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ParticipantHi Mark,
Although painful to hear, I believe you are probably right. I think I have been focused on finding a relationship for the wrong reasons for a very long time. I think when it was younger it was more focused around finding someone who would complete me, make me feel happy and whole once and for all, and as I got older, it was more centred around keeping up with what is expected of me and what those around me seem to have.
I have completed quite a few sessions of therapy, but I did not feel most of the therapists I saw were very helpful other than validating my feelings. I did have one therapist who I really found helpful and looked forward to our sessions (coincidentally I saw her while I was seeing the ex I’m writing about), but unfortunately, she left the practice abruptly and I was never able to locate her again. I am currently in the process of trying to find a new therapist.
I had another dream about this ex, and I am very upset by it. I simply can’t shake this sad feeling that I ruined our relationship with my childhood issues, that had I worked on myself more rather than criticizing him at the time, maybe we would still be together and I would be happy. I know it sounds so silly and dramatic, but I truly feel like I destroyed my one true shot at happiness, and any one else I date moving forward will not create a relationship as happy as the one I once had. I feel like as individuals, we got along so well and I loved spending time with him. I have not found that since with anyone else, and I’m worried I never will. I feel horrible that when I am with my current partner, I often imagine how much enjoyable whatever activity we are doing would have been if I was with my ex instead. I don’t know how to rid myself of these horrible thoughts that haunt me. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this?
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for your message. To answer your question, I don’t think it was that my mother explicitly stated I was Wrong, or maybe there were some questions like “what’s wrong with you?” (which my current partner also says quite a bit, unfortunately), but it was more a negative feeling I got from her, that I was causing her distress. She would often shake her head or sigh at me, while simultaneously being so cheerful and encouraging to my younger sister. She often identified being similar to my younger sister when she was younger and told me I was more like the girls that bullied her in school. To this day I’m not sure why she told me that, as I have never been a bully nor do I feel I have the self-confidence to be one the “cool, mean girls” she described me as.
I really hope you are right that my current thoughts and feelings about my ex are not really about him, but lately, I’m not so sure. I had another dream about him last night, this time of him rejecting me again and asking me to go away. The dreams aside, I also had a sad experience with my current partner. I was visiting him in Switzerland, where he lives, and we went to a beautiful hot spring/bath house that was just lovely. There were moments I was completely relaxed and enjoying my time there, but as I looked around and saw all the other lovey-dovey couples, I realized I didn’t feel the same about him. Although I love him dearly and want desperately to feel that way about him, I can’t seem to. In fact, I thought about how lovely that experience at the hot springs would have been with my ex-partner when we were in that stage of our relationship instead. I feel horribly guilty for this thought, but it feels a bit better to fully acknowledge it rather than shove it down and pretend it wasn’t there.
The more I think about, I just can’t help but think if I hadn’t had all these issues from my past, if I wasn’t projecting all my pain and hurt onto my relationships, he and I might still be together. Do you think that’s true? Or were there other factors (i.e., his recent separation and divorce from his ex-wife) that were more of a factor in our relationship’s demise?
ParticipantA small update:
I had a strange dream last night involving my ex and his current partner. In my dream, I met both of them. I don’t remember why or under what context, but I remember it was actually the current partner that was very nice to me. My ex told me that he was not currently dating the girl anymore for a couple weeks, and apologized to her for some things. Then, he turned to me, and apologized for how abruptly he had left me and how he had hurt me. He then leaned in for a hug or a kiss, I’m not sure, and I recoiled. He seemed taking aback by that, and I said it wasn’t right based on everything that had happened. He then told me that he had a letter for me that he never sent before, but wished he had. I then woke up.
I’m not sure if this is helpful or means anything at all, but I thought I should share it.
ParticipantHi Anita!
I’m so sorry for not replying to your last post. I believe you had many good points that were (and clearly still are) very relevant to me. This point especially resonated with me: “It is only your pre-existing hurt that colors these relationships with meaning. So the meaning is in your brain only, not in the men’s brains.” This is unfortunately so very true. I kept asking myself “why were they capable of doing this to me?” or “why don’t they miss me as much as I miss them?” and now I see you have given me the exact answer to those questions. It’s a very painful, but I believe necessary realization.
You are absolutely right that I felt Wrong as a child, a problem, a burden. I tried very hard in my younger years to rectify this with my mother by helping her with chores, caring for my siblings, anything I could do to make her happy. But after several years of realizing this wasn’t working, I became an extremely angry and sad teenager, and I suppose in many ways, emotionally I still am that angry and sad girl. I have spoken to my mother in adulthood about this, but although she has tried to listen to what I have to say, her account of my childhood is totally different, and I have come to the understanding that she is not able to provide me with the validation I so desperately have sought.
