Forum Replies Created
November 2, 2023 at 3:28 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #424741
ParticipantDear Anita,
“for a little girl, a young child (hatchling), a scenario where a parent abandons her for another child (a prettier child, a smarter child, etc.) means death” … “Fast forward, projecting your father into your boyfriend, you fear being abandoned by him for another young woman.. one who is more to his (N’s) standards, and the fear feels like the fear of death.”
I think back to my childhood, I am the oldest of four and I always did everything I could for my dads approval, I dedicated myself to a sport, which I did have fun with, but I also never thought there was another option, it just never occurred to me, it was to just keep getting better and I found satisfaction in the improvement I saw in myself. I did take a-lot from it, hard work does get you results, I did intense workouts every day that he would ask me about at every dinner. Many days I of course wanted to skip a workout and didn’t but I didn’t because I wanted to be able to say yes when he asked me at dinner. I eventually did get in very good shape, which helped me feel more confident in my sport. He complimented my physic, I will never forget him commenting how fit I looked in the “love-handle” area while at the beach in Hawaii, I remember feeling odd about it but also satisfied that he was proud. This to say, I did “follow the rules” of his conditional support, in fact I feel the sister I had a bad relationship for a while with, resented me because I was setting a lofty expectation that she felt short of. I was the one chose over her… so it is interesting to me that I still fear not being “the chosen one.” It is almost like since I WAS, now I can’t not be.. that feeling of “death” is so real, it truly is that intense. Is the solution here also emotion regulation skills?
“I can’t think of a better partner for you.”
This is very sweet, thank you 🙂
“Hatchling grew up with this instinctual fear being triggered. She is still afraid of being completely abandoned.” … “Objectively, N ending the game when he did, and the way he did, was not abusive or even rude, in my estimation. Subjectively, it felt terrible to hatchling because she is so very sensitive to any event that, to her, has a taste of abandonment, no matter how vague, weak, or minor.. or non-existent the taste is in objective terms.” … “For hatchling, any taste of abandonment from someone she needs emotionally (N), is a clear-and-present danger, strong and major.”
Making note of this.
“– N can’t be nice enough to undo what your uncles did to hatchling, nor can he be nice enough to change the conditional “love” of your father, and turn it into an unconditional love. Your healing may require quality professional therapy.”
My first and only therapist that I have had was quality but her way of doing things was very hands off, she was awesome and her method worked for that time of my life where I was being awakened, but now I would like more intense therapy where someone can actually give me the type of insight that you do. Rather than just sort of having someone who just listens, with very light amount insight/advice. What type of therapy would you recommend?
““The fact the disconnect is on his end I feel alleviated of blame, but then I still feel the concern for its end, because it is in his control and that feels unstable to me“- I am not sure I understand this part, but I’ll say this: N is not Perfect, but reads to me that he is.. close enough to it (and nobody is perfect). He makes mistakes and he will make mistakes in the future.“
– By this I meant, N is not aware that being at his parents house caused him to feel the same as when he was a child. He is not aware, that going on that little hike, on that torn up trail where I felt disconnected from him, has to do with something going on inside of him. Before I saw your comment:
(““Perhaps I can still ask him even though the feelings are not fresh on his mind?“- you asked this in regard to the unpleasant walk in nature when taking a break from being in the distressing company of his parents. I suggest that you ask him this if and when he brings up the topic of his parents.”)
I actually asked him this morning, how he has felt since the trip or reflected on how he felt back at his parents, and he just said “I enjoyed it and didn’t feel badly there this time..” As I am really putting effort into how I feel and why, I have this feeling like he is not on that same path and I have a desire for him to be on it too. I want him to be aware of his feelings on that torn up path, and I want him to be aware that he disconnected from me there. I know he is amazing and not perfect, so I don’t want to have unrealistic expectations, but I can’t help but crave the same self awareness.
My rational self, outside of the feeling, can see that he didn’t do anything wrong in the game situation. When you said “N can’t be nice enough to undo what your uncles did to hatchling” I can see how this can be true, but unfortunately I don’t think my feelings follow my rationale here. When I read this there is a part of me that understands and a part of me, I am assuming hatchling, who still believes he can be nice enough to heal me … I don’t necessarily believe it, but I feel it, if that makes sense. It is an interesting feeling to feel split internally here.
“(2) Experiencing these feelings is human and there will always be feelings that are uncomfortable to feel, but you can lower the intensity of these feelings via emotion regulation skills, which means to indeed lower their volume.”
This is so interesting because it goes along with my internally split feelings, like I mentioned just before. It’s like when I am in the emotion I can see it overpowering me, I can’t escape it cause I don’t yet have the tools, but I find myself searching for tools when I am in the emotion. I realize there is a lack of emotional regulation skills while in it and it can be a very paralyzing place to be.
“hatchling’s trauma/ fear of abandonment (which took hold way before you ever met N), and therefore, it is not about N’s actions.”
