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ParticipantOne last point- it takes two to make a relationship work. I think women tend to blame themselves more and analyse more, but it does take two and he has responsibilt also. I think if things are meant to be they will be at some point. If not then that person was a lesson and you will have learnt a lot from knowing them. It’s really really hard, I know, but people come into your life for a reason and done stay and some don’t, but the fact that they were in your life and part of your story will never change. They are always part of your story and you theirs. If they taught you love and showed you happiness that’s a great thing. But you will be happy and feel that way again. It’s hard to see now but you will.
Really sorry to hear you are feeling low. I have felt down in the past so I can relate to how that feels. When I first started uni I also felt lonely for the first 6 months as it was all so new and I felt majorly out of my comfort zone and lost. What helped me was sometimes making myself go up to people and talk to them and try to connect over the little things. It’s hard as it’s not often the friendship you want straight away as closeness and connectedness takes time to develop but over time it can come. At that time I wasn’t really into drinking/clubbing so I found someone to just hang out with and watch tv with. I also tried to make friends with people I was in halls with, some people you will click with others you won’t, but that’s just life and nothing to do with them/you. It takes a while to find yourself and your group of friends sometimes at uni and that’s OK but you will find your group. 🙂 Perhaps try and join a club or chat to people on your course and try and make plans with them. From all the people at uni I probably today keep in contact with 3 friends so it’s quality not quantity. Also make time to go home as that’s where you feel like you have roots and belong as that will help you feel stringe to go back to college/uni with your family behind you. They just want you to be happy that’s All.
About your ex, I completely understand. It is SO hard. I would say if you need to cry, cry and just accept it for what it is-A tough time that ultimately will make you stronger. Looking at his profile is just torture. Do you have any friends from home you could ring and talk to when you are feeling down? Or talk to an online therapist. Talkspace and 7 cups of tea are good but I guess there’s loads others. Take advantage of your good days to go out and do stuff and my advice would be to listen to your body and your inner voice to guide you to do things you like which helps. When I felt depressed, it seemed like nothing gave me any joy so I didnt want to do anything but I would sometimes think I should go for a walk.. then my negative voice would creep in but I basically forced myself to go and it does help. Your body does know best. Other things that helped me were: having a nice warm shower, going to the beach, cooking a nice meal, reading a good book, spending time outside, swimming, making positive plans for the future eg run a fun run, do an online course etc.
About your course- it’s hard to choose at 18 or younger what you want to do. If you choose psychology and don’t like it, see if you can change in the first few months as I know people who did that. Ask yourself why you are doing that course? What interests you? I think it helps if you follow your passion. In many cases, for getting a job post college or university WHAT you study doesn’t really matter as work experience and a positive attitude seem to help the most so please don’t worry about choosing the wrong course- as long as you enjoy it and are passionate about it (rahl Dahl has a good quote on this) then nothing else matters.
Look after yourself
I’m sorry you are feeling this way. I can appreciate it is hard to see the light sometimes, but it’s still there.
in terms of your job, I believe things happen when they are supposed to happen and it could be that job wasn’t 100% right for you, or you can see not getting the job this time as a lesson in persverence and determination. You just need one lucky break with your job, so perhaps just keep trying for things you are interested in and perhaps find some volunteer or charity work on the side so you can perhaps make more friends or meet new people and have something else to talk about in your job interview. Sometimes you just need one thing to go right then everything else falls into place. perhaps think about a new skill, qyalifcation or hobby you would like to try-this could give you a boost of confidence and allow you to meet new people. There is a website called meet up that can help you meet people in your area and charities often run cheap working holidays where you get out in the outdoors with a group of people and work toward a common goal eg clearing a coastal path etc that again may just give hoy done positive feelings back.
I have been I a similar position to you and can empathise with your situation. In my experience it was following my heart to do what I enjoyed, and making small changes to my life that over time added up.
ParticipantHi Saman,
Not really sure I can add anything really as Pearce’s comments were really insightful and true. I just wanted you to know that you aren’t alone and I can empathise with you.
the issue with depression is that it makes everything seem worthless and pointless and life is just a shade of numbness or sadness and there is very little happiness. Like you, I thought of doing anything, even stupid things so that I could FEEL something.
A combination of things worked for me and some days they work well and some days not at all, but I thought I should share them with you in case one helps.
1) Watch inspirational TED talks.. I like Tony Robbins energy and passion but whichever works for you. Also read inspirational books. I personally like the alchemist but again its picking what YOU like and what speaks to you. Perhaps go to a book store and pick a few books that speak to you from there and start with those.
2) Journal your feelings.. Still means they are there just not buzzing around in my head so much. This usually is painful and makes me cry bur sometimes it can help in sorting my emotions out. Or get a therapist to help you.. I find talkspace works for me but there are alot of different ones out there.
3) Eat or do something you loved from childhood. For me that’s strawberry milkshake and chicken nuggets.. This sounds terribly unhealthy but for me its just a step in reminding myself of the stuff I used to like or do that I don’t do anymore or had forgotten about.
