Forum Replies Created
January 5, 2017 at 8:09 am in reply to: Lost in regret and disbelief after my dog died, unable to move forward. #124614
ParticipantI am also a nurse and understand your clinical detail you describe, and your doubts and “what if’s”. . I had a beloved Golden Retriever that was my happiness and joy. I worked from home and he was my companion at all times. With his crippling illness, the vet asked me ” Are you doing this for you or for him?”. That stopped me. I didn’t want him to go, I didn’t want to be lonely, I didn’t want to take the responsibility for his death, though it would have been peaceful and quick. I realized he cant tell me what he feels, though I saw it with the lethargy and struggle in his eyes. The hardest thing, I did, was to have him put down at home, with me holding him to the end. That was what I did, though I knew it would be tremendously painful for me. You will always miss the dog, so display pictures of her around your home and remember the better times. It will get better! Your dog is at peace and no more suffering. She is smiling from the Rainbow Bridge and wants you to know you did the right thing.
December 30, 2016 at 1:24 pm in reply to: Feel surprisingly calm: Mantra( I deserve to be happy) #124017Nan
ParticipantI will follow up with this TB site, so the end of the story can be told. A different ending to “Bridge of Madison County”. Francesca finally gets it, the happiness she wants and deserves!
December 30, 2016 at 12:51 pm in reply to: Feel surprisingly calm: Mantra( I deserve to be happy) #124014Nan
ParticipantYes, I realize the anxiety/cardiovascular disease connection. I am pretty good at compartmentalizing feelings and anxiety over the years. Not feeling guilty anymore or confused, so only have to deal with the unending desire to be elsewhere these days.
I am not overly fearful of violence, but living here, the news is quite repetitive, with the shooting thing. 3 days ago, a woman on the highway a few blocks from my home, was shot in the head by her estranged husband and killed. He followed her out of her job, pulled up beside her and nailed her. I am very interested in criminal psychology, so do read and attempt to understand the violence factor. My expertise is in domestic violence and as nurse, seen it all practically.
I calm myself when my heart is aching, by realizing that R-1 and I are closer than ever to the big event. It has been nearly 3 years, and surprisingly, when we connected in 2014,, we had both talked of 3 years being the time that would seem right. His house would be totally paid off and it would just be an asset divided, without mortgages, title transfers, paperwork, etc. Also, the barrier of estranged wife holding hostage is over. He had a brief period of having a medical emergency that was a surprise, as he never took pills for anything, no medical issues, and was never in the hospital.
The estranged wife had the reality check that she would be stuck with his medical bills, or have to take care of him if he remained ill. So, I guess she was ready to cut loose fast after that. We spoke of 3 years on my side, as I wanted my son to graduate, and not have drama or excuse to not finish college. So, even though it felt faraway, it is only weeks or a couple months away. My, how time flies! He will graduate in May and I feel that if I leave earlier, then it will totally be his choice to waste the 3 1/2 years he has already invested.Taking it all in, a day at a time. I have learned I cant control anything. I can only control myself.
December 28, 2016 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Feel surprisingly calm: Mantra( I deserve to be happy) #123826Nan
ParticipantHe probably wont be violent, as he is older. I feel he may be out of control, as there are many women who are hurt or killed when the man feels he has nothing to lose, and doesnt want the woman to be happy in any way. Also, the fact that this scenario played out 40 years ago, when I was dating both and went to R-1 and married him, left him and it may feel like R2 “won”. Maybe he cant give that up. SO, I am practical and leery, and wont be foolish enough to not pay attention to what could occur. There are many shocking stories out there.
Not so hard with the fake. I deserve an Oscar for my performance sometimes !Nan
ParticipantOh my! I have lied using 8 reasons of your list of 12. Peter says it right- all mostly due to fear and insecurity and self-protection!
ParticipantThe question, as noted above is “How does your father help you?” Seems kind of a one way street with his “Family helps Family” thought. Very convenient to take and take. Never having anything to offer in return. Have they ever helped you in a significant way? It is a large commitment for your future husband to adopt them as dependents (child-like, but not a child) and burden you and him with their welfare.
Do they ever show concern or apologize for their dependence on you and the anxiety/worries they are placing on you?Nan
ParticipantYou would be legally liable for the lease if you sign it. Should your father be unable to work anymore, the entire rent would be your problem, since he would not have means to pay it. How long is the lease? You would be liable you know? Each and every time maybe you wanted something extra for you or your husband, maybe a a little travel, it couldn’t happen, if you had to worry about paying their rent. You would then have some resentment building up with either you or your husband against you. Is that how you want to start a new marriage? What if his parents wanted you both out of the basement living arrangement? Do you have enough between you to pay for another place to live? It doesnt appear like your husband would accept this arrangement, and if you default on the lease, YOUR credit is trashed next. Are there other siblings or other family members who might help out? Could you pay the entire rent on the lease yourself if stuck with it?
It appears that he is not agreeing to this financial ( legal) arrangement after thinking about it. Maybe you need to make a decision if this is a “dealbreaker” or not? Maybe you need to think what is more important? If your rescuing others is part of your personality, then maybe he wasnt aware of how far you would go for your own family. Maybe he felt that you and he have your own life to start and have a future for yourselves. While living with your parents, I always agree that paying rent of some amount is the sign of a true adult. But depending on the child to take care of the parents with no end in sight, could make a situation that would affect your own future.Nan
ParticipantI see that you indicated you are home=schooled, which can be quite isolating in itself. Hard to make friends or a social life, if isolated like that. Is the home-school situation a choice or is there a reason you could not attend a neighborhood school instead of the isolated life you have. Just curious, as the social interactions in a usual high school may or may not help you to cope with things. Also the counselors at the local schools are well-versed in teenage issues and are helpful also.
