Forum Replies Created
Participantit does take a lot of patience to deal with the inner bully, but i have been forming new thought that work on uprooting the inner bully when it is there. i imagine the inner bully as a weed and i get a shovel and i uproot it, the holes left there are annoying b/c the inner bully goes back and tells me that i have limitations that make me a bad person, so i fill those holes with flowers. i am creating a garden in my mind of flowers. i like solving limits algebraically than using the graphs or tables. graphs and tables are still a bit confusing, but they’re starting to make sense. a limit is “is the value that a function or sequence “approaches” as the input or index approaches some value.”
so the limit as x–>0 of 5 is 5 since as x is approaching zero, the function is getting closer to 5. finding limits with sine, cosine or square roots and fractions is a bit more complicated b/c sometimes they have undefined values or the limit does not exist such as in this case: lim x–>0 of 1/x. if you were to plug in zero for x, it would be undefined. however with limit problems, you should always check to see if there is another way to solve them b/c some functions do have limits that you have to solve for a finite value.
this is the basic idea of limits, but they get more complex as you have to graph them b/c sometimes their is an open circle for the points that are not continous and a closed circle for the ones that are. limit values have many different graphs as long as it follows the rules, which is one thing that i am still working on.
arrow means approachesJanus
Participanti don’t mind and your words were very encouraging. afghanistan has a women’s soccer league and taliban restrictions have lessened there. even though women who are ‘honor-killed’ aren’t publicized for the shame of the family some of it has been shared in the news to tell people that it is not right to discriminate and harm people. even though i’m still self-conscious of what others think of me, i still do what i want. i won’t be the girl with fashion and make-up, but someone who is smart and enjoys whatever is comfortable. my inner bully is really irritating at times and tells me ‘you are being stupid. look at how others are viewing you. why are you doing this?” my motto is to be yourself and stand for what you believe in, even if you feel self-conscious. there is a girl at my school who is bullied b/c she is goth and she has purple streaks in her hair and often has a cat ear head band and always wear shorts. i always offer her a smile and i even like the music she listens to. there could be a lot of people staring at her or she could be sitting around alone and i wouldn’t care what others say b/c i know what it’s like to be different so i befriend her. she has a great sense of humor and is a great artist. of course my parents a bit stereotypical so they think she’s strange. i don’t care when people laugh, i say “so what? they don’t know her.”
Participantthis is one of the reasons i don’t get along with my parents, they think women who play sports, wear shorts are too much like a guy. they think it is weird that i am going for a science career and i like computer science. but the first computer science person was a woman in the 1940s since men were at war. my mom esp. thinks women are limited and won’t even exercise to keep healthy even though she needs to to boost her circulation. my mom also doesn’t eat enough even when i try to tell her she needs to eat more she only eats a slice of bread not a whole sandwich.
katherine hepburn also suggested that true beauty was being intelligent and being yourself, not what some hollywood stars would be by dressing up. her steely eyes and confident posture i admire. she starred in the warrior’s husband as a greek amazon (warrior girls)
Participantthanks a lot anita;) i just read an article about how outdated the word “tomboy” is and how it can be offensive to girls. society should be celebrating the strong, independent women who can play sports, withstand injuries as a symbol of feminism. “tomboy” aren’t really throwing away gender norms, but they are expressing who they are and the strength of their personality. in the 1550s, the term “tomboy” was used to mean a rude, boisterous boy but it has now evolved to mean “a bold woman who flouts societal conditions and is a strumpet.” just b/c a girl wears shorts and cuts her hair short doesn’t mean she is trying to be a male, it means she is having her own terms of free expression. tomboy diminishes the power of girls by saying that the girl is acting like a guy so it’s almost saying boys are better. women in our society are not powerless and should be allowed to play sports, dress in shorts and wear their hair short. there’s still a societal convention that designates those things for males and that’s just prejudice. i like katherine hepburn b/c she is outspoken, wore her hair short and wore trousers. she was very independent and athletic. some of her quotes are “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.