I am circling back to this, you mentioned much earlier in your last post, but it stuck with me. When you used the analogy of a fawn and her mother and abandonment = death, it got me wondering where exactly this fear of abandonment is from. These are my two hypotheses:
My dad did was not really ever emotionally there. But as far as physical abandonment, he did move out, and into a hotel after my moms final time cheating on him. I of course understood because I knew why he was leaving and I actually agreed with it, I would have done the same. So I don’t think I felt abandoned, but maybe I felt it was unfair I was left with her and he didn’t take me. Once he got a house, about 6 months later I decided to move in with him.
My mom was emotionally in and out, she had a drinking problem, I found out later. She always had a glass of wine in her hand, it never made her aggressive with us, infact she was perhaps too clingy to us with it, she would get extra affectionate. But her wine self is almost like an inauthentic affection feeling .. Then when I moved out with my dad, I left her, so she didn’t abandon me? In fact she reached out to me all the time but I did not respond to her for about a complete year. After a year I ended up spending alot of time with her cause I missed her, then the time with both my parents started to sway back and forth, depending on where I felt more free. I often felt free-er with my mom, but safer with my dad.
“hatchling needs you to be gentle with her. Every one of her feelings carries a message with it. It is only after you thoroughly heard each message, that each feeling- having served its purpose- will.. no longer be there to distress you.”
I assume I will just know when this message is received. I do wonder though, are the messages sort of like realizations of the true reason hatchling is afraid, mixed with some awareness as to why it is a fear that is not helpful .. ? This is an abstract thought that, if true, I have felt before, but can’t pin my finger on what scenario exactly I have felt this before.
Always with Love
Seaturtle & hatchling
November 1, 2023 at 10:19 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #424419seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
“I understand. I wanted to send you a how-are-you inquiry earlier, but figured you are probably busy with the challenging visit and long flight back to AZ. (I was concerned about your relationship).”
Thank you for understanding and I really feel your concern and thank you for that as well. I was concerned too. Feeling not only disconnected but then those hopeless thoughts of “will this ever end?” “how many more times will I feel like this with him, is it going to be the majority of our relationship?” “can I handle this?” The fact the disconnect is on his end I feel alleviated of blame, but then I still feel the concern for its end, because it is in his control and that feels unstable to me.
“In the scenario you described, that walk in nature, what I would have done in your shoes would be to gently, kindly invite N to talk about how he was feeling, if he wanted to. If he said no, or ignored my invitation. I’d just endure the walk and try to be calm about it (not taking his disconnected/ angry behavior personally).”
I hope to be able to do this in the future. I wasn’t aware at the time that he was the cause of the disconnect, I thought it was me. Perhaps I can still ask him even though the feelings are not fresh on his mind?
“– like I wrote earlier in this post, feelings just happen: No Choice=>No Guilt. I am adding: No Choice=> No Shame (regarding feelings like envy, jealousy, anger, etc.)”
I am trying to visualize if this would have helped me in that moment. To say to myself “these feelings are not my fault.” Does that give the feelings less power? I just wonder where these insecure feelings stem from so that I can pull it out by the root. Or is experiencing these feelings simply human and will always be there, it’s just a matter of how loud you let them be?
Thank you for your concern about my relationship it feels so nice, and gives me hope, to have someone hearing and seeing me ❤️
Seaturtle & hatchling
October 31, 2023 at 1:16 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423867seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
I apologize for my later response, my trip to see my partners family was consuming in many ways and I am just now reading this response. The following day him and I stayed at an aribnb together for a friends wedding (the main reason we went on the trip) and I just wanted to do my best to be present and not make the drive about me, which I inevitably would have done if I saw a response from you, I would have needed to express it to him, but I did not want to overwhelm him with my feelings.
I am now reading your response.
Wow your view of what happened is very perceptive and I appreciate it so much. I now wish I had read it before so I could have better seen the hurt n. I completely blamed myself for feeling disconnected. I thought perhaps his parents relationship scared me and made me hyper aware of any sort of disconnect on his end, which it probably did which exacerbated my feelings when he disconnected from me. When I feel disconnected from him I tend to think something is either wrong with me or the relationship, but if the disconnect is happening from his end, how to I detect and remedy this?