Moving forward, do you think there is a specific way I can continue to heal the wounds of my past and still maintain my current relationship? I hate, absolutely loathe, that internally I compare him often to my ex-partner. I would like to stop this endless comparing, especially since I am certain I am looking at my previous partner with rose-coloured glasses and that probably his current relationship is not as perfect as it seems on social media.
ParticipantHi Mark,
I suppose you are on to something. I have not been alone/not dating someone for a very long time. However, I don’t think this is due to an inability to be alone, but rather extreme anxiety about how I must look to my friends and family if I don’t have a steady long-term relationship at my age. I see that this is not necessarily the norm everywhere, but in my immediate and extended family, I am the odd one out because I haven’t had that steady partner for many years. I have three siblings very close to my age, and they have all either married or been in steady long term relationships where their partners are included openly in our family. I feel like I am missing out on this experience, and for that reason, I try desperately to find the person I’m “meant to be with” but I suppose this is the wrong way to think about a relationship. I guess I just don’t know how to think of it any other way.
When I reflect on past relationships, the part that worked was usually when I was able to be in the moment with them, appreciate them for what they could and were offering rather than wondering how they could offer more or what I wasn’t satisfied with. In the end, I believe all my relationships except for the first one had to do with my expectations being too high and my partners getting frustrated with my dissatisfaction.
You bring up another good point here about friends. I used to be a very social and outgoing person, but in the last few years I became increasingly embarrassed and ashamed with my failures in the romantic department, and I seem to have closed myself off and alienated myself from most of the people I used to socialize with. In fact, most of my friends from the past are strangers to me now, and our only connection being social media. I do have a couple of very good friends, but they are very introverted and I don’t see them very much. As for hobbies, my profession and academia have really taken the place of those. I wish I had more time to invest in fun or enjoyable activities for myself, but between starting my own business and trying to maintain my long distance relationship, I feel I am constantly short on time (and energy).
This is a good idea I believe about facing these intrusive thoughts, but I suppose I am terrified of them. I am terrified if I face them, and sit with them, they will consume me. The most terrifying one being “you made so many mistakes that you lost this previous relationship and you will never be as happy as you once could have been”, or “she (his current partner) is having the life you always wanted with him, and you will never be as happy as she is” or something equally negative and damaging. I’m not sure I have the strength to really sit with those thoughts without wanting to be physically ill!
I’m sure there is a way around all of this, but I feel so stuck and ashamed that I am stuck, that it’s sort of a vicious circle. I simply cannot be objective enough to ensure myself that regardless of who’s fault it was, it was a good thing in the end that this past relationship didn’t work out. But for some reason, I have a very, very difficult time believing myself on that.
ParticipantOh, Anita, you’re so right. I’m so frustrated with my contradictory mindset, I want so badly to be congruent. I want to be able to say to myself “it is over, he is not important, move on” and have it happen. I want so badly not to care what he/his friends/my friends/my family thinks, and just focus on me and becoming the person I am meant to. Instead, I am obsessed, it does not feel healthy. I am obsessed with thoughts of “what could have been”, of him wanting me and me being the one to reject him, or of both of us entering in a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship. I’m obsessed with any outcome other than what it is now.
I can see so clearly that it is not really about him that I am upset about (just like the last one), but rather the chain of events, that I so deeply want to undo. I would not be surprised if he has not thought of me at all, and yet every minute that I do not call or message him feels like fighting some sort of addiction. I don’t even know what I would say, but the overwhelming desire to do something to change his mind/”fix” it is beyond distracting. I want so desperately to cleanse myself of this desperation. I find it ridiculous that he is not even in my life at all physically, yet he/the situation is dominating me psychologically.
I want so deeply to be able to trust myself, my instincts, my actions and behaviours. To know what to do, what is best for me. But I feel so disturbed that I don’t feel like I know. One one hand it seems counterproductive to contact him, and on the other, it seems necessary. I desperately want to choose what is best for me, not him, but I don’t know what that is anymore.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for your reply. I feel this is what I must do, that I must change my focus from others to myself. I’ve learned what that means in dating, but I’m not sure how to go about it now, in healing.
As sad as it is, as soon as I wake up, I think of him and what happened. Each day. I’m trying very hard to clear my head of him and the pain of the self betrayal and rejection from him, but my mind wanders and I feel it over and over again throughout the day.
He is back in our city now, and I have not (and don’t expect to) heard from him. I imagine I’m nothing more than a distant memory to him now, a fling that served its purpose. Yet I feel wounded, distracted, and anxious because I allowed our “ending” to be open-ended (I.e. Agreeing to a “month off”).
