the day passing.
I wish I could give you better advice on how to go on but unfortunately I’m still trying to figure that one out myself 🙁
October 23, 2018 at 3:17 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232709Kkasxo
ParticipantHonestly, it sounds ridiculous but I actually don’t remember what I did the day before most days because its just so meaningless. I literally just look forward to getting through another day!
Look at us this morning! My rational mind has most definitely gone out of the window now haha!
October 23, 2018 at 2:32 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232705Kkasxo
Yeah I suppose it is. I’ve got the crazy urge to retrieve back to my bed again today but I will be seeing friends for some dinner as it’s my friends birthday – completely not in the mood for it!
I honestly have no clue how to make myself feel better right now. Clueless.
Have you got much planned for this evening?
October 23, 2018 at 1:52 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232699Kkasxo
i don’t really have a choice. Work has been hectic this morning and I will be in and out of meetings all day. I can’t focus really but perhaps this’ll make time pass quicker!
How are you this morning?
October 23, 2018 at 12:11 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232695Kkasxo
ParticipantDon’t worry I’m right there with ya!
Woke up this morning feeling disappointed and lost.. honestly I just want this to ease off now!
October 22, 2018 at 1:34 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232647Kkasxo
Were you unhappy in the relationship because of the lack of progress or due to other aspects also? Because I can tell you first hand that although my ex is basically a boy stuck in a mans body and is unable to progress like normal human being, I was extremely beyond happy for the 3 years we were together. There wasn’t a single moment in our relationship where I wasn’t happy. (This may be part of the reason why I’m struggling so much to let go).
If there were other reasons for your unhappiness then in times like these remind yourself of those! Do a pros and cons list like I did the other day, sounds silly but it puts everything you are feeling on paper and somewhat visually you can see one side of the list getting longer… usually the unexpected side. Be honest with yourself whilst doing this, it’ll help take him of that bloody pedestal!
You’re absolutely right in saying that you want to feel like you add value to his life and so you should! I too wanna get to that point.. Quite frankly, I want the old independent, quirky and determined Kammy back! Because that girl didn’t take no shit! And now I literally find myself almost doing the pity thing with him. You know like I’m so tired, and drained, and look at how much you’ve hurt me in the hope that it’ll open his eyes! It wont. Perhaps the way to do it is to be just as harsh as they are.
I think although probably the reasons behind our relationships failing lay mainly with the ex men in our lives. WE too have an awful lot of work to do. I for one never want to find myself in a position whereby I depend solely on another persons presence in my life to gain my happiness or even feel like I’m coping on a day to day basis. I just can’t. This has been too much for me.
Somewhere further down the line in the thread someone posted an article about different attachment styles in relationships. I’ve done a little bit of reading into it and the anxious- preoccupied is me down to a T. I’m trying to learn how I work. What makes me tick. The habits that I need to change to prevent anything like this from ever happening again. I think it may be worth a read for you if you haven’t already;
I think the next think I’m going to start doing some reading into codependency in relationships.
Lets learn the hell out of this situation!
October 22, 2018 at 12:56 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232627Kkasxo
Dont worry I’m in the exact same boat. I wouldn’t dare to tell anyone that he’s reached out to me again because I wouldn’t hear the end of it. Nonetheless, we’ve acknowledged that heartbreak is an absolute bi**h and part of going through all the motions is the up and down. One moment you can be rational and the next your world is crashing in around you. One day distractions work and the next they don’t. One day you do so well without any contact at all and the next you’re desperate for absolutely anything you can get.. it happens.
I know you feel it may be silly to want to reach out to him but I do the same, so it must be part of the process right?
With that being said, how many times can you repeat your feelings and hope for a different outcome? As you said, it’s not like you’ve withheld the truth, you’ve been nothing but honest with him about your feelings towards him and the idea that you two have a future. So he is aware of that. Now it is up to him what he does with it, which appears to be a whole load of nothing at this point.
What our issue seems to be is accepting this chapter of our lives is over. What I’ve started to say to myself in the hope that it’ll somewhat make it easier for me to move forward is the idea that if we are to reconcile at some point, then we will. Until then, I must learn to live this life for myself because as painful as it is, this is my reality right this moment. It may not be this way forever, but it is right now. Also, I’ve come to my own conclusions about the whole idea of me picturing him as someone who is able to save me. Save me from not only my dark moments but also from this whole misery, the upset, the heartbreak. I cannot rely on him in such a major way any longer – hence the need for some distance to simply learn if I can save myself.
I know I need to be less dependent on him. Surely it is unhealthy to put your happiness, laughter, life and everything into one person. What did we expect?! Of course the minute they disappear, so will all those things! It’s not healthy!
Mind you, my rational mind is in full blow this evening! Part of the wonderful rollercoaster ride heartbreak has been for me! Sigh..
October 22, 2018 at 11:52 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232601Kkasxo
I am probably somewhat more determined for various reasons. One being it has been a little bit longer for me, actually thinking of it it has been about 3/4 months of the back and forth now. I think maybe the fact that he came back into my life only to leave again 3 weeks later and recently too maybe has made me a little bit more determined to commit to moving on? I don’t know.
I struggle too.. I think more than anything sometimes I put on a brave face to try and convince myself that I can do this? I’m not sure.
The thing with contact is 1.) it will make you feel worse. 2.) if you’re going to contact him at least make it meaningful. Tell him exactly how you feel. Don’t just say hey because we both know you’re not going to get much back from that. But opening up an emotional conversation means you will feel even more vulnerable. You’ve gotta think this one through.. or as you have advised me many times, wait until tomorrow!
October 22, 2018 at 11:17 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232579Kkasxo
If it’s any consolation, although it probably isn’t as he isn’t acting on it, please try to remind yourself that he too is going through this in his own way. It may be hard to believe but I am sure that he is struggling too. After all, you were together for some time! Remember that he may also be thinking you’re moving on with your life just fine.. you’re not contacting him & he’s not contacting you! There could be assumptions all round here.
Also, you’re far from desperate. You’re simply in love. And love can make people do crazy things, doing things out of character ways. It is our natural instinct to want to fight for what we love, this is your way of doing it!
I know right now you don’t see the light at the end of the road, I know I don’t even see it myself but we have to presevere.. we simply have to.
You’re hurt right now, and you probably will be for a while longer, but you WILL learn how to go on without him. If not because you want to, then because you need to.
When I was having my low moment earlier on I tried to get back into the book which you recommended me. I find it helps me rationalise my feelings a little, give it a try.
October 22, 2018 at 10:15 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232569Kkasxo
ParticipantAww Shelby, my heart actually goes out to you right now! I can give you all of the advice in the world to not contact him but we both know I’m not very good at that myself.
The only thing I can tell you is that if you do, you undoubtably will feel worse after. Whether you still go for it or not is entirely up to you!
So im going to ask you what you previously asked me. What do you hope to gain out of the contact? And is that realistic or is it really just a hope?
October 22, 2018 at 8:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #232553Kkasxo
ParticipantI honestly have no clue. I can’t see a life beyond my ex right now either, as sad as it is.
I’ve thrown myself into cleaning this afternoon trying to keep occupied with anything and everything.
I might have a listen of that!