This explains why when we left to go to our airbnb, after a bit of disconnect remaining between us on the drive over, as soon as we got to the cabin, and I mean AS SOON AS we got there, I felt more connected to him than ever. We had such a bonding moment where I believe we both felt very safe. We cuddled on the couch, then I gave him a haircut for the wedding and we got ready together. We again were connected the next morning and through our whole drive home, even at his parents house, but then after dinner had another disconnect (I will share in the paragraph after next)
There was however another issue I had, it wasn’t between US it was, I am pretty sure, between seaturtle and hatchling.. While we were getting ready for the wedding, I tried on the dresses I brought. I couldn’t afford a new one and my only option were a couple in my closet I hadn’t worn before or in a long time. I tried on all three and did not feel confident. I thought about how I would be compared with the other women there .. I am not proud of this and new it was not a helpful thought but I felt it very deeply. I then also forgot my regular makeup essentials. After this final straw I broke down into tears and thought I couldn’t go. I had thoughts like “N will be attracted to another girl and I won’t compare,” “His friends won’t think I am good enough looking for him.” I should mention, this was a wedding for one of his highschool friends and were all going to be people from his past I had never met. I was actually terrified on the inside to run into an ex girlfriend of his or someone he had a crush on. My head spun with thoughts of comparison with those girls as well and for some reason, hatchling thought she would literally just die if there was a scenario where he had an ex/crush there that I thought was prettier than me.. I feel very vulnerable sharing this because I am not proud of my insecurities, I am not sure why they occur either. I wish I had my head high enough to not be bothered by such superficial little things. In the end, N was really there for me and helped me through the panic attack and I felt strong enough to finish getting ready and make it work. Once I arrived at the wedding I instantly felt safer as I met his friends and did not feel less than them or judged negatively for the way I looked and behaved. I enjoyed the rest of the wedding. However, a voice remains in my head even now, “If you WERE faced with someone who made you feel inferior physically or behaviorally, you would have been crushed with anxiety.” …
The next day our drive home was lovely and we stopped for breakfast and had some very engaging conversation and I learned some new things about N. I love how he pays attention to world affairs and has such a level head about what is happening around him. It makes me feel safe. It also intrigues me because I do want to know about those things too and look forward to more of those conversations. Once we got back to his parents house I still felt connected to him up until after dinner and we started playing a board game with his mom, it was late and N did say later he was tired and trying to end the game already, but this is what happened: We were playing a game where we all have to sort of build something and the person that does the best in many ways wins, however you can’t win if you don’t at least complete what you build. I wasn’t very good at it, but his mom said that she goes easy on people who haven’t played and typically will at least give everyone the time to complete their building. It was the end of the game and N’s mom was about to win but she put off winning so that I, the last one to finish, could complete my building. But then N comes in and finishes his, ending the game, leaving me unfinished. When I looked at him he had a straight face with a “sucks to suck” attitude. I asked him to not do that so I could finish but he continued to do so with no sort of playful smile or anything. This hurt me deeply .. I am not saying these are rational feelings, infact I know they aren’t but in that moment I felt he didn’t love me, didn’t see me, didn’t care about me or my feelings, I felt like he completely abandoned me. I held back tears. He then left the table to go outside to probably smoke (weed) with his dad and I was left at the table sad and alone with his mom just holding back all my feelings. That night he came to tuck me into bed and I was too afraid to start the conversation about my pain, I was too afraid of him denying my feelings and I knew how badly that would hurt me so I ignored the feelings and we snuggled before he went to his bed downstairs.
Next day we drive to the airport. My feelings about the night before caught me by surprise again while we were waiting to board the plane. A family next to us were playing a game, maybe that is what reminded me Im not exactly sure. Anyways I can’t hold back this time so I tell N how I felt about the way the game ended. He said that my feelings were not warranted for the actions that he did. He said what he did should not lead to my reaction. I told him he didn’t understand my trauma of feeling betrayed by a teammate (life teammate, we were not on a team in the game). He said he felt hurt that I didn’t know what it felt like to be on opposite teams of a friend you have to play against, as he experienced that a lot in football and knew it wasn’t easy. I told him there should be a better way to play games together, that he should be able to be kind to me while playing with me and that there should be guidelines between us. I told him we should never be the one to screw the other person over. It is ok if you/your team wins but there is a kinder/ more loving way to do it, I wanted him to let me at least finish building as he would have still one, but I felt what he did was rude. to this he responded with laughter like I was completely rediculous for calling him rude about a game. He said “it’s just a game” MULTIPLE times, but this only made me feel invalidated cause obviously I was expressing feelings that went beyond a game. To which he responded “so then it sounds like we just can’t play games together because you can’t be a good sport.” I literally wanted to strangle him when he said this, my body was so uncomfortable I felt like I could burst with energy and run a 5k. We did resolve this conversation, I think (although as I write this it still upsets me ..). When I told him that having all those uncles growing up, like 6 older brothers I was bullied in games, they would gang up on me and cheat so that I always lost, if I was about to win they would cheat, sometimes they were just better and won without cheating but again I was like 8 and they were 13-20 years old making an 8 year old feel slow and stupid. My siblings and I literally can’t play games with my dad anymore without witnesses, because he would change rules to fit him and have these rational reasons as to why all his rules made sense. He NEVER let us win. We would be crying at the games and my mom would actually call him a bully to which he just said we needed to learn… I tried to express to N that I was bullied in games growing up but even those words coming out of my mouth made me feel stupid like “can I really not handle a game?” anyways when I told N I felt unloved, abandoned and like he was like one of my uncles who teamed up on me while I was abandoned and left alone to fight an army, he comforted me. N told me that he was always on my side and that he loved me, this melted me into tears… It is all I needed to hear to feel safe again. But there is still a part of me, I realized as I wrote this, that just wants him to be “nicer” to just ME, his life teammate, when it comes to games. and I think we still disagree here and I am scared to revisit it and be told he won’t do it or it’s just on me to be less sensitive.