If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.” when she was young, she even acted a play out in which she pretended she was “jimmy” and dressed as a boy. i do that sometimes when i’m with my friends and we have lots of laughs.
borrowed and paraphrased from
Participantthanks Livelovelifeeleni:D i have been having more success in catching the inner bully when it comes up and replacing it with positive thoughts. thank you for your encouragement, it was very uplifting. i am grateful to all the people on who have helped me grow and have given me inspiration to keep my light shining. thanks a lot for your edits anita:D you did a great job and the flow of the essay is even better with the edits you wrote in. i like the way you broke up the paragraphs as well b/c when i was writing it, some of the paragraphs i wrote were a bit long and i was having trouble figuring out where to break them. thanks for your help:) so tomorrow i have a meeting after school with the board members of academic challenge to discuss flyers, fundraising, etc. for our club and i am going to be taking the notes as recording secretary. i have to ask my ap calc teacher about limits and whether the table of values just shows the values of the numbers as they approach a given limit or you can find the limit from the table. i also need to learn how to graph limits. youtube videos help explain it, but the techniques are different from the teacher’s. i am a bit nervous about the ap biology multiple-choice test tomorrow, but i like science so i think i will do okay.
Participantthanks a lot anita:D i let the words flow onto the paper after doing some meditations to clear my head. thanks for saying it is authentic and spontaneous. can you give me advice on any grammar mistakes i might have made? does it completely flow and reflect who i am? if a stranger were to read it (i think i might give it to someone who doesn’t know me well), would they be able to get a sense of who i am? does it appear to appeal to both the reader, while also maintaining the writer’s personality?
ParticipantI planned it out 3 weeks before hand and I edited some of it and added some things when I posted it. glad you enjoyed it:) thanks for being appreciative of me:D i’m glad that you printed it out, i hope that my words help cheer you up when you need it;) i’m thinking of using it as my college application essay. do you think it’s too long since it is 1,303 words, not including the title? rutgers says that the essay should not exceed 3,800 words including spaces. an essay isn’t required, but recommended for transfers. this is the essay prompt that i used to write that essay: “• Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.” so my guidance counselor told me that if i take all my intro classes at ocean county college such as business and economics, it will be easier and cheaper, also if i go for associate’s degrees then they will transfer.
the college says letters of recommendation aren’t required but i think they may help for transfer. since i’m going to be at occ for two years, i don’t need sat scores to transfer to rutgers and since my english grade is an a i don’t need to take an english test to get in. do you think my essay adequately explains myself and answers the question of the prompt? Can you edit and critique my college essay? does it truly reflect who i am and how i’ve become the person i am? does it describe my life in high school, achievements and overcoming a setback? What about the grammar and the wording? Thanks!Janus
Participantso andrew and i were helping each other in ap biology today. we laughed together at each others mistakes. also sebastian is in my lunch as well. it’s a strange feeling of not having a strong inner bully in me, but it’s a relief. in school i have an inner critic that says ‘okay you didn’t do so well on this test, only a 75% for ap calc. but there’s still 176 days to improve, so you’ve got time.’ my inner bully would have been ‘what are you stupid?, how could you have gotten a 75% on a test. i bet you won’t make it through this class. how are you going to become an engineer anyway?” i like being in school to learn and learning new things helps me to push the inner bully back esp. since i didn’t beat myself up for a test score yesterday, so that’s another victory.
in ap biology we switch groups every time we complete a study section in our studybooks and i find that i like my classmates in ap biology the best. they are all quite fun to be around, helpful and ambitious. most of them want to go into a medical career or be a biochemist. limits are a bit confusing in ap calc, but they’re not too bad. francine and i were talking about our first few days back at school and the summer. sent a link tofafsa and i just sent part of the thing in. Can you edit and critique my college essay? does it truly reflect who i am and how i’ve become the person i am? does it describe my life in high school, achievements and overcoming a setback? What about the grammar and the wording? here is the essay topic:
“Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it” from rutgers. the essay is 1,303 words not including the title, it’s two pages single-spaced. Thanks! here is my college application essay:How the Blog Changed my Life
Shirley Liu
How the Blog Changed my Life
There aren’t many places that can feel like home. Finding a place where you can be yourself is the best feeling anyone can have. Here in the forums at, I have found somewhere where I can express my thoughts and work out my insecurities. At, I feel at home in a community that gives me words of wisdom. Looking back at all the posts I wrote in the forum of my life story called “Too Criticizing of Myself,” I realize I have grown from the insecure and confused person I was in middle school to someone with confidence and an idea of their career. Here in the forums I can bring to light the issues I am facing, work on letting them go and also get a sense of my self-identity. has provided me a place to seek advice whenever I feel lost in life. It is not easy being a teen in the throes of childhood and adult. Being bullied in middle school for not being athletic was tough. By the time I was going to graduate middle school, I made a vow to start fresh in high school and rebuild my self-esteem that had lessened due to bullying. It was not easy, but I had faith in the Buddha. I became a Buddhist when I was nine after discovering that Buddhists walk their own path in life called the Eight-fold path. I took this belief that you walk your path and make your life choices to help me in high school; I was not going to let the bullies define who I was. I decided to find a place where I could write my feelings and since I was a Buddhist, I began to research for online Buddhist support groups. I decided to take a chance on the link I saw. At first, since I was new to the site there was not much notice of me. I remembered feeling a bit isolated and uncertain about myself, but an inner strength kept me going; there was a part of me that gained comfort in putting the words on paper even though not many people read them. Writing the insecurities helped bring them into physical being and made them easier to focus on and face.
