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    Hi Anita,

    Wow, how the years have moved along. Sometimes really bumpy and other times just small waves.

    Yes. thank you for pointing it out. That it was a vacation/wedding and we all had our happy faces on. I sometimes miss city life but do not wish to live that close to family. If I ever think of it and tell you please bring me back to reality!! lol! I do get a sense of distraction by being needed with family. But I think it’s only a distraction from the fact that I have to continue building my own life. Something no one can take away from me. I still resist a lot of change that I want to make in this area. Like planning more social events then cancel.  Plan to go to gym/park and end up at home scrolling on my phone.  Dating! I have gone on a few dates but no where near enough.

    Thank you for that compliment Anita! I do believe I am a good, honorable person but it’s been a while since I have felt that way. I still carry a lot of guilt. I also don’t think I spend enough time with people who have the capacity to celebrate me.

    OB is and always will be a challenging relationship or at least now and in near future until hopefully he goes to therapy but he will need A lot of it. I started my journey with therapy in 2017 and then started learning more and more in 2018 around the time of my perfect storm when I first reached out here.  I have grown and learned so much but still feel as though, just like showering, healing is a everyday thing. If you miss a few days, you notice and feel it.


    Hi Anita,

    Wow, 5 months since my last post. I can be a real procrastinator, I am sorry!

    I cannot tell you how many times I have thought to myself, I would like to catch up on our conversation. I am glad to be doing so now.

    I loved your response to my confusion and the way you used scripture. I trust this.

    The sexual abuse is still hard for me to address with my brother. I have not felt an opportunity or desire to do this.

    These last few months I have had a decent amount of contact with family. My brother in Chicago had a wedding and asked me to be there so I actually seen my entire family for the first time in years. It went surprisingly well.  Most were very kind and seemed happy to see me. My aunt cried when she seen me. My cousins hugged me tight and let me know how much they missed me. I believe them. And I observed while I was there. I maintained my boundaries. I was present. Although, they love me and missed me, they are still who they are.  A lot of behaviors I chose to excuse myself from and conversations I chose to stay out of. Boundaries like that made this visit so much better. I tried to only give what I had and took breaks when I needed it.

    This made me wonder if that’s all I needed to do from the beginning. Or if this is something I can go forward with, with family.

    There is no doubt I needed to get away from my family in the past.  And I needed to grow as a person and have my own life. But I do enjoy knowing I am mending these relationships.  It makes me feel motivated to continue building my life. Just with boundaries this go around.

    I have had some long and “therapy like” conversations with my OB. He has opened up so much to me. I can see he is really trying to change and explore his feelings and his past. I let him know after a really detailed conversation that I love him and want him to know I am here for him but really believe he needs to speak to a therapist. I put up a boundary and let him know that as he explores his past and continues to heal there will be too many things that come up that will be triggering for me since we grew up in the same household. I expressed that I am still healing myself.  I was proud to say that. He was accepting of that.

    I really do see him trying in ways that I am surprised by and I am hoping that as he digs deep there can one day be a conversation and apology for the abuse.

    I have asked myself if I am people pleasing in that. I know I am extending a lot of grace but I feel whole enough to do that at this point. Is that wrong?

    Also, I don’t know if bringing that trauma to the fore front would be good for me right now. I am feeling more content and peaceful these days. Still have my ups and downs but so much more manageable. I am at a place where I just want to focus on continuing to build my foundation. Finding out who I am.

    These are my late night thoughts. I am looking forward to hearing back from you Anita and hope that are doing well!



    Hi Anita,


    You are so right about that. The new attention is nice, especially in the beginning. Still holding up on the boundaries. I have had to be in contact with my brother for my father’s care. My brother has been very sweet with letting me know how much he missed me in their life. He says I am so rare and such a good person and he wants to always be in my life. Very endearing. But I still do not like some of the roads our conversations take and I am still working on this. I also fear gaslighting from him. I think the past has to do with it but also that my brother can have manipulative ways. He has even admitted it and says he is working on being more empathetic and putting himself in others shoes. I can tell he is working on it. Sorry if I am ranting here. I am just confused. Like did I do the right thing allowing them back in my life? I know ultimately I control how much. I hear and a lot of people in the healing community talk about not going back to those who showed who they were etc. Even Biblical quotes but then also hear the contradiction of love your family. I just have that jiggling in my head.