Anita, this response came flowing through me at my computer. I feel more in tuned with my feelings than ever before and I have a fear you will tire of this forum, but I want you to know it is so helpful to me and I really appreciate you. I look forward to your response, hopefully ❤️
With love,
Seaturtle & hatchling
October 27, 2023 at 9:56 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423802seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
“But you didn’t feel good because his very-cold-version was pre-imprinted in your brain Fast forward, when someone gives you love, in your mind, you are experience the mix that you received in childhood.”
this makes sense.
I am at my boyfriends parents house right now, we got here just early this morning after a 3 hour flight. Before I met him to leave for the airport I woke up early and mediated, I wanted to be there for my partner this weekend. As I know it brings up things for me when I visit home. Anyways I was feeling good this morning but then I got to his house and about 3 hours in feel exhausted. I asked him if we could go on a walk, hoping to feel connected to him and for it to remind me of why I am doing this, because I love him. We go on a walk and he begins exploring the outdoors and starts leading me down this very torn up valley of dead trees, hard to walk through and calls me a baby for complaining about the mud and the “trail” that had clearly been just destroyed. I don’t know if it was all the dead trees or the complete lack of his attention (not sure why I felt I needed it so bad), as I kept having to remind him not to keep walking so far infront of me as I stumbled, but I became so anxious. I was overwhelmed about having to go back inside to socialize, I was tired and felt like I was complaining to him. I truly don’t like his parents relationship, they are so passive aggressive and constantly hurting eachother and just moving past it. They have no shared hobbies and pretty much live separate lives sad the other won’t join them. Anyways, I feel bad for being anxious and complaining to him, because I wanted to be there for him! I feel selfish as if I made his trip home to his family about me. I don’t know why I did this, I have felt disconnected with him ever since we got here and I want to understand why and find out how to ease this anxiety. We are sleeping separately here and so I have some space tonight and tomorrow morning to try to get my mind right. But I feel stumped and disappointed in myself.
with love
seaturtlesOctober 25, 2023 at 12:48 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423735seaturtle
ParticipantHi anita!
Thank you for your support and congratulations 🙂 I am excited too!
“I truly thought they were solved but maybe I was just ignoring hatchling and the real solution is to actually unlearn my body’s learned response to love and learn to see how others do care about me? I often feel my friends don’t care about me and do things without considering me .. and this is all being directed at N! what do you think about this?“- I am not clear about what you are asking here. Can you rephrase it clearly?
-I read something on a different forum platform (Reddit), someone started a topic about not being able to receive love from her boyfriend, to help sort the two people in the discussion I will call the girl “Red” and the boy “Blue”.
I am summarizing the parts of Red’s post that really resonated with me: Red says “I was treated pretty badly throughout my school years and bullied in high school. I find myself having pretty low sense of self worth and I feel unlovable sometimes.” Red says “I don’t know how to accept his compliments; I say thank you, but on the inside I feel he is lying .. but I know rationally that isn’t true. I feel guilty and I feel like I need to pay him back in some way. I know people do nice things and I should just let them but I feel so guilt because I feel like I don’t deserve it.” “These patterns kind of spill over into my platonic relationships as well. I find myself wanting to love others, but never wanting to be loved. I love spoiling my friends with small gifts and favors .. I feel like I can’t depend on people how they depend on me.” “People say I am not a bad person, but I can’t help but feel like I am a bad person on the inside and I just masquerade as a good friend, and eventually someone is going to rip off this mask that I have and discover the truth.”
Red then receives a response that I found very helpful, Blue (the responder) was bullied as well and says ever since “I was playing a game of emotional catchup with self worth because everyone hated me.” For me, Seaturtle, it is not hate, instead it is people thinking I am awkward or too quiet, weird. Blue continues “So I thought I was just prone to receiving hatred because of who I was. I tried to get people to like me. It worked, but I kept them at an arms distance for sure and I never got better. I had to start letting people get closer and get to know me and not the smiley cardboard cutout of me. Many years later, I began to realize that I was not unlovable, it was that those kids couldn’t love others properly.” Blue continues “Understand that the guilt, anxieties of being a bad person, and secret lying are all a response to stressors and not the same as reality. It’s just your brain trying to defend you from people loving you.” “your brain currently thinks love and kindness is danger. Like whenever someone shows you love and you get that response of “wtf why are you doing this? I don’t deserve this” that’s a response to what your mind perceives as danger. Another tip is to remind yourself that when you’re receiving love, you’re not gonna die. It’ll retrain your brain and over time it’ll put love in the not danger category and you’ll get different reactions.”
-This point hit me hard, when I said “my body’s learned response to love” this is where I got that idea. when I said “the real solution is to actually unlearn my body’s learned response to love and learn to see how others do care about me?” I was referring to this idea of training my brain to put receiving love into a non-danger category.
-When Red talks about ripping off a mask I feel the same way. In new social situations I feel like I have this false sense of confidence and someone will see beyond the mask and see how insecure/awkward/odd I am and that I am faking the confidence to fit in. I fear that if I allow people closer than an arms distance, they will see behind my mask and be disgusted and reject me.
