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ParticipantDear Kupono,
I can not believe that people like your mother still exist in our time and age! It makes me angry. How can anyone believe that a loving god would care if two people, who are in love with each other, are male/female, male/male or female/female? It boggles the mind. I’m sorry that you are in this situation. Do you have people you can talk to about it? Other relatives or friends?Peppermint
ParticipantDear helleia,
it is obvious from what you wrote that you are distressed. “Crying histerically” is another sign of depression or, to use another word, burnout. From what you wrote in the other thread you are under a lot of stress trying to fit in, comparing yourself to your classmates: “they were already at a higher level than me when we were all freshmen. It was so obvious.” and trying to finish college. This would be a challenge for anyone, but if you have depression on top of it, being reinforce by your constant struggles – then right now, by not getting competent counseling, by not admitting that you might need professional help, you make your life a lot worse than it has to be. Your “slowness” for example, might be a part of you that says “I don’t want to keep going like this, I want things to change! And if things don’t change I’m not playing along anymore.”A therapist can help you develop the skills to deal with your stress and to deal with your negative thinking. He/she will also listen to all your “whining” because she knows there is some basic need that is not fullfilled right now.
You might think you don’t need that, but I would ask you to consider this: if someone broke an arm, would you tell him: “well get your act together and stop whining.” No I think you would make sure he sees a doctor. Depression is just the same, you can’t just wish it away. And I’m wondering if maybe right now your have been in this state for so long, you don’t know that things can be different.
On Youtube, you can find a video called “I had a black dog, his name was depression.” It might help you understand better what I’m trying to say.
I do realize I made a lot of assumptions based on what you wrote here and also based on my own experience. But especially if you suffer from depression, it might be difficult for your to accept it. So I urge you again to see a councilor to get some real evaluation and help. Maybe this is even something that can be solved in a few sessions.
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantDear dipalipatil,
since I am not Indian, I can’t really say what sounds good for you, you have to decide that. However it might be good if you choose a name that is at least a bit common in your area so that your daughter won’t be mocked at school. One day she will be a grown-up woman and then the name still has to fit her as an adult and not sound like the equivalent of “Pippi Longstocking”or “she who is oh so very faithful” in your language (and everyone rolling their eyes upon hearing it). She might get to resent the name and as a consequence even buddhism itself.But as I said, since I am not Indian I really can’t judge your list at all and maybe this post is totally unfounded. After all you sound like a very loving parent.
ParticipantMonklet80 and the others allready said it all, but still I wanted to say this. You asked “How Important is a Recognition by Others?” and I think it is obvious when you look at what is going on in the world. People go to gay pride parades, fight for equal rights and same sex marriages. A lot of people feel like you do and want to feel recognized and accepted. It is totally understandable that you want the people around you to know about your partnership and that you don’t want to pretend that things are different from what they are.
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
September 1, 2016 at 2:01 pm in reply to: What do you do when you feel mentally and emotionally weak? #113956Peppermint
ParticipantDear helleia,
I feel like I understand you very well, I also struggled through a difficult major (but in university) and couldn’t connect to other people as much as I wanted. From what I read in your post, especially from this sentence “However, there are moments when my slowness gets out of hand. It becomes so slow to the point of lethargy and all I can think of are negative thoughts.” I think that you might suffer from depression. Maybe you are allready aware of it, but maybe you think it’s just weakness and can easily be overcome if you “just tried harder”. It’s an easy trap to fall into, thinking that if you only were better, you wouldn’t feel bad. However depression can be very hard to overcome all alone, because it is tricky. For example I am sure a lot of those negative thoughts you have sound reasonable in your mind. As are the high expectations you have for yourself e.g. “I should have been able to adapt enough” “I am annoyed that I still have a hard time to try to join an organization”.Is there a way you can get counseling at your school? Outside of school? Maybe I am off with my suspicion. Only a real doctor can tell. But I think you could profit from theraphy (CBT is pretty good), to start dealing with your negative thoughts, learn to deal with other people and slowly get out of the lethargy.
ParticipantDear Jane,
what a complex topic! I want to write so much I don’t know where to start, but I will try to keep it as short as possible. I hope the shortness won’t make my post look offensive.First of all, in general, you have a daughter to be proud of: „she now has thankfully turned around, is at uni and has worked through summer“. Not everyone gets to this point after a troubled past.