I’ve thought about asking to meet with him, to explain my perspective and to express my desire that it’s either now or never, as in we could date more casually now and see where it goes, or go our separate ways. I do not feel comfortable with a month off, as in that time I will heal, and I do not want to work so hard to get over someone, and then have them come back when it is too late.
What do you think of this idea? I asked the universe (I am not religious) last night for piece of mind. More than anything, I want to forget all that happened, and focus on myself and enjoying this life. As it is now, I feel anchored to pain and regret.laelithia
ParticipantHi Maria,
I have now cut communication, I think your advice is spot on.
Sadly, I think I would have done most things differently in the relationship, if we can even call it that. I would have checked in with myself to see how I felt about how things were going, and made decisions from that stand point rather than what I could say or do to get him to like me. It seems so immature and childish, yet when I look back, most of my behaviours were in essence to gain approval and increased desire from him, when in reality, I believe doing so did the opposite. For instance, I wouldn’t have been physically intimate when I wasn’t ready, I would have completely pulled away when he mentioned the first time that “spark” not being there, I would not have opened up and been as vulnerable as I was to someone that was showing waning interest in me. Another thing I wouldn’t have done was pay for many of our dates, as if I had to reimburse him for spending time with me.
When I look back to what “could have been”, before I saw more of how the relationship could have succeeded. Now, I see it as how I could have been more true to myself, respected myself more. I am nervous now, as today is his first day back home in our city. I haven’t heard from him, and I’m not sure that I will for the next two weeks that he is back, but I’m oddly worried about it. I think perhaps I’m worried of falling back to old patters, and having him take advantage of me again. I have refocused my time and energy into other endeavours (studying for my licensing exam, dating others when I have time), so I don’t think I would like to see him again. It’s sad though, because I don’t think our relationship needed to end the way it did. I suppose if I’m truly honest, I do still wonder if he and I would be in this same place had I respected my boundaries, and honoured my wishes as well as his. I did not value myself when I was with him, and I wonder if this impacted his decision to do the same.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for this great advice. I set some time today to really revisit the mindset I had as a child. When I did that, I felt the rejection the most. I don’t I was truly rejected by my parents or family, but looking back with the mindset of a child, I thought that I wasn’t good enough. But I also thought that if I tried hard enough, I could be. This is what I have been doing with men.
I spoke with him once again last night, and he said he thinks the only chance we have of rekindling this spark is too take a month or so and see if we both want to try again. I’m disappointed that he didn’t want to continue to see if it could come back over time, part of me regrets asking him if he’d be willing to try, but I suppose at this point it doesn’t really matter. I’m truly saddened by all of this. I was really enjoying spending time with him, and he said he was with me too. I feel so sad that when he gets back next week, I won’t be seeing him. I wish I could have gotten a handle of my emotions when we were apart, that I didn’t get overly invested too soon, and in turn rush the pace of the relationship. Today I keep finding myself thinking about our first real date, how excited I was to meet the person I had been talking to on the phone for two weeks, seeing how excited and nervous he was to meet me. How we had such a wonderful date, how I could see how interested he was in me. I wish I could go back so deeply. I wish I could have been true to myself, been disciplined, and started a new path away from unhealthy patterns. I’m also grieving what could have been, which I think I’m struggling the most with right now.
ParticipantThank you so much, Anita. I’ve saved your reply, I will read it any time I become confused and unsure of myself.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about what you said earlier, about my logical reasoning being much more developed than my emotional reasoning. I think that is very accurate. Do you have any other strategies to develop that emotional side?
Thank you again so much!
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantHi Anita,
The great qualities that he said I possessed were that he thinks I’m intelligent, educated and have a successful career, beautiful and his type physically (I am half Asian and half European, he said he’s always dreamed of dating a “mixed” girl), come from a good family and are close with them, and am funny and a joy to be around.
I don’t think that these qualities are only on paper, I think the reason he felt the spark/attraction leave (if I were to guess) is because I am often trying to hard to please the man, to do whatever he wants to do, give up my plans to meet his, that I don’t seem confident. In the past, I have seen men that I have dated become smitten over women that I feel are less attractive, less successful and less charming than I think I am, but I have noticed that they don’t seem to “bend” to fit a man like I do.
This is what I can’t stop myself from wondering now, what if I hadn’t done that? What if I had been confident and assured of my positive qualities and what if I had continued to live my life the way I had when he wasn’t in it?
ParticipantHi Anita,
You are exactly right, us rushing into the relationship robbed us both of the opportunity to evaluate each other as partners. This is what I feel bad about losing, and what I’m hoping I will still have a chance for, if we can continue to see each other but on more casual terms.