-My question is this, Is my brain defending me from love? Because if I am not able to see/receive love from others then I will be so thirsty for it that I demand it from my love partner.
-I hope this clarified what I am getting at, as opposed to making it more confusing adding Red and Blue…
“- part of maturing is taming (effectively and kindly parenting) the inner child, so to not act impulsively when thoughtful action is the right thing to do, etc.. It’s the over-taming/ the imprisoning of the inner-child that is the problem.”
This is another question that I thought of last night, the difference between taming and over-taming hatchling. I suppose I will have to get to know hatchling more and what makes her feel ignored versus relaxed/tame?
I wonder what hatchling is like when tame, it feels like she has been in a state of irritation this whole year and over-tamed before that.
Thank you again Anita 💜
October 25, 2023 at 10:32 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423731seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
I appreciate your update ❤️
October 25, 2023 at 10:31 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423730seaturtle
ParticipantHi Helcat,
Please don’t feel pressure to rush back to this forum, your immediate needs are much more important. I am sorry for what you are going through and send you support and strength! I also send love and strength to your baby ❤️
In response to your message:
It is episode 9 of season 1 of Crazy ex-girlfriend, I am fairly certain he was making fun of her weight. It really bothered me because she is not even what I would call “over-weight.” I could see myself having her body type once I have children, if I do. He does not give me a lot of physical compliments already, so I think I am more sensitive for that reason. I know he is attracted to me through other cues and I also believe I am right now as well, I just think about the future and him wanting a younger fitter woman. After all after the divorce my dad started dating a woman much fitter than my mom in every way as well as 10 years younger, with some plastic surgery, together they are very superficial appearance-wise. Being thin is praised in my family, the opposite is thought of as “needing help,” you will suddenly get comments on your body and nutrition and workout recommendations. I am going to talk to my partner about this this evening when I see him and get back to you further on his meaning of Meatball lol.
October 24, 2023 at 11:37 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423701seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
That is so funny that I thought it was a legitimate term hahaha, hatchling is perfect 🙂
Your insight on uniting hatchling and seaturtle is very helpful and will be in my thoughts.
“– I assume (and correct me if I am wrong) that you don’t always feel seen by others and that when you don’t feel seen by them it doesn’t trigger/ distress you enough to notice or overthink it, but when you feel unseen by N, it triggers/ distresses you a lot because it awakens Hatch’s hurt and anger. Hatch is trying to resolve her UNSEEN experience through N, so she’s very sensitive to what he says, what he does..”
You hit on something there. Yesterday morning, after reading the posts on this forum, I attempted a conversation with hatch. I told her I wanted to hear her, to come forward and I would not turn her away. She showed up last night. I am acting in a Play right now, a Shakespeare, it is my first time acting on a stage with other talented actors and people having to pay to come see it. I have taken classes and improv, but this is different. I have been nervous but just reminding myself it is fun and nothing to actually fear. Last night I felt more self conscious than usual, I was hyper aware of what I was saying and how it was being perceived, hatch was desperate to feel accepted by the group I am working with, but I did not get any obvious cues, I walked away insecure about what I said. I found myself in a deep dive into different forums last night to understand why I felt this way. My rabbit trail led me to something that felt very true, that I don’t know how receive love and appreciation from others.. when complimented I feel I owe them something back and respond by downplaying myself. I often assume people think I am awkward. I thought the answer to all this was to ignore it, but now I think maybe I have just been ignoring hatch? I read about how important a parents consistent love is to our self esteem, and feel my hatchling was insecure about love and somehow taught herself to be defensive against love, like by body repels it and in that process doesn’t even allow me to see it. I think this is why I have said I need words of affirmations from my partner…because I cannot see/receive it! all of this has been on my mind all morning and redirected my focus. I wondered if I should start another forum but I wanted your advice.
By allowing hatchling to surface, is it typical for insecurities to arise? I truly thought they were solved but maybe I was just ignoring hatchling and the real solution is to actually unlearn my body’s learned response to love and learn to see how others do care about me? I often feel my friends don’t care about me and do things without considering me .. and this is all being directed at N! what do you think about this?
I will look into ‘healing your inner child’ books. Do most people just walk around with their inner child in a tamed cage? I assume most people do not think this much, but maybe I am giving myself too much credit.
” The goal is not to raise Hatch, as in to no longer have an inner-child, but to get along with her, to give her the empathetic attention that she needs.”
Will hatchling always be in a naïve insecure state? or can she be a mature (inner) child ..
“Hatch is afraid to direct anger at her father, afraid of his anger in return, afraid of what (in her mind) this big, powerful man will do to her when angry. She wants to please him, so that he’d be nice to her.”
Interesting. I want to begin the journey of strengthening her.
“The adult part of you needs to communicate to her that you (this big-enough, powerful-enough young woman) can handle her father’s anger, that you can and will protect her.”
I love this.
“a parent’s repeated uncontrolled anger- even it is expressed in facial features and tone of voice alone- is enough to traumatize a child.”