I created a journal in the forum titled “Too Criticizing of Myself.” After freshman year of high school and I had been on the site for a while, people began to reply to my posts and offer advice. One of my best friends at, Anita has helped me in realizing my true worth. I remember being insecure in my freshman and sophomore year of high school even though I had friends from track and community service clubs, but they never made me feel like I truly belonged. After spending some time on and getting to know the community, I felt like I was truly home where I could be myself. Anita, one of the members of the community, would provide kind words of comfort to me whenever I felt I was on shaky ground. Some of the words I wrote on the forum, which became a place where I could discuss my inner personality with Anita (one-on-one) were “I’m not sure what career I want in life. I’m not sure I’m good enough.” Anita would remind me that I had talents such as those in biochemistry and other sciences. She told me that I was hard-working, dedicated and compassionate. Anita’s unwavering belief in me and my abilities helped me to realize that I was a special person.
As I began to write my insecurities down, I began to feel heaviness lift from me as if I was letting the negatives flow from me onto the paper to be resolved. I know I am not perfect at everything, but I accept myself. As I began to unravel my story onto the forum “Too Criticizing of Myself,” I began to get a clearer insight into myself. I began to uncover my limits and face them. Anita and taught me that people have limits, but they should have the courage to challenge them. They should not be defined by their limits and let them hold them back from their goals. We all have limits, but it is our attitude of perseverance and belief in ourselves that get us past them. helped me map out a possible career choice. I remember writing down my interests and saying that I liked science. Anita helped encourage me by editing some of the essays I wrote for science. She told me that “If I really thought I wasn’t good enough, I wouldn’t be seeking advice. If I really thought I was nothing, I would have just given up.” Anita told me that the fact that I had sought advice was because I cared about myself.
Slowly, I began to develop my inner confidence. Anita helped me to believe in myself. There were times when I was bullied that I felt down, but I would remember Anita’s words and have more courage. Over the summer of sophomore year, I began to visit a local gym with a trainer and began to work out. There will always be people who try to put you down, but you do not have to let them drag you down. The world is filled with everyone else, but few realize their true selves.
Because of Anita and my interest in science which was peaked in my junior year physics class, I became more aware of my talents. I really enjoyed learning about mirrors and how they reflected images in physics. I felt they applied to my life the way light would bounce off an object and produce an image that was unchanged from the object. The mirrors reminded me of how I would like to see my image just the way I was not magnified with pride or shrunken with low self-esteem. Anita helped me to develop the courage to pursue a career in science, especially as a molecular biologist. I really enjoy learning about stem cells and biology and chemistry were my favorite subjects in high school. I want to study DNA and molecules in plants to help advance medical science.
