Forum Replies Created
June 6, 2018 at 10:50 am #211233
ParticipantHi Matt –
I think it’s possible that you are too close to the situation and not looking at it as wholly as you could be. Indulge me for a moment with what I see as the situation; your now girlfriend engaged in an affair with an old friend who was in a relationship because she was lonely and he was not in a great place mentally. The affair progressed to the point where the old friend wanted to change his relationship status to include your girlfriend (while presumably getting rid of the other girl, but who knows if he wanted them both?).
You spend a lot of time talking about how his mental space affects your girlfriend, but the obvious question to me is: Why did your girlfriend think it’s ok to have an affair with a dude in a relationship because she was lonely?! You may have an answer to this question, or you might not have asked it yet, but in either event I would spend waaaaaay less time focusing on this old friend and more time focusing on the actions of someone who is now included in your life in a very intimate way. I realize love makes us assume the best in people, and it’s very difficult to differentiate between what someone does and how they make us feel. But brother I gotta be honest and say that the mere fact that your now girlfriend was involved in that situation at all is a result of her actions and her reasoning process. She clearly at some point thought what she was doing was fine – and/or justified it in some way, shape or form to herself. She was a willing participant in a lie that (sounds like) destroyed a relationship (either in part or in full) and contributed to bringing two people down low so she could feel better about herself. Now I don’t know this girl, nor do I need to really – this might sound harsh, but this is also a 100% honest, first-impression reaction to your story.
Bottom line – don’t worry about the friend, spend more time talking to your girlfriend about how she conducted herself and how she co-created the situation she now finds herself in.
My 100% honest advice – dump her, cheaters don’t change in my experience. Life’s too short to deal with someone who cannot control themselves.
All the best,
May 15, 2018 at 8:43 am #207459Michael
ParticipantI’m extremely sorry to say that you give me the impression of someone who is railing against ‘watered down’ or ‘pseudo’ Buddhism based on a flawed understanding of what it actually is. Firstly, I recognize and respect your right to your own opinion – you don’t have to like Buddhism, it makes 0 difference to me whatsoever. However having said that, there are some things you have said that I would like to respectfully address and correct.
You said Buddhism “seeks to deny the basic fact that….we are here to suffer” – my friend this is the FIRST NOBLE TRUTH OF BUDDHISM! Far from denying this fact, the Buddhists recognize that suffering is universal! So this is flaw no.1 with your diatribe against this philosophy. To your point about meditation, you are correct, there are a lot of distractions in the outside world, but the whole point of meditation is to find peace within, so you can manifest it without. Buddhism does not require anyone to attain and stay in an enlightened state forever – even Guatama Buddha only remained enlighted for a short period of time before this state passed from his being – FOR EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY.
Buddhism expects you to come back to this “low vibe” existence – but that doesn’t mean you loose the peace and serenity gained by attaining an enlightened state (albeit however brief)).
If you would honestly like to engage further on this topic I would be happy to do so, but I get the sense that you came here specifically to troll a community called TinyBuddha with your mistaken and woefully wrong impression of the simple tenents of Buddhism.
So if this is your purpose – please don’t come back, leave us be and you can continue with your life.
October 12, 2017 at 12:41 pm #172913Michael
ParticipantI think what Anita is saying in her last post is not that the relationship is in the past, but that there are too many years of negative feelings attributed to the other person to walk back from.
You mentioned the fact that when you met you were dealing with some pretty intense emotions from your son’s bio-dad and that your husband took the brunt of that anger. So i ask you this, what was your relationship dynamic? And is it possible to get something back that maybe never really existed in the first place? My point here is simply to say that there are layers and layers of hurt that both of you have contributed in building, and at some point peeling back those layers becomes too painful and raw, re-opening old wounds and picking at scars and scabs. Perhaps the best thing to do wouldn’t be to peel those layers back trying to un-do the hurt, but focus on the fact that there’s too much pain there to salvage and try and move forward into a friendly co-parenting type arrangement.
Perhaps the two of you are better off seeking happiness without each other?