Wow. I definitely underestimated what could be traumatizing. It reminded me of some of my dads very immature and mean facial expressions .. my sister and brother received it worse and I feel for them right now.
“– Focus on increasing the volume level of Hatch’s Voice: hear her words, listen to her; take her side no matter what, no matter if N or your father agree or disagree. If the price for you (the adult part) to pay for getting close to .. you (the child part) is distancing yourself from N.. then it will be a price worth paying.”
I have felt, in the last year, that I had an inner voice screaming at me in many moments living with N and that roommate. It is for hatch that I moved out. But it took her being in a lot of pain for me to take action .. One of my reasons to move out, and I told N, “I feel there is a voice telling me to move out, and has been for a while now, but I have been ignoring it, I feel I need to move out to see if this voice is my ‘gut’ or maybe I will recognize after it was just ‘fear.’ ” Thank you Anita, you have lead me to the answer I was seeking when creating this forum 🙂 (alongside Helcat of course!) Although I have work to do I feel like I just saw through a huge wall I felt was blocking me. I am eternally grateful to you! and myself!
With love,
Seaturtle and hatchling
October 24, 2023 at 10:28 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423698seaturtle
ParticipantDear Helcat,
“I had to practice recalling who he was outside of disagreements and comparing this truth of what I knew about my partner being loving against the almost dark thoughts I experienced during a trigger.”
This is Helpful thank you.
I am not sure if this is a trigger response or what exactly it is but sometimes his jokes make me feel very insecure. We were watching a show this weekend, its a comedy “crazy ex girlfriend,” anyways if you’ve seen it that would be funny. Anyways there’s a scene where this girl is trying to get this guys attention and starts dancing on a stripper pole, it was actually a good dance she did and with confidence, and my boyfriend goes “look at that meatball,” the show is a comedy but still, coming from him made me insecure about my own body. (I am not overweight but I am not skinny) Growing up my family always put a heavy emphasis on being in shape, I thought I overcame this insecurity that I was not a gym model, but it has been resurfacing lately and I got mad at my partner for his comment to which he thought was ridiculous and just a joke. It just made me feel like if I ever looked like her he wouldn’t be attracted to me anymore. There was a very thin yoga instructor in the scene as well I felt he was staring at and it tortures me inside a bit. I truly wish I was more secure than this, feel like I should be and feel embarrassed I don’t have the confidence to overlook it. Should I start another forum about this? I am not sure if this falls under what you relate with..
October 23, 2023 at 11:54 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423654seaturtle
Another thought came to my mind. I was proud of myself for “forgiving” both of my parents, was this infact not forgiveness and just telling Hatch to be quiet? one of the reasons I wanted to choose this “forgiveness” is because I did not want to hold a grudge on my parents, I wanted to love them and feel loved by them. Will directing this anger back to my dad make me resentful and harden my heart? I wonder the difference between parents just being human and then seriously messing up enough to deserve their child turning their back on them. My partner has told me he admires how I forgive my parents and can have a friendship with them after all that has been done. He doesn’t understand why his sister of 32 years old won’t speak to her parents at all. She tells N they traumatized her in more ways than one but when N relays the information to me he doesn’t understand why she chooses to do this. I think I now understand her more. But fear it will distance me from N because I think his hatchling is purposely kept at 5% volume level. and I think he is proud of it, as I was when I was able to actually enjoy my dad and “forgive.”
I know this is alot, and I hope I am not overwhelming you? I am having some very real revelations within myself through this and am so excited to reach this new level of awareness I feel I have been waiting for for the past year!
Sending appreciation,
October 23, 2023 at 11:41 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423653seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you for explaining this concept of hatchling to me, I feel it.
“The adult part of you thinks that it is something that happened, but for Hatch, it is still happening.”
Is Hatch ever able to have a sense of time, past versus present? Is the goal to raise hatchling into an adult as to be in one mind? Or are we meant to have these two parts of us, and are there more than hatchling and adult?
“When you take Hatch with you to meet your father (recently for that hour visit during his golf tournament), she doesn’t want to go because she’s scared of him and/ or she is angry with him, but you take her anyway, and you tell her to be nice and that there is nothing to worry about. So, she goes with you quietly, holding her feelings in, and makes it possible for you to have a nice visit with him.”
Wow this makes me feel terrible that I did this to her. Does this make hatch angry? Is there a way to willingly bring her to such family events I don’t want to miss and will inevitably interact with my dad? This visual makes me want to care for her so badly.
“The visit is over, you take Hatch home and- no longer instructed to be nice and hold her feelings in- she let’s them out, aka she gets triggered in the company of your boyfriend and other people. The adult part of you thinks that her fear and/ or anger and other distress is about your boyfriend and the other people, but Hatch’s fear and anger, her distress, is about your father.”
So if it is hatch that cannot distinguish where to direct her anger, Adult can help her?
Sending love,
October 23, 2023 at 11:31 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423651seaturtle
I apologize, I got confused with the pages and seems I responded to your second message first. I am reading the first one now
October 23, 2023 at 11:28 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423650seaturtle
ParticipantDear Anita,
“For as long as Hatch has significant unresolved issues in regard to her father, she will keep seeing him in N (and in other people).”