But your relationship with her is not what you have hoped for: „I guess I am feeling that now she is an adult, that she would appreciate all that I do for her, and expected as least some comeback and a closer relationship.“ Am I right in thinking that the birthday mess was just the tip of the iceberg for you? It sounds to me like your relationship was never that close. Would you like to write more about how it was when she was a child? A teen? Were you close then?As for getting closer in the here and now, unfortunately kids don’t magically change when they go to uni. And though I usually like to read Mattys posts, I disagree that cutting her allowance will get you closer. You can’t „buy“ (either with money or with doing stuff for her) that closer relationship, it has to develop. If you tell someone directly or indirectly: „we give you money so you have to love and respect us and act like we want you to“ how do you think that person will react? And further if you take Mattys advice and say „We don’t give you money until you love and respect us“ how do you think that will go over? Will that make your daughter care for you? Will she feel she can rely on you and that you love her no matter what? The only way I see a closer relationship developing is by changing yourself and the way you communicate with your daughter. I know it sounds wrong: why should ‘you’ have to change? But I think it is really the only way to go. I suspect you allready know a lot about communication, judging from how you talked calmly with your daughter after the birthday mess. Still I strongly recommend that you check out „Feeling good together“ by David Burns. (And no, this is not about you becoming a dormat for your daughters tantrums! Not at all, it’s rather about understanding her and make her understand you.)
Lastly I wonder if you can recall what your daughter said when she blew up and made you feel guilty. I am sure this is uncomfortable, but can you recall it word for word?
ParticipantDear Miniature Bodhisattva,
I once went to a workshop where you could learn how to react quickly when people offend you. The very first method we learned was not to say anything when someone offends you and just look the offender in the eye. I think, acidentally, you allready used that method that day. Sorry to hear that she „emotionally vomited“ on you. Personally I think it’s okay to set clear boundaries in such situations. In this case that would mean interrupt the flow, „sorry, gotta go now. Can I have my credit card back? Thanks. Have a nice day.“.
Standing up for yourself is something you can learn. It needs some time and practice though. Maybe there are some classes about that topic in your area? Or you might even take advantage of a good cognitive behavioral therapist. He/she might set challenges for you that get you out of your comfort zone and practice certain situations with you.
You asked how others would have handled the situation. Since for months now I have always bought the same type of bread and won’t take substitutes, in this certain case I would have said „Well, then I will buy my bread at the other bakery around the corner from now on.“ and left. ..but while that would have been very satisfying in the short term, it wouldn’t have been a good solution in the long term, I’m afraid. The other bakery is a bit further away from my home. Standing up for yourself can be tricky.
ParticipantDear floridajeanne,
I just wanted to give you a virtual hug. It’s so frightening beeing yelled at, isn’t it? That person has serious issues, but it’s not about you. You might worry about what your boss and VP might be thinking, but I believe most people will judge these kind of situations right and you have nothing to worry. You did very well by staying calm and polite, it makes her look even more ridiculous.Peppermint
ParticipantDear Jennifer, I don’t think you did anything wrong. You wanted to “talk with him about [his need for alone time] and discuss why I was never allowed to visit his apartment.” which is understandable. Basically you wanted to know where you stand with him, is that right? Well, who wouldn’t want to know that.
Everyone here can only guess what happened. Here is what is for me the most likely scenario based on what you told us:
You friend might be either depressed or have serious self-confidence issues. Maybe he is an introvert. Maybe all three. When he has moodswings he needs to be alone. He doesn’t want you to see him in a bad mood or worse, lash out verbally at you. So during that time he keeps to himself.
He is also ashamed about his flat and his room mate. Maybe everything is in disorder because he just has no energy to clean up. Maybe his roommate runs around in his underwear. Maybe he still lives with his mother.When you asked why he needs to be alone sometimes and why you can’t visit, a depressed person might have thoughts like “I’m not normal” “I can’t even invite my girlfriend to my flat, what a looser” “I should have done something about my living situation years ago, but I didn’t, I never make any progress” “I can’t tell her I’m depressed, she will look down on me” “this is all too much” “she deserves someone who treats her better, who is not such a burden” => “I want this problem to go away. I should break up with her. I’m sure it is better for her, too”.
