Forum Replies Created
Thank you so much for your opinion. I will be attending a meeting later today and I plan to update you.
Thank you for being here for me and others! I feels a little weird connecting this way but I am so thankful you’re here. I don’t feel alone
Thank you! I completely agree with everything you are saying. One thing I do know about myself – I fight change. I think maybe someplace deep down, I KNOW me fixing myself and changing for the better WILL change everything around me. The truth is, there are times I even drink with my spouse as a way of giving in because I’m always fighting about my spouses drinking and how it effects our household and my spouses child. I know the situation is toxic. I know I don’t want this for myself. I know my spouse doesn’t care to stop because he does gets like me so he doesn’t have a problem. But it’s a problem because i see how he misses work and goes on three day drinking missions. Or how he neglects his responsibilities because of drinking. Ugh – this is all such a mess.
I am so glad I reached out today.
Also, I will be attending a meeting later today.
ParticipantAnita, what do you think about AA meetings? I want to go but I’m scared. …not sure of what but I’m scared and nervous. I have also been thinking of going to church – I am not religious but something has got to give! I just cant seem to find a balance! I am either drowning myself in work, chores, fitness, and it seems when i take a break because i am so overwhelmed is when this other mess happens.
Sorry for all the messages today. I am feeling very lost today. Normally by day three over the hangover blues but something is different. I even feel like being dead would be better then facing the world. what is happening!
This post is probably all over the place. Sorry.
ParticipantI have spoke with a therapist and they believe if I have to admit I have a problem then maybe they need to look at themselves as having a problem. Which a family and friends + spouse have drug and drinking problems. Far more then I but I’m pointing fingers.
I think you’re right, maybe, I do need to look further into this because I use to be a fun person when I drank.
I just dont want to do this to myself anymore. Who I become when i drink is NOT who I am. I feel that’s why others are so forgiving of me after this slip ups because they cannot believe how out of control of myself i am. I am embarrassed and ashamed and want help!
ParticipantDear Reynan,
I am so happy you shared. I am currently going through the same thing. However, I seem to make this repeated mistake. I know alcohol is no good for me!!! I quit drinking, start taking care of myself, pick up healthy habits… then one day I think having one drink will be ok – and it is. So, a few weeks later – I do it again. Maybe this time, two drinks. I slowly start increasing the amount I drink over a course of weeks/months, until boom! I do something completely stupid, humiliating, and embarrassing. Things get so out of control. I drink to the point of blacking out and I don’t remember anything. It’s hard to have to be responsible and accountable for something you have done but have no account of. Everyone knows that’s not who you are but whatever they tell you, you have done; you did. ugh.
I really hope you’re doing better and I am glad nothing worse came of your night of drinking. I hope your friend has forgive you and you have forgiven yourself. Things will get better. Take it one minute at a time. Good luck!!!
Anita, I have read a few of your replies to people. I want to say thank you for showing so much compassion to others. I know for me it’s been helpful.