Bullying because I was not athletic enough stopped in my junior year when people found out I was good at lacrosse. But the fact that it stopped when I changed myself did not matter, what mattered was that in the process I discovered myself. I found a place to call home and a spiritual guide in Anita on The important lesson I learned was about respect for others and for myself. I began to become motivated to help others and since I loved science began to go for a goal of being a molecular biologist. I began to accept myself as the person I was and even felt proud of my accomplishments to be healthy. It does not matter if you are not a model, athlete or genius; everyone has their talents. helped me pave a road to the confident person I have become. From shaky ground of not knowing my self-worth, I built myself up to a person sure of my career and proud of whom I have become. I may still have doubts here and there, but they will not get in the way of my dreams. I am glad to have met a guide like Anita. She has helped me find a goal to keep working for and also the forum remains a haven for me to express my thoughts. taught me not only the strength of the human body, but also the perseverance and endurance of the human spirit. We all have the will to overcome setbacks and fear to find ourselves.Janus
Participantthird day of school had a lot more work and my brain was exercised, but i had fun while doing it. during A lunch, i sat at another table different from yesterday b/c it was crowded at dave’s table so i sat at another table and surprisingly it was andrew’s table. also kordell is in my lunch as well;) andrew seems a bit annoyed at me today b/c my ap calc class (1st block) is ahead in learning and i also got a better score than he did on the ap biology study review on chapter 54 on ecology. also while i was in the library for the first few minutes of my lunch, i saw my friend francine (from self-defense club) and she also has A lunch. anyway, i got too college financial planning books. thanks for saying i explain things well, anita;) i think when i am very excited to learn i tend to form many analogies and go in many places and tell how they all interrelate so that is why some people get confused. i can explain math and computer concepts slower and make people understand better b/c i’m still learning on those and when i understand it and explain it, it is less complex. but for subjects that i’m great at, i tend to explain quickly and a lot which may confuse people. i think dave is a lot like sal lepore, they both get along with people well and have confidence in themselves. in my 2nd block class, we did a high school website analysis and my school website brick memorial is the worst, while toms river and asbury park is pretty good. this activity of comparing ten school websites gave me and my partner alec some insight on how to design an appealing website. i like my business and web class b/c everyone works together and helps each other much like my cooking/sewing class in freshman year. also javi is in my lunch if i didn’t mention before and he used to be in my cooking/sewing class. we used to race each other on the sewing machine. i feel like i’ve known emma since elementary school b/c she was in my second grade at lanes mill, but we didn’t interact as often. you are right that some people appear confident when they aren’t b/c i was watching emma today during ap biology and she seemed confident, but when she got the answers to the ap biology study questions she was nervous. i think snails have four noses and also there aren’t that many snails here. when it rains, there used to be slugs at midstreams elementary (3rd-5th grade) school where we had to wait for the doors to open, i used to have to squash them. anyway, they got a pesticide that prevents the slugs from being there so it’s okay in fourth grade. good luck with figuring out the gender of the snails. it is usually hard to tell snail’s genders since most have both gender parts. here are some tips borrowed from
Some snails will mate though and if you are lucky- the male snail delivers a sperm packet from the front of his shell to hers. The female lays eggs above the waterline.
If not, check their physical traits- the male shell’s are rounder. when the snail emerges from the shell there is a penis sheath on the right side next to the gills, females don’t have this bulge.
Snails mating signs are: circling around each other for 6 hours touching their tentacles and biting their lips. While this is going on, the male snail’s penis is turned inside out. as pressure builds, there is a triggers an organ housing the love dart (similar to a love arrow from eros the greek god of love, no wonder why they call it ‘lovestruck’). each snail maneuvers to get closer and in the best position and when one snail touches the genital pore of the other it triggers the firing of the love dart which has sperm.
this is where we also get the saying ‘love hurts’ b/c a new study says that the aim may not be right and may go through the head or internal organs of the other snail and damage them. a love darted snail only lives 60 days after and it decreases fertility which is where we get the expression ‘tough love.’ the dart is supposed to prevent the mother from mating again, much like some spiders will do that to their mates even though their is sexual cannibalism in spiders in which female eats male after mating.