I write this so that you understand that this is not about you, it’s about him. Of course I might be totally off, and he is living with his other girlfriend and when he says he wants time alone his other girlfriend wants to go out with him. Only you can say what feels true for you.
What do you think so far?
ParticipantDear Inky,
your relationship with C.B.F. is somewhat confusing for me.
In your first post about this topic you were sad about being excluded from C.B.F.s wedding (or at least about not being mentioned as part of the „92 Crew“). But you also weren’t too close to C.B.F., it seems, since for a long time you wouldn’t even let him add you on facebook. Did he ever answer when you wrote “Hey C.B.F., glad to hear from you, hope you are well!”? Now it seems he blocked you without any obvious reason and of course it makes you wonder why. Did he block you? Was it his new wife? What happened? Well all you can do is guess and that is not very useful. You wrote “No FB drama” in a different context, but maybe you should take that to heart for yourself as well. How important is this „friend“ for you, if you haven’t chatted since 2012?Facebook can be a useful tool, but it can also lead to depression. My suggestion would be that you concentrate more on your real life friends and aquaintances for a while. What activities could you do with them? What could you do to put a smile on their face? C.B.F. might not seem so important anymore then.
If I misunderstood something please let me know. Also I hope my post does not sound too harsh, I really appreciate the advice you often give others in the forum.
Btw. Since you unfriended him, the ball is in your court, actually. You wrote “Be back in 2017!” which I would take as “Be back in 2017 and then I will add you again”.
ParticipantDear ridiredhood,
feeling suicidal is serious and you need to act. You are MUCH more important than any finals. Your health and wellbeing (both in body and mind) need to come first.
Breath. Is there a suicide hotline in your country you can call? It can help to talk to someone directly. Look up the number and call them right now.Also feel free to post here anytime. How do you know that you will fail? Is it a fact or is it your fear talking?
ParticipantDear anxiousangel,
I think a lot of people lie to fit in. Take for example sexual orientation, origin or, less dramatic, ones favorite sports team. But from what I read in your post this lying is getting too much for you, it’s difficult to keep the lies straight and it creates an invisble wall between you and your friends. Did I understand you correctly?
Since I’m not Indian it is not possible for me to know how much honesty would impact your career. But if you feel close to a friend or girlfriend, why not try to be more open with them? If they judge you for something that you had no influence on whatsoever, then they are not real friends anyway.
Personally, when I meet someone I make up my opinion about that person based on what I see and what I know about his skills, not based on his family. You worked hard to get where you are and that is admirable. I don’t think there is any need to hide who you are or who your parents are.
What do you feel would be a good next step for you to do?
ParticipantDear nekoshima,
you have big plans, of course you are nervous!
I know how it feels to have a knot in your stomach. I had that in the past, to the point where I wondered if I had developed some serious medical condition. x_X I think at that point the anxiety isn’t useful anymore.
One of the things that helped me was autogenic training. It’s a way to relax your body and (at least for me) it has the effect of giving my brain a break, too. Here is an example video: . Lay down comfortably, put a warm blanket over you and try it, if you want. 🙂Peppermint
ParticipantDear Jack, a late merry christmas back to you. Over here in Europe we had unusually warm weather, but not warm enough to go to the beach. Did you go swimming? o.o I can never quite wrap my head around the fact that in Australia people go swimming on christmas.
ParticipantDear Who,
I wanted to answer to your original post.
To me it sounds as if your ‘venting’ actually lead to bold and wonderfully selfconfident statements, culminating in “I’m going to jump off the cliff and soar!”. Awesome! You go, who! What will be your next steps?As for your first sentences, the way I interpret it is that you are tired of people giving others advice when they seem to struggle themselfs. I agree that everyone who finds his way here is most probably struggling one way of another. But the thing is: we have all dealt with different things in life already. So someone seeking advice about e.g. a broken heart will likely find someone else here who has allready dealt with a similar situation. Some advice will be good, some bad, deciding that is up to the one asking for advice. But what is just as important, if not more, is that people can find empathy here for their problems. And for that, you don’t need the perfect advisor, just someone who is willing to listen. I can totally understand if this forum is not the right place for you right now, but I hope you will visit again whenever you like.
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by