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October 17, 2018 at 2:05 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231601
ParticipantAww are you dog sitting?! Dogs can be a great company! My dog is always around me when I’m down, it’s like they just sense it and want to look after you!
I’m going to try and make some plans for the weekend, maybe, I don’t know. In the meantime I’ve just settled for a bit of online shopping. I do not feel bad at all.
October 17, 2018 at 12:43 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231593Kkasxo
ParticipantYou’re going to be just fine! And it’ll do you a world of good to get a bit glammed up! Might boost your self esteem a little bit!
Im glad you’ve made plans for the weekend! It’ll give you something to look forward to 🙂
I myself have absolutely no plans for the weekend. I’m in this mind frame where even if I made plans I’m afraid I might bail out last minute because I’m just not quite in the mood for social interaction but at the same time I don’t wanna be alone! Better get to planning I guess!
October 17, 2018 at 12:11 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231589Kkasxo
ParticipantDon’t worry hun, i’m most definitely going to be on here for the foreseeable future ranting on about my shitty meaningless life haha!
Lets make a pact to come back October 2019 and see how far we’ve come too?!
October 17, 2018 at 11:46 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231563Kkasxo
You have to be patient with yourself. It is only natural for you to want to reach out to him. I know that although it feels like you’ve been doing the no contact thing forever, in retrospect it’s not actually been that long!
It is truly like accepting the loss of a loved one. It’s a sudden and painful change in our lives. We mentioned before the comfort of having that one person to speak with to share small details of our everyday, the comfort of coming home to that one person, all of our plans relied on this one person. And suddenly in an instant they are gone.. It most definitely is a lot to take on. Life as you knew it has ended and now you’ve gotta figure out a new life for yourself.
The fact that you were recently in contact has taken you back a few steps. I know this because I too am feeling that now. Everything he said is playing on my mind and as much as I did my best to remain rational in my communication with him all the raw emotions are flooding back in now and I want nothing more to just say YES!! LETS DO THIS RIGHT AWAY! I do feel now that I have pushed him so far away that there will be no way back for us. And that’s scary in itself because I suppose somewhere in my mind I’m unable to fully accept that.
I just don’t know. Most days I feel like I’m just rambling on. Nothing makes sense without him. And then on the other hand how sad is it that my life and happiness is so utterly and completely dependent on this man?!
One thing I do know and have realised over the past few weeks is that although I struggle on a daily basis, I struggle a 100 times more when we’ve been in contact! So he needs to not find ways to get through to me now because I can’t handle anymore!
October 17, 2018 at 9:50 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231531Kkasxo
That’s exactly it. He isn’t ready, he’s just overwhelmed because for the first time I’m withdrawing from him.
I guess I just have to tell myself if it’s meant to be it’ll be – how cliche. He always used to say that to me and i’d think you fool! Things don’t just happen, you have to make it happen! But it’s me having to believe that this time around.
I just want more than anything to recover from this. No going back on myself – to the best of my ability! And come out the other end because I couldn’t bare going through this again.
October 17, 2018 at 5:14 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231475Kkasxo
You’re absolutely right. He’s panicking at the moment but if I let him back in he’d be lost as to what to do next – he hasn’t thought that bit through. At the moment he’s just acting on impulse to try and ‘win me back’ essentially with no real plan of how to get there..
I told him to respect me enough to leave me alone as I am not prepared to go through heartache again, I’ve been through enough. To which he reaponded that he feels terrible about it and he wants to make me happy again. And then the idea of meeting up after work.
It’s a no from me. I have to stay strong and remember the heart ache and tears I have gone through in the last weeks. Let that be my motivation to refrain from any further contact!
October 17, 2018 at 4:09 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231453Kkasxo
ParticipantShelby, exactly that! A part of me feels if I leave it some weeks and then cave into the contact if he by then is ‘over it’ and says no that’ll give me even more of a push to just move past this! So maybe that’s good?!
He’s not budging at the moment and has asked to meet after work. But I am not budging either. I will just use all my willpower now to not respond to that message!
October 17, 2018 at 2:57 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231437Kkasxo
Thats exactly it! As much as I would love to run straight back to him I know exactly where we will end up in the next few weeks and it’ll be right back where we are now because he simply is just not ready. He’s panicking right now because it’s the first time I’m saying no, it’s the first time he’s been blocked and the first time I’m actually not reaching out to him. So he knows the games are over and I’m serious about moving past this chapter in my life. And I get that, I respond like that also. Just goes back to us mentioning before that we worry if we don’t reach out it’ll be too late.. but at the same time his mind games and emotional back and forth is not fair on me.
I have cried and struggled badly in the last weeks and I am not prepared to go back on those tears now. I am on the road to recovery from this shitty phase, I may not be anywhere close to feeling okay but I’m most definitely not going to go back on myself.
I know I may sound strong right now but believe me I am far from it!
It is true, everybody experiences struggles in their lives. Everybody is hurting from some sort of experience. As unfortunate as it is, I do take some kind of comfort in knowing that I am perhaps not on my own in all this!
Im going to try and convince myself that this won’t last forever also! I hope it works!