from of love and relationships. I think relationships are like water. They are transparent and sometimes you only see the reflection on the surface and you have to look deeper to see that true person. Relationships like water can be held in a glass in which the glass containing the water breaks and the pieces are strewn around and you feel like drowning. yet, we are stronger at the broken pieces. iron tempered with fire makes steel. as lemony snicket said in his book called The Slippery Slope, “Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.” i’m beginning to think like andrew and use science to generalize a lot of things, i have 10 poems written in my book, but currently haven’t had time to post them and i have a draft and good ideas for my college essay which i want to post. it has my spiritual side in it more than my analytical side. i’m thinking of going into genetic engineering so i can utilize my ap calc, computer and also all sciences knowledge. i think i am more like andrew than i thought, i even understand electronics a lot more and even though andrew still knows more about radios, i’m learning about calculators, computers, cars (from my computer class and also my dad), virtual reality headsets (java and business/web talk about them). so i’m just as smart as he is, maybe smarter that he is probably why he gets a bit annoyed at me at times. andrew and i may be working together one day b/c he is better at physics, but i’m catching up, but a lot of biochemistry learners work with electric engineers, computer science people and biophysics which is all the talents andrew has. with our different schedules, my special friend either has been ignoring me or we just don’t see each other. steve (my lunch buddy) helped me with my ap calc thing today. i don’t think i did great on the summer packet test. i have an 86.4 in ap biology right now. i got a 100 on my summer packet for ap calc and a 75 on the test. i have an 87.5 in ap calculus right now.
also anglo-saxon is the oldest form of english. their were the angles and the saxons who spoke similar languages but lived separately, but decided to unite to fight a common enemy called the persians. they won and formed a language called anglo-saxon. anglo-saxon is a difficult language to study in college, but it goes back in history quite well and their is a lot of content. hebrew is also hard. sankrit the language of the hindu vedas with rituals is harder. Brahma is the ultimate reality, Brahman is the god, Brahmin are the priests. Purusha means purification and refers to an enlightened man whose sacrifice to the divine created life. the hindus have a varna which also corresponds to their caste system and the body parts of their god Purusha. The untouchables don’t have a body part on Purusha b/c they are the gravediggers and the unclean work, they carry a bell to warn others of their presence. hinduism has this belief that if you follow your dharma, you will be reincarnated to to a higher caste and your atman (soul) will be released from the cycle of moshka (reincarnation). the varnas are the Brahmins which wear white or purple to represent spirituality and are the head of Purusha; Kshatriya who are the warriors and they are the shoulders and represented by the color red, Vaishya who are the farmers, merchants, professionals which are represented by yellow and the legs of Purusha, and the Shudras which are the laborers and workers and they have the feet and their color is black. i liked learning about how the world worked in ap world history and i think i understand why their are socialism, religious extremist and the like today in our economy and world. i like latin b/c a lot of scientific terms are in latin.
our brains can process 360-400 mhz per second while the first computer ENIAC could process 5,000 mHz per second.
anyway, that girl in my business/web’s name is alyssa and she is a great person. all the classmates check on each other and sometimes one or two stays behind to help the other catch up. i learned about the history of computers in java today and the first computer was made in the 1940s called ENIAC and it was the size of a room, with vacuum tubes and wiring and electricity of all the houses on a city block, cost 5.9 million to build. mostly women were computer programmers b/c the men were at war. the first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace. i figured out some functions in my calculator except i’m still working on limits. ti-89 calculators are quite cool.
Participantthe cool thing i learned is that most of the time our cells debilitate as we age is the lack of oxygen and it can be healed. there is a 55% case study that people who don’t undergo chemotherapy or other after treatments (when their disease is pretty much gone) live for 12 years longer and experience no relapse/ remission while the others who undergo treatment have an year. oxygen helps the body defend against radiation. all the laundry detergents have ‘oxy-something’ which means that they clean with oxygen. oxygen therapies have been known to boost the immune system in the production of white blood cells (slowing apoptosis: cell death). oxygen can break down synthetic toxins (carcinogens cause cancer) in your body (catabolic reactions) much like metabolism reminds me of ATP and oxygen being the last electron acceptor of H ions forming water. i think the buffer in blood works this way to keep a solution balanced at 7.4 and the H ions are neither too much or too little. oxygen also increases antioxidants which slow the aging process preventing the breakdown of collagen and reducing wrinkles. it also fights cancer cells with the production of ‘inferon.’