    Thank you for that complement Anita! Saying I am most deserving of my gift. That means so much to me 🙂




    Hi Anita,


    I was speaking on my oldest brother, David. And to be honest since I last wrote I realized that I naturally blame the other party. It is not only that my brother can be clingy, it is that I was also enjoying the attention. It was exciting to be back in contact. It was a distraction from some of my own issues in my own life. It was my loneliness. Anyhow, we have not spoke other than in short. I have set a boundary, silently, and he seems to be respecting it.


    Boundaries are hard to stick to I find. I don’t know if throughout the years my mind has created a poor memory but I set boundaries and goals and can easily move on to the next or just forget, lose interest in this important goal/boundary I set. I find it hard to stay consistent. And it’s disappointing.


    Last month  my uncle and I spoke. During the conversation he let me know that he would like to gift me a down payment on a condo. I was stunned. I have never received such a monetary gift. I don’t think I spoke about this uncle much. Since then I have been learning so much about buying a home and what is actually required. I have a lot of work to do financially before I can afford this. This is a goal I must stick to.


    Hi Anita,


    I have yet to read your post on Loneliness but I will! I do recognize loneliness is a more wide spread issue than just myself.  Most people are afraid of people, like me lol.

    It is weird to look at those past posts I have made. To think I was in so much pain and so confused most of the time. I am so grateful I have made such progress. I am thankful for never giving up even though I thought about it a million times.

    I am working on continuing my life here independently. Due to my father being in such critical condition my brother and I had been in a lot of contact. But now he is getting a bit better. I am working on having less contact with him and sticking to my boundaries. This is something I do across the board. I lose myself in situations, relationships etc. Each time I notice and something arises I learn more and more that I was just so raised to do do do for others. Almost like I was invisible. So I am really just working on what my truth is. Who am I? What do I stand for? How do I develop relationships and own my spot in it.

    My brother can get clingy so I think in this situation just remembering that I have a say in how much time I give him is my first step. And when I begin to feel bad for him, I have to remember that I am not responsible for his feelings.



    I have had an interesting/stressful last few weeks. My father has been suffering from some health issues. I had know about them but did not understand the severity. A few weeks ago he flew to AZ with my niece. Once there my brother found him out of breath and turning purple. He was rushed to the ER. Eventually needing life support. Once it got to that point I decided to take a trip to AZ to see him. I knew it could be the last time I would see him and I did not want to miss that opportunity.

    Learning this information and knowing I would be in AZ I broke no contact with my oldest brother and his family. Between this and making so many big decisions regarding my Father’s life last week I was definitely challenged. I am proud to say that I survived and thrived during the experience. My father is no longer on life support. He is still struggling but better than it was.  My brothers and I had to decide decisions while he was under. It was so scary. So sad.

    I stayed at my brothers home for financial reasons. It just made more sense. We ended up having a good time catching up in between supporting my father. We met for lunch multiple times while I was there and he was out of work. I often imagined seeing him to be more scary. It wasn’t. I also lost a lot of anger I used to have for him. It is a little confusing. I used to hate him for the things he has done. And here I was loving him. The relationship is not perfect but being reunited in some is peaceful. He apologized and admitted a few things even though I tried hard not to talk about the past. Underneath him being the oldest of us all and the more “powerful” one, he is very sensitive and craves family and attention. He loves having company and was sad when I left. He likes to be surrounded by family. And I explained I am more of a loner. I need quite a bit of time to replenish my energy. I was trying to be open about my boundaries going forward.

    I like the peace and forgiveness that has come over me in regards to family. I feel like it is a part of me I was trying to deny for so long. And for good reason because I needed to.

    As I adapt back into Florida time and work this week I am just trying to get back into gear with my own schedule and goals again.





