Forum Replies Created
July 29, 2015 at 11:36 pm #80808
ParticipantStop looking into the numbers, your overthinking it. Even if the signs are real it doesn’t matter. The point is you need to get you heart and mind out of the wishing mode and start being in either grateful mode or imagine mode as if you are already living your dreams in reality. What would that look like to you in your mind and heart? Feel it, imagine it, and let it go. Then do the work that needs to be done in order for opportunities to come your way. Consistency and persistence is the key on your part, if you hit a road block, keep going, failure is vital to the journey that’s where the nuggets of gold and wisdom is. Listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer on Youtube. That helped me. Meditation helped me. Especially Dr. Wayne Dyer’s AHHHH meditation. Look it up on youtube.Do it everyday. Wanting or wishing all the time is dangerous, what that implies is you want something you still don’t have, that image of you not having it, what ever it may be, is a problem, that’s the message you are calling out to the source, the energy, universe, god, whatever it is to you. You gotta see yourself having it and do the work to get to that reality. Sometimes if you feel passionately about wanting or wishing something that’s exactly what you are going to get. You will continue to wish away because your mind is in wish mode. I hope this helps, forgive me if i said anything out of line.
By the way I too have a weird connection to the number 11, i use to see the number 11 everywhere, especially when I would check the clock. This is due to my father. My dad was born on Nov 11 and died on Nov 11. I was born on Mar 11. The number 11 has a special significance to me, its connected to my dad. I am just letting you know ahead of time that these numbers have no real significance, the only significance it has is when you give meaning to it. The point is you focused on a number and now you keep seeing it. What you should learn from that is you have this ability of focus and when you apply that intention with focus and meditation you start to attract it to your world. Start thinking in terms of the great adventure already happened and describe to yourself what it would be. If you dont know than I suggest you do Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Ahhh meditation. The meditation loosens the mind and opens you to more creativity and ideas you never thought of before. hope this helped. Forgive me if i said anything out of line.
July 23, 2015 at 4:43 pm #80343winterfront89
July 23, 2015 at 4:30 pm #80342winterfront89
ParticipantYou said: can anyone advise on how to stop caring about what others think of me.
Why do I care ?1) Maybe you care about what others think of you, because you like to please yourself, and in order to please yourself, you need to please others, and by pleasing others, there is a chance they might accept you, and if they accept you, its you who gets the most pleasure out of that, and that’s why you care so much about what other people think of you. In short in order to please yourself you need other people’s acceptance, because that’s how you have learned to accept yourself. You care more about there rating then what you rate yourself. You need to re learn how to please yourself it should not come from other peoples acceptance, your pleasure should come from you accepting yourself. Your value system needs to be you accepting yourself as you are and getting pleasure from that (what i mean is laugh about your imperfections and be kind to your imperfections, no one is perfect!). You do not need to be perfect. You should not have a value-system of yourself that in order for you to feel pleased you need other peoples acceptance.
Note accepting yourself means just to see yourself as you are without judgement in my opinion.
2) The second part to the problem is maybe you also hold this strong belief that there is a need to keep this hope alive in you, like its a hopeful possibility that it might work out with them or that person, cuz if i act nicely and do this gesture, then maybe they will respond more nicely or at least act more neutrally towards me. You need to give up that hope. Forget about the hope of possibility of being accepted by others, let go of that weight and just be yourself that is your only purpose when your amongst people. And if you are in the work place be yourself and focus on the task at hand that’s your only job.
There is this saying, give up all hope and you’ll find freedom, I think Edward Norton said that. The point is give up the hope of being accepted by others. Do not put that unnecessary pressure on yourself. Give it up. Let it go. Its not up to you to figure that shit out. Its a weight that you can let go of. Your focus should be to be kind, civil, be yourself, focus on the task at hand when you are at work, smile, and laugh more often for yourself. Do activities that make u laugh. Let go of the things that are not working out, let the universe figure it out. You cant control the other person you can only control yourself and your actions so let go of the hope of being accepted by others.
Also I would like to say in caring for someone you are also pleasing them at the same time. You have to be careful who your pleasing. If its someone who disrespects you, than you need to learn to be distant but nice to them. It’s like being distant but at the same time being on point. If its at the work place, if they ask you anything work related you reply exactly whatever they asked you, nothing more or less, and leave it at that. Show them your here to work not to make friends. So be distant, but cordial. If you hear a conversation you would like to jump into, when at work, but the people making the conversation is someone who has been disrespectful to you in the past know better to not join in. People who have disrespected you do not deserve to hear your thoughtful opinions and you do not deserve to be treated that way. Basically honor yourself and value yourself and stay away from people that stink ass because if you don’t later on someway somehow unknowingly or knowingly you will start to (REACT INTO THEIR DRAMA) stink like them, it human nature. We absorb what we see.
If i said anything that doesn’t apply to you than omit that. I do not know your full story, so forgive me if i said anything offensive.
Warm Regards,
From: A Woman
FROM: Dallas, TXAugust 7, 2014 at 2:46 pm #62842winterfront89
ParticipantHey brother,
You are not alone, there are several people that I know personally that are going through what you are experiencing right now.First, you need to address with love and compassion the big elephant in the room in your life, which is the feelings of inadequacy, I keep hearing the same story in your words, you keep playing in your head over and over that you’re not enough. This has to be addressed in your inner most heart with sincerity, without judgment or shame, you have to deal with yourself with complete love and self-acceptance.