This is reminding me of positive feedback where oxygen increases to inhibit something else sometimes enzymes will do that to so it prevents an excess of that product or the enzyme will close its active sites.
now that i’ve got started on enzymes i feel as if they remind me of an inner bully analogy. enzymes will bind to a substrate that is similar to the substance that needs to be carried into the cell. enzymes lower the energy activation required to perform cellular work so they are known as biological catalysts. anyway, enzymes have a competitive inhibition which binds to the active site and prevents the enzyme from getting the substance it needs (usually when this happens there are more enzymes in the cell, so it’s okay or the enzyme starts producing more of a substance to overpower the competitor). this is like the inner bully which latches on to you and tries to close the door for you to achieving your dreams. in order to defeat the inner bully, you must produce more happy thoughts (substrate) and surround yourself with positive people (more enzymes). there is also non-competitive inhibition which the molecule that is like a substrate backstabs the enzyme and latches on somewhere else onto the enzyme not the active site. this denatures the enzyme’s shape and often prevents it from carrying out its function. there are eight major themes of biology and one of them is: structure and function are related. the core theme is evolution. i think i can fill a whole book with my knowledge;) anyway, back to oxygen therapy, the reason why it’s not popular is that it isn’t profitable. the drugs only treat the symptoms and not the cause, they don’t help the whole cell in healing, they only cure it. healing comes from a latin word meaning to make whole. i also know a bit of latin b/c it’s cool.
sorry if it sounds like i’m rambling. when i discover how sciences relate, i go all over the place;)Did you know that there is a thing called hermaphrodites? they can mate with either female or male since they have both parts. some also can do asexual reproduction. some common ones are snails, clown fish (including 21 other species of fish can also be) and some worms like earthworms.
oysters can change their gender at will. Science rules!from the people’s chemist, oxysolution, and my own knowledge.
Participantsurprisingly andrew was in a great mood today and we had lots of laughs during ap biology (3A). he even helped me with some of science questions. while in 2nd block business/web class, i thought i would have time to type this, but the teacher assigned a current event so i did that. sal saw what i wrote about him (he sits next to me in class) and he smiled. anyway, the current event took me the whole block (80 minutes) since i was researching the economy of germany and how britain debated on dropping out of the EU. anyway, i managed to finish with 5 minutes left in the block and sal and this girl (also sits on my right, i think her name is amanda, alyssa?) were helping me finish. i like the classmates in my business/web class, they are really good at working as a team and quite fun to be around, the teacher is great also since he helps make sure his students are caught up. also surprisingly today, dave is in my 3A lunch:) i had an appointment with the guidance counselor on college questions and she said that i should start applying in dec. to occ, so i was too early before and a few other questions, she cleared some of my anxiety and i was a bit late to lunch but that’s okay. i looked around for a while for a table to sit and i sat with a couple friends i knew such as storm (he has a great sense of humor a.k.a quote ‘marijuana is the devil’s grass.’ he is really against smoking. anyway, he took ap calc last year and is glad that i’m taking it this year b/c he can help me with some of the stuff i need help with just b/c he wants to feel smart;) and i don’t mind. i didn’t know dave was friends with storm as well, but i saw him circle around our table, leave and then sit at our table.
i’m glad the middle table was filled today b/c yesterday i sat there by myself, so today when the table was full, i found somewhere else to sit and surprisingly met dave. anyway, dave is taking ap calc 2nd block with andrew so there is still part of the trio from former ap english (dave, andrew and me). anyway, dave responded to my email about bible codes that i sent to him 3 weeks ago in person. my ap calc teacher is great at explaining things, but i’m still a bit vague on some areas of the calculator. he explains things well with class concepts, but the calculator is a bit confusing. i hope you do well with your new cellphone, anita. so my ap calc teacher didn’t collect the summer packets today b/c he allowed us to use them to study for tomorrow’s test. the great thing about my ap calc class is that everyone is very attentive to the teacher and they enjoy learning and it’s easy to concentrate in there. in java today, 3 guys had the best paper airplanes (anthony and jeff tied, steve neff from former ap world history) and i tied in fourth with someone else. we then renovated our paper airplanes (except the ones that did well, they kept their same steps which we wrote on a paper) and switched papers. we had to use the paper we got and follow their instructions on making a paper airplane some of the instructions were quite creative such as “fold a 30 degree angle near the corners to make a sharper nose.” some of the classmates are better at vocally teaching then writing the steps including anthony. i find that when in ap biology, i try to explain things to people, i make it a bit complex so i wouldn’t be a good