    Very true, the stability from my job and consistency of where I have been living have helped get me back in a better place. I had not recently thought about the correlation between the moving around I was doing and my childhood. Growing up we moved around quite a bit. Finances were not stable.  I can still get really anxious when something unexpected happens. I fear the worse. I’ll be homeless and unable to provide for myself. With the work I have been doing I know this to be untrue. I have, even at my most fearful, always provided for myself. In the future I would like to better my relationship with money. I would like to thrive. Nonetheless,  I am grateful for what I do have.

    Yes, past relationships and even the most recent one created turmoil. This last man was really just a distraction from dealing with where my life was. But I was also craving male attention as I still do. I settled with him. I knew he was not good for me or my soul but I continued on. Eventually, the differences were so clear that I could not stand to see him one more time. I have been peaceful since. But, I still believe in my heart that I was born to be a Mom and wife. My lifelong dream! I am 35 now, will it ever be? I have juggled with maybe it won’t. and I will have to live with that. I really just struggle to make friends or relationships. It is the trust issue. I hide myself a lot. I also attract similar patterns in people, but now, more than ever I feel so much more self aware about this.


    Last week I started back into my new role after my voluntary demotion. It has been peaceful. I learned so much in leadership. I learned that I lead well. I lead with my heart and soul. My team loved me and I loved them. But, I learned that my boundaries would soon creep in. And to constantly work on boundaries can, at times, be empowering but also exhausting. Most times I gave way too much of myself. I look forward to spending the rest of this year treating work as just work and creating a life outside of it.

    Bringing me to my family…

    Your always spot on Anita! I can easily go into a nostalgic place with family. I do believe we had some wonderful times. My Father came in June, and it was great! We spent five days together. I knew better than to get attached. He struggles with alcohol and drug addiction. I know too well. He loves me when he can but he will most likely always return to his ways. I am coming to peace with this. As for my brother, it is just simple texts. I just want peace with them. I know they cannot provide the family environment I craved for so long.  But with my niece, this relationship is important to me. I know that she will need me in her life. She is 15 now. She will soon be heading for life’s ups and downs as well all do as we grow up and I want to be a wise person in her life. I love her so much. I am so happy to be in touch with her. I would love to go see her this summer. No exceptions, other than it my job to love her the best I can while I am in her company.


    Yes, I wish I would have been able to apply your wonderful advice on relationships in a better way back then. I do believe I can function this way now. Mindfulness can be hard for me some times but I am starting to slow down more. I really would like to create connections that are stimulating and balanced.  I know that it begins with me. If I give/offer to much of me too fast I will likely attract people that will take quicker than I give. I look forward to slowing down. Paying attention to people and just having fun if I can. I just need the motivation to do it. I think talking about it is a start!


    I am glad that you are fine. You mean a whole lot to myself, so can imagine how others on here feel as well. We had not spoke for 1.5 years but I always thought about you and your advice. The idea that you spent so much time reading my long, dramatic emails at times and you would be patient and kind and offer really good advice is so beautiful. Always will be appreciated.



    It has been a long long time. Thank you for continuing to write me. For some reason I had not received notifications that you wrote and I could have just looked up our last entries but I kind of lost touch. I am very happy to be writing you.

    My it has been over 1.5 years since we spoke I believe. A lot has happened in that time. Not sure where to begin but I will try.

    I am doing well in a sense.

    I am working at the same job, I live in the same apartment. I have a grown a lot and better deal with life. By no means do I have it figured out though lol.

    I am not dating nor in a relationship. I have spoke to some family and even had my father visit me in June. I am back on a texting basis with one brother and my niece.

    I am financially stable. Not overly well off but pay my bills on time and can afford some self care luxuries.

    I was seeing a man that I worked with for a while. It was not the best experience. I seem to attract similar traits in men.

    I recently recognized in my current position at work that the load is too much for me. I have been supervising my department for the last year. So I have  demoted myself (Voluntarily)  to focus more on me and my life again. Not sure if that makes sense.

    Have not been to Church as much as I’d like. Still have not found my fit for a Church family but now that I will be working a bit less and having hopefully less stress work wise I can focus more on my Church/Social life.


    How are you Anita??

    I hope you are doing very well. I am happy to see you still write.



    Hi Anita!