Second, start practicing happiness, by practicing gratefulness. There was a time in my life when i had nothing and I was where you are today. And let me save you the trouble and tell you that happiness does not come easy, IT IS A PRACTICE. A skill that has to be turned on and practiced every single day. I heard from somewhere, forgot who said it, that happiness does not come from getting a nice car or a degree happiness is directly generated by practicing gratefulness. For example, when you find yourself down and blue practice gratefulness by pointing out 2 to 3 things that you are feeling grateful for and I mean truly grateful, you could be grateful for your computer because it has provided you entertainment. You could be grateful for your working eyes that never fail you, or be grateful for your breath because it takes care of itself no matter what’s going on with you, it never forgets to breath no matter what you are going through. By doing this overtime you will start to see the difference. Overtime you will start to choose happiness instead of the current thoughts that keep filling your head with.
The format goes like this, I am grateful for _______(what)___________, because_____(and then state your reason why you are grateful).
Happiness should not be based on what kind of profession you have, what kind of house you have, what kind of state your living in, how much money you have or what you don’t have, all these kinds of thoughts are blinding you from the logical truth which is happiness has to be practiced it is a skill it doesn’t just happen naturally. It has to be practiced especially when shit hits the fan.
The other thing is, you keep wanting self- acceptance from the outside world. You keep wanting to be a part of what’s out there. You want validation from the people around you and that’s why you keep hurting yourself mentally. And it will keep happening as long as you keep looking out there for validation and acceptance. You need to look inward and start with awareness addressing your habits of thought. It’s time for you to realize that this way of thinking does not make sense any more. You need to focus on accepting your-self and life. The validation you need to seek is from yourself. Before you make friends with someone else you need to make friends with yourself.
The truth is what you need is knowledge. The truth will set you free. Read Dr. Wayne dyer’s books (check out his youtube videos do his morning AHHHH meditations, which you can find on youtube it changed my life). Read Pema chodron’s books, she deals with fear and procrastination. Brene Brown is also good she helps with shame and talks about great fullness. These people have changed my life, reading their material will help you understand your current condition and on how to improve. Also all these people can be found on youtube, take a look at their teachings. You will like reading their books because its easy to follow and will enlighten your current situation. You’ll even find yourself saying holy shit thats what i have been doing all this time, i need to change that!!!!
Laslty if I said anything too harsh forgive me and I am sorry If I fully did not understand your situation.
Wish you love brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 18, 2014 at 8:53 pm #56496winterfront89
ParticipantI am 25 now and I too lost my father. Seventeen years ago, he died of a sudden heart attack. It was a devastating day for me, my brother, and my mom because my dad died on his birthday. I guess I am sharing this with you because I completely and wholly know what you are saying, what you mean, I know these feelings all to well, and I just want to say that I am sorry for your loss. When death occurs so close, the point is to start moving forward and I am genuinely happy that you’re in a good place.
The only advice I can share with you is in your own way don’t try to escape from the reality of what happened. My brother, who I am very close to, spent a good 10 years of his life, during his twenties looking outward, in friends, in a girlfriend, or focusing on his academic life then his professional career, all to fill the void of losing his father. My brother, through outwardly seeking the world outside, in order to escape the reality of what happened to him, he neglected to take care of himself from the inside. Avoiding the reality of what is, takes a toll on the heart, eventually the avoidance behavior can manifest in different parts in your life in a negative manner that can be toxic and costly to you and your loved ones. It can even manifest in ways that are unnoticeable to you. So please don’t do that to yourself. Don’t run from what is. Take the time to care for yourself. After all there is only one of you.
Now my brother is 31, and he often tells me that he just wished he faced what was, what happened to him, instead of avoiding in his mind the death of his father. Apparently there is a liberation in fully accepting what is. There is a sense of calmness and peace. In my brother’s words, the key to accepting what is, is to completely let go of the comments in your own head that accompany the tragedy that’s being played in your mind. Separating the two is important, just look at the tragedy without the comments in your head. At that point you may feel sad, then feel sad, you might cry, then cry, you may feel confused, then feel confused, you may feel nothing, then feel nothing, you may feel angry, then feel angry, whatever you may feel let it out, main thing is to let whatever emotion that comes up, let it go, out of you and release it into the universe. Do this in your own personal space where you’re free to be who you are. The closer you get to the facts, to the scenes of the tragedy without reacting to those memories (and the reaction stops when you stop listening and when you stop identifying with your internal dialogue) opens your heart into a space of true acceptance. Eventually you will get to a point where you can think about and talk about what happened without being a slave to your emotions. Sometimes to accept what is, you have to let go of the commentary in your head, that internal dialogue that we so identify with. It’s not an easy thing to do, to shut out the commentary that accompanies the tragedy that’s being played in your head, it’s a choice, a practice. It’s a practice of letting go that has really helped my family and I hope it helps you too.
And as for the family members bothering you about your dad and this whole thing that happened. Tell them or write to them whichever is best for you that, “I am not ready to talk about it because I myself have not fully understood what has happened. Death is an enigma. Something that is shrouded in mystery. There are no real answers. Let me figure out how I should grieve, but reminding me of what happened or showing me pictures will not help me surpass or transcend this tragedy. I need to do this in my own way and it will take time. ” Communicating your feelings in a balance manner is the key to get your point across. If they still don’t listen, then keep telling them until they do because your grieving is your grieving no one should tell you how to let go of your loss. You have to figure out what is best for your soul.
Lastly, I feel like I should mention that I truly am sorry if I wrote anything that you did not resonate with. I don’t know your full story so I may have written something that you do not agree with, so please forgive me for that. My main reason for writing this is to let you know that I feel you, and I understand what you are going through. Through your words I can feel your state of mind and I understand your frustration towards your dad’s side of the family. I’ve been through it myself. I wish you the best and lots of peace. Death is hard to witness, but what’s harder is what happens afterwards, so I get what you mean.
With Love and Kindness,
Winterfront89 -