“– I think it’s Hatch who is running away, running away from her father who is not genuinely caring or kind, a man who will not do what needs to be done for his daughter’s best interest.”
Both of these made me start to feel emotional. I haven’t heard the term “Hatch” before, but the sense of it feels real. I do feel like I am split in two. I can see her, “hatch” this scared version of myself and then I can see ME who is confident and loving and regrets what hatch sees/feels/says.
“(October 10)- your relationship history fits my understanding that Hatch keeps seeing her father in men and.. she keeps running away, or wanting to run away (from her father).”
Yes! I was doing this consciously. That is why when I started to feel some of my father in N, I was disappointed in myself, I thought he was different. I do not like men who reflect my father. N has admitted to understanding my dad, his desire to feel respected, and their drive to be financially free and in power of their own destiny. I like that they get along it makes me feel safe in a way, but I don’t want them to be too similar, which I don’t think they are “too”, but they both have that teflon.
““He accepts my flaws and loves me in spite, which touches me so deeply because I didn’t receive unconditional love from my father“- it doesn’t touch Hatch deeply enough .. because of these unresolved issues I keep mentioning, seeing her father in N.“
Exactly. I have to convince Hatch with words but she doesn’t feel it like I do and logically feel I should. I think Hatch often is more present when we are on dates… because that regret of what Hatch sees/feels/says, as mentioned earlier, happens after N leaves. I wonder why I didn’t enjoy that perfect date more? I don’t think it is all Hatch, and hopefully getting less and less and I try to overcome this association between N and my Father…
“-Hatch- for whom there is no distinction between past and present, is still living in her father’s house, still distressed, still wanting to run away.”
Wow, this spoke deeply to me. Could this be why I feel so exhausted all the time? I think since moving out I am coming out of this exhaustion, slowly, but I just don’t have as much energy as I want to or see others have. I don’t have enough to commit to my dreams, I end up taking so many breaks or just wanting to give up cause I am too tired, it make me feel lazy and weak.
” if what he meant instead was to say that in the here-and-now experience, you felt angry at him and responded to your anger by withholding affection from him, similarly to what his mother did.”
I agree with your assessment of his use of the word “excuse” not being abusive, I have felt it more of a present feeling of his about my current response to him. It just makes Hatch angry/insecure. But recently I have been able to see this behavior as if out of body and it helps to distance myself from the anxiety.
“To prevent this (withholding affection) from happening, it will take you SEEING Hatch, and then understanding that N is not your father, and redirecting your anger to whom it belongs.”
Are there affirmations that can help me to remind myself he is not my father? When triggered I still believe Hatch sometimes and simultaneously want to argue it, like my adult-self/ME is burried so deep I can barely hear her anymore but I am trying. “redirecting your anger to whom it belongs” -visualizing my father and directing anger to him? in the end I want to be able to get rid of that anger all together, rather than just redirect it. Is redirecting it first then I will need to resolve that with him? or will it always be there, like the law of energy that it can never truly be rid of only moved?
“(3) There is only one person who can make Hatch feel seen, and it is not N. It has to be you, the adult part of you.”
This is freeing in a sense for sure. however there are people in my life who do make me feel seen, why is this? My mom, sisters and two close friends (sometimes random acquaintances) make me feel seen when I cannot see myself, is it wrong to want this from a partner? Or is there a reason that I don’t feel seen by him as I do others?
“Once seeing how Hatch really feels, it will take doing what’s right for her. If what’s right for her is to no longer hope that her father will finally see her, and then to never talk or visit him.. then don’t (have no contact with him).”
I will need to think about this and let it marinate. My heart can’t imagine not having contact, but I can’t tell if that’s cause I feel bad for him or myself. It gives me a big sense of loneliness to avoid him. What are some techniques to hear hatch?
“Hatch needs to be seen, and for her feelings, needs and wants to be validated and respected.. by you.”
Do you know of techniques, a book, or mediation practice that can enter me into a space to communicate with myself in this way? Adult–>Hatch.
“ask Hatch: who is the bad man she keeps wanting to run away from? If she feels your commitment to SEE her and then, to do what’s right for her.. she will tell you.”
I hope and look forward to this interaction.
Thank you so much Anita, you are helping me understand myself and I feel so supported by you.
Sending Love and appreciation,
October 23, 2023 at 10:49 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423649seaturtle
ParticipantDear Helcat,
“I think that as time went on and we worked on things, I was more able to differentiate between the past and the present. I ended up feeling less and less the need for him to apologize to help soothe my anxiety because it became very clear to me that it was less to do with him and his behaviour and more to do with my past.”
This is very relatable for me. I do feel bad though that it took me a while to become clear to me, I feel I caused alot of arguments because I would blame him. I moved out only 3 weeks ago and I already feel like I can see the cycle so much clearer, and like you said I have less a need for an apology. I am glad you mentioned this because it reminds me I am growing a lot right now and explains my very real mental exhaustion.