ParticipantJJC- When I am real scared about a situation or something, I ask myself “What is the worst that can happen?” I run it like a movie through my head.Then, I envision the worst, such as the screaming, drama, threats, possible physical abuse. I then anticipate how I will feel and how to react to it in a way that I could feel in control. After running the movie and the “what if’s” in my head, and how I should react to it in a controlled and adult manner, I feel like I can handle it. No surprises, as if that is the worst that could happen, and I handle it, anything else is easier. The unknown and “what if” becomes less unknown and I feel like I can handle it.
My worst “what if” was “Would he threaten or hurt me? Would he kill himself over how I hurt him?” I ran it through my head, how to react to it, and realized that his reaction is his choice, Killing himself means he wont be around for his beloved son, and that he made that choice, We all have choices as our life unfolds. On another note, I would be the beneficiary of his life insurance and I am sure he wouldnt want that!Maybe if you can anticipate the what if, you can cope and feel less overwhelmed. I haven’t made my move yet, but with the movie played out, it feels like I can handle it, whatever comes up, when I have all my ducks in a row.
(Your lady friend may lose patience, if you keep waffling, and then you have one less support to strengthen you….).Nan
ParticipantHI Inky,
Acting selfish- that’s a new one to describe me. My first posts of months ago explain the whole story. It will explain the reason that I kept things under wraps.I have given my whole life and being to someone for 36 years, and it is “never enough”. I have taken emotional and mental abuse about putting me down, no matter what I do, subtle and consistently. All the missteps in my life that started with major manipulation 40 years ago.
As for unloading the house: I have paid all the bills, all the house expenses, etc. He has hoarded his money, even though I gave every year the tax refund that ran to 5-7K each year, to fix the house for emergencies, etc. He never did any major repairs and the house became a wreck over the last 17 years that we had been in it.I kept asking and getting estimates, but he would blow it off and we could “wait” til later. He was panicked that the house was going to need 40K in repairs ( which it did), that would match the exact amount in his savings acct that I had given to him over the years. So, I seized the opportunity and removed this burden that was wearing me down. He is actually relieved somewhat, as the proceeds from the house went right into his money market account, ( transferred from our joint acct0> I really dont care about the money, just want one less burden on me. I am 62 years old, and wearing down from the responsibility. He is now harping about the apartment. Nothing pleases him, and I keep trying to fix things to make him happy. So, taking the reins of my life back and hoping to survive the next steps. Just overwhelmed over the massive changes ( and more to come) in the last month or so.
Thank you for your good wishes!Nan
ParticipantMy title misspelled – Fell for Feel. Aargh! Another brain blip!
ParticipantYes, it does make sense. Self-protection for now. Being numb so I can at least function day-to-day.I have filled my hours with all the minute details of a move ( change addresses, find stores, doctors, get my work/internet/phone set-ups,. etc) that I feel like I cant think of anything else. The intense longing and desire for R-1 to come and take me away, is sort of on the back-burner and that sort of bothers me. (In my first thread, I misnamed R-2 as wanting to take me away, its R-1 I meant). See, my mind is somewhat scrambled for now. I feel that once I have settled in and this environment becomes familiar, that I can then focus on my next step. Hell, I cant find where my boots are, in this tower of boxes! I just feel odd that I am not absolutely ecstatic and giddy with joy of unburdening myself of the house and feeling free from that. Maybe I have been on edge and anxious these few weeks as all this change is overwhelming. Poor R-1. He continues to soothe me and make me calmer, and never complains or becomes impatient with my talking through all my worries. He is always positive and calms/comforts me, and never raises his voice or sounds annoyed with me. He is my sanctuary for the storms that will come! Will post again once the smoke has cleared a little bit. Missed Tiny Buddha for the 2 weeks ( now 3) that I was in limbo! Thanks again!
ParticipantFamiliar seems less scary, and actually more comfortable, because that is what we are used to, even if a bad situation. As Inky said, we keep trying to “fix” the original experience and Prove Them Wrong.
September 7, 2016 at 12:12 pm in reply to: My partner wants to keep kissing her best male friend #114516Nan
ParticipantGuy friend had a sexu8al affair before and it resulted in separation and then reconciliation. Had history like this before, hmmm?
It appears that:
nude swimming (they are doing it..)
Camping trips (they are doing it)
If not having sex, she is relieving his sexual tensions at the very least.
It is much more than kissing. And daily texts and such? They “love’ each other on the text messages?
( PS: They are doing it).Nan
ParticipantBartered back and forth with the buyer who was acting like he was doing me a BIG favor. Well, we agreed to reduce the price of the house and I signed 20 minutes before the deadline hour. I now have 25 days to get this all done and be out to the next dwelling. Trying to recoup some of what I spent on deposits, boxes, packing supplies, with a garage sale or two.
Will have the next 25 days be a whirlwind of activity, between work and home. Requested that R-2 search for a storage place this next Thursday when he is off, and acquire it. I do that with the idea that he will sign responsibility for the storage and if he wants the 10 boxes of trophies and pictures and miscellaneous sports memorabilia between he and my son, then he will need to know it will get paid by him. I am elated and also scared ( hello fear again!) just because of the overwhelming myriad of things to do and close services, change mail addresses, etc before closing. I feel like this has been a gift handed to me, so that the one huge barrier of owning a declining house and unable to walk away, was draining my possibility of moving forward. So life now noisy and busy with activities. Cant or wont start trouble, in order to finish this business and clearly think ahead. Thank you for your thoughts and support! -