October 12, 2017 at 12:21 pm #172911Michael
ParticipantWait? So you said that “sexually explicit emails continued until I proposed in September” correct – does that mean you were dating and she was still sending and receiving sexually explicit messages with someone else??
October 12, 2017 at 11:50 am #172909Michael
ParticipantHey man,
First off let me just say that I relate to your story 110%! My ex girl did very much the same thing to me, except she didn’t run off with the guy I had suspicions about, turns out she strung him along too! Now she’s with some next guy and they live in the UK!
As far as the pain goes I have very little advice for getting rid of it – as I am still coping with some residual pain and heartbreak as well (we broke up almost 2 years ago). Here are some of my thoughts about your situation:
Her actions first and foremost, are NOT a reflection on you! She is clearly an unstable and unsettled individual who is acting recklessly and selfishly. She is only concerned with making HERSELF feel better, and you my unfortunate friend happened to be caught in the crossfire. You acted in a direct and honest way, by saying (among other things) that if she wasn’t happy she should leave and communicating your need for more emotional commitment from her clearly. Thus there was no ambiguity about what you may have wanted from the relationship – SHE refused to provide these commitments and I daresay manipulated you into believing something that would serve her purposes. I understand just how devastated you are; you were bargaining in good faith and you expected her to as well and she didn’t – I repeat that’s a reflection on her.
As for her “being happy with someone else” – I would seriously challenge that notion. Although your anxiety and sadness wants you to believe that she is happy with this new guy, she was obviously a master manipulator who used people to soothe emotional wounds. Therefore there is no logical reason to believe that she is any better off with this next guy then she was with you – presumably things were “happy” for a time with the two of you, and she will repeat this phase with this next guy, however the shine will wear off, her emotions may change, or she may find someone knew who excites her in ways he can’t. Maybe he’s clingy, maybe he’s a cheater, maybe she’s a cheater? You simply don’t know what is happening in the lives of others and I think for you that is a blessing.
My advice, for the time being focus on yourself!! Absolutely cut off contact with her and expunge her from your life, leave no trace of this selfish, manipulative woman standing; she simply didn’t exist. Keep pursuing the gym, your hobbies and your goals, better yourself in every way because if she doesn’t rue the day she treated you poorly now, eventually she will. Right now you have two options; give in to the pain, roll over and die, or use it to better yourself, establish boundaries and re-invent this area of your life into something that is comfortable and serves YOU! You are NOT wrong for feeling hurt and betrayed, you were (in almost every sense) I mean for God sake she took advantage of post coital cuddles to drop bombs FFS!! Allow yourself to grieve, allow yourself to mourn, just don’t set up shop there friend. Eventually the pain will lessen as you process and cry out these emotions.
I am SO SORRY you went through this man! But know that you have someone who believes in you out there! Keep your head up, and remember: This too shall pass.
Hope your day gets better bud! Cheers.
October 10, 2017 at 11:43 am #172595Michael
ParticipantDear Shy,
I was quite moved by your post, so much so that this is actually my first comment ever on one of these threads. I think it’s perfectly healthy to question your feelings towards your bf, if there’s one thing i’ve learned in my 25 years on this earth it’s that feelings change all the time.
What we need in one phase of our lives isn’t necessarily what we need in the next phase, and that’s completely normal and healthy. It has nothing to do with your boyfriend whom you described as “perfect” and not matter how sincerely you mean that I seriously question that. No one is perfect, and therefore no one can be perfect for ever – what he can be however is perfect for right now. With all the upheavals in your life recently it’s perfectly logical that your mind is questioning things you have otherwise taken for granted, my belief is that it is your mind trying to assess what it wants and needs out of this next phase. I would encourage you to pursue these thoughts in a judgement free way – maybe some of these anxieties are based in your relationship, maybe they aren’t, check in with yourself and be honest about what you need.
If you find that the shine on your bf is wearing off that’s not a commentary on either of you – you’re 20, it’s ok to change who you want to be and what you want. Nothing is forever, enjoy things as they are, but be true to yourself first :).
Hope you have a great day!