    I’ve thought about you and getting on here. It’s been a while.

    yes, I’m a Christian. And still haven’t tried the dating site. I haven’t given dating a lot of thought lately.

    i do still think of my ex, but realize that is just my nostalgia. He has never reached out after getting the news I was living in Florida. He is not who I thought he was. I wish I could erase him from my mind.

    My mind does this thing where it likes to create reasons why people do things, excuses. So I can keep believing a lie. But I’m working through this pattern. Not easy


    how are you?


    Hi Helcat!

    Yea it can be frustrating. I think I have had my share of online dating already. I have not gone back on. I have not joined a hobby or social group in a while so that is definitely something I would consider. Thank you for the suggestions.


    Hi Anita,


    I did not make a Christian Mingle yet. But I did go on a few others. I have not enjoyed my experience so far. A lot of the stereotypical dating site things I have heard. Sending me explicit photos that I did not ask for. Very vague small talk. But I am not giving up. Just got turned off by it. I do get discouraged but I will continue to work on me while I search for a partner. But I am open to any advice and help. Thanks Anita!


    Hi Anita,


    Thank you!! For seeing me as a good woman. I do appreciate you. I try to stay grateful. I am not always able to feel that way but most days I do.

    I will soon check out the thread you mentioned.


    I think tonight I will create a Christians mingle account. I am nervous but lately I have been pondering a lot and I think I deserve to experience the dating life. I never have. I haven’t experienced a lot of things I would like to do out of fear. But now I recognize I need to let go of the old to bring in the new.


    Hi Anita,

    You help has been so much. Honestly, I think back to the beginning of our threads and even now I still rely on your wisdom. I appreciate it. I am blessed to have people guiding me.

    Yes I will have to patiently quit sugars and fried foods. It has been a battle because I rely on them for moments of happiness I guess. They give me that high. Like an addiction. I was attending a boot camp for 2 months and lost 20 bs. I felt so great and was feeling like my self. At some point I started to notice that the vibe was not as great as I thought it should be. I was celebrating my little wins and was so proud of my progress but the trainers made me feel like I was not doing enough. So I quit. I think I should have thought that one out better. I ended up gaining back what I lost and started eating out of control again. I am a bit disappointed in that. I think that is why I have been hesitating finding a routine again. But it is pretty serious that I start something. Health wise.


    Thank you Anita, that makes me feel better. I can go as slow as I would like. I historically jump right into things. That has not worked out 90 percent of the time. I am working at slowing down and appreciating things for what they are. It could be fun to date. I just do not know where to look. Most websites are trashy and scary to me. But I guess I will not know until I try?


    Hi Anita,


    Thank you. Yes, I’d say I need help. I’ve never had a successful dating life. As a healthier woman atleast. It has always been codependency running my relationships. I get really clingy fast. But I have been working on this.

    While in touch with my ex I though I wouldn’t be able to let go. I have thought about the situation many times throughout each day because I miss him but I don’t think I’ll be reaching out again. I feel the ball is in his court. If I truly ever mattered to him than knowing I’m in Florida and wanting to see him should put a fire under him, am I wrong to think that?

    As far as not feeling good enough. Well I’ll start with physically. Throughout these last two years I’ve piled on an extra 50 pounds. It doesn’t make me feel good. I think in most other areas I’m confident. Like cooking, cleaning, being a good woman. But I fear dating when I don’t have a true friend circle to rely on but I do have you and some other wise people I’ve met so I have to remind myself that. But I fear someone manipulating me again or many of my unhealthy skills to come up but I guess I can’t work on them until I’m in action? I don’t feel ready to date. Like I need to more whole but how long can a girl wait?


    Thanks Anita,

    I decided to let myself have the meltdown. I am human and it is sad. I’ve truly isolated myself. I need a hug.

    Well to begin I don’t know a safe way to date. I’ve never dated before. Like in a healthy way so it scares me. I guess it would just be easier to run back to the ex so that’s probably why I have him on my mind. But I’ve always imagined giving us another shot. I don’t feel so great about myself. So who will I find like that? More manipulative men I assume. But trying to get in more healing to feel better and do everything alone isnt working either. I want to cuddle and possibly be physical with someone. But I feel so guilty for that. I’m really confused in this area.

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