4) Take a shower or bath, it feels like the most hardest thing ever and for me my mind makes up a million reasons why not, but generally its nicer to feel clean, the little mood boosting things help
5) Do something you don’t want to do or are putting off. For me this helped as I was crying again at work, staring at the screen seeing the emails all pile in and I just felt hopeless. This had gone on for months but but one morning at work I thought I’m going to answer that email I don’t want to do, im still going to feel sad and rubbish and want to cry but I’m going to do it anyway. It sounds simple but it was something I really didn’t want to do or had thought of before as I was used to waiting for the feelings to pass and then getting more angry and frustrated At myself when they didn’t.
6) Stick to a routine and build it around the little things that make you feel just a bit happier eg for me its making nt morning coffee, and spending time reading but its whatever works for you.
7) Do exercise you enjoy. The enjoy is the important part, for years I went running as I thought that’s a good way to keep fit, but I actually never enjoyed it at all. Instead I now swim and use it as a form of meditation- I can’t think too hard and swim so for me its a nice way to quiet my brain for half an hour.
8) try and think of a goal that energises you or spend time with people that energise you.
you are wonderful and you are loveable and you are a valueable person just by being you, never ever forget that. you are not alone.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, my phone keeps freezing and not letting me amnend them.
My advice would be to go with your heart. It may not be rational or logical but it is the thing that you will be happiest with at the end of the day. This does not mean hurt your husband intentionally or see the other guy behind his back as it will just eat at you having to live with the secret of betrayal. Deep down you know the answer. You have something to lose if you pick either and you will have to pick one or the other- it is not fair on either of them to have both- just try and listen to yourself so that you are happy with your decision. Like suggested above feelings are feelings and we cant help them, but behaviours we can and you need to choose the person you believe will make you the happiest down the line. I appreciate you aren’t comparing the same thing as you have been with your husband a long while so it is different with the other person but deep down you already know the answer in terms of who you love more, Then I would suggest you should consider: is this a healthy love? Does the person you love more right now have my best interests at heart? and can you see a future with the person you love more?
I think after a romantic relationship (at least in my experience) it is difficult to stay friends as you aren’t really truly friends there are always feelings there at one side or another. Your husband sounds lovely and it sounds like you get on well with him- perhaps you and him just got a bit stuck in a rut and need to re-connect. OR you could think about either your husband or the other guy marrying someone else and see how that makes you feel. Im guessing you will have a stronger reaction for one or the other and that shows you where your feelings currently lie.
I appreciate this is a hard situation to be in. Nothing feels more natural than love. If you feel like you would regret not making it work with this other guy then I would say perhaps go for that, but if you cant bear the thought of losing your husband then perhaps he is the one. It is hard to sort it out I can appreciate as you are not comparing apples with apples when thinking of the two people. Many people perhaps in your life perhaps have their view on what you should do, but again you need to be happy with your decision so just try to go with what YOU think, and try not to let anyone else influence you, least of all this other person, friends or family.
ParticipantHello Felix,
Thank you for sharing. I replied to this post as I recently had to make a decision about work and hopefully might be able to help. My decision was whether to stay in a safe, comfortable job or to try something new and do a job that was more in line with my long term goals but had less stability. Deep down I knew the answer that was right for me (I chose the job doing something new with less stability)- you said you are leaning towards a ‘no’ and perhaps that, along with the phrase: ‘This is one of the last chances I have to move ahead, advance, make more money’ suggests that you should hold out for a better offer. You can probably find a job that can allow you to advance AND spend time with your dog and do training on the side. The reason I say this is that I am doing a job and also doing training on the side and that’s what showed me is that if we want to make time for something we will.
My other thoughts are that the right answer feels expansive in your chest and the wrong answer feels more constrictive, I know its difficult when you feel under pressure, but when I was making my decision I went for a walk and spent some time by myself and then when I was feeling more calm and rational, I was able to hear how I thought over all the noise.
I think its okay to be nervous and feel scared- the future is the unknown, but for me the fear I had of starting a new job and leaving the old, did not outweigh my decision and my feeling deep down that it was the right thing for me to do- so perhaps if the same is true for you, you know your decision.
My advice would be to take a deep breath and listen to yourself. Your wife and friends, family etc are useful to talk to about pros and cons and all the practical things but you are going to be the one accepting or declining the job offer, it is you that has to live with the decision so just spend time with yourself and just go with how you feel once you have thought about pros and cons (as pros and cons only take you so far). It is only natural to feel scared whatever decision and, to be honest there is not really a right or a wrong answer- only option A or B and you can always change down the line, even though I realise it feels really important now but no matter what you choose your wife and family will support you no matter what.
Also a long while ago I had the opportunity to go for a career that I wanted but I doubted myself and my fears held me back and I do regret this now. I have found an alternative career and I am happy in it but I do often think of where I could be and how different my life could of been if I had more faith and confidence in myself and that only comes by doing. There is nothing wrong with aiming high and wanting more.
I read this quote the other day and it makes me think of your situation:
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” see here for more. These always inspire me when I am feeling down.