I have also definitely felt this way in the past, that I did not “measure up” to what they were looking for. More and more though, I’m realizing that I think it is my neediness, pretending to be who I think they would like, that they have given a bad grade to. In fact, they have all been able to objectively point out all my great qualities, that they wish they felt differently about me, as on paper I’m “perfect”.
Thank you for remembering so much about my last relationship experience. I do feel that the similarity of jumping in too soon is there, but there are many other differences in that I think this dynamic was a lot healthier for me. What bothers me the most is that he seems to focus on this lack of “spark” between us, when I really think about it, it was there at the beginning, but I believe it was smothered by becoming too comfortable with each other too soon.
With that all being said, do you think it’s best not to initiate contact? Or begin a light conversation, possibly when he gets back home?
ParticipantHi Anita,
You are right, I DO know what went wrong, or how I “ruined” it- by rushing in too quickly. I suppose what I’m frustrated about is why these men let it happen too. In fact, they also contributed to things moving too fast. The difference seems to be that I can still objectively see the potential in the other person as a match, with now taking things slower. Instead, with this man and the one before, they seem to “replace” my role so quickly by talking to another woman, that it seems like there is no benefit in trying with me anymore.
I am trying now to figure out how to handle this current situation. It has been left open ended, he said he thinks he would still like to see me when he gets back on Wednesday, but that we should “wait and talk about it and figure it out more”, that was on Sunday. We’ve talked a little since then, but nothing of any significance, and yesterday was the first day I did not hear from him at all. I do not know where we stand now. My friends and family have encouraged me to not contact him at all, to let him come to me. They seem to think that if we have any chance in the future, it would have to be that way rather than me contacting him.
However, now that I know he is actively talking to this other woman (I can see him online frequently), I feel rather stupid waiting around for what may never come (him to contact me again). At this point, it seems to me even if he did come back and want to try taking things slower with me once he is home again next week, he would hold all the power in the relationship, and I would essentially be an option rather than a priority. Before, I was willing to accept this as I felt that it was my consequence for once again rushing into the relationship, but now I am not so sure.
When I work with clients, I tell them to trust their instincts, and to go with their gut. At this point, I’m worried that my instincts are not leading me in a positive direction (rushing once again), and I’m not sure what to do. I feel like I want to talk to him, to clarify exactly where we stand and to point out that I’ve realized my error in not managing the pace, but I also fear of coming across as too invested once again and risk losing more of my dignity and essentially pushing him further away into the arms of this other woman. I’m very conflicted, and as such, I have not done anything.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I talked to him again on the phone yesterday, but again we did not discuss “the relationship” or lack-thereof. In fact, he was returning my call, rather than him calling me on his own. I’m starting to wonder if this point if he is simply just trying to be polite and talking to me out of pity.
So, to answer your question, I suppose there isn’t anything to say. Before, I was thinking of having a frank discussion with him, as adults, if he even wanted to see me again when he gets back home next week, or if he has essentially written me off. If I look at his actions, it would seem it is the latter. Up until yesterday, he would message or call me at least once every day. Presently, it seems he will respond to my contact, but will not encourage more conversation (i.e. he will answer how his day was after I ask, but he won’t ask how mine was), and he does not seem to initiate. I suppose this is only a day of observation, but it’s such a drastic change, it’s quite obvious. Before we used to have long conversations over the phone and text.
Today, I have not heard from him, and my gut instinct is telling me that I will not. Normally, I would message him or call him, but I think as many friends and family members have suggested, I need to let it go. I’m driving myself crazy trying to figure out what happened, what went wrong, how I can fix it, etc., but the truth is I don’t think I will ever know. I don’t even know if me rushing into things was the kiss of death or if it was something else and would have happened anyway. But I am frustrated thinking that that could be it and I ruined a good thing by being insecure and falling back to bad habbits.
When I think of letting it go, I realize what feels more difficult is not knowing what happened, rather than actually letting this particular person go. I thought we had a lot of potential as a couple, but at the end of the day, that’s all it was. I never got the chance to truly get to know him, to build a real attachment, and vice versa. I can’t help but think though, if he had given it more time, if he had been more patient and given me another chance to be in the moment rather than rush into a relationship, it could have been something great.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for your last post, that makes a lot of sense to me. I think you are right, and I am learning to try to change those beliefs. I’m not sure if I would be able to while in a relationship or not, or if those core beliefs have already caused this last one to end.
As an anecdote, I spoke with him on the phone yesterday, but we did not talk about anything of any significance. He didn’t bring up the article I sent, nor did I, and if anything, we made small talk. I have not heard from him today, but I have seen he has been online. Before, he would speak to me daily and seemed eager to do so. More and more I’m feeling like his interest in me has all but depleted. I’m torn between calling him and talking about it, or just leaving it alone and seeing if he contacts me.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by