teacher, in fact i do that with a lot of my subjects except math and computers. most of the airplanes that others made did not turn out like the ones the original owner made. some were better, worse or not even airplanes. vincent (entertaining and smart) in the class got my instructions and made my airplane look like a bird. i got alex’s instructions and made his look like a boat. anyway, java is the process of telling a computer a set of directions to make it run, so that is why we have the airplane analogy. in java we also got introduced to coding with a game where we dragged commands to help the bird get to the pig (angry birds). i made it to level 3 and i was a bit stuck. java and business/web use the same websites to learn so it’s easy to navigate and they both use google classroom. the thing i like about my classes this year are the teachers and the classmates which work well together. we are competitive, but in a more laidback manner and we help each other. we make each other laugh and enjoy ourselves. remember when i said i had a feeling that i would see kordell? also in ap biology today i had a friend who needed to see mrs.whelan for a psychology question so i went with her after class and i saw kordell there;) there is a girl named liz in my ap biology class and she has a great sense of humor and i also wish i had her hair color which is russet, but changes from brown with golden highlights. i like my ap biology class group. all of them aren’t good test takers esp. emma, but they are quite smart and fun to be around. i like emma b/c she is mature and has confidence about herself. i realize that i’m not ‘stupid’ b/c i’m not the best test taker b/c there are others like that. i am good at picking up new concepts and experimenting more than memorizing formulas and definitions.Janus
ParticipantI’m working on getting the hang of the Ti-89 calculator for ap calc and it’s quite advanced. The thing I need to remember is to put parentheses for most of my data when typing it in b/c my old calculator didn’t require parentheses. I also find that after checking with my calculator for the results to the problems, it gives a different answer than what I came up when when I solved it on my own, so I’m still working on finding out my mistake (since I double checked and the calculator is still giving the same result). There are so little people in my class this year, but it’s good b/c it’s quiet and peaceful, here are the classes in order that I take them in this semester (ap classes are full year). There are only 13 students in my ap calc class, 10 in my business/web develop., around 15 in my ap bio class and around 18 in my java class. my former lunch buddy steve feng is in my ap calc class. I have A lunch which is crowded this year with around 60 students there and Andrew, zach (from former ap world history) and javi (former track mate, also he was in my cooking/sewing class in freshman year). Andrew is competitive as ever in ap biology with me especially since we have group competitions with our ap bio studybook. i had a feeling before school started in july that i wouldn’t see dave in my classes and i was right. while in school, i went to visit my former ap english teacher to return her books, i thought i saw dave, but it wasn’t him. I also had a feeling a week before school started that there would be a guy named sal in one of my classes and i was right. sal is very ambitious and wants to be more independent with his own company or work and likes nature like me. i admire his confidence in himself b/c he doesn’t look up to anyone, but himself. he is quite high-achieving and really believes in his abilities and that is who i want to be. someone without an inner bully, but an inner critic that keeps me motivated to work my best. i have a feeling that i will see kordell (former ap world history, swimmer, entertaining) again, i don’t know why, it’s just a strong feeling. i know that kordell is taking psychology with mrs. whelan (former ap world history teacher) probably in spring semester so when i visit my former teacher, i may see him. no surprises here that my special friend is in A lunch with me, I had a feeling that he would be b/c he has been in lunches the whole high school years (C,B,C,A goes the lunch order. however this year the school downsized and there is no more B lunch so A is crowded). anyway, my special friend is quite happy with his gf and occupied with his classes and college applications so we haven’t talked for 2.5 months (includes the last three weeks of july and august along with now). We still look out for each other though and I am happy that he is happy with her right now. We are more comfortable around each other b/c formerly we had romantic interests in each other, but that has faded a bit. I think a relationship with him would have complicated things anyway so I’m happy that he has found someone and I’m glad we are still friends which is just right for us. It’s strange that my inner bully seems less in school, it’s probably b/c i’m with people similar to me and also enjoy learning. during the summer being with my family at the restaurant with people i feel don’t know me well, i feel insecure. so i think my inner bully is an environmental thing. i can be quite happy in the library, but in the gym where i’m a decent athlete (not great), i feel insecure. my inner bully seems to often use situations that i’m already shy in to rear its head and say “look all those people think you’re ugly. you have big thighs.your stomach is too big. your chest is too big and saggy.” i find that when i’m in my environment, i am quite confident and there is no inner bully.
