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  • in reply to: Untangling Anger: How It Shapes My Actions and Life #444370

    Yay! I am excited see your picture!:)

    in reply to: Passing clouds #444365

    lol thanks 🙂

    in reply to: Passing clouds #444360

    Ramadan started since march. I was unable to fast for the first due to extreme fatigue and there was some other health issue. I did feel guilty but i let go(my religious OCD doesnt spare me). Then my periods started so I couldnt fast the second week. I still had fatigue and was busy with work the third week i.e last week. I did feel guilty but I kept telling myself that I am trying my best. I fasted on Friday but I felt extremely tired end of the day. I dont feel like fasting this Ramadan but my religious OCD keeps telling me that I am not good enough. So i started since Friday. I dont feel like fasting this month at all but at the same time it makes me feel like bad Muslim. I think my religious OCD is getting the best of me since the Saturday.I have been feeling anxious about it.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #444352

    Thanks for your suggestion Anita. I will look into it. Now a days I dont have the motivation to do anything. I just feel so tired. I got my blood work done to see what’s going on.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #444199

    “At the same time, setting boundaries is okay! You can guide them while making sure they feel safe and heard. It’s all about striking that balance and creating an environment where they can talk to you without fear of judgment. But I think it’s also important to remember that as a parent, you have a strong influence on shaping your child’s values and decision-making. By encouraging open communication, teaching her about consequences, and modeling the behaviors you want to see, you can help them navigate these challenges.”
    -This is spot on. This is what my husband told me when I had the same discussion with him. He is so emotionally mature than me. I still do get angry with her when she makes mistakes like wasting food, ignores or gives me an attitude, doesnt listen to me.I try my best but its hard sometimes. I am not sure where to draw the line sometimes.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #444194

    I dont want to be a very strict parent but at the same time I dont want to let loose.

    I think about too much about everything but then I feel so lost.

    I have come across reddit group about indian kids brought up in America rant about their Indian parents like they are so strict.
    They dont get to wear what they want or drink alcohol/ do drugs but they get to do it when they leave to college. I have also seen comment from a kid where he left his religion because they were so strict. How do they dont fit in with thier peers because they dont drink. Some even stop talking to thier parents.

    My parents weren’t that religious but my peers used to scare me that if I dont obey GOD he will send me to hell. That has really impacted me when I became an adult. It has haunted for me years and still haunts me. Sometimes I feel like I cant be myself and at the same time the fear has helped me to stay from alcohol/drugs. I feel like I dont want to scare my kid in that away. I want her to stay away from the things that I dont like. Like wearing clothes which exposes thier body parts, drinking alcohol, hook ups and all these things. I dont know how to do that without scaring her. I feeling like moving back to India.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #444190

    Hey Anita,

    I want to talk about something thats going on my mind right now.

    I was looking at sudhiksha konankis missing case. That made me scared about my little ones future. I dont like somethings about american culture especially sex(hook up culture), alcohol and drugs. Why cant people have a social life without drinking. I know I was brought up in a very conservative way but looking at all these incidents made me worry about my kids future.
    I have also seen so my DUI cases online where people killed other people under influence and how some of the parents neglected thier kids because of alcohol and drugs. Why is it so common in US ? I know I am no one to judge. I cant imagine my kid doing all these things.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #444071

    Thank you for sharing your experience Anita! I have been eating healthy food and I am feeling better. Then I go down hill. Its hard to keep up with the diet. For its mostly the SPICY food that triggers my gut.

    I have been working remote once a week. I feel like my ocd/anxiety acting up on these days. I feel good when I go to office as I am surrounded by people.

    I feel like I dont like my own company or staying alone because of this anxiety.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #443716

    Thanks for your help Anita! I eat mostly low fod map diet except garlic and onions. They are part of my indian curries 🙁
    Like i said I cook food everyday at home.
    I understand the gut and brain connection. I have been in survival mode from 2018 to 2022.I was stuck in never ending loop of anxiety every second of my life. That has really impacted my gut. I started feeling bit better since 2023 with the help of my therapist. I still get anxious like when my friend ignored me , i have a presentation, social anxiety but I feel like I am in better place now. Just feeling bit depressed this eek about my ibs as its really impacting my life.
    Would you mind sharing your IBS healing journey ? You dont have to if dont want to.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #443685

    Oh yeah. I have IBS too. I never had any digestive issues in India.
    Once we moved to US in 2015. Thats when it started. I never used laxatives as it never impacted my life. I didnt have anxiety when we moved here, so I dont know why it started.

    For me it used to be IBS-C and it never effected my life until 2020.My anxiety became worst at that time. I dont know what has changed. Now i have a combination of both ibs c and d for the past couple of years.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #443683

    Thank you for your kind and uplifting words Anita!

    Did anxiety ever give you gut issues? We eat out only once in a week. I cook food everyday at home but I still have the digestive issues. For the past two years I feel like I am overeating and hard to control my cravings. I dont even exercise.

    I come to office everyday. I go home then cook food. Eat, sleep and repeat.

    I hate eating healthy and exercising.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #443680

    He will give the work which i find interesting and fun.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #443679

    Hey Anita, How are you doing ? At first, it felt like I am so easy to convince. I cant stand by my own opinion. He did give reassurance that he will only give me thats interesting. I am seeing that in his actions right now.

    I am gong through some health issues right now. This anxiety has really wrecked my gut. It gave me digestive issues and its getting worse. It has become worst for the past two years. I want to eat healthy but its getting hard to control my cravings especially the week before my periods. I feel lost. I have my period next week and I am feeling so depressed about it.

    I feel so selfish because I text you only when I need something 🙁 I am even delaying my replies now a days. I am trying to handle my emotions on my own. But this health issue is really making me feel depressed.

    I feel like I am in a better place now but then I have to battle this issue,. It sucks.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #443241

    Lol.. I was thinking about something else for the past two weeks. There was an internal job position opened in our company. I thought about it for a week non stop. I wanted to apply but i was so anxious about change. Finally I made the decision to apply for it last Monday then I told my manager about it on Tuesday. My manager talked me out of it. I told him about my concerns and he reassured that I will get to work on something that makes me happy. I changed my mind and didnt want to apply for that internal job.

    in reply to: Passing clouds #443145

    Hey Anita,Thanks for checking on me.I am good.How are you ?I was thiking about you today.I am very busy with my work now a days. I did hear/see about the hindu festival.Some things triggered me when I saw them online.But i was able to cope up.I didnt hear much about stampede.I saw videos like people polluting the river, men taking pics of women when taking dip in the river and there was some procesession of sadhus that scared me when i saw them.I was like why do people want to go when there are no proper facilities.Some people follow religion blindly i guess.Religion is a very big deal in India. Who am I judge to them so I just let it go.My ocd got triggered that i was judging the hindu religion so i dont bother about it much.Like i said, I was able to cope up.

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