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  • in reply to: Passing clouds #438785


    in reply to: Passing clouds #438782

    I dont see any real threat.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438780

    I was angry with my neighbor first on how she left me. Later on I realized that I am trying to play victim here. I dont want to blame her now for the distance. I have accepted the fact people change over time. Its up to her to decide whom she want to spend time with.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438779

    That makes me so anxious.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438778

    Its makes me anxious. I had one friend in the past before she started getting close to others then I moved on. But still I was nice to her and we stayed in touch. She couldnt take it when I started getting close to others. She blamed me and started gossiping about me in front of others. The “others” would come and ask me about how I am ignoring her. That was hell lot of drama to deal with. I would get anxious that why would she do this to me. She is the one who got busy others and started telling everybody that I ignored her. If I do the same thing now, I fear my current neighbor would the same. I hate all the drama.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438752

    On the other hand, she is having with her other group.She didnt validate my feelings when i expressed her how I felt.I am here scared like a little kid worried about her feelings.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438751

    I love that prayer and I use it everyday. I am extremely stressed about this friendship. I keep going back and forth. My friend texted me today as reply for the message that I sent on Thursday. It looks like she archived my chat we have this feature on WhatsApp where you can archive the chats into separate folder so that you wont able to see thier messages. I cried on Friday like how she ignored my message. Its pretty clear that she is ignoring me now  as I told ger to stop expecting from me. I kept my ego aside, I planned a kids play date  to  go for  pumpkin patch with her on Saturday and I texted her on Thursday. Today she texted me saying that the other group already planned on Wednesday so she went with them on Sunday. The other thing she told me was her husband told my husband that as they are busy on Saturday we can go together  on Tuesday. My little one has a class on Tuesday  so we went on Saturday. As my little one gets bored on the weekends. I want to leave this friendship but I just keep going back and forth like an idiot. I dont know I feel like I cant take thier rejection anymore. On top of that she is ignoring my texts now. Now its pretty clear that they are busy with other group during the weekends. During our conversation, she did not agree with that instead she blamed me that I wasnt planning early and she told me that she is pretty busy during the weekdays. Now I planned early she said no and  they are planned on the weekdays. I want to cut this off. I  want to stop asking them when we go out. I want go out and make new friends. But I am unable to move on as I am scared she would blame me if i move on. She already blamed me for not texting. I am scared she would blame if i stop asking her or texting her.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438718

    I am not sure even if its related to childhood trauma.You get hurt when someone who is close  to you suddenly drifts apart from you once they meet new people.This has been happening since last year.Do you still go put in the efforts, even if they say no to you? I have accepeted it and moved on.Suddenly she comes to me and tells me i have become so busy that I dont have time to text her.We both have a mutual friend  B, who told me that she is saying no to her a lot lately.Generally we three used to meet everytime. We both met last week.B didnot want to call her this time because she was saying no to them.I told B lets not do that and call her.She called my neighbor and she said no again.She was busy partying other group of friends.But when i asked her the same thing she doesnt accept the fact but in return she started blaming that I am saying no to her.I did say to no her couple of times, because i was on my period and the other time my little one was hurt.We did send my little one everytime to her house when she called us.Because little one loves to play with her daughter.Now I am scarred she would cause any drama by telling others i had hurt her because i have had the same thing happen with other friends who would always blame and create the drama.


    in reply to: Passing clouds #438702

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Honestly I dont want have to the conversation about my past.Most indians especially my friend doesnt understand childhood trauma or anxiety.I told her how I felt.Then she got defensive.Started blaming me.If she doesnt want to put the effort then I dont care.I know it hurts but I dont want to be a victim.Thats how some friends.They change when they meet new people.It happened earlier with two of ky friends.They create the distanace but still i put the efforts.Finally when i give up they blame for the distance.I want to move on.Its pretty clear now that she is busy during the weekend with her new set of friends and I know she doesnt want to talk to me anymore.</p>

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438691

    I put my ego aside and asked her again. This time like she said I planned ahead.Still no teply.It looks like she is angry with me now after our conversation.I dont wamt to talk to her anymore.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438686

    It looks like she is angry with me now. I know she is clearly lying. She is a LIAR.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438685

    LOL..I planned something for Saturday and I texted her on Thursday night. I still didn’t get reply from her. I know she saw my message but still ignoring me. Anyways my husband asked her husband on the same day, he said they have some other plan. Its pretty clear they are busy with this group. When I told my friend the same thing she got defensive. I told her she is not putting in the efforts like the way she used to and told her to stop expecting texts from me,  Its all about priorities. I just want to end this friendship but I keep giving her chances as I do not want to leave her. On top of that my daughter asks for her daughter. Today my husband went to her house and took along my daughter as little one wanted to play with her desperately There is no end to my suffering because of my daughter. My husband is worried about my daughters feelings instead of mine. I told my husband she is ignoring me and not replying to my message.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438604

    I still miss her badly. On top of that my little on keeps asking about my neighbors daughter. I hate this never ending saga. I have been thinking about friend since August.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438603

    Hey Anita! How are you doing ?My friend texted me asking why I stopped talking to her. Last time when I asked her to set up a play date with her daughter. She said she wants to take her kid to the park with other group of friends. Since then I stopped talking to her altogether. I told her she is not putting in the efforts to meet us. Every time when we go out , we are inviting them but they are not joining us. She told me that the other group preplans everything as they keep meeting very often and we always call them in last minute. I have accepted the fact we call last minute sometimes but she doesnt even put in the effort. Before going to India I invited her for lunch the day before she said no. Then we set up play date with her daughter she showed up so late. I always feel like we are inviting them. I told her to stop expecting from me when you dont put the efforts. Then she got defensive and told me even I said no to her. Yes, I said no to her couple of times once I got periods and the other day my daughter was injured. Atleast I am not busy visiting other friends. I understand when says no to me everybody is busy with thier life. What pisses me off is the very next day she meets her other group of friends. One day she texted me asking me to send my daughter to her house as her other group of friends visited her unexpectedly. I feel like her priorities have changed. I have accepted the fact and moved on. But still she expects me to text her.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #438342

    That makes sense. My little one sometimes blames me that I put too many rules and I feel guilty about it. I have set a rule since  last year saying that she will not get screen time if she doesnt eat food. Its only during the weekdays. Sometimes she doesnt care about the consequences. Last week she did the same.

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