“Regarding passive aggressive jokes, would be you like to share an example?”
When I lived with my partner and my triggers were being pushed at a faster rate than I could heal, I was exhausted all the time. It lead me to calling out of work a lot, I would spend my actual time off with my partner, then I would call out when he wasn’t home so I could have some alone time. I was too exhausted to go into a customer service job most days, my paycheck decreased significantly and eventually I was fired, but it was almost like I wanted to be cause I was only relieved. My partner then began to pay the rent fully and I was home painting, I had unemployment so I just bought groceries and contributed where I could, He said that it was fine over and over but I don’t think he knew how it truly made him feel. We were on the couch one night, a couple weeks before I moved out and he was online trying to buy a trailor for his work supplies, but couldn’t afford it and joked “Can you help me buy a trailor?” The night before he literally saw my bank account in the negatives, so for me this was a very insensitive thing to “joke” about, and it did not seem like a joke he said it with a very straight face but when I asked him about it the next morning I felt completely gaslit when he said “what? you thought that was serious? of course not baby! it was just a joke”… did not sit right with me.
“I wonder, did your father suffer from depression at all?”
Yes I believe so. He worked mon-fri 8am-5pm, hit traffic on the way home which frustrated him, I think he felt a lot of pressure, I feel for him. He was a Junior in college with a baseball career ahead of him, but then they had me, two years later my brother, 2 years one sister then another. To me I think it was SO irresponsible, but what’s done is done now your baseball career has no time to accumulate, you have to start working immediately, his while life was flipped and he was numb. He told me once recently that he remembers not being present when he would play with us when he got home, he said “you guys didn’t notice but…” and I thought…Oh yes we did. He just never seemed very happy. the last couple years of their marriage I was 13-15 and he would stay downstairs at night and watch tv with headphones on a laptop while my mom went up to bed to probably text cheat with some guy. So sad, their dynamic breaks my heart and is a relationship I fear to fall into.
“I’m glad to hear that your relationship with your father has since improved. Sometimes I find that can create a disconnect or confusion about how was see them. At other times, having trauma invalidated by our abusers can create a sense of confusion and denial about our experiences in ourselves. Do you think you experienced any of this at all?”
Yes. When I was 17 and still very naive in articulating my feelings or even recognizing them I tried to express to him that he came across as two people to me. One that was cold, I wanted to rebel against and didn’t care if I hurt him by lying about my wherabouts. Then there was another version of him that was kind, sweet and funny, and when I met that version i felt awful for what I had done to the other version of him. I would doubt that he had any faults, but then the other version would surely return and it was quite confusing, I saw the switch so many times thought that now I am able to stay level minded when he is one or the other, thinking “this is not all of him right now.” I deny my own trauma even now, I don’t believe it was as bad as I think it was…I see people growing in way worse situations then me and think I was blessed, but then I self destruct in my relationship and have crippling anxiety and start to believe I did actually go through something difficult then to reflect this.
“And sometimes the negative thoughts during a trigger are very strong. There are times when this “leaks” and can be harmful to your partner.”
This is validating, thank you. I am getting better, but sometimes I see those intense negative thoughts and they make me feel disconnected to him because I cannot share them. Because now I know they are only temporary, and like you said I do not wish to ever hurt him.
“Have you ever had a discussion about him invalidating your trauma and how that makes you feel?”
Yes, but only recently and he took it very well and I felt he saw what I was saying. some triggers he understands more than others.
“Since I’ve come to understand the large impact my PTSD has on communication during disagreements in the relationship. It’s really helped me to accept him and forgive his very human mistakes when they occur and to let go of that resentment.”
Thank you for sharing about your relationship, it helps me to not feel alone and I appreciate it so much. I found that when I started to realize I was acting out of pain, I was able to see others were and this is actually what mended my relationship with one of my sisters, and I was so thankful that I was introduced to the person behind the pain once we broke that barrier. I wish for my partner to come to this realization because I do think it would help things go smoother, but I also don’t want my triggers to be comforted so maybe it is a good thing he doesn’t know how to talk to people with ptsd yet…just a thought, what do you think?
That is so interesting that you lived through having another roommate with your partner as well! I don’t know anyone else who relates to that. When we are children and mentally block things out because they are too much for us to even process, I know that feeling well because it happened late enough in life to where I would literally block out the year before and wonder why my memory was so bad. I lived with them from September 2022-September 2023, so recent, yet I feel a similar sensation of my mind almost trying to erase it emotionally. This feeling of disconnect with it, I can remember it but it feels way farther away than it actually was as if it is fading. I don’t think I was aware of how hard it actually was for me, which lead me to feel disappointed in myself when I would be in pain/anxious/depressed. I don’t fully understand how my partner and I got through it and are still happy together.
Thank you Helcat, for your dedication to responding to my posts, they are helping me immensely in guiding my healing.
Sending love and gentle waves of peace,
October 20, 2023 at 11:13 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423596seaturtle
Hahaha, thank you! I will enjoy, I hope you do as well!