Best wishes and please try not to stress and worry and analyse, go for a walk, cook something nice or have a shower or go for a run… the answer will come to you when you stop trying.
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you very much for your advice and thoughts – its been really useful to have your insight and I have read and re-read your response many times. I agree, there is a lot to be said for the freedom to be yourself. It wasn’t until I met my friend I realised how much I actually was running around in my life NOT being myself.
Best wishes and thank you again.
ParticipantHello Katie and Anita,
Thank you very much for getting back to me. Katie- I think its exactly how you say ‘all I can do is be honest and open with myself and my partner, which is hard, especially when he says he ‘prefers the old me’ etc but I think after meeting my friend, I don’t want to go back and pretend everything is okay and put everyone elses needs above my own, it really showed me how much that it is actually respectful to yourself to honour your own needs and your partners, not just theirs and not yours at all which was what was happening before.
My boyfriend is very scared of change, and I am too and I think that’s partly why we got so complacent. Katie, I also agree that is is easier to have ‘the next person to obsess over’ rather than focus on myself, as its like my brain thinks of a million ways to keep stressing, be busy etc rather than sit with the feelings/thoughts I have.
Anita- yes I think you are very right. It’s a leave or stay situation and as much as I do like my boyfriend and he is lovely and kind and caring towards me, there are days that I feel restless and feel like moving on is the best option to find someone that made me feel like that. The issue is it would mean giving up a stable life, my home and all my ties in my local area and that is what I am scared of, NOT finding someone that I feel at home with.. and (over dramatistisation I think) dying alone, unloved. I know that’s not a rational thought it’s just how my mind thinks when I think about leaving. I have talked to my family about this and they are very much like’ you are so lucky, you have a stable life, someone who loves you and a nice house- many people would like to be where you are, but the problem is, although I am happy for times or moments, I am not happy deep down and I think that was shown through my attachment to my friend and the loss I feel now hes gone and the fact that I am sometimes grumpy and irritable, I just cant seem to settle and nothing feels right on some days, and then on others, it all seems bearable and I think to myself: yes you ARE lucky and you CAN do this… its just having the faith and courage in myself I think to make a decision and not look back with regret. I am just scared that if I do leave, I realise the issue was with myself all along, e.g its up to myself to feel at home, not trying to find it in another relationship and so I would of shot myself in the foot…. Do you have any advice/thoughts on this at all please?
ParticipantThank you very much Anita for writing back, you are exactly right, it is those things that I would like and I did admire my friend for being authentic to his truth and what he wants out of life. I wanted to be like that to. I think you are right M in that I don’t know myself that well and didn’t really even recognize my needs or acknowledge them before, so I think that must be the next step.
I appreciate your advice with saying how I feel, positive or negative. The problem is when I am honest with my boyfriend about how I feel he says that I am ‘not as nice a person than I was before’ and that I have changed as a person- I don’t say anything or mean it in a horrible way, I just feel like recently I have been trying to stand up for myself more and what I would like and because that wasn’t how it was between us at the start, he is surprised by this and doesn’t like it.
I think you are right in that perhaps several people could meet this. I haven’t got any close friends near by that have those qualities- I think that’s why I liked the friend so much, but I am hoping to make some and putting steps in place to do that. I think this has taught me that close friends in life are quite hard to find.
I think what I would like to know is- does this suggest that there is something inherently wrong with my relationship that I need to fix e.g is it common for peoples partners to fill the hole or make things feel like home or is this only something I can give myself and its nothing to do with my current situation. As tbh even as a child I often felt lonely or alone and then having this friend was like having a best friend and it was lovely. I would love to re-connect with my boyfriend in the same way but in a way we never have had the depth and honesty of conversations that me and my friend had (probably because he was removed from me and not in the situation so I felt like I could be more honest) but the fact is is that now its left me wanting more and expecting more from my relationship- e.g I want that closeness again now I know it is possible but don’t know how best to find it. Was it just a me and my friend thing or something that can be re-created with others?
Many thanks for your help and advice, I was having a tough day the other day and reading your responses really helped me- so thank you very much.
Best wishes,
Participant*thankyou – apologies for the spelling mistake.
ParticipantDear M,
Thanky out for writing back- I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. In terms of things i liked I guess he just seemed to notice little things about how I was feeling that other people didn’t and made an effort to know me as a person well not just in a shallow level and genuinely seemed to know how I was thinking/ feeling on the inside i.e. Not ok rather than the ok I was trying to be on the outside. His views on life were so different to mine and he was so positive and courageous about going for what you want in life and believing in fate and just seemed so sorted – I admired those things in him. He knew himself really well after making decisions that sometimes went against the opinion of his friends/ family but he did what was best for him each time and he came out of it really happy with a life exactly how he wanted it and I, at the time, felt like I was living my life for others and rarely thought what I wanted so I looked up to him I guess. I wished I could be like that. I’m happy that he’s happy it’s just sometimes I do miss having a good friend like that in my life. Im finding it hard to let go.