October 17, 2018 at 2:09 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231431Kkasxo
ParticipantOh darling I’m not strong at all! My heart is absolutely breaking right now. All I wanted was for him to want to rekindle but I know he isn’t serious. This is just a moment of weakness. He did the same over a month ago and I stupidly let him back in only to be disappointed by his lack of effort and the need to split yet again. He keeps referring to ‘sometimes people need to fall apart to realise how much they need to fall back together’. But we have fallen apart and tried to fall back together already. And he again wasn’t ready for it even up until last week! So what could’ve possibly changed in the space of a few days?! He’s just panicking because he can see that I’m cutting off contact and not allowing him back in this time round and it’s probably hit him that he’s messed up!
Nonetheless, my heart is so broken right now. I feel like absolute shit! I can’t wait for today to be over!
October 17, 2018 at 1:11 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231427Kkasxo
ParticipantI’m sorry you’re feeling shitty again. It’s such an excruciating process isn’t it, it’s draining and heart breaking. I know it all too well. It feels like it’s never going to end but we have to keep hopeful.
He managed to find a way to reach out to me again last night. He’s now going on about a way to fix things. He’s desperate in his manner. Somewhat I knew this was going to happen. Once his ‘lads weekend’ is over and all of his friends go back to their cozy homes with their beds full of love and he’s all on his own out of choice he will try to reach out, and I was right.
As much as it is breaking my heart to say these things I’ve said no. We can no longer be. I let him back in last time and believed he would make things right.. and all he did was fail me. I can’t do it again. I’ve asked that he stops reaching out to me every time he has a weak moment and to leave me alone to process the loss of our relationship. I feel sick.
October 16, 2018 at 1:18 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231355Kkasxo
ParticipantOoo maybe that’s a good way of looking at it! I think as human beings we all naturally look for someone to share a life with. And it is true, the loss of a relationship is very similar to a loss of a loved one to death. It is grief and withdrawal. I read somewhere that grief is actually just all love which suddenly has no place to go due to a loss and it is difficult to process because you don’t have anyone who that love can go to.
That’s all I keep hearing, time. I’m a very organised and planned type of person. How much time?! The unknown and anticipation is killing me! I wish there was like a deadline on this, like oh by week 30 it’ll be all over! But I shall be patiently waiting for the ‘time’ to arrive when any of this becomes remotely okay!
October 16, 2018 at 11:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231345Kkasxo
Participantthank your for your constant pick me ups! I really do appreciate it!
As a way of distracting myself and also looking for some out of the world explanation as to why my ex is the way he is I got myself into reading about star signs, numerology, the whole lot! I looked for explanations on why he is the way he is post break up. Or if he will come back. Basically a whole load of silly things to justify what’s happened BUT the one thing I did find is that he is indeed a perfect example of a Capricorn! And in a sense I wish I had read all of this throughout our relationship as a warning hehe!
Do you believe much in these things?!
October 16, 2018 at 9:13 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231327Kkasxo
ParticipantIt is the biggest mistake he has ever made. I’m sure of that. But nonetheless one he chose to make.. The likelihood is he will come back into your life at some point to try and re-kindle the relationship it’s just a matter of how soon..
I understand why people say to love yourself more. Love yourself enough to not settle for anything other than what you want or need etc.
I don’t know. If I’m honest, i’ve had a really tough day over at this end. It has been so emotionally draining, my anxiety is through the roof and I feel absolutely helpless. I can’t even quite give you the advice you may want to hear at the moment because even I don’t believe in it anymore. Right now, I don’t see any end to my misery. All I want to do is hide away and stay in bed until further notice.
October 16, 2018 at 7:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231319Kkasxo
ParticipantIts interesting you say that. I’m in my mid 20’s and if I’m honest, yes I was willing to give him all the time in the world because although i’m ready to move forward in life I do also feel like I have a bit of time to play with. The reality is, had I done that I would’ve ended up where you are now anyway. Just with many more years of my life wasted!
I do truly believe in the ‘never ready’ type of man. And my ex fits that criteria. He’s so afraid of commitment (although he won’t admit to this) that he just will never be ready. There will always be something that holds him back.
How are you feeling this afternoon?
October 16, 2018 at 1:08 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #231277Kkasxo
Participantof course I get it because I find myself doing the same thing! Even as far as trying to convince myself that maybe all the damage he did was ‘just a mistake?’ Maybe I CAN just be in the relationship without any progress because it means I can have him and that far outweighs what I am feeling now.. But the reality is that’s not healthy! We cannot change our wants and needs, and unfortunately neither can they! I never believed people when they said that cliche thing of ‘we didn’t work out in the end because we wanted different things’ B***sh**! But it is true. Except in my circumstances we want the same things he just isn’t sure when! And I would like to be actively working towards those things!
I too find myself putting my ex on a pedestal. The happy memories and all those little caring things he did for me throughout our relationship are surfacing and I struggle to think differently. But I need to remind myself that this is the same man that ruined me and walked away from me when I needed him the most. This is the same man who even now is unable to just be there for me, not even in a partner sort of way but just as somebody who has cared for me for many years to help me get out of my ‘dark hole’ when it happens. This man has caused me so much grief and pain.. How could I ever trust him with my heart again?! I don’t think I could..
If I’m honest, my rational mind tells me that things could never be the same again. I just want them to be. Almost like I want to forget all the bad that’s happened in the last few months and just go back to our everyday happy routine. But that’s never going to work.
This is hard work Shelby! It really really is and I hope that one day this feeling of despair passes! One thing I try to tell myself when I’m feeling down is I was absolutely fine and alive and even enjoying my life before I met him. I will be fine after him too. There IS a life beyond them! There must be!