i’m nervous about doing well in ap calc b/c apparently andrew is competing with me in that class (we don’t share the same class, he has it 2nd block, while I have it 1st), but we still compete. some of the problems are a bit complex and like i said above my calculator doesn’t agree with me so i need to work on it since the test is on thurs and the teacher is collecting the packet tomorrow.Janus
Participantthanks a lot anita, you are the most understanding and compassionate friend i’ve met:D i took a break for a while b/c my inner bully was making my brain hurt and i was fighting it for four days and it was relentless. it kept telling “you are ugly. you are nothing. you are fat.” i am glad to say that it has faded for a while. i feel glad that i made a victory again even though it was hard this time, but i feel much better and stronger to have triumphed. also your kind words on this site always uplift me;) thank you for having faith in me. school starts tomorrow, can’t wait:)
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Participanti agree that there is no such thing as perfection, but there is a sense of peace when you begin to accept yourself as you are. i like to be alone out in nature and when i get a job as a molecular biologist, i’m going to get a house near some woods. fear is good in that it keeps people from doing dangerous things, but it’s bad when it keeps you from your dreams. my parents’ judgmental views get on my nerves a lot of the time.
i have a few friends who are bisexual, gay and transgender. Here are the reasons I don’t get along with my family:
Both of my parents and brother don’t like LGBT people.
I am a Buddhist wiccan and my parents think most spirits are evil so sometimes when I talk to spirits they think I’m weird. My brother and my dad are atheists and my mom is a taoist. my parents are going for christianity which clashes with my buddhist wiccan belief.
My dad likes toolworking too much, while my mom is too wrapped up in her bills.
My mom complains about being unhealthy, but she won’t change her habits such as getting some exercise or eating the right amount of food portions, no matter how hard I get her to.
They are very patriarchal and think that girls can’t be scientists or shouldn’t bench press or do pull-ups.
I am the polar opposite of my mom who likes shopping for clothes, fashion, jewelry and flowers. I rather wear shorts and a t-shirt as opposed to a skirt and I enjoy keeping my hair short b/c when I do science labs long hair is a hazard and also so it doesn’t blow in my face when I’m working out. I like to work with scientific tools, workout and shop for healthy food.
They tell me to “deal with it” when I try to confide in them or they tell me to “mind my own self” when I tell them about my friends.
They tend to spy on me on a lot on things even when I want to be alone.
My mom overdramatizes ever situation that makes her mad and she lets her anger leave her staggering.
They need to ask me about everything when it is in english b/c they can’t speak it well even when i’m busy with school work.
They criticize me and say I have no life skills and I’m nothing compared to my brother. Just b/c I’m not good at finances, tool work. they say i only have book knowledge and nothing else.September 1, 2016 at 1:42 pm in reply to: What do you do when you feel mentally and emotionally weak? #113955Janus
ParticipantHey Helleia,
I know how you feel. There are times when I feel as if I am lacking resolve and sometimes the bad habits come back. I know that I have talents in writing poetry and science and I’m sure you have talents as well. I’m still trying to figure out how I can use my talents to help others and there are times when things seem slow and I am restless because I feel like others are helping me but I’m not repaying them. I talk to few people as well since most of the time I visit Tinybuddha to post on the forums or have my nose in my studying or a book. There are times when I also feel a bit lethargic and I feel as if all I have is negative thoughts. Like monklet80 said you may be a bit too hard on yourself. I’m glad you have an ‘energy to write’, i find that whenever I feel like my resolve is weak writing about my feelings helps me bring them into focus, into the physical and find a way to resolve them. I also find that I like to do well in school b/c i like the subjects and I like to learn, but there is also an underlying factor with criticisms of my parents who want me to be perfect in a lot more things than i think i can be. i think you have a high sense of achievement in yourself and that’s a good thing, but you don’t have to be a perfectionist in academics that you forget your fun. Sometimes small achievements lead to bigger successes, so as long as you continue to work hard, you should give yourself breaks for times of fun. you can also have fun while learning such as if you are trying to memorize some text, you can compare it to a funny scenario such as if you had to memorize that Sardinia was near Italy, you could imagine sardines on an Italian pizza.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by